#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use CGI; use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number ); use List::Util qw( first ); use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers ); use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user ); use C4::Log; use Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch; use Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::QueryBuilder; use Koha::SearchMarcMaps; use Koha::SearchFields; use Koha::Caches; use Try::Tiny qw( catch try ); use Module::Load::Conditional qw( can_load ); my $input = CGI->new; my ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user( { template_name => 'admin/searchengine/elasticsearch/mappings.tt', query => $input, type => 'intranet', flagsrequired => { parameters => 'manage_search_engine_config' }, } ); unless ( can_load( modules => { 'Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Indexer' => undef } ) ) { output_and_exit( $input, $cookie, $template, 'missing_es_modules'); } my $index = $input->param('index') || 'biblios'; my $op = $input->param('op') || 'list'; my @messages; push @messages, { type => 'message', code => 'elasticsearch_disabled' } if ( C4::Context->preference('SearchEngine') ne 'Elasticsearch' ); my $database = Koha::Database->new(); my $schema = $database->schema; my $marc_type = lc C4::Context->preference('marcflavour'); my @index_names = ($Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::BIBLIOS_INDEX, $Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::AUTHORITIES_INDEX); my $update_mappings = sub { for my $index_name (@index_names) { my $indexer = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Indexer->new({ index => $index_name }); try { $indexer->update_mappings(); } catch { my $conf = $indexer->get_elasticsearch_params(); push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'error_on_update_es_mappings', message => $_[0], index => $conf->{index_name}, }; }; } }; my $search_fields_aliases = {}; while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each(%{Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::QueryBuilder->get_index_field_convert}) ) { my $field_aliases = $search_fields_aliases->{$value}; $field_aliases = [] unless $field_aliases; push @$field_aliases, $key; $search_fields_aliases->{$value} = $field_aliases; } if ( $op eq 'edit' ) { $schema->storage->txn_begin; my @field_name = $input->multi_param('search_field_name'); my @field_label = $input->multi_param('search_field_label'); my @field_type = $input->multi_param('search_field_type'); my @field_weight = $input->multi_param('search_field_weight'); my @field_staff_client = $input->multi_param('search_field_staff_client'); my @field_opac = $input->multi_param('search_field_opac'); my @index_name = $input->multi_param('mapping_index_name'); my @search_field_name = $input->multi_param('mapping_search_field_name'); my @mapping_sort = $input->multi_param('mapping_sort'); my @mapping_facet = $input->multi_param('mapping_facet'); my @mapping_suggestible = $input->multi_param('mapping_suggestible'); my @mapping_search = $input->multi_param('mapping_search'); my @mapping_marc_field = $input->multi_param('mapping_marc_field'); my @faceted_field_names = $input->multi_param('display_facet'); eval { for my $i ( 0 .. scalar(@field_name) - 1 ) { my $field_name = $field_name[$i]; my $field_label = $field_label[$i]; my $field_type = $field_type[$i]; my $field_weight = $field_weight[$i]; my $field_staff_client = $field_staff_client[$i]; my $field_opac = $field_opac[$i]; my $search_field = Koha::SearchFields->find( { name => $field_name }, { key => 'name' } ); $search_field->label($field_label); $search_field->type($field_type); if (!length($field_weight)) { $search_field->weight(undef); } elsif ($field_weight <= 0 || !looks_like_number($field_weight)) { push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'invalid_field_weight', 'weight' => $field_weight }; } else { $search_field->weight($field_weight); } $search_field->staff_client($field_staff_client ? 1 : 0); $search_field->opac($field_opac ? 