package C4::Installer; # Copyright (C) 2008 LibLime # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use Encode qw( encode is_utf8 ); use DBIx::RunSQL; use C4::Context; use C4::Installer::PerlModules; use DBI; use Koha; =head1 NAME C4::Installer =head1 SYNOPSIS use C4::Installer; my $installer = C4::Installer->new(); my $all_languages = getAllLanguages(); my $error = $installer->load_db_schema(); my $list; #fill $list with list of sql files my ($fwk_language, $error_list) = $installer->load_sql_in_order($all_languages, @$list); $installer->set_version_syspref(); $installer->set_marcflavour_syspref('MARC21'); =head1 DESCRIPTION =cut =head1 METHODS =head2 new my $installer = C4::Installer->new(); Creates a new installer. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; # get basic information from context $self->{'dbname'} = C4::Context->config("database"); $self->{'dbms'} = C4::Context->config("db_scheme") ? C4::Context->config("db_scheme") : "mysql"; $self->{'hostname'} = C4::Context->config("hostname"); $self->{'port'} = C4::Context->config("port"); $self->{'user'} = C4::Context->config("user"); $self->{'password'} = C4::Context->config("pass"); $self->{'dbh'} = DBI->connect("DBI:$self->{dbms}:dbname=$self->{dbname};host=$self->{hostname}" . ( $self->{port} ? ";port=$self->{port}" : "" ), $self->{'user'}, $self->{'password'}); $self->{'language'} = undef; $self->{'marcflavour'} = undef; $self->{'dbh'}->do('set NAMES "utf8"'); $self->{'dbh'}->{'mysql_enable_utf8'}=1; bless $self, $class; return $self; } =head2 marc_framework_sql_list my ($defaulted_to_en, $list) = $installer->marc_framework_sql_list($lang, $marcflavour); Returns in C<$list> a structure listing the filename, description, section, and mandatory/optional status of MARC framework scripts available for C<$lang> and C<$marcflavour>. If the C<$defaulted_to_en> return value is true, no scripts are available for language C<$lang> and the 'en' ones are returned. =cut sub marc_framework_sql_list { my $self = shift; my $lang = shift; my $marcflavour = shift; my $defaulted_to_en = 0; undef $/; my $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}/$lang/marcflavour/".lc($marcflavour); unless (opendir( MYDIR, $dir )) { if ($lang eq 'en') { warn "cannot open MARC frameworks directory $dir"; } else { # if no translated MARC framework is available, # default to English $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}/en/marcflavour/".lc($marcflavour); opendir(MYDIR, $dir) or warn "cannot open English MARC frameworks directory $dir"; $defaulted_to_en = 1; } } my @listdir = sort grep { !/^\.|marcflavour/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(MYDIR); closedir MYDIR; my @fwklist; my $request = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare("SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='FrameworksLoaded'"); $request->execute; my ($frameworksloaded) = $request->fetchrow; $frameworksloaded = '' unless defined $frameworksloaded; # avoid warning my %frameworksloaded; foreach ( split( /\|/, $frameworksloaded ) ) { $frameworksloaded{$_} = 1; } foreach my $requirelevel (@listdir) { opendir( MYDIR, "$dir/$requirelevel" ); my @listname = grep { !/^\./ && -f "$dir/$requirelevel/$_" && $_ =~ m/\.sql$/ } readdir(MYDIR); closedir MYDIR; my %cell; my @frameworklist; map { my $name = substr( $_, 0, -4 ); open my $fh, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", "$dir/$requirelevel/$name.txt"; my $lines = <$fh>; $lines =~ s/\n|\r/
/g; $lines = Encode::encode('UTF-8', $lines) unless ( Encode::is_utf8($lines) ); my $mandatory = ($requirelevel =~ /(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i); push @frameworklist, { 'fwkname' => $name, 'fwkfile' => "$dir/$requirelevel/$_", 'fwkdescription' => $lines, 'checked' => ( ( $frameworksloaded{$_} || $mandatory ) ? 1 : 0 ), 'mandatory' => $mandatory, }; } @listname; my @fwks = sort { $a->{'fwkname'} cmp $b->{'fwkname'} } @frameworklist; $cell{"frameworks"} = \@fwks; $cell{"label"} = ucfirst($requirelevel); $cell{"code"} = lc($requirelevel); push @fwklist, \%cell; } return ($defaulted_to_en, \@fwklist); } =head2 sample_data_sql_list my ($defaulted_to_en, $list) = $installer->sample_data_sql_list($lang); Returns in C<$list> a structure listing the filename, description, section, and mandatory/optional status of sample data scripts available for C<$lang>. If the C<$defaulted_to_en> return value is true, no scripts are available for language C<$lang> and the 'en' ones are returned. =cut sub sample_data_sql_list { my $self = shift; my $lang = shift; my $defaulted_to_en = 0; undef $/; my $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}/$lang"; unless (opendir( MYDIR, $dir )) { if ($lang eq 'en') { warn "cannot open sample data directory $dir"; } else { # if no sample data is available, # default to English $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}/en"; opendir(MYDIR, $dir) or warn "cannot open English sample data directory $dir"; $defaulted_to_en = 1; } } my @listdir = sort grep { !