(function () { // Bail if there aren't any metadata enrichment plugins installed if (typeof metadata_enrichment_services === 'undefined') { console.log('No metadata enrichment plugins found.') return; } window.addEventListener('load', onload); // Delay between API requests var debounceDelay = 1000; // Elements we work frequently with var textarea = document.getElementById("identifiers_input"); var nameInput = document.getElementById("name"); var cardnumberInput = document.getElementById("batchcardnumber"); var branchcodeSelect = document.getElementById("branchcode"); var processButton = document.getElementById("process_button"); var createButton = document.getElementById("button_create_batch"); var finishButton = document.getElementById("button_finish"); var batchItemsDisplay = document.getElementById("add_batch_items"); var createProgressTotal = document.getElementById("processed_total"); var createProgressCount = document.getElementById("processed_count"); var createProgressFailed = document.getElementById("processed_failed"); var createProgressBar = document.getElementById("processed_progress_bar"); var identifierTable = document.getElementById('identifier-table'); var createRequestsButton = document.getElementById('create-requests-button'); var statusesSelect = document.getElementById('status_code'); var cancelButton = document.getElementById('lhs').querySelector('button'); var cancelButtonOriginalText = cancelButton.innerHTML; // We need a data structure keyed on identifier type, which tells us how to parse that // identifier type and what services can get its metadata. We receive an array of // available services var supportedIdentifiers = {}; metadata_enrichment_services.forEach(function (service) { // Iterate the identifiers that this service supports Object.keys(service.identifiers_supported).forEach(function (idType) { if (!supportedIdentifiers[idType]) { supportedIdentifiers[idType] = []; } supportedIdentifiers[idType].push(service); }); }); // An object for when we're creating a new batch var emptyBatch = { name: '', backend: null, cardnumber: '', branchcode: '', status_code: 'NEW' }; // The object that holds the batch we're working with // It's a proxy so we can update portions of the UI // upon changes var batch = new Proxy( { data: {} }, { get: function (obj, prop) { return obj[prop]; }, set: function (obj, prop, value) { obj[prop] = value; manageBatchItemsDisplay(); updateBatchInputs(); disableCardnumberInput(); displayPatronName(); updateStatusesSelect(); } } ); // The object that holds the contents of the table // It's a proxy so we can make it automatically redraw the // table upon changes var tableContent = new Proxy( { data: [] }, { get: function (obj, prop) { return obj[prop]; }, set: function (obj, prop, value) { obj[prop] = value; updateTable(); updateRowCount(); updateProcessTotals(); } } ); // The object that holds the contents of the table // It's a proxy so we can update portions of the UI // upon changes var statuses = new Proxy( { data: [] }, { get: function (obj, prop) { return obj[prop]; }, set: function (obj, prop, value) { obj[prop] = value; updateStatusesSelect(); } } ); var progressTotals = new Proxy( { data: {} }, { get: function (obj, prop) { return obj[prop]; }, set: function (obj, prop, value) { obj[prop] = value; showCreateRequestsButton(); } } ); // Keep track of submission API calls that are in progress // so we don't duplicate them var submissionSent = {}; // Keep track of availability API calls that are in progress // so we don't duplicate them var availabilitySent = {}; // Are we updating an existing batch var isUpdate = false; // The datatable var table; var tableEl = document.getElementById('identifier-table'); // The element that potentially holds the ID of the batch // we're working with var idEl = document.getElementById('ill-batch-details'); var batchId = null; var backend = null; function onload() { $('#ill-batch-modal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () { init(); patronAutocomplete(); batchInputsEventListeners(); createButtonEventListener(); createRequestsButtonEventListener(); moreLessEventListener(); removeRowEventListener(); }); $('#ill-batch-modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function () { // Reset our state when we close the modal // TODO: need to also reset progress bar and already processed identifiers delete idEl.dataset.batchId; delete idEl.dataset.backend; batchId = null; tableEl.style.display = 'none'; tableContent.data = []; progressTotals.data = { total: 0, count: 0, failed: 0 }; textarea.value = ''; batch.data = {}; cancelButton.innerHTML = cancelButtonOriginalText; // Remove event