#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Koha::Script; use C4::Context; use C4::Biblio qw( GetFrameworkCode LinkBibHeadingsToAuthorities ModBiblio ); use Koha::Biblios; use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions ); use Pod::Usage qw( pod2usage ); use Time::HiRes qw( time ); use POSIX qw( ceil strftime ); use Module::Load::Conditional qw( can_load ); use Koha::Database; use Koha::SearchEngine; use Koha::SearchEngine::Indexer; sub usage { pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ); exit; } $| = 1; # command-line parameters my $verbose = 0; my $link_report = 0; my $test_only = 0; my $want_help = 0; my $auth_limit; my $bib_limit; my $commit = 100; my $tagtolink; my $allowrelink = C4::Context->preference("CatalogModuleRelink") || ''; my $result = GetOptions( 'v|verbose' => \$verbose, 't|test' => \$test_only, 'l|link-report' => \$link_report, 'a|auth-limit=s' => \$auth_limit, 'b|bib-limit=s' => \$bib_limit, 'c|commit=i' => \$commit, 'g|tagtolink=i' => \$tagtolink, 'h|help' => \$want_help ); binmode( STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)" ); if ( not $result or $want_help ) { usage(); } my $linker_module = "C4::Linker::" . ( C4::Context->preference("LinkerModule") || 'Default' ); unless ( can_load( modules => { $linker_module => undef } ) ) { $linker_module = 'C4::Linker::Default'; unless ( can_load( modules => { $linker_module => undef } ) ) { die "Unable to load linker module. Aborting."; } } my $linker = $linker_module->new( { 'auth_limit' => $auth_limit, 'options' => C4::Context->preference("LinkerOptions") } ); my $num_bibs_processed = 0; my $num_bibs_modified = 0; my $num_bad_bibs = 0; my %unlinked_headings; my %linked_headings; my %fuzzy_headings; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my @updated_biblios = (); my $indexer = Koha::SearchEngine::Indexer->new({ index => $Koha::SearchEngine::BIBLIOS_INDEX }); my $schema = Koha::Database->schema; $schema->txn_begin; process_bibs( $linker, $bib_limit, $auth_limit, $commit, { tagtolink => $tagtolink, allowrelink => $allowrelink }); exit 0; sub process_bibs { my ( $linker, $bib_limit, $auth_limit, $commit, $args ) = @_; my $tagtolink = $args->{tagtolink}; my $allowrelink = $args->{allowrelink}; my $bib_where = ''; my $starttime = time(); if ($bib_limit) { $bib_where = "WHERE $bib_limit"; } my $sql = "SELECT biblionumber FROM biblio $bib_where ORDER BY biblionumber ASC"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); my $linker_args = { tagtolink => $tagtolink, allowrelink => $allowrelink }; while ( my ($biblionumber) = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) { $num_bibs_processed++; process_bib( $linker, $biblionumber, $linker_args ); if ( not $test_only and ( $num_bibs_processed % $commit ) == 0 ) { print_progress_and_commit($num_bibs_processed); } } if ( not $test_only ) { $schema->txn_commit; $indexer->index_records( \@updated_biblios, "specialUpdate", "biblioserver" ); } my $headings_linked = 0; my $headings_unlinked = 0; my $headings_fuzzy = 0; for ( values %linked_headings ) { $headings_linked += $_; } for ( values %unlinked_headings ) { $headings_unlinked += $_; } for ( values %fuzzy_headings ) { $headings_fuzzy += $_; } my $endtime = time(); my $totaltime = ceil (($endtime - $starttime) * 1000); $starttime = strftime('%D %T', localtime($starttime)); $endtime = strftime('%D %T', localtime($endtime)); my $summary = <<_SUMMARY_; Bib authority heading linking report ======================================================= Linker module: $linker_module Run started at: $starttime Run ended at: $endtime Total run time: $totaltime ms Number of bibs checked: $num_bibs_processed Number of bibs modified: $num_bibs_modified Number of bibs with errors: $num_bad_bibs Number of headings linked: $headings_linked Number of headings unlinked: $headings_unlinked Number of headings fuzzily linked: $headings_fuzzy _SUMMARY_ $summary .