/^\.|marcflavour/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(MYDIR); closedir MYDIR; my @levellist; my $request = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare("SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='FrameworksLoaded'"); $request->execute; my ($frameworksloaded) = $request->fetchrow; $frameworksloaded = '' unless defined $frameworksloaded; # avoid warning my %frameworksloaded; foreach ( split( /\|/, $frameworksloaded ) ) { $frameworksloaded{$_} = 1; } foreach my $requirelevel (@listdir) { opendir( MYDIR, "$dir/$requirelevel" ); my @listname = grep { !/^\./ && -f "$dir/$requirelevel/$_" && $_ =~ m/\.sql$/ } readdir(MYDIR); closedir MYDIR; my %cell; my @frameworklist; map { my $name = substr( $_, 0, -4 ); open my $fh , "<:encoding(UTF-8)", "$dir/$requirelevel/$name.txt"; my $lines = <$fh>; $lines =~ s/\n|\r/
/g; $lines = Encode::encode('UTF-8', $lines) unless ( Encode::is_utf8($lines) ); my $mandatory = ($requirelevel =~ /(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i); push @frameworklist, { 'fwkname' => $name, 'fwkfile' => "$dir/$requirelevel/$_", 'fwkdescription' => $lines, 'checked' => ( ( $frameworksloaded{$_} || $mandatory ) ? 1 : 0 ), 'mandatory' => $mandatory, }; } @listname; my @fwks = sort { $a->{'fwkname'} cmp $b->{'fwkname'} } @frameworklist; $cell{"frameworks"} = \@fwks; $cell{"label"} = ucfirst($requirelevel); $cell{"code"} = lc($requirelevel); push @levellist, \%cell; } return ($defaulted_to_en, \@levellist); } =head2 load_db_schema my $error = $installer->load_db_schema(); Loads the SQL script that creates Koha's tables and indexes. The return value is a string containing error messages reported by the load. =cut sub load_db_schema { my $self = shift; my $datadir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}"; my $error = $self->load_sql("$datadir/kohastructure.sql"); return $error; } =head2 load_sql_in_order my ($fwk_language, $list) = $installer->load_sql_in_order($all_languages, @sql_list); Given a list of SQL scripts supplied in C<@sql_list>, loads each of them into the database and sets the FrameworksLoaded system preference to names of the scripts that were loaded. The SQL files are loaded in alphabetical order by filename (not including directory path). This means that dependencies among the scripts are to be resolved by carefully naming them, keeping in mind that the directory name does *not* currently count. B this is a rather delicate way of dealing with dependencies between the install scripts. The return value C<$list> is an arrayref containing a hashref for each "level" or directory containing SQL scripts; the hashref in turns contains a list of hashrefs containing a list of each script load and any error messages associated with the loading of each script. B The C<$fwk_language> code probably doesn't belong and needs to be moved to a different method. =cut sub load_sql_in_order { my $self = shift; my $all_languages = shift; my @sql_list = @_; my $lang; my %hashlevel; my @fnames = sort { my @aa = split /\/|\\/, ($a); my @bb = split /\/|\\/, ($b); $aa[-1] cmp $bb[-1] } @sql_list; my $request = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare( "SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='FrameworksLoaded'" ); $request->execute; my ($systempreference) = $request->fetchrow; $systempreference = '' unless defined $systempreference; # avoid warning # Make sure subtag_registry.sql is loaded second my $subtag_registry = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}/mandatory/subtag_registry.sql"; unshift(@fnames, $subtag_registry); # Make sure authorised value categories are loaded at the beginning my $av_cat = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}/mandatory/auth_val_cat.sql"; unshift(@fnames, $av_cat); # Make sure the global sysprefs.sql file is loaded first my $globalsysprefs = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}/sysprefs.sql"; unshift(@fnames, $globalsysprefs); push @fnames, C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/mysql/userflags.sql"; push @fnames, C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/mysql/userpermissions.sql"; push @fnames, C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/mysql/audio_alerts.sql"; push @fnames, C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/mysql/mandatory/refund_lost_item_fee_rules.sql"; foreach my $file (@fnames) { # warn $file; undef $/; my $error = $self->load_sql($file); my @file = split qr(\/|\\), $file; $lang = $file[ scalar(@file) - 3 ] unless ($lang); my $level = $file[ scalar(@file) - 2 ]; unless ($error) { $systempreference .