listeners we created removeEventListeners(); }); }; function init() { batchId = idEl.dataset.batchId; backend = idEl.dataset.backend; emptyBatch.backend = backend; progressTotals.data = { total: 0, count: 0, failed: 0 }; if (batchId) { fetchBatch(); isUpdate = true; setModalHeading(); } else { batch.data = emptyBatch; setModalHeading(); } fetchStatuses(); finishButtonEventListener(); processButtonEventListener(); identifierTextareaEventListener(); displaySupportedIdentifiers(); createButtonEventListener(); updateRowCount(); }; function initPostCreate() { disableCreateButton(); cancelButton.innerHTML = ill_batch_create_cancel_button; }; function setFinishButton() { if (batch.data.patron) { finishButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); } }; function setModalHeading() { var heading = document.getElementById('ill-batch-modal-label'); heading.textContent = isUpdate ? ill_batch_update : ill_batch_add; } // Identify items that have metadata and therefore can have a local request // created, and do so function requestRequestable() { createRequestsButton.setAttribute('disabled', true); createRequestsButton.setAttribute('aria-disabled', true); setFinishButton(); var toCheck = tableContent.data; toCheck.forEach(function (row) { if ( !row.requestId && Object.keys(row.metadata).length > 0 && !submissionSent[row.value] ) { submissionSent[row.value] = 1; makeLocalSubmission(row.value, row.metadata); } }); }; async function populateAvailability(row) { let metadata = row.metadata; let availability_object = {}; if (metadata.issn) availability_object['issn'] = metadata.issn; if (metadata.doi) availability_object['doi'] = metadata.doi; if (metadata.pubmedid) availability_object['pubmedid'] = metadata.pubmedid; // Check each service and use the first results we get, if any var av_hits = []; for (const service of batch_availability_services){ var prepped = encodeURIComponent(base64EncodeUnicode(JSON.stringify(availability_object))); var endpoint = service.endpoint + prepped; var availability = await getAvailability(endpoint); if (availability.results.search_results && availability.results.search_results.length > 0) { av_hits.push({name: service.name, url: availability.results.search_results[0].url}); }else{ av_hits.push({ name: service.name, empty:1 }); } }; return av_hits; }; // Help btoa with > 8 bit strings // Shamelessly grabbed from: https://www.base64encoder.io/javascript/ function base64EncodeUnicode(str) { // First we escape the string using encodeURIComponent to get the UTF-8 encoding of the characters, // then we convert the percent encodings into raw bytes, and finally feed it to btoa() function. utf8Bytes = encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function(match, p1) { return String.fromCharCode('0x' + p1); }); return btoa(utf8Bytes); }; // Create a local submission and update our local state // upon success function makeLocalSubmission(identifier, metadata) { // Prepare extended_attributes in array format for POST var extended_attributes = []; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(metadata)) { extended_attributes.push({"type":key, "value":value}); } var payload = { ill_batch_id: batchId, ill_backend_id: batch.data.backend, patron_id: batch.data.patron.patron_id, library_id: batch.data.library_id, extended_attributes: extended_attributes }; window.doCreateSubmission(payload) .then(function (response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function (data) { tableContent.data = tableContent.data.map(function (row) { if (row.value === identifier) { row.requestId = data.ill_request_id; row.requestStatus = data.status; } return row; }); }) .catch(function () { window.handleApiError(ill_batch_api_request_fail); }); }; function updateProcessTotals() { var init = { total: 0, count: 0, failed: 0 }; progressTotals.data = init; var toUpdate = progressTotals.data; tableContent.data.forEach(function (row) { toUpdate.total++; if (Object.keys(row.metadata).length > 0 || row.failed.length > 0) { toUpdate.count++; } if (Object.keys(row.failed).length > 0) { toUpdate.failed++; } }); createProgressTotal.innerHTML = toUpdate.total; createProgressCount.innerHTML = toUpdate.count; createProgressFailed.innerHTML = toUpdate.failed; var percentDone = Math.ceil((toUpdate.count / toUpdate.total) * 100); createProgressBar.setAttribute('aria-valuenow', percentDone); createProgressBar.innerHTML = percentDone + '%'; createProgressBar.style.width = percentDone + '%'; progressTotals.data = toUpdate; }; function displayPatronName() { var span = document.getElementById('patron_link'); if (batch.data.patron) { var link = createPatronLink(); span.appendChild(link); } else { if (span.children.length > 0) { span.removeChild(span.firstChild); } } }; function updateStatusesSelect() { while (statusesSelect.options.length > 0) { statusesSelect.remove(0); } statuses.data.forEach(function (status) { var option = document.createElement('option') option.value = status.code; option.text = status.name; if (batch.data.ill_batch_id && batch.data.status_code === status.code) { option.selected = true; } statusesSelect.add(option); }); if (isUpdate) { statusesSelect.parentElement.style.display = 'block'; } }; function removeEventListeners() { textarea.removeEventListener('paste', processButtonState); textarea.removeEventListener('keyup', processButtonState); processButton.removeEventListener('click', processIdentifiers); nameInput.removeEventListener('keyup', createButtonState); cardnumberInput.removeEventListener('keyup', createButtonState); branchcodeSelect.removeEventListener('change', createButtonState); createButton.removeEventListener('click', createBatch); identifierTable.removeEventListener('click', toggleMetadata); identifierTable.removeEventListener('click', removeRow); createRequestsButton.remove('click', requestRequestable); }; function finishButtonEventListener() { finishButton.addEventListener('click', doFinish); }; function identifierTextareaEventListener() { textarea.addEventListener('paste', textareaUpdate); textarea.addEventListener('keyup', textareaUpdate); }; function processButtonEventListener() { processButton.addEventListener('click', processIdentifiers); }; function createRequestsButtonEventListener() { createRequestsButton.addEventListener('click', requestRequestable); }; function createButtonEventListener() { createButton.addEventListener('click', createBatch); }; function batchInputsEventListeners() { nameInput.addEventListener('keyup', createButtonState); cardnumberInput.addEventListener('keyup', createButtonState); branchcodeSelect.addEventListener('change', createButtonState); }; function moreLessEventListener() { identifierTable.addEventListener('click', toggleMetadata); }; function removeRowEventListener() { identifierTable.addEventListener('click', removeRow); }; function textareaUpdate() { processButtonState(); updateRowCount(); }; function processButtonState() { if (textarea.value.length > 0) { processButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); processButton.removeAttribute('aria-disabled'); } else { processButton.setAttribute('disabled', true); processButton.setAttribute('aria-disabled', true); } }; function disableCardnumberInput() { if (batch.data.patron) { cardnumberInput.setAttribute('disabled', true); cardnumberInput.setAttribute('aria-disabled', true); } else { cardnumberInput.removeAttribute('disabled'); cardnumberInput.removeAttribute('aria-disabled'); } }; function createButtonState() { if ( nameInput.value.length > 0 && cardnumberInput.value.length > 0 && branchcodeSelect.selectedOptions.length === 1 ) { createButton.removeAttribute('disabled'); createButton.setAttribute('display', 'inline-block'); } else { createButton.setAttribute('disabled', 1); createButton.setAttribute('display', 'none'); } }; function doFinish() { updateBatch() .then(function () { $('#ill-batch-modal').modal({ show: false }); location.href = '/cgi-bin/koha/ill/ill-requests.pl?batch_id=' + batch.data.ill_batch_id; }); }; // Get all batch statuses function fetchStatuses() { window.doApiRequest('/api/v1/ill/batchstatuses') .then(function (response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function (jsoned) { statuses.data = jsoned; }) .catch(function (e) { window.handleApiError(ill_batch_statuses_api_fail); }); }; // Get the batch function fetchBatch() { window.doBatchApiRequest("/" + batchId, { headers: { 'x-koha-embed': 'patron' } }) .then(function (response) { return response.json(); }) .then(function (jsoned) { batch.data = { ill_batch_id: jsoned.ill_batch_id, name: jsoned.name, backend: jsoned.backend, cardnumber: jsoned.cardnumber, library_id: jsoned.library_id, status_code: jsoned.status_code } return jsoned; }) .then(function (data) { batch.data = data; }) .catch(function () { window.handleApiError(ill_batch_api_fail); }); }; function createBatch() { var selectedBranchcode = branchcodeSelect.selectedOptions[0].value; var selectedStatuscode = statusesSelect.selectedOptions[0].value; return doBatchApiRequest('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'x-koha-embed': 'patron' }, body: JSON.stringify({ name: nameInput.value, backend: backend, cardnumber: cardnumberInput.value, library_id: selectedBranchcode, status_code: selectedStatuscode }) }) .then(function (response) { if ( response.ok ) { return response.json(); } return