////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BASIC FUNCTIONS FOR COOKIE MANAGEMENT // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var CGIBIN = "/cgi-bin/koha/"; var nameCookie = "intranet_bib_list"; var nameParam = "bib_list"; var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie); if(valCookie){ var arrayRecords = valCookie.split("/"); if(arrayRecords.length > 0){ var basketcount = arrayRecords.length-1; } else { var basketcount = ""; } } else { var basketcount = ""; } function writeCookie(name, val, wd) { if (wd) { parent.opener.document.cookie = name + "=" + val + "; path=/"; } else { parent.document.cookie = name + "=" + val + "; path=/"; } } function readCookieValue (str, val_beg) { var val_end = str.indexOf(";", val_end); if (val_end == -1) val_end = str.length; return str.substring(val_beg, val_end); } function readCookie(name, wd) { var str_name = name + "="; var str_len = str_name.length; var str_cookie = ""; if (wd) { str_cookie = parent.opener.document.cookie; } else { str_cookie = parent.document.cookie; } // fixed - getting the part of the basket that is bib_list var cookie_parts = str_cookie.split(";"); for(var i=0;i < cookie_parts.length;i++) { var c = cookie_parts[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if(c.indexOf(str_name) == 0) return c.substring(str_name.length,c.length); } return null; } function delCookie(name) { var exp = new Date(); exp.setTime(exp.getTime()-1); if(parent.opener){ parent.opener.document.cookie = name + "=null; path=/; expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); } else { document.cookie = name + "=null; path=/; expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS USING COOKIES // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function openBasket() { var strCookie = ""; var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie); if ( valCookie ) { strCookie = nameParam + "=" + valCookie; } if ( strCookie ) { var iW = 820; var iH = 450; var optWin = "dependant=yes,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=yes,height="+iH+",width="+iW; var loc = CGIBIN + "basket/basket.pl?" + strCookie; var basket = open(loc, "basket", optWin); if (window.focus) {basket.focus()} } else { showCartUpdate(MSG_BASKET_EMPTY); } } function addRecord(val, selection,NoMsgAlert) { var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie); var write = 0; if ( ! valCookie ) { // empty basket valCookie = val + '/'; write = 1; updateBasket(1); } else { // is this record already in the basket ? var found = false; var arrayRecords = valCookie.split("/"); for (var i = 0; i < valCookie.length - 1; i++) { if (val == arrayRecords[i]) { found = true; break; } } if ( found ) { if (selection) { return 0; } if (! NoMsgAlert ) { showCartUpdate(MSG_RECORD_IN_BASKET); } } else { valCookie += val + '/'; write = 1; updateBasket(arrayRecords.length); } } if (write) { writeCookie(nameCookie, valCookie); if (selection) { // when adding a selection of records return 1; } if (! NoMsgAlert ) { showCartUpdate(MSG_RECORD_ADDED); } } } function AllAreChecked(s){ if (! s.length) { return false;} var l = s.length; for (var i=0; i < l; i++) { if(! s[i].checked) { return false; } } return true; } function SelectAll(){ if(document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.length > 0) { var checky = AllAreChecked(document.bookbag_form.biblionumber); var l = document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.length; for (var i=0; i < l; i++) { document.bookbag_form.biblionumber[i].checked = (checky) ? false : true; } } } function addMultiple(){ var c_value = ""; if(document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.length > 0) { for (var i=0; i < document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.length; i++) { if (document.bookbag_form.biblionumber[i].checked) { c_value = c_value + document.bookbag_form.biblionumber[i].value + "/"; } } addSelRecords(c_value); } else { c_value = c_value + document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.value + "/"; addSelRecords(c_value); } } function addSelRecords(valSel) { // function for adding a selection of biblios to the basket // from the results list var arrayRecords = valSel.split("/"); var i = 0; var nbAdd = 0; for (i=0;i nbAdd) { msg = nbAdd+" "+MSG_NRECORDS_ADDED+", "+(i-nbAdd)+" "+MSG_NRECORDS_IN_BASKET; } else { msg = nbAdd+" "+MSG_NRECORDS_ADDED; } } else { if (i < 1) { msg = MSG_NO_RECORD_SELECTED; } else { msg = MSG_NO_RECORD_ADDED+" ("+MSG_NRECORDS_IN_BASKET+") !"; } } showCartUpdate(msg); } function showCartUpdate(msg){ // set body of popup window $("#cartDetails").html(msg); showCart(); setTimeout("hideCart()",2000); } function showListsUpdate(msg){ // set body of popup window alert(msg); } function selRecord(num, status) { var str = document.myform.records.value if (status){ str += num+"/"; } else { str = delRecord(num, str); } document.myform.records.value = str; } function delSelRecords() { var recordsSel = 0; var end = 0; var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie, 