package C4::Record; # # Copyright 2006 (C) LibLime # Parts copyright 2010 BibLibre # Part copyright 2015 Universidad de El Salvador # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; # please specify in which methods a given module is used use MARC::Record; # marc2marcxml, marcxml2marc, changeEncoding use MARC::File::XML; # marc2marcxml, marcxml2marc, changeEncoding use Biblio::EndnoteStyle; use Unicode::Normalize qw( NFC ); # _entity_encode use C4::Biblio qw( GetFrameworkCode ); use C4::Koha; #marc2csv use C4::XSLT; use YAML::XS; #marcrecords2csv use Encode; use Template; use Text::CSV::Encoded; #marc2csv use Koha::Items; use Koha::SimpleMARC qw( read_field ); use Koha::XSLT::Base; use Koha::CsvProfiles; use Koha::AuthorisedValues; use Carp qw( carp croak ); use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); @ISA = qw(Exporter); # only export API methods @EXPORT = qw( marc2endnote marc2marc marc2marcxml marcxml2marc marc2dcxml marc2modsxml marc2madsxml marc2bibtex marc2csv marcrecord2csv changeEncoding ); =head1 NAME C4::Record - MARC, MARCXML, DC, MODS, XML, etc. Record Management Functions and API =head1 SYNOPSIS New in Koha 3.x. This module handles all record-related management functions. =head1 API (EXPORTED FUNCTIONS) =head2 marc2marc - Convert from one flavour of ISO-2709 to another my ($error,$newmarc) = marc2marc($marc,$to_flavour,$from_flavour,$encoding); Returns an ISO-2709 scalar =cut sub marc2marc { my ($marc,$to_flavour,$from_flavour,$encoding) = @_; my $error; if ($to_flavour && $to_flavour =~ m/marcstd/) { my $marc_record_obj; if ($marc =~ /^MARC::Record/) { # it's already a MARC::Record object $marc_record_obj = $marc; } else { # it's not a MARC::Record object, make it one eval { $marc_record_obj = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($marc) }; # handle exceptions # conversion to MARC::Record object failed, populate $error if ($@) { $error .="\nCreation of MARC::Record object failed: ".$MARC::File::ERROR }; } unless ($error) { my @privatefields; foreach my $field ($marc_record_obj->fields()) { if ($field->tag() =~ m/9/ && ($field->tag() != '490' || C4::Context->preference("marcflavour") eq 'UNIMARC')) { push @privatefields, $field; } elsif (! ($field->is_control_field())) { $field->delete_subfield(code => '9') if ($field->subfield('9')); } } $marc_record_obj->delete_field($_) for @privatefields; $marc = $marc_record_obj->as_usmarc(); } } else { $error = "Feature not yet implemented\n"; } return ($error,$marc); } =head2 marc2marcxml - Convert from ISO-2709 to MARCXML my ($error,$marcxml) = marc2marcxml($marc,$encoding,$flavour); Returns a MARCXML scalar C<$marc> - an ISO-2709 scalar or MARC::Record object C<$encoding> - UTF-8 or MARC-8 [UTF-8] C<$flavour> - MARC21 or UNIMARC C<$dont_entity_encode> - a flag that instructs marc2marcxml not to entity encode the xml before returning (optional) =cut sub marc2marcxml { my ($marc,$encoding,$flavour,$dont_entity_encode) = @_; my $error; # the error string my $marcxml; # the final MARCXML scalar # test if it's already a MARC::Record object, if not, make it one my $marc_record_obj; if ($marc =~ /^MARC::Record/) { # it's already a MARC::Record object $marc_record_obj = $marc; } else { # it's not a MARC::Record object, make it one eval { $marc_record_obj = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($marc) }; # handle exceptions # conversion to MARC::Record object failed, populate $error if ($@) { $error .="\nCreation of MARC::Record object failed: ".$MARC::File::ERROR }; } # only proceed if no errors so far unless ($error) { # check the record for warnings my @warnings = $marc_record_obj->warnings(); if (@warnings) { warn "\nWarnings encountered while processing ISO-2709 record with title \"".$marc_record_obj->title()."\":\n"; foreach my $warn (@warnings) { warn "\t".