Promise.reject(response); }) .then(function (body) { batchId = body.ill_batch_id; batch.data = { ill_batch_id: body.ill_batch_id, name: body.name, backend: body.backend, cardnumber: body.patron.cardnumber, library_id: body.library_id, status_code: body.status_code, patron: body.patron, status: body.status }; initPostCreate(); }) .catch(function (response) { response.json().then((json) => { if( json.error ) { handleApiError(json.error); } else { handleApiError(ill_batch_create_api_fail); } }) }); }; function updateBatch() { var selectedBranchcode = branchcodeSelect.selectedOptions[0].value; var selectedStatuscode = statusesSelect.selectedOptions[0].value; return doBatchApiRequest('/' + batch.data.ill_batch_id, { method: 'PUT', headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ name: nameInput.value, backend: batch.data.backend, cardnumber: batch.data.patron.cardnumber, library_id: selectedBranchcode, status_code: selectedStatuscode }) }) .catch(function () { handleApiError(ill_batch_update_api_fail); }); }; function displaySupportedIdentifiers() { var names = Object.keys(supportedIdentifiers).map(function (identifier) { return window['ill_batch_' + identifier]; }); var displayEl = document.getElementById('supported_identifiers'); displayEl.textContent = names.length > 0 ? names.join(', ') : ill_batch_none; } function updateRowCount() { var textEl = document.getElementById('row_count_value'); var val = textarea.value.trim(); var cnt = 0; if (val.length > 0) { cnt = val.split(/\n/).length; } textEl.textContent = cnt; } function showProgress() { var el = document.getElementById('create-progress'); el.style.display = 'block'; } function showCreateRequestsButton() { var data = progressTotals.data; var el = document.getElementById('create-requests'); el.style.display = (data.total > 0 && data.count === data.total) ? 'flex' : 'none'; } async function processIdentifiers() { var content = textarea.value; hideErrors(); if (content.length === 0) return; disableProcessButton(); var label = document.getElementById('progress-label').firstChild; label.innerHTML = ill_batch_retrieving_metadata; showProgress(); // Errors encountered when processing var processErrors = {}; // Prepare the content, including trimming each row var contentArr = content.split(/\n/); var trimmed = contentArr.map(function (row) { return row.trim(); }); var parsed = []; trimmed.forEach(function (identifier) { var match = identifyIdentifier(identifier); // If this identifier is not identifiable or // looks like more than one type, we can't be sure // what it is if (match.length != 1) { parsed.push({ type: 'unknown', value: identifier }); } else { parsed.push(match[0]); } }); var unknownIdentifiers = parsed .filter(function (parse) { if (parse.type == 'unknown') { return parse; } }) .map(function (filtered) { return filtered.value; }); if (unknownIdentifiers.length > 0) { processErrors.badidentifiers = { element: 'badids', values: unknownIdentifiers.join(', ') }; }; // Deduping var deduped = []; var dupes = {}; parsed.forEach(function (row) { var value = row.value; var alreadyInDeduped = deduped.filter(function (d) { return d.value === value; }); if (alreadyInDeduped.length > 0 && !dupes[value]) { dupes[value] = 1; } else if (alreadyInDeduped.length === 0) { row.metadata = {}; row.failed = {}; row.availability_hits = {}; row.requestId = null; deduped.push(row); } }); // Update duplicate error if dupes were found if (Object.keys(dupes).length > 0) { processErrors.duplicates = { element: 'dupelist', values: Object.keys(dupes).join(', ') }; } // Display any errors displayErrors(processErrors); // Now build and display the table if (!table) { buildTable(); } // We may be appending new values to an existing table, // in which case, ensure we don't create duplicates var tabIdentifiers = tableContent.data.map(function (tabId) { return tabId.value; }); var notInTable = deduped.filter(function (ded) { if (!tabIdentifiers.includes(ded.value)) { return ded; } }); if (notInTable.length > 0) { tableContent.data = tableContent.data.concat(notInTable); } // Populate metadata for those records that need it var newData = tableContent.data; for (var i = 0; i < tableContent.data.length; i++) { var row = tableContent.data[i]; // Skip rows that don't need populating if ( Object.keys(tableContent.data[i].metadata).length > 0 || Object.keys(tableContent.data[i].failed).length > 0 ) continue; var identifier = { type: row.type, value: row.value }; try { var populated = await populateMetadata(identifier); row.metadata = populated.results.result || {}; } catch (e) { row.failed = ill_populate_failed; } if (ill_check_availability_syspref == 1){ try { var