package C4::Members; # Copyright 2000-2003 Katipo Communications # Copyright 2010 BibLibre # Parts Copyright 2010 Catalyst IT # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use C4::Context; use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number ); use Date::Calc qw( check_date Date_to_Days ); use C4::Overdues qw( checkoverdues ); use C4::Reserves; use C4::Accounts; use C4::Letters qw( GetPreparedLetter ); use DateTime; use Koha::Database; use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string output_pref ); use Koha::Database; use Koha::Holds; use Koha::AdditionalContents; use Koha::Patrons; use Koha::Patron::Categories; our (@ISA, @EXPORT_OK); BEGIN { require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( GetBorrowersToExpunge IssueSlip ); } =head1 NAME C4::Members - Perl Module containing convenience functions for member handling =head1 SYNOPSIS use C4::Members; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains routines for adding, modifying and deleting members/patrons/borrowers =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 patronflags $flags = &patronflags($patron); This function is not exported. The following will be set where applicable: $flags->{CHARGES}->{amount} Amount of debt $flags->{CHARGES}->{noissues} Set if debt amount >$5.00 (or syspref noissuescharge) $flags->{CHARGES}->{message} Message -- deprecated $flags->{CREDITS}->{amount} Amount of credit $flags->{CREDITS}->{message} Message -- deprecated $flags->{ GNA } Patron has no valid address $flags->{ GNA }->{noissues} Set for each GNA $flags->{ GNA }->{message} "Borrower has no valid address" -- deprecated $flags->{ LOST } Patron's card reported lost $flags->{ LOST }->{noissues} Set for each LOST $flags->{ LOST }->{message} Message -- deprecated $flags->{DBARRED} Set if patron debarred, no access $flags->{DBARRED}->{noissues} Set for each DBARRED $flags->{DBARRED}->{message} Message -- deprecated $flags->{ NOTES } $flags->{ NOTES }->{message} The note itself. NOT deprecated $flags->{ ODUES } Set if patron has overdue books. $flags->{ ODUES }->{message} "Yes" -- deprecated $flags->{ ODUES }->{itemlist} ref-to-array: list of overdue books $flags->{ ODUES }->{itemlisttext} Text list of overdue items -- deprecated $flags->{WAITING} Set if any of patron's reserves are available $flags->{WAITING}->{message} Message -- deprecated $flags->{WAITING}->{itemlist} ref-to-array: list of available items =over =item C<$flags-E{ODUES}-E{itemlist}> is a reference-to-array listing the overdue items. Its elements are references-to-hash, each describing an overdue item. The keys are selected fields from the issues, biblio, biblioitems, and items tables of the Koha database. =item C<$flags-E{ODUES}-E{itemlisttext}> is a string giving a text listing of the overdue items, one per line. Deprecated. =item C<$flags-E{WAITING}-E{itemlist}> is a reference-to-array listing the available items. Each element is a reference-to-hash whose keys are fields from the reserves table of the Koha database. =back All the "message" fields that include language generated in this function are deprecated, because such strings belong properly in the display layer. The "message" field that comes from the DB is OK. =cut # TODO: use {anonymous => hashes} instead of a dozen %flaginfo # FIXME rename this function. # DEPRECATED Do not use this subroutine! sub patronflags { my %flags; my ( $patroninformation) = @_; my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh; my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $patroninformation->{borrowernumber} ); my $account = $patron->account; my $patron_charge_limits = $patron->is_patron_inside_charge_limits(); if ( $patron_charge_limits->{noissuescharge}->{charge} > 0 ) { my %flaginfo; my $noissuescharge = $patron_charge_limits->{noissuescharge}->{limit} || 5; $flaginfo{'message'} = sprintf 'Patron owes %.02f', $patron_charge_limits->{noissuescharge}->{charge}; $flaginfo{'amount'} = sprintf "%.02f", $patron_charge_limits->{noissuescharge}->{charge}; if ( $patron_charge_limits->{noissuescharge}->{overlimit} && !C4::Context->preference("AllowFineOverride") ) { $flaginfo{'noissues'} = 1; } $flags{'CHARGES'} = \%flaginfo; } elsif ( ( my $balance = $account->balance ) < 0 ) { my %flaginfo; $flaginfo{'message'} = sprintf 'Patron has credit of %.02f', -$balance; $flaginfo{'amount'} = sprintf "%.02f", $balance; $flags{'CREDITS'} = \%flaginfo; } # Check