$warn }; } unless($encoding) {$encoding = "UTF-8"}; # set default encoding unless($flavour) {$flavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour")}; # set default MARC flavour # attempt to convert the record to MARCXML eval { $marcxml = $marc_record_obj->as_xml_record($flavour) }; #handle exceptions # record creation failed, populate $error if ($@) { $error .= "Creation of MARCXML failed:".$MARC::File::ERROR; $error .= "Additional information:\n"; my @warnings = $@->warnings(); foreach my $warn (@warnings) { $error.=$warn."\n" }; # record creation was successful } else { # check the record for warning flags again (warnings() will be cleared already if there was an error, see above block @warnings = $marc_record_obj->warnings(); if (@warnings) { warn "\nWarnings encountered while processing ISO-2709 record with title \"".$marc_record_obj->title()."\":\n"; foreach my $warn (@warnings) { warn "\t".$warn }; } } # only proceed if no errors so far unless ($error) { # entity encode the XML unless instructed not to unless ($dont_entity_encode) { my ($marcxml_entity_encoded) = _entity_encode($marcxml); $marcxml = $marcxml_entity_encoded; } } } # return result to calling program return ($error,$marcxml); } =head2 marcxml2marc - Convert from MARCXML to ISO-2709 my ($error,$marc) = marcxml2marc($marcxml,$encoding,$flavour); Returns an ISO-2709 scalar C<$marcxml> - a MARCXML record C<$encoding> - UTF-8 or MARC-8 [UTF-8] C<$flavour> - MARC21 or UNIMARC =cut sub marcxml2marc { my ($marcxml,$encoding,$flavour) = @_; my $error; # the error string my $marc; # the final ISO-2709 scalar unless($encoding) {$encoding = "UTF-8"}; # set the default encoding unless($flavour) {$flavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour")}; # set the default MARC flavour # attempt to do the conversion eval { $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($marcxml,$encoding,$flavour) }; # handle exceptions # record creation failed, populate $error if ($@) {$error .="\nCreation of MARCXML Record failed: ".$@; $error.=$MARC::File::ERROR if ($MARC::File::ERROR); }; # return result to calling program return ($error,$marc); } =head2 marc2dcxml - Convert from ISO-2709 to Dublin Core my dcxml = marc2dcxml ($marc, $xml, $biblionumber, $format); EXAMPLE my dcxml = marc2dcxml (undef, undef, 1, "oaidc"); Convert MARC or MARCXML to Dublin Core metadata (XSLT Transformation), optionally can get an XML directly from biblio_metadata without item information. This method take into consideration the syspref 'marcflavour' (UNIMARC or MARC21). Return an XML file with the format defined in C<$format> C<$marc> - an ISO-2709 scalar or MARC::Record object C<$xml> - a MARCXML file C<$biblionumber> - biblionumber for database access C<$format> - accept three type of DC formats (oaidc, srwdc, and rdfdc ) =cut sub marc2dcxml { my ( $marc, $xml, $biblionumber, $format ) = @_; # global variables my ( $marcxml, $record, $output ); # set the default path for intranet xslts # differents xslts to process (OAIDC, SRWDC and RDFDC) my $xsl = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') . '/prog/en/xslt/' . C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') . 'slim2' . uc ( $format ) . '.xsl'; if ( defined $marc ) { # no need to catch errors or warnings marc2marcxml do it instead $marcxml = C4::Record::marc2marcxml( $marc ); } elsif ( not defined $xml and defined $biblionumber ) { # get MARCXML biblio directly without item information $marcxml = C4::Biblio::GetXmlBiblio( $biblionumber ); } else { $marcxml = $xml; } eval { $record = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $marcxml, 'UTF-8', C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') ); }; # conversion to MARC::Record object failed if ( $@ ) { croak "Creation of MARC::Record object failed."; } elsif ( $record->warnings() ) { carp "Warnings encountered while processing ISO-2709 record.