availability = await populateAvailability(row); row.availability_hits = availability || {}; } catch (e) { //do nothing } } newData[i] = row; tableContent.data = newData; } } function disableProcessButton() { processButton.setAttribute('disabled', true); processButton.setAttribute('aria-disabled', true); } function disableCreateButton() { createButton.setAttribute('disabled', true); createButton.setAttribute('aria-disabled', true); } async function populateMetadata(identifier) { // All services that support this identifier type var services = supportedIdentifiers[identifier.type]; // Check each service and use the first results we get, if any for (var i = 0; i < services.length; i++) { var service = services[i]; var endpoint = '/api/v1/contrib/' + service.api_namespace + service.search_endpoint + '?' + identifier.type + '=' + identifier.value; var metadata = await getMetadata(endpoint); if (metadata.errors.length === 0) { var parsed = await parseMetadata(metadata, service); if (parsed.errors.length > 0) { throw Error(metadata.errors.map(function (error) { return error.message; }).join(', ')); } return parsed; } } }; async function getAvailability(endpoint) { var response = await debounce(doApiRequest)(endpoint); return response.json(); }; async function getMetadata(endpoint) { var response = await debounce(doApiRequest)(endpoint); return response.json(); }; async function parseMetadata(metadata, service) { var endpoint = '/api/v1/contrib/' + service.api_namespace + service.ill_parse_endpoint; var response = await doApiRequest(endpoint, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify(metadata) }); return response.json(); } // A render function for identifier type function createIdentifierType(data) { return window['ill_batch_' + data]; }; // Get an item's title function getTitle(meta) { if (meta.article_title && meta.article_title.length > 0) { return 'article_title'; return { prop: 'article_title', value: meta.article_title }; } else if (meta.title && meta.title.length > 0) { return 'title'; return { prop: 'title', value: meta.title }; } }; // Create a metadata row function createMetadataRow(data, meta, prop) { if (!meta[prop]) return; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.classList.add('metadata-row'); var label = document.createElement('span'); label.classList.add('metadata-label'); label.innerText = ill_batch_metadata[prop] + ': '; // Add a link to the availability URL if appropriate var value = document.createElement('span'); value.classList.add('metadata-value'); value.innerText = meta[prop]; div.appendChild(label); div.appendChild(value); return div; } // A render function for displaying metadata function createMetadata(x, y, data) { // If the fetch failed if (data.failed.length > 0) { return data.failed; } // If we've not yet got any metadata back if (Object.keys(data.metadata).length === 0) { return ill_populate_waiting; } var core = ['doi', 'pmid', 'issn', 'title', 'year', 'issue', 'pages', 'publisher', 'article_title', 'article_author', 'volume']; var meta = data.metadata; var container = document.createElement('div'); container.classList.add('metadata-container'); // Create the title row var title = getTitle(meta); if (title) { // Remove the title element from the props // we're about to iterate core = core.filter(function (i) { return i !== title; }); var titleRow = createMetadataRow(data, meta, title); container.appendChild(titleRow); } var remainder = document.createElement('div'); remainder.classList.add('metadata-remainder'); remainder.style.display = 'none'; // Create the remaining rows core.sort().forEach(function (prop) { var div = createMetadataRow(data, meta, prop); if (div) { remainder.appendChild(div); } }); container.appendChild(remainder); // Add a more/less toggle var firstField = container.firstChild; var moreLess = document.createElement('div'); moreLess.classList.add('more-less'); var moreLessLink = document.createElement('a'); moreLessLink.setAttribute('href', '#'); moreLessLink.classList.add('more-less-link'); moreLessLink.innerText = ' [' + ill_batch_metadata_more + ']'; moreLess.appendChild(moreLessLink); firstField.appendChild(moreLess); return container.outerHTML; }; function removeRow(ev) { if (ev.target.className.includes('remove-row')) { if (!confirm(ill_batch_item_remove)) return; // Find the parent row var ancestor = ev.target.closest('tr'); var identifier = ancestor.querySelector('.identifier').innerText; tableContent.data = tableContent.data.filter(function (row) { return row.value !