#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright PTFS Europe 2016 # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. use Modern::Perl; use DateTime; use DateTime::Duration; use Koha::Database; use Koha::Item::Transfer; use t::lib::TestBuilder; use Test::More tests => 8; my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; use_ok('Koha::StockRotationItems'); use_ok('Koha::StockRotationItem'); my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; subtest 'Basic object tests' => sub { plan tests => 5; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $itm = $builder->build({ source => 'Item' }); my $stage = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationstage' }); my $item = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem', value => { itemnumber_id => $itm->{itemnumber}, stage_id => $stage->{stage_id}, }, }); my $sritem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($item->{itemnumber_id}); isa_ok( $sritem, 'Koha::StockRotationItem', "Correctly create and load a stock rotation item." ); # Relationship to rota isa_ok( $sritem->itemnumber, 'Koha::Item', "Fetched related item." ); is( $sritem->itemnumber->itemnumber, $itm->{itemnumber}, "Related rota OK." ); # Relationship to stage isa_ok( $sritem->stage, 'Koha::StockRotationStage', "Fetched related stage." ); is( $sritem->stage->stage_id, $stage->{stage_id}, "Related stage OK." ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'Tests for needs_repatriating' => sub { plan tests => 4; $schema->storage->txn_begin; # Setup a pristine stockrotation context. my $sritem = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem' }); my $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id); $dbitem->itemnumber->holdingbranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id); $dbitem->stage->position(1); my $dbrota = $dbitem->stage->rota; my $newstage = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationstage', value => { rota_id => $dbrota->rota_id, position => 2, } }); # - homebranch == holdingbranch [0] is( $dbitem->needs_repatriating, 0, "Homebranch == Holdingbranch." ); my $branch = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' }); $dbitem->itemnumber->holdingbranch($branch->{branchcode}); # - homebranch != holdingbranch [1] is( $dbitem->needs_repatriating, 1, "Homebranch != holdingbranch." ); # Set to incorrect homebranch. $dbitem->itemnumber->holdingbranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id); $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch($branch->{branchcode}); # - homebranch != stockrotationstage.branch & not in transit [1] is( $dbitem->needs_repatriating, 1, "Homebranch != StockRotationStage.Branchcode_id & not in transit." ); # Set to in transit (by implication). $dbitem->stage($newstage->{stage_id}); # - homebranch != stockrotaitonstage.branch & in transit [0] is( $dbitem->needs_repatriating, 1, "homebranch != stockrotaitonstage.branch & in transit." ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest "Tests for repatriate." => sub { plan tests => 3; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $sritem = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem' }); my $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); $dbitem->stage->position(1); $dbitem->stage->duration(50); my $branch = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' }); $dbitem->itemnumber->holdingbranch($branch->{branchcode}); # Test a straight up repatriate ok($dbitem->repatriate, "Repatriation done."); my $intransfer = $dbitem->itemnumber->get_transfer; is($intransfer->frombranch, $branch->{branchcode}, "Origin correct."); is($intransfer->tobranch, $dbitem->stage->branchcode_id, "Target Correct."); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest "Tests for needs_advancing." => sub { plan tests => 6; $schema->storage->txn_begin; # Test behaviour of item freshly added to rota. my $sritem = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem', value => { 'fresh' => 1, }, }); my $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); is($dbitem->needs_advancing, 1, "An item that is fresh will always need advancing."); # Setup a pristine stockrotation context. $sritem = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem', value => { 'fresh' => 0,} }); $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id); $dbitem->itemnumber->holdingbranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id); $dbitem->stage->position(1); $dbitem->stage->duration(50); my $dbtransfer = Koha::Item::Transfer->new({ 'itemnumber' => $dbitem->itemnumber_id, 