\n"; my @warnings = $record->warnings(); foreach my $warn (@warnings) { carp "\t". $warn; }; } elsif ( $record =~ /^MARC::Record/ ) { # if OK makes xslt transformation my $xslt_engine = Koha::XSLT::Base->new; if ( $format =~ /^(dc|oaidc|srwdc|rdfdc)$/i ) { $output = $xslt_engine->transform( $marcxml, $xsl ); } else { croak "The format argument ($format) not accepted.\n" . "Please pass a valid format (oaidc, srwdc, or rdfdc)\n"; } my $err = $xslt_engine->err; # error code if ( $err ) { croak "Error $err while processing\n"; } else { return $output; } } } =head2 marc2modsxml - Convert from ISO-2709 to MODS my $modsxml = marc2modsxml($marc); Returns a MODS scalar =cut sub marc2modsxml { my ($marc) = @_; return _transformWithStylesheet($marc, "/prog/en/xslt/MARC21slim2MODS3-1.xsl"); } =head2 marc2madsxml - Convert from ISO-2709 to MADS my $madsxml = marc2madsxml($marc); Returns a MADS scalar =cut sub marc2madsxml { my ($marc) = @_; return _transformWithStylesheet($marc, "/prog/en/xslt/MARC21slim2MADS.xsl"); } =head2 _transformWithStylesheet - Transform a MARC record with a stylesheet my $xml = _transformWithStylesheet($marc, $stylesheet) Returns the XML scalar result of the transformation. $stylesheet should contain the path to a stylesheet under intrahtdocs. =cut sub _transformWithStylesheet { my ($marc, $stylesheet) = @_; # grab the XML, run it through our stylesheet, push it out to the browser my $xmlrecord = marc2marcxml($marc); my $xslfile = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') . $stylesheet; return C4::XSLT::engine->transform($xmlrecord, $xslfile); } sub marc2endnote { my ($marc) = @_; my $marc_rec_obj = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($marc); my ( $abstract, $f260a, $f710a ); my $f260 = $marc_rec_obj->field('260'); if ($f260) { $f260a = $f260->subfield('a') if $f260; } my $f710 = $marc_rec_obj->field('710'); if ($f710) { $f710a = $f710->subfield('a'); } my $f500 = $marc_rec_obj->field('500'); if ($f500) { $abstract = $f500->subfield('a'); } my $fields = { DB => C4::Context->preference("LibraryName"), Title => $marc_rec_obj->title(), Author => $marc_rec_obj->author(), Publisher => $f710a, City => $f260a, Year => $marc_rec_obj->publication_date, Abstract => $abstract, }; my $style = Biblio::EndnoteStyle->new(); my $template; $template.= "DB - DB\n" if C4::Context->preference("LibraryName"); $template.="T1 - Title\n" if $marc_rec_obj->title(); $template.="A1 - Author\n" if $marc_rec_obj->author(); $template.="PB - Publisher\n" if $f710a; $template.="CY - City\n" if $f260a; $template.="Y1 - Year\n" if $marc_rec_obj->publication_date; $template.="AB - Abstract\n" if $abstract; my ($text, $errmsg) = $style->format($template, $fields); return ($text); } =head2 marc2csv - Convert several records from UNIMARC to CSV my ($csv) = marc2csv($biblios, $csvprofileid, $itemnumbers); Pre and postprocessing can be done through a YAML file Returns a CSV scalar C<$biblio> - a list of biblionumbers C<$csvprofileid> - the id of the CSV profile to use for the export (see export_format.export_format_id) C<$itemnumbers> - a list of itemnumbers to export =cut sub marc2csv { my ($biblios, $id, $itemnumbers) = @_; $itemnumbers ||= []; my $output; my $csv = Text::CSV::Encoded->new(); # Getting yaml file my $configfile = "../tools/csv-profiles/$id.yaml"; my ($preprocess, $postprocess, $fieldprocessing); if (-e $configfile){ ($preprocess,$postprocess, $fieldprocessing) = YAML::XS::LoadFile($configfile); } # Preprocessing eval $preprocess if ($preprocess); ## no critic (StringyEval) my $firstpass = 1; if ( @$itemnumbers ) { for my $itemnumber ( @$itemnumbers) { my $item = Koha::Items->find( $itemnumber ); my $biblionumber = $item->biblio->biblionumber; $output .= marcrecord2csv( $biblionumber, $id, $firstpass, $csv, $fieldprocessing, [$itemnumber] ) // ''; $firstpass = 0; } } else { foreach my $biblio (@$biblios) { $output .