Edit MARC subfields constraints

" name="Aform" method="post"> " />
Tag , Subfield
  3. " type="text" name="liblibrarian" value="" size="40" maxlength="80" />
  4. " name="libopac" value="" size="40" maxlength="80" />
  5. (ignore means that the subfield does not display in the record editor)
  6. Display
    1. (see online help)
  7. (if checked, it means that the subfield is a URL and can be clicked)
  8. Help input

Note: in the last column, you can choose:

  • An "authorised value": it refers to a list of authorised values for this subfield. See the corresponding admin table.
  • A "thesaurus category": it refers to a thesaurus category. See the corresponding admin table.
  • A "value builder": values builders are perl programs that help you select the value of the field. They are MARC-flavor dependant and sometimes fill another subfield automatically.

Delete Subfield ''?

" method="post">
" /> " /> " /> " />
" method="get"> " /> " /> " /> " />

Data deleted

" method="post"> " />

Authority MARC subfield structure admin for (authority: )

This screen shows the subfields associated with the selected tag. You can edit subfields or add a new one by clicking on edit.

The column Koha field shows that the subfield is linked with a Koha field. Koha can manage a MARC interface, and a Koha interface. This link ensures that both DB are synchronized

Subfield Text Constraints Delete
subfield ignored Tab:, | Koha field: , Repeatable, Not repeatable, Mandatory, Not mandatory, hidden, is a URL, | Auth value:, | Authority:, | Plugin:, ">Delete
" method="get">
" /> " /> &authtypecode=">Cancel
//images/1leftarrow.png" title="previous" alt="previous" border="0" > //images/1rightarrow.png" title="next" alt="next" border="0" />