'frombranch' => $dbitem->stage->branchcode_id, 'tobranch' => $dbitem->stage->branchcode_id, 'datesent' => DateTime->now, 'datearrived' => undef, 'comments' => "StockrotationAdvance", })->store; # Test item will not be advanced if in transit. is($dbitem->needs_advancing, 0, "Not ready to advance: in transfer."); # Test item will not be advanced if in transit even if fresh. $dbitem->fresh(1)->store; is($dbitem->needs_advancing, 0, "Not ready to advance: in transfer (fresh)."); $dbitem->fresh(0)->store; # Test item will not be advanced if it has not spent enough time. $dbtransfer->datearrived(DateTime->now)->store; is($dbitem->needs_advancing, 0, "Not ready to advance: Not spent enough time."); # Test item will be advanced if it has not spent enough time, but is fresh. $dbitem->fresh(1)->store; is($dbitem->needs_advancing, 1, "Advance: Not spent enough time, but fresh."); $dbitem->fresh(0)->store; # Test item will be advanced if it has spent enough time. $dbtransfer->datesent( # Item was sent 100 days ago... DateTime->now - DateTime::Duration->new( days => 100 ) )->store; $dbtransfer->datearrived( # And arrived 75 days ago. DateTime->now - DateTime::Duration->new( days => 75 ) )->store; is($dbitem->needs_advancing, 1, "Ready to be advanced."); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest "Tests for advance." => sub { plan tests => 15; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $sritem = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem', value => { 'fresh' => 1 } }); my $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); $dbitem->itemnumber->holdingbranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id); my $dbstage = $dbitem->stage; $dbstage->position(1)->duration(50)->store; # Configure stage. # Configure item $dbitem->itemnumber->holdingbranch($dbstage->branchcode_id)->store; $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch($dbstage->branchcode_id)->store; # Sanity check is($dbitem->stage->stage_id, $dbstage->stage_id, "Stage sanity check."); # Test if an item is fresh, always move to first stage. is($dbitem->fresh, 1, "Fresh is correct."); $dbitem->advance; is($dbitem->stage->stage_id, $dbstage->stage_id, "Stage is first stage after fresh advance."); is($dbitem->fresh, 0, "Fresh reset after advance."); # Test cases of single stage $dbstage->rota->cyclical(1)->store; # Set Rota to cyclical. ok($dbitem->advance, "Single stage cyclical advance done."); ## Refetch dbitem $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); is($dbitem->stage->stage_id, $dbstage->stage_id, "Single stage cyclical stage OK."); # Test with indemand advance $dbitem->indemand(1)->store; ok($dbitem->advance, "Indemand item advance done."); ## Refetch dbitem $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); is($dbitem->indemand, 0, "Indemand OK."); is($dbitem->stage->stage_id, $dbstage->stage_id, "Indemand item advance stage OK."); # Multi stages my $srstage = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationstage', value => { duration => 50 } }); my $dbstage2 = Koha::StockRotationStages->find($srstage->{stage_id}); $dbstage2->move_to_group($dbitem->stage->rota_id); $dbstage2->move_last; # Test a straight up advance ok($dbitem->advance, "Advancement done."); ## Refetch dbitem $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); ## Test results is($dbitem->stage->stage_id, $dbstage2->stage_id, "Stage updated."); my $intransfer = $dbitem->itemnumber->get_transfer; is($intransfer->frombranch, $dbstage->branchcode_id, "Origin correct."); is($intransfer->tobranch, $dbstage2->branchcode_id, "Target Correct."); $dbstage->rota->cyclical(0)->store; # Set Rota to non-cyclical. # Arrive at new branch $intransfer->datearrived(DateTime->now)->store; $dbitem->itemnumber->holdingbranch($srstage->{branchcode_id})->store; $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch($srstage->{branchcode_id})->store; # Advance again, Remove from rota. ok($dbitem->advance, "Non-cyclical advance."); ## Refetch dbitem $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); is($dbitem, undef, "StockRotationItem has been removed."); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest "Tests for investigate (singular)." => sub { plan tests => 7; $schema->storage->txn_begin; # Test brand new item's investigation ['initiation'] my $sritem = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem', value => { fresh => 1 } }); my $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); is($dbitem->investigate->{reason}, 'initiation', "fresh item initiates."); # Test brand new item at stagebranch ['initiation'] $sritem = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem', value => { fresh => 1 } }); $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id)->store; $dbitem->itemnumber->holdingbranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id)->store; is($dbitem->investigate->{reason}, 'initiation', "fresh item at stagebranch initiates."); # Test item not at stagebranch with branchtransfer history ['repatriation'] $sritem = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem', value => { 'fresh' => 0,} }); $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); my $dbtransfer = Koha::Item::Transfer->new({ 'itemnumber' => $dbitem->itemnumber_id, 'frombranch' => $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch, 'tobranch' => $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch, 'datesent' => DateTime->now, 'datearrived' => DateTime->now, 'comments' => "StockrotationAdvance", })->store; is($dbitem->investigate->{reason}, 'repatriation', "older item repatriates."); # Test item at stagebranch with branchtransfer history ['not-ready'] $sritem = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem', value => { 'fresh' => 0,} }); $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); $dbtransfer = Koha::Item::Transfer->new({ 'itemnumber' => $dbitem->itemnumber_id, 'frombranch' => $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch, 'tobranch' => $dbitem->stage->branchcode_id, 'datesent' => DateTime->now, 'datearrived' => DateTime->now, 'comments' => "StockrotationAdvance", })->store; $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id)->store; $dbitem->itemnumber->holdingbranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id)->store; is($dbitem->investigate->{reason}, 'not-ready', "older item at stagebranch not-ready."); # Test item due for advancement ['advancement'] $sritem = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem', value => { fresh => 0 } }); $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); $dbitem->indemand(0)->store; $dbitem->stage->duration(50)->store; my $sent_duration = DateTime::Duration->new( days => 55); my $arrived_duration = DateTime::Duration->new( days => 52); $dbtransfer = Koha::Item::Transfer->new({ 'itemnumber' => $dbitem->itemnumber_id, 'frombranch' => $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch, 'tobranch' => $dbitem->stage->branchcode_id, 'datesent' => DateTime->now - $sent_duration, 'datearrived' => DateTime->now - $arrived_duration, 'comments' => "StockrotationAdvance", })->store; $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id)->store; $dbitem->itemnumber->holdingbranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id)->store; is($dbitem->investigate->{reason}, 'advancement', "Item ready for advancement."); # Test item due for advancement but in-demand ['in-demand'] $sritem = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem', value => { fresh => 0 } }); $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); $dbitem->indemand(1)->store; $dbitem->stage->duration(50)->store; $sent_duration = DateTime::Duration->new( days => 55); $arrived_duration = DateTime::Duration->new( days => 52); $dbtransfer = Koha::Item::Transfer->new({ 'itemnumber' => $dbitem->itemnumber_id, 'frombranch' => $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch, 'tobranch' => $dbitem->stage->branchcode_id, 'datesent' => DateTime->now - $sent_duration, 'datearrived' => DateTime->now - $arrived_duration, 'comments' => "StockrotationAdvance", })->store; $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id)->store; $dbitem->itemnumber->holdingbranch($dbitem->stage->branchcode_id)->store; is($dbitem->investigate->{reason}, 'in-demand', "Item advances, but in-demand."); # Test item ready for advancement, but at wrong library ['repatriation'] $sritem = $builder->build({ source => 'Stockrotationitem', value => { fresh => 0 } }); $dbitem = Koha::StockRotationItems->find($sritem->{itemnumber_id}); $dbitem->indemand(0)->store; $dbitem->stage->duration(50)->store; $sent_duration = DateTime::Duration->new( days => 55); $arrived_duration = DateTime::Duration->new( days => 52); $dbtransfer = Koha::Item::Transfer->new({ 'itemnumber' => $dbitem->itemnumber_id, 'frombranch' => $dbitem->itemnumber->homebranch, 'tobranch' => $dbitem->stage->branchcode_id, 'datesent' => DateTime->now - $sent_duration, 'datearrived' => DateTime->now - $arrived_duration, 'comments' => "StockrotationAdvance", })->store; is($dbitem->investigate->{reason}, 'repatriation', "Item advances, but not at stage branch."); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; 1;