== identifier; }); } } function toggleMetadata(ev) { if (ev.target.className === 'more-less-link') { // Find the element we need to show var ancestor = ev.target.closest('.metadata-container'); var meta = ancestor.querySelector('.metadata-remainder'); // Display or hide based on its current state var display = window.getComputedStyle(meta).display; meta.style.display = display === 'block' ? 'none' : 'block'; // Update the More / Less text ev.target.innerText = ' [ ' + (display === 'none' ? ill_batch_metadata_less : ill_batch_metadata_more) + ' ]'; } } // A render function for the link to a request ID function createRequestId(x, y, data) { return data.requestId || '-'; } function createRequestStatus(x, y, data) { return data.requestStatus || '-'; } function createRequestAvailability(x, y, data) { // If the fetch failed if (data.failed.length > 0) { return data.failed; } if (Object.keys(data.availability_hits).length === 0){ return ill_populate_waiting; } let str = ''; let has_some = false; for (i = 0; i < data.availability_hits.length; i++) { if (!data.availability_hits[i].empty){ has_some = true; str += "
  • " + data.availability_hits[i].name + "
  • " } } if(!has_some){ str = ill_batch_none; } return str; }; function buildTable(identifiers) { table = KohaTable('identifier-table', { processing: true, deferRender: true, ordering: false, paging: false, searching: false, autoWidth: false, columns: [ { data: 'type', width: '13%', render: createIdentifierType }, { data: 'value', width: '25%', className: 'identifier' }, { data: 'metadata', render: createMetadata }, { data: 'requestId', width: '6.5%', render: createRequestId }, { data: 'requestStatus', width: '6.5%', render: createRequestStatus }, ...( ill_check_availability_syspref == 1 ? [{ data: '', width: '13%', render: createRequestAvailability, }] : [] ), { width: '6.5%', render: createActions, className: 'action-column noExport' } ], createdRow: function (row, data) { if (data.failed.length > 0) { row.classList.add('fetch-failed'); } } }); } function createActions(x, y, data) { return ''; } // Redraw the table function updateTable() { if (!table) return; tableEl.style.display = tableContent.data.length > 0 ? 'table' : 'none'; tableEl.style.width = '100%'; table.api() .clear() .rows.add(tableContent.data) .draw(); }; function identifyIdentifier(identifier) { var matches = []; // Iterate our available services to see if any can identify this identifier Object.keys(supportedIdentifiers).forEach(function (identifierType) { // Since all the services supporting this identifier type should use the same // regex to identify it, we can just use the first var service = supportedIdentifiers[identifierType][0]; var regex = new RegExp(service.identifiers_supported[identifierType].regex); var match = identifier.match(regex); if (match && match.groups && match.groups.identifier) { matches.push({ type: identifierType, value: match.groups.identifier }); } }); return matches; } function displayErrors(errors) { var keys = Object.keys(errors); if (keys.length > 0) { keys.forEach(function (key) { var el = document.getElementById(errors[key].element); el.textContent = errors[key].values; el.style.display = 'inline'; var container = document.getElementById(key); container.style.display = 'block'; }); var el = document.getElementById('textarea-errors'); el.style.display = 'flex'; } } function hideErrors() { var dupelist = document.getElementById('dupelist'); var badids = document.getElementById('badids'); dupelist.textContent = ''; dupelist.parentElement.style.display = 'none'; badids.textContent = ''; badids.parentElement.style.display = 'none'; var tae = document.getElementById('textarea-errors'); tae.style.display = 'none'; } function manageBatchItemsDisplay() { batchItemsDisplay.style.display = batch.data.ill_batch_id ? 'block' : 'none' }; function updateBatchInputs() { nameInput.value = batch.data.name || ''; cardnumberInput.value = batch.data.cardnumber || ''; branchcodeSelect.value = batch.data.library_id || ''; } function debounce(func) { var timeout; return function (...args) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(function () { return resolve(func(...args)); }, debounceDelay); }); } } function patronAutocomplete() { patron_autocomplete( $('#batch-form #batchcardnumber'), { 'on-select-callback': function( event, ui ) { $("#batch-form #batchcardnumber").val( ui.item.cardnumber ); return false; } } ); }; function createPatronLink() { if (!batch.data.patron) return; var patron = batch.data.patron; var a = document.createElement('a'); var href = '/cgi-bin/koha/members/moremember.pl?borrowernumber=' + patron.borrowernumber; var text = patron.surname + ' (' + patron.cardnumber + ')'; a.setAttribute('title', ill_borrower_details); a.setAttribute('href', href); a.textContent = text; return a; }; })();