package C4::Koha; use strict; require Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT); $VERSION = 0.01; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(&slashifyDate &fixEthnicity $DEBUG); use vars qw(); my $DEBUG = 0; sub slashifyDate { # accepts a date of the form xx-xx-xx[xx] and returns it in the # form xx/xx/xx[xx] my @dateOut = split('-', shift); return("$dateOut[2]/$dateOut[1]/$dateOut[0]") } sub fixEthnicity($) { # a temporary fix ethnicity, it should really be handled # in or the DB ... my $ethnicity = shift; if ($ethnicity eq 'maori') { $ethnicity = 'Maori'; } elsif ($ethnicity eq 'european') { $ethnicity = 'European/Pakeha'; } elsif ($ethnicity eq 'pi') { $ethnicity = 'Pacific Islander' } elsif ($ethnicity eq 'asian') { $ethnicity = 'Asian'; } return $ethnicity; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Koha - Perl Module containing convenience functions for Koha scripts =head1 SYNOPSIS use Koha; $date = slashifyDate("01-01-2002") =head1 DESCRIPTION provides many functions for Koha scripts. slashifyDate() takes a dash separated date string and returns a slash separated date string =head1 AUTHOR Pat Eyler, =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1). =cut