package C4::SMS; #Written by for SMS message sending and other SMS related services use strict; require Exporter; use LWP::UserAgent; use C4::Context; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT); $VERSION = 0.01; my $user=C4::Context->config('smsuser'); my $pwd=C4::Context->config('smspass'); my $uri =""; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( &get_sms_auth &send_sms &read_sms &error_codes &parse_phone &parse_message &write_sms &mod_sms &kill_sms ); sub get_sms_auth { my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $commands; my $res=$ua->post($uri,[cmd=>'REGISTER',pUser=>$user,pPwd=>$pwd]); if ($res->is_success){ $commands=parse_content($res->content); } return($commands,$ua); } sub send_sms{ my $ua=shift; my $phone=shift; my $message=shift; my $session=shift; my $res=$ua->post($uri,[cmd=>'SENDSMS',pUser=>$user,pPwd=>$pwd,pSessionId=>$session,pService_Code=>4130,pMsisdn=>$phone, pContent=>$message]); return parse_content($res->content); } sub read_sms{ my $ua=shift; my $session=shift; my $res=$ua->post($uri,[cmd=>'GETSMS',pUser=>$user,pPwd=>$pwd,pSessionId=>$session,pService_Code=>4130]); return parse_content($res->content); } sub parse_content{ my $content=shift; my %commands; my @attributes=split /&/,$content; foreach my $params(@attributes){ my (@param)=split /=/,$params; $commands{$param[0]}=$param[1]; } return(\%commands); } sub error_codes{ my $error=shift; if ($error==-1){ return "Closed session - Retry "; }elsif($error==-2){ return "Invalid session - Retry "; }elsif($error==-3){ return "Invalid password" ; }elsif($error==-103){ return "Invalid user"; }elsif($error==-422){ return "Invalid Parameter"; }elsif($error==-426){ return "User doesn’t have permission to send message"; }elsif($error==-700){ return "No permission"; }elsif($error==-801){ return " Msdisn count differs-warn administartor"; }elsif($error==-803){ return "Content count differs from XSER count"; }elsif($error==-1101){ return " Insufficient Credit Do not retry" ; }elsif($error==-1104){ return "Invalid Phone number"; }elsif($error==-10001){ return " Internal system error- Tell Turkcell/Telsim"; }elsif($error==-9005){ return " No messages to read"; }elsif ($error){ return "Unknow error no $error occured - tell Turkcell/Telsim"; } } sub parse_phone{ ## checks acceptable phone numbers ## Fix to accept Telsim when available (542 numbers) my $phone=shift; $phone=~s/^0//g; $phone=~s/ //g; my $length=length($phone); if ($length==10 || $length==12){ my $code=substr($phone,0,3) if $length==10; $code=substr($phone,0,5) if $length==12; if ($code=~/533/){ return $phone; }else{ return 0; } }else{ return 0; } } sub parse_message{ my $message=shift; $message=~s/ / /g; my @parsed=split / /,$message; return (@parsed); } sub write_sms{ my ($userid,$message,$phone)=@_; my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh; my $sth=$dbh->prepare("INSERT into sms_messages(userid,message,user_phone,date_received) values(?,?,?,now())"); $sth->execute($userid,$message,$phone); $sth->finish; return $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'}; } sub mod_sms{ my ($smsid,$message)=@_; my $dbh=C4::Context->dbh; my $sth=$dbh->prepare("UPDATE sms_messages set reply=? ,date_replied=now() where smsid=?"); $sth->execute($message,$smsid); $sth->finish; } sub kill_sms{ #end a session my $ua=shift; my $session=shift; my $res=$ua->post($uri,[cmd=>'KILLSESSION',pSessionId=>$session]); } 1; __END__