#!/usr/bin/perl # Tests Koha::Cache and whichever type of cache is enabled (through Koha::Cache) use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 29; my $destructorcount = 0; BEGIN { use_ok('Koha::Cache'); use_ok('Koha::Cache::Object'); use_ok('C4::Context'); } SKIP: { my $cache = Koha::Cache->new(); skip "Cache not enabled", 25 unless ( Koha::Cache->is_cache_active() && defined $cache ); # test fetching an item that isnt in the cache is( $cache->get_from_cache("not in here"), undef, "fetching item NOT in cache" ); # test expiry time in cache $cache->set_in_cache( "timeout", "I AM DATA", 1 ); # expiry time of 1 second sleep 2; is( $cache->get_from_cache("timeout"), undef, "fetching expired item from cache" ); # test fetching a valid, non expired, item from cache $cache->set_in_cache( "clear_me", "I AM MORE DATA", 1000 ) ; # overly large expiry time, clear below $cache->set_in_cache( "dont_clear_me", "I AM MORE DATA22", 1000 ) ; # overly large expiry time, clear below is( $cache->get_from_cache("clear_me"), "I AM MORE DATA", "fetching valid item from cache" ); # test clearing from cache $cache->clear_from_cache("clear_me"); is( $cache->get_from_cache("clear_me"), undef, "fetching cleared item from cache" ); is( $cache->get_from_cache("dont_clear_me"), "I AM MORE DATA22", "fetching valid item from cache (after clearing another item)" ); #test flushing from cache $cache->set_in_cache( "flush_me", "testing 1 data" ); $cache->flush_all; is( $cache->get_from_cache("flush_me"), undef, "fetching flushed item from cache" ); is( $cache->get_from_cache("dont_clear_me"), undef, "fetching flushed item from cache" ); my $constructorcount = 0; my $myscalar = $cache->create_scalar( { 'key' => 'myscalar', 'timeout' => 1, 'allowupdate' => 1, 'unset' => 1, 'constructor' => sub { return ++$constructorcount; }, 'destructor' => sub { return ++$destructorcount; }, } ); ok( defined($myscalar), 'Created tied scalar' ); is( $$myscalar, 1, 'Constructor called to first initialize' ); is( $$myscalar, 1, 'Data retrieved from cache' ); sleep 2; is( $$myscalar, 2, 'Constructor called again when timeout reached' ); $$myscalar = 5; is( $$myscalar, 5, 'Stored new value to cache' ); is( $constructorcount, 2, 'Constructor not called after storing value' ); undef $myscalar; is( $cache->get_from_cache("myscalar"), undef, 'Item removed from cache on destruction' ); my %hash = ( 'key' => 'value' ); my $myhash = $cache->create_hash( { 'key' => 'myhash', 'timeout' => 1, 'allowupdate' => 1, 'unset' => 1, 'constructor' => sub { return { %hash }; }, } ); ok(defined $myhash, 'Created tied hash'); is($myhash->{'key'}, 'value', 'Found expected value in hash'); ok(exists $myhash->{'key'}, 'Exists works'); $myhash->{'key2'} = 'surprise'; is($myhash->{'key2'}, 'surprise', 'Setting hash member worked'); $hash{'key2'} = 'nosurprise'; sleep 2; is($myhash->{'key2'}, 'nosurprise', 'Cache change caught'); my $foundkeys = 0; foreach my $key (keys %{$myhash}) { $foundkeys++; } is($foundkeys, 2, 'Found expected 2 keys when iterating through hash'); isnt(scalar %{$myhash}, undef, 'scalar knows the hash is not empty'); $hash{'anotherkey'} = 'anothervalue'; sleep 2; ok(exists $myhash->{'anotherkey'}, 'Cache reset properly'); delete $hash{'anotherkey'}; delete $myhash->{'anotherkey'}; ok(!exists $myhash->{'anotherkey'}, 'Key successfully deleted'); undef %hash; %{$myhash} = (); is(scalar %{$myhash}, 0, 'hash cleared'); $hash{'key'} = 'value'; is($myhash->{'key'}, 'value', 'retrieved value after clearing cache'); } END { SKIP: { skip "Cache not enabled", 1 unless ( Koha::Cache->is_cache_active() ); is( $destructorcount, 1, 'Destructor run exactly once' ); } }