package C4::CourseReserves; # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use List::MoreUtils qw(any); use C4::Context; use C4::Circulation qw(GetOpenIssue); use Koha::Courses; use Koha::Course::Instructors; use Koha::Course::Items; use Koha::Course::Reserves; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $DEBUG @FIELDS); BEGIN { require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( &GetCourse &ModCourse &GetCourses &DelCourse &GetCourseInstructors &ModCourseInstructors &GetCourseItem &ModCourseItem &GetCourseReserve &ModCourseReserve &GetCourseReserves &DelCourseReserve &SearchCourses &GetItemCourseReservesInfo ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => \@EXPORT_OK ); $DEBUG = 0; @FIELDS = ( 'itype', 'ccode', 'homebranch', 'holdingbranch', 'location' ); } =head1 NAME C4::CourseReserves - Koha course reserves module =head1 SYNOPSIS use C4::CourseReserves; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module deals with course reserves. =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 GetCourse $course = GetCourse( $course_id ); =cut sub GetCourse { my ($course_id) = @_; warn whoami() . "( $course_id )" if $DEBUG; my $course = Koha::Courses->find( $course_id ); return undef unless $course; $course = $course->unblessed; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = " SELECT b.* FROM course_instructors ci LEFT JOIN borrowers b ON ( ci.borrowernumber = b.borrowernumber ) WHERE course_id = ? "; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($course_id); $course->{'instructors'} = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); return $course; } =head2 ModCourse ModCourse( [ course_id => $id ] [, course_name => $course_name ] [etc...] ); =cut sub ModCourse { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $course_id; if ( defined $params{'course_id'} ) { $course_id = $params{'course_id'}; delete $params{'course_id'}; } my @query_keys; my @query_values; my $query; $query .= ($course_id) ? ' UPDATE ' : ' INSERT '; $query .= ' courses SET '; foreach my $key ( keys %params ) { push( @query_keys, "$key=?" ); push( @query_values, $params{$key} ); } $query .= join( ',', @query_keys ); if ($course_id) { $query .= " WHERE course_id = ?"; push( @query_values, $course_id ); } $dbh->do( $query, undef, @query_values ); $course_id = $course_id || $dbh->last_insert_id( undef, undef, 'courses', 'course_id' ); EnableOrDisableCourseItems( course_id => $course_id, enabled => $params{'enabled'} ); return $course_id; } =head2 GetCourses @courses = GetCourses( [ fieldname => $value ] [, fieldname2 => $value2 ] [etc...] ); =cut sub GetCourses { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my @query_keys; my @query_values; my $query = " SELECT c.course_id, c.department, c.course_number, c.section, c.course_name, c.term, c.staff_note, c.public_note, c.students_count, c.enabled, c.timestamp FROM courses c LEFT JOIN course_reserves ON course_reserves.course_id = c.course_id LEFT JOIN course_items ON course_items.ci_id = course_reserves.ci_id "; if ( keys %params ) { $query .= " WHERE "; foreach my $key ( keys %params ) { push( @query_keys, " $key LIKE ? " ); push( @query_values, $params{$key} ); } $query .= join( ' AND ', @query_keys ); } $query .= " GROUP BY c.course_id, c.department, c.course_number, c.section, c.course_name, c.term, c.staff_note, c.public_note, c.students_count, c.enabled, c.timestamp "; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@query_values); my $courses = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); foreach my $c (@$courses) { $c->{'instructors'} = GetCourseInstructors( $c->{'course_id'} ); } return $courses; } =head2 DelCourse DelCourse( $course_id ); =cut sub DelCourse { my ($course_id) = @_; my $course_reserves = GetCourseReserves( course_id => $course_id ); foreach my $res (@$course_reserves) { DelCourseReserve( cr_id => $res->{'cr_id'} ); } my $query = " DELETE FROM