1 : 0); my $facet_order = first { $faceted_field_names[$_] eq $field_name } 0 .. $#faceted_field_names; $search_field->facet_order(defined $facet_order ? $facet_order + 1 : undef); $search_field->store; } Koha::SearchMarcMaps->search( { marc_type => $marc_type, } )->delete; my @facetable_fields = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch->get_facetable_fields(); my @facetable_field_names = map { $_->name } @facetable_fields; my $mandatory_before = Koha::SearchFields->search({mandatory=>1})->count; my $mandatory_after = 0; my %seen_fields; for my $i ( 0 .. scalar(@index_name) - 1 ) { my $index_name = $index_name[$i]; my $search_field_name = $search_field_name[$i]; my $mapping_marc_field = $mapping_marc_field[$i]; my $mapping_facet = $mapping_facet[$i]; $mapping_facet = ( grep { $_ eq $search_field_name } @facetable_field_names ) ? $mapping_facet : 0; my $mapping_suggestible = $mapping_suggestible[$i]; my $mapping_sort = $mapping_sort[$i] eq 'undef' ? undef : $mapping_sort[$i]; my $mapping_search = $mapping_search[$i]; my $search_field = Koha::SearchFields->find({ name => $search_field_name }, { key => 'name' }); $mandatory_after++ if $search_field->mandatory && !defined $seen_fields{$search_field_name}; $seen_fields{$search_field_name} = 1; # TODO Check mapping format my $marc_field = Koha::SearchMarcMaps->find_or_create({ index_name => $index_name, marc_type => $marc_type, marc_field => $mapping_marc_field }); $search_field->add_to_search_marc_maps($marc_field, { facet => $mapping_facet, suggestible => $mapping_suggestible, sort => $mapping_sort, search => $mapping_search }); } push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'missing_mandatory_fields' } if $mandatory_after < $mandatory_before; }; if ($@ || @messages) { push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'error_on_update', message => $@, }; $schema->storage->txn_rollback; } else { push @messages, { type => 'message', code => 'success_on_update' }; C4::Log::logaction( 'SEARCHENGINE', 'EDIT_MAPPINGS', undef, q{} ); $schema->storage->txn_commit; Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch->clear_search_fields_cache(); $update_mappings->(); } } elsif( $op eq 'reset_confirmed' ) { Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch->reset_elasticsearch_mappings; push @messages, { type => 'message', code => 'success_on_reset' }; C4::Log::logaction( 'SEARCHENGINE', 'RESET_MAPPINGS', undef, q{} ); } elsif( $op eq 'reset_confirm' ) { $template->param( reset_confirm => 1 ); } my @indexes; for my $index_name (@index_names) { my $indexer = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Indexer->new({ index => $index_name }); if (!$indexer->is_index_status_ok) { my $conf = $indexer->get_elasticsearch_params(); if ($indexer->is_index_status_reindex_required) { push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'reindex_required', index => $conf->{index_name}, }; } elsif($indexer->is_index_status_recreate_required) { push @messages, { type => 'error', code => 'recreate_required', index => $conf->{index_name}, }; } } } my @facetable_fields = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch->get_facetable_fields(); for my $index_name (@index_names) { my $search_fields = Koha::SearchFields->search( { 'search_marc_map.index_name' => $index_name, 'search_marc_map.marc_type' => $marc_type, }, { join => { search_marc_to_fields => 'search_marc_map' }, '+select' => [ 'search_marc_to_fields.facet', 'search_marc_to_fields.suggestible', 'search_marc_to_fields.sort', 'search_marc_to_fields.search', 'search_marc_map.marc_field' ], '+as' => [ 'facet', 'suggestible', 'sort', 'search', 'marc_field' ], order_by => { -asc => [qw/name marc_field/] } } ); my @mappings; my @facetable_field_names = map { $_->name } @facetable_fields; while ( my $s = $search_fields->next ) { my $name = $s->name; push @mappings, { search_field_name => $name, search_field_label => $s->label, search_field_type => $s->type, search_field_mandatory => $s->mandatory, marc_field => $s->get_column('marc_field'), sort => $s->get_column('sort') // 'undef', # To avoid warnings "Use of uninitialized value in lc" suggestible => $s->get_column('suggestible'), search => $s->get_column('search'), facet => $s->get_column('facet'), is_facetable => ( grep { $_ eq $name } @facetable_field_names ) ? 1 : 0, }; } push @indexes, { index_name => $index_name, mappings => \@mappings }; } my $search_fields = Koha::SearchFields->search( {}, { order_by => ['name'] } ); my @all_search_fields; while ( my $search_field = $search_fields->next ) { my $search_field_unblessed = $search_field->unblessed; $search_field_unblessed->{mapped_biblios} = 1 if $search_field->is_mapped_biblios; $search_field_unblessed->{aliases} = $search_fields_aliases->{$search_field_unblessed->{name}}; push @all_search_fields, $search_field_unblessed; } $template->param( indexes => \@indexes, all_search_fields => \@all_search_fields, facetable_fields => \@facetable_fields, messages => \@messages, ); output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output;