the debt of this patrons guarantees my $no_issues_charge_guarantees = $patron_charge_limits->{NoIssuesChargeGuarantees}->{limit}; $no_issues_charge_guarantees = undef unless looks_like_number($no_issues_charge_guarantees); if ( defined $no_issues_charge_guarantees ) { if ( $patron_charge_limits->{NoIssuesChargeGuarantees}->{overlimit} ) { my %flaginfo; $flaginfo{'message'} = sprintf 'patron guarantees owe %.02f', $patron_charge_limits->{NoIssuesChargeGuarantees}->{charge}; $flaginfo{'amount'} = $patron_charge_limits->{NoIssuesChargeGuarantees}->{charge}; $flaginfo{'noissues'} = 1 unless C4::Context->preference("allowfineoverride"); $flags{'CHARGES_GUARANTEES'} = \%flaginfo; } } if ( $patroninformation->{'gonenoaddress'} && $patroninformation->{'gonenoaddress'} == 1 ) { my %flaginfo; $flaginfo{'message'} = 'Borrower has no valid address.'; $flaginfo{'noissues'} = 1; $flags{'GNA'} = \%flaginfo; } if ( $patroninformation->{'lost'} && $patroninformation->{'lost'} == 1 ) { my %flaginfo; $flaginfo{'message'} = 'Borrower\'s card reported lost.'; $flaginfo{'noissues'} = 1; $flags{'LOST'} = \%flaginfo; } if ( $patroninformation->{'debarred'} && check_date( split( /-/, $patroninformation->{'debarred'} ) ) ) { if ( Date_to_Days(Date::Calc::Today) < Date_to_Days( split( /-/, $patroninformation->{'debarred'} ) ) ) { my %flaginfo; $flaginfo{'debarredcomment'} = $patroninformation->{'debarredcomment'}; $flaginfo{'message'} = $patroninformation->{'debarredcomment'}; $flaginfo{'noissues'} = 1; $flaginfo{'dateend'} = $patroninformation->{'debarred'}; $flags{'DBARRED'} = \%flaginfo; } } if ( $patroninformation->{'borrowernotes'} && $patroninformation->{'borrowernotes'} ) { my %flaginfo; $flaginfo{'message'} = $patroninformation->{'borrowernotes'}; $flags{'NOTES'} = \%flaginfo; } my ( $odues, $itemsoverdue ) = C4::Overdues::checkoverdues($patroninformation->{'borrowernumber'}); if ( $odues && $odues > 0 ) { my %flaginfo; $flaginfo{'message'} = "Yes"; $flaginfo{'itemlist'} = $itemsoverdue; foreach ( sort { $a->{'date_due'} cmp $b->{'date_due'} } @$itemsoverdue ) { $flaginfo{'itemlisttext'} .= "$_->{'date_due'} $_->{'barcode'} $_->{'title'} \n"; # newline is display layer } $flags{'ODUES'} = \%flaginfo; } my $waiting_holds = $patron->holds->search({ found => 'W' }); my $nowaiting = $waiting_holds->count; if ( $nowaiting > 0 ) { my %flaginfo; $flaginfo{'message'} = "Reserved items available"; $flaginfo{'itemlist'} = $waiting_holds->unblessed; $flags{'WAITING'} = \%flaginfo; } return ( \%flags ); } =head2 GetBorrowersToExpunge $borrowers = &GetBorrowersToExpunge( not_borrowed_since => $not_borrowed_since, expired_before => $expired_before, category_code => \@category_code, patron_list_id => $patron_list_id, branchcode => $branchcode ); This function get all borrowers based on the given criteria. =cut sub GetBorrowersToExpunge { my $params = shift; my $filterdate = $params->{'not_borrowed_since'}; my $filterexpiry = $params->{'expired_before'}; my $filterlastseen = $params->{'last_seen'}; my $filtercategory = $params->{'category_code'}; my $filterbranch = $params->{'branchcode'} || ((C4::Context->preference('IndependentBranches') && C4::Context->userenv && !C4::Context->IsSuperLibrarian() && C4::Context->userenv->{branch}) ? C4::Context->userenv->{branch} : ""); my $filterpatronlist = $params->{'patron_list_id'}; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = q| SELECT * FROM ( SELECT borrowers.borrowernumber, MAX(old_issues.timestamp) AS latestissue, MAX(issues.timestamp) AS currentissue FROM borrowers JOIN categories USING (categorycode) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT guarantor_id FROM borrower_relationships WHERE guarantor_id IS NOT NULL AND guarantor_id <> 0 ) as tmp ON borrowers.borrowernumber=tmp.guarantor_id LEFT JOIN old_issues USING (borrowernumber) LEFT JOIN issues USING (borrowernumber)|; if ( $filterpatronlist ){ $query .= q| LEFT JOIN patron_list_patrons USING (borrowernumber)|; } $query .= q| WHERE category_type <> 'S' AND ( borrowers.flags IS NULL OR borrowers.flags = 0 ) AND tmp.guarantor_id IS NULL AND borrowers.protected = 0 |; my @query_params; if ( $filterbranch && $filterbranch ne "" ) { $query.= " AND borrowers.branchcode = ? "; push( @query_params, $filterbranch ); } if ( $filterexpiry ) { $query .= " AND dateexpiry < ? "; push( @query_params, $filterexpiry ); } if ( $filterlastseen ) { $query .