= "$file[scalar(@file)-1]|" unless ( index( $systempreference, $file[ scalar(@file) - 1 ] ) >= 0 ); } #Bulding here a hierarchy to display files by level. push @{ $hashlevel{$level} }, { "fwkname" => $file[ scalar(@file) - 1 ], "error" => $error }; } #systempreference contains an ending | chop $systempreference; my @list; map { push @list, { "level" => $_, "fwklist" => $hashlevel{$_} } } keys %hashlevel; my $fwk_language; for my $each_language (@$all_languages) { # warn "CODE".$each_language->{'language_code'}; # warn "LANG:".$lang; if ( $lang eq $each_language->{'language_code'} ) { $fwk_language = $each_language->{language_locale_name}; } } my $updateflag = $self->{'dbh'}->do( "UPDATE systempreferences set value=\"$systempreference\" where variable='FrameworksLoaded'" ); unless ( $updateflag == 1 ) { my $string = "INSERT INTO systempreferences (value, variable, explanation, type) VALUES (\"$systempreference\",'FrameworksLoaded','Frameworks loaded through webinstaller','choice')"; my $rq = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare($string); $rq->execute; } return ($fwk_language, \@list); } =head2 set_marcflavour_syspref $installer->set_marcflavour_syspref($marcflavour); Set the 'marcflavour' system preference. The incoming C<$marcflavour> references to a subdirectory of installer/data/$dbms/$lang/marcflavour, and is normalized to MARC21, UNIMARC or NORMARC. FIXME: this method assumes that the MARC flavour will be either MARC21, UNIMARC or NORMARC. =cut sub set_marcflavour_syspref { my $self = shift; my $marcflavour = shift; # we can have some variants of marc flavour, by having different directories, like : unimarc_small and unimarc_full, for small and complete unimarc frameworks. # marc_cleaned finds the marcflavour, without the variant. my $marc_cleaned = 'MARC21'; $marc_cleaned = 'UNIMARC' if $marcflavour =~ /unimarc/i; $marc_cleaned = 'NORMARC' if $marcflavour =~ /normarc/i; my $request = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare( "INSERT IGNORE INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('marcflavour','$marc_cleaned','Define global MARC flavor (MARC21, UNIMARC or NORMARC) used for character encoding','MARC21|UNIMARC|NORMARC','Choice');" ); $request->execute; } =head2 set_version_syspref $installer->set_version_syspref(); Set or update the 'Version' system preference to the current Koha software version. =cut sub set_version_syspref { my $self = shift; my $kohaversion = Koha::version(); # remove the 3 last . to have a Perl number $kohaversion =~ s/(.*\..*)\.(.*)\.(.*)/$1$2$3/; if (C4::Context->preference('Version')) { warn "UPDATE Version"; my $finish=$self->{'dbh'}->prepare("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=? WHERE variable='Version'"); $finish->execute($kohaversion); } else { warn "INSERT Version"; my $finish=$self->{'dbh'}->prepare("INSERT into systempreferences (variable,value,explanation) values ('Version',?,'The Koha database version. WARNING: Do not change this value manually, it is maintained by the webinstaller')"); $finish->execute($kohaversion); } C4::Context->clear_syspref_cache(); } =head2 load_sql my $error = $installer->load_sql($filename); Runs a the specified SQL file using a sql loader DBIx::RunSQL Returns any strings sent to STDERR # FIXME This should be improved: sometimes the caller and load_sql warn the same error. =cut sub load_sql { my $self = shift; my $filename = shift; my $error; my $dbh = $self->{ dbh }; my $dup_stderr; do { local *STDERR; open STDERR, ">>", \$dup_stderr; eval { DBIx::RunSQL->run_sql_file( dbh => $dbh, sql => $filename, ); }; }; # errors thrown while loading installer data should be logged if( $dup_stderr ) { warn "C4::Installer::load_sql returned the following errors while attempting to load $filename:\n"; $error = $dup_stderr; } return $error; } =head2 get_file_path_from_name my $filename = $installer->get_file_path_from_name('script_name'); searches through the set of known SQL scripts and finds the fully qualified path name for the script that mathches the input. returns undef if no match was found. =cut sub get_file_path_from_name { my $self = shift; my $partialname = shift; my $lang = 'en'; # FIXME: how do I know what language I want? my ($defaulted_to_en, $list) = $self->sample_data_sql_list($lang); # warn( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $list ], [ 'list' ] ) ); my @found; foreach my $frameworklist ( @$list ) { push @found, grep { $_->{'fwkfile'} =~ /$partialname$/ } @{$frameworklist->{'frameworks'}}; } # warn( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@found ], [ 'found' ] ) ); if ( 0 == scalar @found ) { return; } elsif ( 1 < scalar @found ) { warn "multiple results found for $partialname"; return; } else { return $found[0]->{'fwkfile'}; } } =head1 AUTHOR C4::Installer is a refactoring of logic originally from installer/, which was originally written by Henri-Damien Laurant. Koha Development Team Galen Charlton =cut 1;