= marcrecord2csv( $biblio, $id, $firstpass, $csv, $fieldprocessing ) // ''; $firstpass = 0; } } # Postprocessing eval $postprocess if ($postprocess); ## no critic (StringyEval) return $output; } =head2 marcrecord2csv - Convert a single record from UNIMARC to CSV my ($csv) = marcrecord2csv($biblio, $csvprofileid, $header); Returns a CSV scalar C<$biblio> - a biblionumber C<$csvprofileid> - the id of the CSV profile to use for the export (see export_format.export_format_id) C<$header> - true if the headers are to be printed (typically at first pass) C<$csv> - an already initialised Text::CSV object C<$fieldprocessing> C<$itemnumbers> a list of itemnumbers to export =cut sub marcrecord2csv { my ($biblionumber, $id, $header, $csv, $fieldprocessing, $itemnumbers) = @_; my $output; # Getting the record my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->find($biblionumber); return unless $biblio; my $record = eval { $biblio->metadata->record( { embed_items => 1, itemnumbers => $itemnumbers } ); }; return unless $record; # Getting the framework my $frameworkcode = $biblio->frameworkcode; # Getting information about the csv profile my $profile = Koha::CsvProfiles->find($id); # Getting output encoding my $encoding = $profile->encoding || 'utf8'; # Getting separators my $csvseparator = $profile->csv_separator || ','; my $fieldseparator = $profile->field_separator || '#'; my $subfieldseparator = $profile->subfield_separator || '|'; # TODO: Be more generic (in case we have to handle other protected chars or more separators) if ($csvseparator eq '\t') { $csvseparator = "\t" } if ($fieldseparator eq '\t') { $fieldseparator = "\t" } if ($subfieldseparator eq '\t') { $subfieldseparator = "\t" } if ($csvseparator eq '\n') { $csvseparator = "\n" } if ($fieldseparator eq '\n') { $fieldseparator = "\n" } if ($subfieldseparator eq '\n') { $subfieldseparator = "\n" } $csv = $csv->encoding_out($encoding) ; $csv->sep_char($csvseparator); # Getting the marcfields my $marcfieldslist = $profile->content; # Getting the marcfields as an array my @marcfieldsarray = split('\|', $marcfieldslist); # Separating the marcfields from the user-supplied headers my @csv_structures; foreach (@marcfieldsarray) { my @result = split('=', $_, 2); my $content = ( @result == 2 ) ? $result[1] : $result[0]; my @fields; while ( $content =~ m|(\d{3})\$?(.)?|g ) { my $fieldtag = $1; my $subfieldtag = $2; push @fields, { fieldtag => $fieldtag, subfieldtag => $subfieldtag }; } if ( @result == 2) { push @csv_structures, { header => $result[0], content => $content, fields => \@fields }; } else { push @csv_structures, { content => $content, fields => \@fields } } } my ( @marcfieldsheaders, @csv_rows ); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $field_list; for my $field ( $record->fields ) { my $fieldtag = $field->tag; my $values; if ( $field->is_control_field ) { $values = $field->data(); } else { $values->{indicator}{1} = $field->indicator(1); $values->{indicator}{2} = $field->indicator(2); for my $subfield ( $field->subfields ) { my $subfieldtag = $subfield->[0]; my $value = $subfield->[1]; push @{ $values->{$subfieldtag} }, $value; } } # We force the key as an integer (trick for 00X and OXX fields) push @{ $field_list->{fields}{0+$fieldtag} }, $values; } # For each field or subfield foreach my $csv_structure (@csv_structures) { my @field_values; my $tags = $csv_structure->{fields}; my $content = $csv_structure->{content}; if ( $header ) { # If we have a user-supplied header, we use it if ( exists $csv_structure->{header} ) { push @marcfieldsheaders, $csv_structure->{header}; } else { # If not, we get the matching tag name from koha my $tag = $tags->[0]; if (defined $tag->{subfieldtag} ) { my $query = "SELECT liblibrarian FROM marc_subfield_structure WHERE tagfield=? AND tagsubfield=?"; my @results = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $tag->{fieldtag}, $tag->{subfieldtag} ); push @marcfieldsheaders, $results[0]; } else { my $query = "SELECT liblibrarian FROM marc_tag_structure WHERE tagfield=?"; my @results = $dbh->selectrow_array( $query, {}, $tag->{fieldtag} ); push @marcfieldsheaders, $results[0]; } } } # TT tags exist if ( $content =~ m|\[\%.