#! /usr/bin/perl use Getopt::Long; use C4::Context; use C4::Items; use C4::Circulation; use Modern::Perl; use Pod::Usage; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh(); my $query = { target_items => q|SELECT itemnumber, biblionumber from items| }; my $GLOBAL = { query => $query , sth => {} }; my $OPTIONS = { where => [] , flags => { verbose => '' , commit => '' , help => '' , manual => '' , version => '' } }; GetOptions( 'where=s' => $OPTIONS->{where} , 'v|verbose' => sub { $OPTIONS->{flags}->{verbose} = 1 } , 'V|version' => sub { $OPTIONS->{flags}->{version} = 1 } , 'h|help' => sub { $OPTIONS->{flags}->{help} = 1 } , 'm|manual' => sub { $OPTIONS->{flags}->{manual} = 1 } , 'c|commit' => sub { $OPTIONS->{flags}->{commit} = 1 } # aka DO-EET! ); my @where = @{ $OPTIONS->{where} }; pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $OPTIONS->{flags}->{manual}; pod2usage( -verbose => 1 ) if $OPTIONS->{flags}->{help}; pod2usage( -verbose => 1 -msg => 'You must supply at least one --where option' ) if scalar @where == 0; sub verbose { say @_ if $OPTIONS->{flags}->{verbose}; } my $where_clause = ' where ' . join ( " and ", @where ); verbose "Where statement: $where_clause"; $GLOBAL->{sth}->{target_items} = $dbh->prepare( $query->{target_items} . $where_clause ); $GLOBAL->{sth}->{target_items}->execute(); DELITEM: while ( my $item = $GLOBAL->{sth}->{target_items}->fetchrow_hashref() ) { my $status = C4::Items::ItemSafeToDelete( $item->{biblionumber}, $item->{itemnumber} ); if( $status eq '1' ) { C4::Items::DelItemCheck( $item->{biblionumber}, $item->{itemnumber} ) if $OPTIONS->{flags}->{commit}; verbose "Deleting '$item->{itemnumber}'"; } else { verbose "Item '$item->{itemnumber}' not deletd: $status"; } } =head1 NAME delete_items.pl - A batch item deletion tool, which generates a query against the items database and deletes the items matching the criteria specified in the command line arguments. =head1 SYNOPSIS delete_items.pl [--help|--manual] delete_items.pl [--verbose] --where "I" ... [--commit] =cut =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--help> Show the brief help information. =item B<--manual> Read the manual, with examples. =item B<--verbose> Send the "WHERE" clause generated by the collected C<--where> arguments, as well as items affected to Standard Out. =item B<--where> The C<--where> option may called multiple times. The following argument must be a syntactically valid SQL statement which is part of the C clause querying the items table. These are joined by C. =item B<--commit> No items will be deleted unless the C<--commit> flag is present. =back =cut =head1 EXAMPLES The following is an example of this script: delete_items.pl --where "items.withdrawn ! 0" --where "items.withdrawn_on < $(date --date="13 month ago" --rfc-3339=date)" --commit delete_items.pl --where "itemlost >= '1'" --where "itemlost <='4'" --where "itemlost_on < '2014-04-28'" --commit =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a lightweight batch deletion tool for items, suitable for running in a cron job. =cut =head1 AUTHOR Barton Chittenden =cut