course_instructors WHERE course_id = ? "; C4::Context->dbh->do( $query, undef, $course_id ); $query = " DELETE FROM courses WHERE course_id = ? "; C4::Context->dbh->do( $query, undef, $course_id ); } =head2 EnableOrDisableCourseItems EnableOrDisableCourseItems( course_id => $course_id, enabled => $enabled ); For each item on reserve for this course, if the course item has no active course reserves, swap the fields for the item to make it 'normal' again. enabled => 'yes' to enable course items enabled => 'no' to disable course items =cut sub EnableOrDisableCourseItems { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $course_id = $params{'course_id'}; my $enabled = $params{'enabled'} || 0; my $lookfor = ( $enabled eq 'yes' ) ? 'no' : 'yes'; return unless ( $course_id && $enabled ); return unless ( $enabled eq 'yes' || $enabled eq 'no' ); my $course_reserves = GetCourseReserves( course_id => $course_id ); if ( $enabled eq 'yes' ) { foreach my $course_reserve (@$course_reserves) { if (CountCourseReservesForItem( ci_id => $course_reserve->{'ci_id'}, enabled => 'yes' ) ) { EnableOrDisableCourseItem( ci_id => $course_reserve->{'ci_id'}, ); } } } if ( $enabled eq 'no' ) { foreach my $course_reserve (@$course_reserves) { unless ( CountCourseReservesForItem( ci_id => $course_reserve->{'ci_id'}, enabled => 'yes' ) ) { EnableOrDisableCourseItem( ci_id => $course_reserve->{'ci_id'}, ); } } } } =head2 EnableOrDisableCourseItem EnableOrDisableCourseItem( ci_id => $ci_id ); =cut sub EnableOrDisableCourseItem { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $ci_id = $params{'ci_id'}; return unless ( $ci_id ); my $course_item = GetCourseItem( ci_id => $ci_id ); my $info = GetItemCourseReservesInfo( itemnumber => $course_item->{itemnumber} ); my $enabled = any { $_->{course}->{enabled} eq 'yes' } @$info; $enabled = $enabled ? 'yes' : 'no'; ## We don't want to 'enable' an already enabled item, ## or disable and already disabled item, ## as that would cause the fields to swap if ( $course_item->{'enabled'} ne $enabled ) { _SwapAllFields($ci_id, $enabled ); my $query = " UPDATE course_items SET enabled = ? WHERE ci_id = ? "; C4::Context->dbh->do( $query, undef, $enabled, $ci_id ); } } =head2 GetCourseInstructors @$borrowers = GetCourseInstructors( $course_id ); =cut sub GetCourseInstructors { my ($course_id) = @_; warn "C4::CourseReserves::GetCourseInstructors( $course_id )" if $DEBUG; my $query = " SELECT * FROM borrowers RIGHT JOIN course_instructors ON ( course_instructors.borrowernumber = borrowers.borrowernumber ) WHERE course_instructors.course_id = ? "; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($course_id); return $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); } =head2 ModCourseInstructors ModCourseInstructors( mode => $mode, course_id => $course_id, [ cardnumbers => $cardnumbers ] OR [ borrowernumbers => $borrowernumbers ); $mode can be 'replace', 'add', or 'delete' $cardnumbers and $borrowernumbers are both references to arrays Use either cardnumbers or borrowernumber, but not both. =cut sub ModCourseInstructors { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $course_id = $params{'course_id'}; my $mode = $params{'mode'}; my $cardnumbers = $params{'cardnumbers'}; my $borrowernumbers = $params{'borrowernumbers'}; return unless ($course_id); return unless ( $mode eq 'replace' || $mode eq 'add' || $mode eq 'delete' ); return unless ( $cardnumbers || $borrowernumbers ); return if ( $cardnumbers && $borrowernumbers ); my ( @cardnumbers, @borrowernumbers ); @cardnumbers = @$cardnumbers if ( ref($cardnumbers) eq 'ARRAY' ); @borrowernumbers = @$borrowernumbers if ( ref($borrowernumbers) eq 'ARRAY' ); my $field = (@cardnumbers) ? 