// this function checks id date is like DD/MM/YYYY function CheckDate(field) { var d = field.value; if (d!=="") { var amin = 1900; var amax = 2100; var date = d.split("/"); var ok=1; var msg; if ( (date.length < 2) && (ok==1) ) { msg = MSG_SEPARATOR.format(field.name); alert(msg); ok=0; field.focus(); return; } var dd = date[0]; var mm = date[1]; var yyyy = date[2]; // checking days if ( ((isNaN(dd))||(dd<1)||(dd>31)) && (ok==1) ) { msg = MSG_INCORRECT_DAY.format(field.name); alert(msg); ok=0; field.focus(); return false; } // checking months if ( ((isNaN(mm))||(mm<1)||(mm>12)) && (ok==1) ) { msg = MSG_INCORRECT_MONTH.format(field.name); alert(msg); ok=0; field.focus(); return false; } // checking years if ( ((isNaN(yyyy))||(yyyyamax)) && (ok==1) ) { msg = MSG_INCORRECT_YEAR.format(field.name); alert(msg); ok=0; field.focus(); return false; } } } //function test if member is unique and if it's right the member is registred function unique() { var msg1; var msg2; if ( document.form.check_member.value==1){ if (document.form.categorycode.value != "I"){ msg1 += MSG_DUPLICATE_PATRON; alert(msg1); check_form_borrowers(0); document.form.submit(); }else{ msg2 += MSG_DUPLICATE_ORGANIZATION; alert(msg2); check_form_borrowers(0); } } else { document.form.submit(); } } //end function //function test if date enrooled < date expiry // WARNING: format-specific test. function check_manip_date(status) { if (status=='verify'){ // this part of function('verify') is used to check if dateenrolledmyDate2[2])||(myDate1[2]==myDate2[2] && myDate1[1]>myDate2[1])||(myDate1[2]==myDate2[2] && myDate1[1]>=myDate2[1] && myDate1[0]>=myDate2[0])) { document.form.dateenrolled.focus(); var msg = MSG_LATE_EXPIRY; alert(msg); } } } } //end function function check_password( password ) { if ( password.match(/^\s/) || password.match(/\s$/)) { return false; } return true; } // function to test all fields in forms and nav in different forms(1 ,2 or 3) function check_form_borrowers(nav){ var statut=0; var message = ""; var message_champ=""; if (document.form.check_member.value == 1 ) { if (document.form_double.answernodouble) { if( (!(document.form_double.answernodouble.checked))){ document.form.nodouble.value=0; } else { document.form.nodouble.value=1; } } } if ( document.form.password.value != document.form.password2.value ){ if ( message_champ !== '' ){ message_champ += "\n"; } message_champ+= MSG_PASSWORD_MISMATCH; statut=1; } if ( ! check_password( document.form.password.value ) ) { message_champ += MSG_PASSWORD_CONTAINS_TRAILING_SPACES; statut = 1; } //patrons form to test if you checked no to the question of double if (statut!=1 && document.form.check_member.value > 0 ) { if (!(document.form_double.answernodouble.checked)){ message_champ+= MSG_DUPLICATE_SUSPICION; statut=1; document.form.nodouble.value=0; } else { document.form.nodouble.value=1; } } if (statut==1){ //alert if at least 1 error alert(message+"\n"+message_champ); return false; } else { return true; } } function Dopop(link) { // // var searchstring=document.form.value[i].value; var newin=window.open(link,'popup','width=600,height=400,resizable=no,toolbar=false,scrollbars=no,top'); } function Dopopguarantor(link) { var newin=window.open(link,'popup','width=600,height=400,resizable=no,toolbar=false,scrollbars=yes,top'); } $(document).ready(function(){ if($("#yesdebarred").is(":checked")){ $("#debarreduntil").show(); } else { $("#debarreduntil").hide(); } $("#yesdebarred,#nodebarred").change(function(){ if($("#yesdebarred").is(":checked")){ $("#debarreduntil").show(); $("#datedebarred").focus(); } else { $("#debarreduntil").hide(); } }); var mandatory_fields = $("input[name='BorrowerMandatoryField']").val().split ('|'); $(mandatory_fields).each(function(){ $("[name='"+this+"']").attr('required', 'required'); }); });