*\%\]| ) { my $tt = Template->new(); my $template = $content; # Replace 00X and 0XX with X or XX $content =~ s|fields.00(\d)|fields.$1|g; $content =~ s|fields.0(\d{2})|fields.$1|g; my $tt_output; $tt->process( \$content, $field_list, \$tt_output ); push @csv_rows, $tt_output; } else { for my $tag ( @$tags ) { my @fields = $record->field( $tag->{fieldtag} ); # If it is a subfield my @loop_values; if (defined $tag->{subfieldtag} ) { my $av_description_mapping = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_marc_field( { frameworkcode => $frameworkcode, tagfield => $tag->{fieldtag}, tagsubfield => $tag->{subfieldtag}, } ); # For each field foreach my $field (@fields) { my @subfields = $field->subfield( $tag->{subfieldtag} ); foreach my $subfield (@subfields) { push @loop_values, (defined $av_description_mapping->{$subfield}) ? $av_description_mapping->{$subfield} : $subfield; } } # Or a field } else { foreach my $field ( @fields ) { my $value; # If it is a control field if ($field->is_control_field) { my $authvalues = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_marc_field( { frameworkcode => $frameworkcode, tagfield => $tag->{fieldtag}, } ); $value = defined $authvalues->{$field->as_string} ? $authvalues->{$field->as_string} : $field->as_string; } else { # If it is a field, we gather all subfields, joined by the subfield separator my @subvaluesarray; my @subfields = $field->subfields; foreach my $subfield (@subfields) { my $authvalues = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_marc_field( { frameworkcode => $frameworkcode, tagfield => $tag->{fieldtag}, tagsubfield => $subfield->[0], } ); push (@subvaluesarray, defined $authvalues->{$subfield->[1]} ? $authvalues->{$subfield->[1]} : $subfield->[1]); } $value = join ($subfieldseparator, @subvaluesarray); } # Field processing my $marcfield = $tag->{fieldtag}; # This line fixes a retrocompatibility concern # The "processing" could be based on the $marcfield variable. eval $fieldprocessing if ($fieldprocessing); ## no critic (StringyEval) push @loop_values, $value; } } push @field_values, { fieldtag => $tag->{fieldtag}, subfieldtag => $tag->{subfieldtag}, values => \@loop_values, }; } for my $field_value ( @field_values ) { if ( $field_value->{subfieldtag} ) { push @csv_rows, join( $subfieldseparator, @{ $field_value->{values} } ); } else { push @csv_rows, join( $fieldseparator, @{ $field_value->{values} } ); } } } } if ( $header ) { $csv->combine(@marcfieldsheaders); $output = $csv->string() . "\n"; } $csv->combine(@csv_rows); $output .= $csv->string() . "\n"; return $output; } =head2 changeEncoding - Change the encoding of a record my ($error, $newrecord) = changeEncoding($record,$format,$flavour,$to_encoding,$from_encoding); Changes the encoding of a record C<$record> - the record itself can be in ISO-2709, a MARC::Record object, or MARCXML for now (required) C<$format> - MARC or MARCXML (required) C<$flavour> - MARC21 or UNIMARC, if MARC21, it will change the leader (optional) [defaults to Koha system preference] C<$to_encoding> - the encoding you want the record to end up in (optional) [UTF-8] C<$from_encoding> - the encoding the record is currently in (optional, it will probably be able to tell unless there's a problem with the record) FIXME: the from_encoding doesn't work yet FIXME: better handling for UNIMARC, it should allow management of 100 field FIXME: shouldn't have to convert to and from xml/marc just to change encoding someone needs to re-write MARC::Record's 'encoding' method to actually alter the encoding rather than just changing the leader =cut sub changeEncoding { my ($record,$format,$flavour,$to_encoding,$from_encoding) = @_; my $newrecord; my $error; unless($flavour) {$flavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour")}; unless($to_encoding) {$to_encoding = "UTF-8"}; # ISO-2709 Record (MARC21 or UNIMARC) if (lc($format) =~ /^marc$/o) { # if we're converting encoding of