'cardnumber' : 'borrowernumber'; my @fields = (@cardnumbers) ? @cardnumbers : @borrowernumbers; my $placeholders = join( ',', ('?') x scalar @fields ); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $dbh->do( "DELETE FROM course_instructors WHERE course_id = ?", undef, $course_id ) if ( $mode eq 'replace' ); my $query; if ( $mode eq 'add' || $mode eq 'replace' ) { $query = " INSERT INTO course_instructors ( course_id, borrowernumber ) SELECT ?, borrowernumber FROM borrowers WHERE $field IN ( $placeholders ) "; } else { $query = " DELETE FROM course_instructors WHERE course_id = ? AND borrowernumber IN ( SELECT borrowernumber FROM borrowers WHERE $field IN ( $placeholders ) ) "; } my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $course_id, @fields ) if (@fields); } =head2 GetCourseItem { $course_item = GetCourseItem( itemnumber => $itemnumber [, ci_id => $ci_id ); =cut sub GetCourseItem { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $ci_id = $params{'ci_id'}; my $itemnumber = $params{'itemnumber'}; return unless ( $itemnumber || $ci_id ); my $field = ($itemnumber) ? 'itemnumber' : 'ci_id'; my $value = ($itemnumber) ? $itemnumber : $ci_id; my $query = "SELECT * FROM course_items WHERE $field = ?"; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($value); my $course_item = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); if ($course_item) { $query = "SELECT * FROM course_reserves WHERE ci_id = ?"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $course_item->{'ci_id'} ); my $course_reserves = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); $course_item->{'course_reserves'} = $course_reserves if ($course_reserves); } return $course_item; } =head2 ModCourseItem { ModCourseItem( %params ); Creates or modifies an existing course item. =cut sub ModCourseItem { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $itemnumber = $params{'itemnumber'}; return unless ($itemnumber); my $course_item = GetCourseItem( itemnumber => $itemnumber ); my $ci_id; if ($course_item) { $ci_id = $course_item->{'ci_id'}; _UpdateCourseItem( ci_id => $ci_id, course_item => $course_item, %params ); } else { $ci_id = _AddCourseItem(%params); } return $ci_id; } =head2 _AddCourseItem my $ci_id = _AddCourseItem( %params ); =cut sub _AddCourseItem { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; $params{homebranch} ||= undef; # Can't be empty string, FK constraint $params{holdingbranch} ||= undef; # Can't be empty string, FK constraint my %data = map { $_ => $params{$_} } @FIELDS; my %enabled = map { $_ . "_enabled" => $params{ $_ . "_enabled" } } @FIELDS; my $ci = Koha::Course::Item->new( { itemnumber => $params{itemnumber}, %data, %enabled, } )->store(); return $ci->id; } =head2 _UpdateCourseItem _UpdateCourseItem( %params ); =cut sub _UpdateCourseItem { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $ci_id = $params{'ci_id'}; my $course_item = $params{'course_item'}; $params{homebranch} ||= undef; # Can't be empty string, FK constraint $params{holdingbranch} ||= undef; # Can't be empty string, FK constraint return unless ( $ci_id || $course_item ); $course_item = Koha::Course::Items->find( $ci_id || $course_item->{ci_id} ); my %data = map { $_ => $params{$_} } @FIELDS; my %enabled = map { $_ . "_enabled" => $params{ $_ . "_enabled" } } @FIELDS; $course_item->update( { %data, %enabled } ); if ( $course_item->is_enabled ) { my $item_fields = {}; $item_fields->{itype} = $course_item->itype if $course_item->itype_enabled; $item_fields->{ccode} = $course_item->ccode if $course_item->ccode_enabled; $item_fields->{location} = $course_item->location if $course_item->location_enabled; $item_fields->{homebranch} = $course_item->homebranch if $course_item->homebranch_enabled; $item_fields->{holdingbranch} = $course_item->holdingbranch if $course_item->holdingbranch_enabled; Koha::Items->find( $course_item->itemnumber ) ->set( $item_fields ) ->store if keys %$item_fields; } } =head2 _RevertFields _RevertFields( ci_id => $ci_id, fields => \@fields_to_revert ); Copies fields from course item storage back to the actual item =cut sub _RevertFields { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $ci_id = $params{'ci_id'}; return unless $ci_id; my $course_item = Koha::Course::Items->find( $ci_id ); my $item_fields = {}; $item_fields->{itype} = $course_item->itype_storage if $course_item->itype_enabled; $item_fields->{ccode} = $course_item->ccode_storage if $course_item->ccode_enabled; $item_fields->{location} = $course_item->location_storage if $course_item->location_enabled; $item_fields->{homebranch} = $course_item->homebranch_storage if $course_item->homebranch_enabled; $item_fields->{holdingbranch} = $course_item->holdingbranch_storage if $course_item->holdingbranch_enabled; Koha::Items->find( $course_item->itemnumber ) ->set( $item_fields ) ->store if keys %$item_fields; $course_item->itype_storage(undef); $course_item->ccode_storage(undef); $course_item->location_storage(undef); $course_item->homebranch_storage(undef); $course_item->holdingbranch_storage(undef); $course_item->store(); } =head2 _SwapAllFields _SwapAllFields( $ci_id ); =cut sub _SwapAllFields { my ( $ci_id, $enabled ) = @_; warn "C4::CourseReserves::_SwapFields( $ci_id )" if $DEBUG; my $course_item = Koha::Course::Items->find( $ci_id ); my $item = Koha::Items->find( $course_item->itemnumber ); if ( $enabled eq 'yes' ) { # Copy item fields to course item storage, course item fields to item $course_item->itype_storage( $item->effective_itemtype ) if $course_item->itype_enabled; $course_item->ccode_storage( $item->ccode ) if $course_item->ccode_enabled; $course_item->location_storage( $item->location ) if $course_item->location_enabled; $course_item->homebranch_storage( $item->homebranch ) if $course_item->homebranch_enabled; $course_item->holdingbranch_storage( $item->holdingbranch ) if $course_item->holdingbranch_enabled; $course_item->store(); my $item_fields = {}; $item_fields->{itype} = $course_item->itype if $course_item->itype_enabled; $item_fields->{ccode} = $course_item->ccode if $course_item->ccode_enabled; $item_fields->{location} = $course_item->location if $course_item->location_enabled; $item_fields->{homebranch} = $course_item->homebranch if $course_item->homebranch_enabled; $item_fields->{holdingbranch} = $course_item->holdingbranch if $course_item->holdingbranch_enabled; Koha::Items->find( $course_item->itemnumber ) ->set( $item_fields ) ->store if keys %$item_fields; } else { # Copy course item storage to item my $item_fields = {}; $item_fields->{itype} = $course_item->itype_storage if $course_item->itype_enabled; $item_fields->{ccode} = $course_item->ccode_storage if $course_item->ccode_enabled; $item_fields->{location} = $course_item->location_storage if $course_item->location_enabled; $item_fields->{homebranch} = $course_item->homebranch_storage if $course_item->homebranch_enabled; $item_fields->{holdingbranch} = $course_item->holdingbranch_storage if $course_item->holdingbranch_enabled; Koha::Items->find( $course_item->itemnumber ) ->set( $item_fields ) ->store if keys %$item_fields; $course_item->itype_storage(undef); $course_item->ccode_storage(undef); $course_item->location_storage(undef); $course_item->homebranch_storage(undef); $course_item->holdingbranch_storage(undef); $course_item->store(); } } =head2 GetCourseItems { $course_items = GetCourseItems( [course_id => $course_id] [, itemnumber => $itemnumber ] ); =cut sub GetCourseItems { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $course_id = $params{'course_id'}; my $itemnumber = $params{'itemnumber'}; return unless ($course_id); my @query_keys; my @query_values; my $query = "SELECT * FROM course_items"; if ( keys %params ) { $query .= " WHERE "; foreach my $key ( keys %params ) { push( @query_keys, " $key LIKE ? " ); push( @query_values, $params{$key} ); } $query .