[% USE Koha %] [% USE I18N %] [% USE Branches %] [% USE ExtendedAttributeTypes %] [% USE Categories %] [% USE raw %] [% USE Asset %] [% USE To %] [% USE AuthorisedValues %] [% SET search_results_block_id = 'searchresults' %] [% SET av_bsort1 = AuthorisedValues.Get('Bsort1') %] [% SET av_bsort2 = AuthorisedValues.Get('Bsort2') %] [%# Display a simple form %] [% BLOCK patron_search_filters_simple %]
[% END %] [%# Display a complex patron search form %] [%# - Search: input %] [%# You can then pass a list of filters %] [%# - branch: select library list %] [%# - category: select patron category list %] [%# - sort1: select patron sort1 field %] [%# - sort2: select patron sort2 field %] [%# - search_field: select patron field list %] [%# - search_type: select 'contains' or 'starts with' %] [%- searchtype = searchtype || Koha.Preference('DefaultPatronSearchMethod') -%] [% BLOCK patron_search_filters %] [% SET has_patron_search_filters_block = 1 %] [% END %] [%# Display the table with: %] [%# - At the top a hint about a possible filter %] [%# - Browse by last name %] [%# - The table %] [%# Get the following parameters: %] [%# - filter: can be 'suggestions_managers', 'orders_managers', 'funds_owners', 'funds_users' or 'erm_users' to filter patrons on their permissions %] [%# - table_id: the ID of the table %] [%# open_on_row_click: See patron_search_js %] [%# columns: See patron_search_js %] [% BLOCK patron_search_table %] [% UNLESS table_id %] [% SET table_id = "memberresultst" %] [% END %] [% IF filter == 'suggestions_managers' %]