= "\n**** Ran in test mode only ****\n" if $test_only; print $summary; if ($link_report) { my @keys; print <<_LINKED_HEADER_; Linked headings (from most frequent to least): ------------------------------------------------------- _LINKED_HEADER_ @keys = sort { $linked_headings{$b} <=> $linked_headings{$a} or "\L$a" cmp "\L$b" } keys %linked_headings; foreach my $key (@keys) { print "$key:\t" . $linked_headings{$key} . " occurrences\n"; } print <<_UNLINKED_HEADER_; Unlinked headings (from most frequent to least): ------------------------------------------------------- _UNLINKED_HEADER_ @keys = sort { $unlinked_headings{$b} <=> $unlinked_headings{$a} or "\L$a" cmp "\L$b" } keys %unlinked_headings; foreach my $key (@keys) { print "$key:\t" . $unlinked_headings{$key} . " occurrences\n"; } print <<_FUZZY_HEADER_; Fuzzily-matched headings (from most frequent to least): ------------------------------------------------------- _FUZZY_HEADER_ @keys = sort { $fuzzy_headings{$b} <=> $fuzzy_headings{$a} or "\L$a" cmp "\L$b" } keys %fuzzy_headings; foreach my $key (@keys) { print "$key:\t" . $fuzzy_headings{$key} . " occurrences\n"; } print $summary; } } sub process_bib { my $linker = shift; my $biblionumber = shift; my $args = shift; my $tagtolink = $args->{tagtolink}; my $allowrelink = $args->{allowrelink}; my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->find($biblionumber); my $record = $biblio->metadata->record; unless ( defined $record ) { print "\nCould not retrieve bib $biblionumber from the database - record is corrupt.\n"; $num_bad_bibs++; return; } my $frameworkcode = GetFrameworkCode($biblionumber); my ( $headings_changed, $results ); eval { ( $headings_changed, $results ) = LinkBibHeadingsToAuthorities( $linker, $record, $frameworkcode, $allowrelink, $tagtolink ); }; if ($@) { warn "Error while searching for authorities for biblionumber $biblionumber at " . localtime(time); return; } foreach my $key ( keys %{ $results->{'unlinked'} } ) { $unlinked_headings{$key} += $results->{'unlinked'}->{$key}; } foreach my $key ( keys %{ $results->{'linked'} } ) { $linked_headings{$key} += $results->{'linked'}->{$key}; } foreach my $key ( keys %{ $results->{'fuzzy'} } ) { $fuzzy_headings{$key} += $results->{'fuzzy'}->{$key}; } if ($headings_changed) { if ($verbose) { my $title = substr( $record->title, 0, 20 ); printf( "Bib %12d (%-20s): %3d headings changed\n", $biblionumber, $title, $headings_changed ); } if ( not $test_only ) { ModBiblio( $record, $biblionumber, $frameworkcode, { disable_autolink => 1, skip_holds_queue => 1, skip_record_index =>1 }); push @updated_biblios, $biblionumber; #Last param is to note ModBiblio was called from linking script and bib should not be linked again $num_bibs_modified++; } } } sub print_progress_and_commit { my $recs = shift; $schema->txn_commit(); $indexer->index_records( \@updated_biblios, "specialUpdate", "biblioserver" ); @updated_biblios = (); $schema->txn_begin(); print "... processed $recs records\n"; } =head1 NAME link_bibs_to_authorities.pl =head1 SYNOPSIS link_bibs_to_authorities.pl link_bibs_to_authorities.pl -v link_bibs_to_authorities.pl -l link_bibs_to_authorities.pl --commit=1000 link_bibs_to_authorities.pl --auth-limit=STRING link_bibs_to_authorities.pl --bib-limit=STRING link_bibs_to_authorities.pl -g=700 =head1 DESCRIPTION This batch job checks each bib record in the Koha database and attempts to link each of its headings to the matching authority record. =over 8 =item B<--help> Prints this help =item B<-v|--verbose> Provide verbose log information (print the number of headings changed for each bib record). =item B<-l|--link-report> Provide a report of all the headings that were processed: which were matched, which were not, etc. =item B<--auth-limit=S> Only process those headings which match an authority record that matches the user-specified WHERE clause. =item B<--bib-limit=S> Only process those bib records that match the user-specified WHERE clause. =item B<--commit=N> Commit the results to the database after every N records are processed. =item B<-g=N> Only process those headings found in MARC field N. =item B<--test> Only test the authority linking and report the results; do not change the bib records. =back =cut