= join( ' AND ', @query_keys ); } my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@query_values); return $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); } =head2 DelCourseItem { DelCourseItem( ci_id => $cr_id ); =cut sub DelCourseItem { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $ci_id = $params{'ci_id'}; return unless ($ci_id); my $course_item = Koha::Course::Items->find( $ci_id ); return unless $course_item; _RevertFields( ci_id => $ci_id ) if $course_item->enabled eq 'yes'; my $query = " DELETE FROM course_items WHERE ci_id = ? "; C4::Context->dbh->do( $query, undef, $ci_id ); } =head2 GetCourseReserve { $course_item = GetCourseReserve( %params ); =cut sub GetCourseReserve { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $cr_id = $params{'cr_id'}; my $course_id = $params{'course_id'}; my $ci_id = $params{'ci_id'}; return unless ( $cr_id || ( $course_id && $ci_id ) ); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth; if ($cr_id) { my $query = " SELECT * FROM course_reserves WHERE cr_id = ? "; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($cr_id); } else { my $query = " SELECT * FROM course_reserves WHERE course_id = ? AND ci_id = ? "; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $course_id, $ci_id ); } my $course_reserve = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $course_reserve; } =head2 ModCourseReserve $id = ModCourseReserve( %params ); =cut sub ModCourseReserve { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $course_id = $params{'course_id'}; my $ci_id = $params{'ci_id'}; my $staff_note = $params{'staff_note'}; my $public_note = $params{'public_note'}; return unless ( $course_id && $ci_id ); my $course_reserve = GetCourseReserve( course_id => $course_id, ci_id => $ci_id ); my $cr_id; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; if ($course_reserve) { $cr_id = $course_reserve->{'cr_id'}; my $query = " UPDATE course_reserves SET staff_note = ?, public_note = ? WHERE cr_id = ? "; $dbh->do( $query, undef, $staff_note, $public_note, $cr_id ); } else { my $query = " INSERT INTO course_reserves SET course_id = ?, ci_id = ?, staff_note = ?, public_note = ? "; $dbh->do( $query, undef, $course_id, $ci_id, $staff_note, $public_note ); $cr_id = $dbh->last_insert_id( undef, undef, 'course_reserves', 'cr_id' ); } EnableOrDisableCourseItem( ci_id => $params{'ci_id'}, ); return $cr_id; } =head2 GetCourseReserves { $course_reserves = GetCourseReserves( %params ); Required: course_id OR ci_id Optional: include_items => 1, include_count => 1, include_courses => 1, =cut sub GetCourseReserves { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $course_id = $params{'course_id'}; my $ci_id = $params{'ci_id'}; my $include_items = $params{'include_items'}; my $include_count = $params{'include_count'}; my $include_courses = $params{'include_courses'}; return unless ( $course_id || $ci_id ); my $field = ($course_id) ? 'course_id' : 'ci_id'; my $value = ($course_id) ? $course_id : $ci_id; my $query = " SELECT cr.*, ci.itemnumber FROM course_reserves cr, course_items ci WHERE cr.$field = ? AND cr.ci_id = ci.ci_id "; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($value); my $course_reserves = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); if ($include_items) { foreach my $cr (@$course_reserves) { my $item = Koha::Items->find( $cr->{itemnumber} ); my $biblio = $item->biblio; my $biblioitem = $biblio->biblioitem; $cr->{'course_item'} = GetCourseItem( ci_id => $cr->{'ci_id'} ); $cr->{'item'} = $item; $cr->{'biblio'} = $biblio; $cr->{'biblioitem'} = $biblioitem; $cr->{'issue'} = GetOpenIssue( $cr->{'itemnumber'} ); } } if ($include_count) { foreach my $cr (@$course_reserves) { $cr->{'reserves_count'} = CountCourseReservesForItem( ci_id => $cr->{'ci_id'} ); } } if ($include_courses) { foreach my $cr (@$course_reserves) { $cr->{'courses'} = GetCourses( itemnumber => $cr->{'itemnumber'} ); } } return $course_reserves; } =head2 DelCourseReserve { DelCourseReserve( cr_id => $cr_id ); =cut sub DelCourseReserve { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $cr_id = $params{'cr_id'}; return unless ($cr_id); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $course_reserve = GetCourseReserve( cr_id => $cr_id ); my $query = " DELETE FROM course_reserves WHERE cr_id = ? "; $dbh->do( $query, undef, $cr_id ); ## If there are no other course reserves for this item ## delete the course_item as well unless ( CountCourseReservesForItem( ci_id => $course_reserve->{'ci_id'} ) ) { DelCourseItem( ci_id => $course_reserve->{'ci_id'} ); } } =head2 GetItemCourseReservesInfo my $arrayref = GetItemCourseReservesInfo( itemnumber => $itemnumber ); For a given item, returns an arrayref of reserves hashrefs, with a course hashref under the key 'course' =cut sub GetItemCourseReservesInfo { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $itemnumber = $params{'itemnumber'}; return unless ($itemnumber); my $course_item = GetCourseItem( itemnumber => $itemnumber ); return unless ( keys %$course_item ); my $course_reserves = GetCourseReserves( ci_id => $course_item->{'ci_id'} ); foreach my $cr (@$course_reserves) { $cr->{'course'} = GetCourse( $cr->{'course_id'} ); } return $course_reserves; } =head2 CountCourseReservesForItem $bool = CountCourseReservesForItem( %params ); ci_id - course_item id OR itemnumber - course_item itemnumber enabled = 'yes' or 'no' Optional, if not supplied, counts reserves for both enabled and disabled courses =cut sub CountCourseReservesForItem { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $ci_id = $params{'ci_id'}; my $itemnumber = $params{'itemnumber'}; my $enabled = $params{'enabled'}; return unless ( $ci_id || $itemnumber ); my $course_item = GetCourseItem( ci_id => $ci_id, itemnumber => $itemnumber ); my @params = ( $course_item->{'ci_id'} ); push( @params, $enabled ) if ($enabled); my $query = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM course_reserves cr LEFT JOIN courses c ON ( c.course_id = cr.course_id ) WHERE ci_id = ? "; $query .= "AND c.enabled = ?" if ($enabled); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@params); my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return $row->{'count'}; } =head2 SearchCourses my $courses = SearchCourses( term => $search_term, enabled => 'yes' ); =cut sub SearchCourses { my (%params) = @_; warn identify_myself(%params) if $DEBUG; my $term = $params{'term'}; my $enabled = $params{'enabled'} || '%'; my @params; my $query = " SELECT c.course_id, c.department, c.course_number, c.section, c.course_name, c.term, c.staff_note, c.public_note, c.students_count, c.enabled, c.timestamp FROM courses c LEFT JOIN course_instructors ci ON ( c.course_id = ci.course_id ) LEFT JOIN borrowers b ON ( ci.borrowernumber = b.borrowernumber ) LEFT JOIN authorised_values av ON ( c.department = av.authorised_value ) WHERE ( av.category = 'DEPARTMENT' OR av.category = 'TERM' ) AND ( department LIKE ? OR course_number LIKE ? OR section LIKE ? OR course_name LIKE ? OR term LIKE ? OR public_note LIKE ? OR CONCAT(surname,' ',firstname) LIKE ? OR CONCAT(firstname,' ',surname) LIKE ? OR lib LIKE ? OR lib_opac LIKE ? ) AND c.enabled LIKE ? GROUP BY c.course_id, c.department, c.course_number, c.section, c.course_name, c.term, c.staff_note, c.public_note, c.students_count, c.enabled, c.timestamp "; $term //= ''; $term = "%$term%"; @params = ($term) x 10; $query .= " ORDER BY department, course_number, section, term, course_name "; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( @params, $enabled ); my $courses = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); foreach my $c (@$courses) { $c->{'instructors'} = GetCourseInstructors( $c->{'course_id'} ); } return $courses; } sub whoami { ( caller(1) )[3] } sub whowasi { ( caller(2) )[3] } sub stringify_params { my (%params) = @_; my $string = "\n"; foreach my $key ( keys %params ) { $string .= " $key => " . $params{$key} . "\n"; } return "( $string )"; } sub identify_myself { my (%params) = @_; return whowasi() . stringify_params(%params); } 1; =head1 AUTHOR Kyle M Hall =cut