1); if (valCookie) { var str = document.myform.records.value; if (str.length > 0){ recordsSel = 1; var str2 = valCookie; while (!end){ s = str.indexOf("/"); if (s>0){ num = str.substring(0, s) str = delRecord(num,str); str2 = delRecord(num,str2); } else { end = 1; } } if (str2.length == 0) { // equivalent to emptying the basket var rep = false; rep = confirm(MSG_CONFIRM_DEL_BASKET); if (rep) { delCookie(nameCookie); document.location = "about:blank"; updateBasket(0,top.opener); window.close(); } else { return; } } else { writeCookie(nameCookie, str2, 1); } } } if (recordsSel) { var strCookie = ""; var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie, 1); strCookie = nameParam + "=" + valCookie; var arrayRecords = valCookie.split("/"); updateBasket(arrayRecords.length-1,top.opener); document.location = CGIBIN + "basket/basket.pl?" + strCookie; } else { alert(MSG_NO_RECORD_SELECTED); } } function delRecord (n, s) { var re = /\d/; var aux = s; var found = 0; var pos = -1; while (!found) { pos = aux.indexOf(n, pos+1); var charAfter = aux.charAt(pos+n.length); // character right after the researched string if (charAfter.match(re)) { // record number inside another one continue; } else { // good record number aux = s.substring(0, pos)+ s.substring(pos+n.length+1, s.length); s = aux; found = 1; } } return s; } function delBasket(context,rep) { if (rep == undefined){ rep = confirm(MSG_CONFIRM_DEL_BASKET); } if (rep) { if(context == "popup"){ delCookie(nameCookie); document.location = "about:blank"; updateBasket(0,top.opener); window.close(); } else { delCookie(nameCookie); updateBasket(0,top.opener); } } } function quit() { if (document.myform.records.value) { var rep = false; rep = confirm(MSG_CONFIRM_DEL_RECORDS); if (rep) { delSelRecords(); } } updateBasket(arrayRecords.length-1,top.opener); window.close(); } function sendBasket() { var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie); var strCookie = nameParam + "=" + valCookie; var loc = CGIBIN + "basket/sendbasket.pl?" + strCookie; var optWin="dependant=yes,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,height=300,width=450,top=50,left=100"; var win_form = open(loc,"win_form",optWin); } function downloadBasket() { var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie); var strCookie = nameParam + "=" + valCookie; var loc = CGIBIN + "basket/downloadcart.pl?" + strCookie; open(loc,"win_form",'dependant=yes,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,height=300,width=450,top=50,left=100'); } function printBasket() { var loc = document.location + "&print=1"; document.location = loc; } function showMore() { var strCookie = ""; var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie); if (valCookie) { strCookie = nameParam + "=" + valCookie; } var loc = CGIBIN + "basket/basket.pl?" + strCookie + "&verbose=1"; document.location = loc; } function showLess() { var strCookie = ""; var valCookie = readCookie(nameCookie); if (valCookie) { strCookie = nameParam + "=" + valCookie; } var loc = CGIBIN + "basket/basket.pl?" + strCookie + "&verbose=0"; document.location = loc; } function updateBasket(updated_value,target) { if(target){ target.$('#basketcount').html(" ("+updated_value+")"); target.$('#cartDetails').html(_("Your cart contains ")+updated_value+_(" items")); } else { $('#basketcount').html(" ("+updated_value+")"); $('#cartDetails').html(_("Your cart contains ")+updated_value+_(" items")); } var basketcount = updated_value; } function openBiblio(dest,biblionumber) { openerURL=dest+"?biblionumber="+biblionumber; opener.document.location = openerURL; opener.focus(); } function addSelToShelf() { var items = document.getElementById('records').value; if(items){ document.location = "/cgi-bin/koha/virtualshelves/addbybiblionumber.pl?biblionumber="+items; } else { alert(MSG_NO_RECORD_SELECTED); } } /// vShelfAdd() builds url string for multiple-biblio adds. function vShelfAdd() { bibs= new Array; if(document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.length > 0) { for (var i=0; i < document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.length; i++) { if (document.bookbag_form.biblionumber[i].checked) { bibs.push("biblionumber=" + document.bookbag_form.biblionumber[i].value); } } if (bibs.length == 0) { showListsUpdate(MSG_NO_RECORD_SELECTED); } return bibs.join("&"); } else { if (document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.checked) { return "biblionumber=" + document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.value; } } } function showCart(){ var position = $("#cartmenulink").offset(); var top = position.top + $("#cartmenulink").outerHeight(); var left = position.left $("#cartDetails").css("position","absolute").css("top",top); $("#cartDetails").css("position","absolute").css("left",left); $("#cartDetails").fadeIn("fast"); } function hideCart(){ $("#cartDetails").fadeOut("fast"); } $(document).ready(function(){ $("#cartmenulink").click(function(){ openBasket(); return false; }); if(basketcount){ updateBasket(basketcount); } });