= ' AND lastseen < ? '; push @query_params, $filterlastseen; } if ( $filtercategory ) { if (ref($filtercategory) ne 'ARRAY' ) { $filtercategory = [ $filtercategory ]; } if ( @$filtercategory ) { $query .= " AND categorycode IN (" . join(',', ('?') x @$filtercategory) . ") "; push( @query_params, @$filtercategory ); } } if ( $filterpatronlist ){ $query.=" AND patron_list_id = ? "; push( @query_params, $filterpatronlist ); } $query .= " GROUP BY borrowers.borrowernumber"; $query .= q| ) xxx WHERE currentissue IS NULL|; if ( $filterdate ) { $query.=" AND ( latestissue < ? OR latestissue IS NULL ) "; push @query_params,$filterdate; } if ( my $anonymous_patron = C4::Context->preference("AnonymousPatron") ) { $query .= q{ AND borrowernumber != ? }; push( @query_params, $anonymous_patron ); } my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if (scalar(@query_params)>0){ $sth->execute(@query_params); } else { $sth->execute; } my @results; while ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { push @results, $data; } return \@results; } =head2 IssueSlip IssueSlip($branchcode, $borrowernumber, $quickslip) Returns letter hash ( see C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter ) $quickslip is boolean, to indicate whether we want a quick slip IssueSlip populates ISSUESLIP and ISSUEQSLIP, and will make the following expansions: Both slips: <> <> ISSUESLIP: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> ISSUEQSLIP: <> <> <> <> NOTE: Fields from tables issues, items, biblio and biblioitems are available =cut sub IssueSlip { my ($branch, $borrowernumber, $quickslip) = @_; # FIXME Check callers before removing this statement #return unless $borrowernumber; my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber ); return unless $patron; my $pending_checkouts = $patron->pending_checkouts; # Should be $patron->checkouts->pending? my ($letter_code, %repeat, %loops); if ( $quickslip ) { my $today_start = dt_from_string->set( hour => 0, minute => 0, second => 0 ); my $today_end = dt_from_string->set( hour => 23, minute => 59, second => 0 ); $today_start = Koha::Database->new->schema->storage->datetime_parser->format_datetime( $today_start ); $today_end = Koha::Database->new->schema->storage->datetime_parser->format_datetime( $today_end ); $letter_code = 'ISSUEQSLIP'; # issue date or lastreneweddate is today my $todays_checkouts = $pending_checkouts->search( { -or => { issuedate => { '>=' => $today_start, '<=' => $today_end, }, lastreneweddate => { '>=' => $today_start, '<=' => $today_end, } } } ); my @checkouts; while ( my $c = $todays_checkouts->next ) { my $all = $c->unblessed_all_relateds; push @checkouts, { biblio => $all, items => $all, biblioitems => $all, issues => $all, }; } %repeat = ( checkedout => \@checkouts, # Historical syntax ); %loops = ( issues => [ map { $_->{issues}{itemnumber} } @checkouts ], # TT syntax ); } else { my $today = Koha::Database->new->schema->storage->datetime_parser->format_datetime( dt_from_string ); # Checkouts due in the future my $checkouts = $pending_checkouts->search({ date_due => { '>' => $today } }); my @checkouts; my @overdues; while ( my $c = $checkouts->next ) { my $all = $c->unblessed_all_relateds; push @checkouts, { biblio => $all, items => $all, biblioitems => $all, issues => $all, }; } # Checkouts due in the past are overdues my $overdues = $pending_checkouts->search({ date_due => { '<=' => $today } }); while ( my $o = $overdues->next ) { my $all = $o->unblessed_all_relateds; push @overdues, { biblio => $all, items => $all, biblioitems => $all, issues => $all, }; } my @news_ids = Koha::AdditionalContents->search_for_display( { category => 'news', location => 'slip', lang => $patron->lang, library_id => $branch, } )->get_column('id'); $letter_code = 'ISSUESLIP'; %repeat = ( checkedout => \@checkouts, overdue => \@overdues, ); %loops = ( issues => [ map { $_->{issues}{itemnumber} } @checkouts ], overdues => [ map { $_->{issues}{itemnumber} } @overdues ], opac_news => \@news_ids, additional_contents => \@news_ids, ); } return C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter ( module => 'circulation', letter_code => $letter_code, branchcode => $branch, lang => $patron->lang, tables => { 'branches' => $branch, 'borrowers' => $borrowernumber, }, repeat => \%repeat, loops => \%loops, ); } END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor) 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Koha Team =cut