MARC import and BIBLIO management

No items found

Website Biblioitem Added

To add a new biblio/item, scan or type the ISBN/ISSN number:

ISBN: If the ISBN or title is found in the biblio table, it will be retrieved and can be modified.
If the ISBN or title is found in the breeding farm, it will be retrieved and a biblio will be added.
Otherwise, a biblio can be added from scratch.
  Add biblio without ISBN/ISSN

Tools for importing MARC records into breeding farm
  • Upload MARC records
  •   The breeding farm is a table where imported MARC records are stored.
    A MARC record is stored in the breeding farm as long as you have no item. When you type the ISBN or title of a biblio, it's searched for in the breeding farm. If it is found, the biblio is added to Koha active table and removed from the breeding farm.
    Tools for importing a MARC record from a z39.50 server
  • z39.50 Search Tool
  •   does not work
    Add New Website
