[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] Koha › Tools › Preview notice template
[% FOR m IN messages %] [%# FIXME The message block does not appear at the top of the modal! %]
[% SWITCH m.code %] [% CASE 'no_data_for_preview' %]You did not specify data for preview. [% CASE 'preview_not_available' %]Preview is not available for letters '[% m.letter_code %]'. [% CASE 'not_checked_in_yet' %]Do not forget that the issue has not been checked in yet. [% CASE 'not_checked_out_yet' %]Do not forget that the issue has not been checked out yet. [% CASE 'no_checkout' %]This item is not checked out. [% CASE 'no_item_or_no_patron' %]The item or the patron does not exist. [% CASE 'no_hold' %]No hold is placed by this patron on this bibliographic record. [% CASE %][% m.code %] [% END %]
[% END %] [% IF rendered_tt_message %] [% IF messages_are_similar %]
The generated notices are exactly the same!
[% ELSE %]
The generated notices are different!
[% END %] [% END %] [% IF rendered_message %]
Original version
[% original_content | html %]
Rendered message:
[% rendered_message.content | html %]
[% END %] [% IF rendered_tt_message %]
Converted version
[% tt_content | html %]
Rendered message:
[% rendered_tt_message.content | html %]
[% END %]