use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 22; use Test::Warn; BEGIN { use_ok( 'C4::Boolean', qw( true_p ) ); } is( true_p('0'), '0', 'recognizes \'0\' as false' ); is( true_p('nil'), '0', 'recognizes \'nil\' as false' ); is( true_p('false'), '0', 'recognizes \'false\' as false' ); is( true_p('off'), '0', 'recognizes \'off\' as false' ); is( true_p('no'), '0', 'recognizes \'no\' as false' ); is( true_p('n'), '0', 'recognizes \'n\' as false' ); is( true_p('NO'), '0', 'verified case insensitivity' ); is( true_p('1'), '1', 'recognizes \'1\' as true' ); is( true_p('-1'), '1', 'recognizes \'-1\' as true' ); is( true_p('t'), '1', 'recognizes \'t\' as true' ); is( true_p('true'), '1', 'recognizes \'true\' as true' ); is( true_p('on'), '1', 'recognizes \'on\' as true' ); is( true_p('yes'), '1', 'recognizes \'yes\' as true' ); is( true_p('y'), '1', 'recognizes \'y\' as true' ); is( true_p('YES'), '1', 'verified case insensitivity' ); my $result; warning_like { $result = true_p(undef) } qr/^The given value does not seem to be interpretable as a Boolean value/, 'Invalid boolean (undef) raises warning'; is( $result, undef, 'recognizes undefined as not boolean' ); warning_like { $result = true_p('foo') } qr/^The given value does not seem to be interpretable as a Boolean value/, 'Invalid boolean (\'foo\') raises warning'; is( $result, undef, 'recognizes \'foo\' as not boolean' ); warning_like { $result = true_p([]) } qr/^The given value does not seem to be interpretable as a Boolean value/, 'Invalid boolean (reference) raises warning'; is( $result, undef, 'recognizes a reference as not a boolean' ); 1;