an ISO2709 file, we need to roundtrip through XML # because MARC::Record doesn't directly provide us with an encoding method # It's definitely less than idea and should be fixed eventually - kados my $marcxml; # temporary storage of MARCXML scalar ($error,$marcxml) = marc2marcxml($record,$to_encoding,$flavour); unless ($error) { ($error,$newrecord) = marcxml2marc($marcxml,$to_encoding,$flavour); } # MARCXML Record } elsif (lc($format) =~ /^marcxml$/o) { # MARCXML Record my $marc; ($error,$marc) = marcxml2marc($record,$to_encoding,$flavour); unless ($error) { ($error,$newrecord) = marc2marcxml($record,$to_encoding,$flavour); } } else { $error.="Unsupported record format:".$format; } return ($error,$newrecord); } =head2 marc2bibtex - Convert from MARC21 and UNIMARC to BibTex my ($bibtex) = marc2bibtex($record, $id); Returns a BibTex scalar C<$record> - a MARC::Record object C<$id> - an id for the BibTex record (might be the biblionumber) =cut sub marc2bibtex { my ($record, $id) = @_; my $tex; my $marcflavour = C4::Context->preference("marcflavour"); # Authors my $author; my @texauthors; my @authorFields = ('100','110','111','700','710','711'); @authorFields = ('700','701','702','710','711','721') if ( $marcflavour eq "UNIMARC" ); foreach my $field ( @authorFields ) { # author formatted surname, firstname my $texauthor = ''; if ( $marcflavour eq "UNIMARC" ) { $texauthor = join ', ', ( $record->subfield($field,"a"), $record->subfield($field,"b") ); } else { $texauthor = $record->subfield($field,"a"); } push @texauthors, $texauthor if $texauthor; } $author = join ' and ', @texauthors; # Defining the conversion array according to the marcflavour my @bh; if ( $marcflavour eq "UNIMARC" ) { # FIXME, TODO : handle repeatable fields # TODO : handle more types of documents # Unimarc to bibtex array @bh = ( # Mandatory author => $author, title => $record->subfield("200", "a") || "", editor => $record->subfield("210", "g") || "", publisher => $record->subfield("210", "c") || "", year => $record->subfield("210", "d") || $record->subfield("210", "h") || "", # Optional volume => $record->subfield("200", "v") || "", series => $record->subfield("225", "a") || "", address => $record->subfield("210", "a") || "", edition => $record->subfield("205", "a") || "", note => $record->subfield("300", "a") || "", url => $record->subfield("856", "u") || "" ); } else { # Marc21 to bibtex array @bh = ( # Mandatory author => $author, title => $record->subfield("245", "a") || "", editor => $record->subfield("260", "f") || "", publisher => $record->subfield("264", "b") || $record->subfield("260", "b") || "", year => $record->subfield("264", "c") || $record->subfield("260", "c") || $record->subfield("260", "g") || "", # Optional # unimarc to marc21 specification says not to convert 200$v to marc21 series => $record->subfield("490", "a") || "", address => $record->subfield("264", "a") || $record->subfield("260", "a") || "", edition => $record->subfield("250", "a") || "", note => $record->subfield("500", "a") || "", url => $record->subfield("856", "u") || "" ); } my $BibtexExportAdditionalFields = C4::Context->preference('BibtexExportAdditionalFields'); my $additional_fields; if ($BibtexExportAdditionalFields) { $BibtexExportAdditionalFields = "$BibtexExportAdditionalFields\n\n"; $additional_fields = eval { YAML::XS::Load(Encode::encode_utf8($BibtexExportAdditionalFields)); }; if ($@) { warn "Unable to parse BibtexExportAdditionalFields : $@"; $additional_fields = undef; } } if ( $additional_fields && $additional_fields->{'@'} ) { my ( $f, $sf ) = split( /\$/, $additional_fields->{'@'} ); my ( $type ) = read_field( { record => $record, field => $f, subfield => $sf, field_numbers => [1] } ); if ($type) { $tex .= '@' . $type . '{'; } else { $tex .= "\@book{"; } } else { $tex .= "\@book{"; } my @elt; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar( @bh ) ; $i = $i + 2 ) { next unless $bh[$i+1]; push @elt, qq|\t$bh[$i] = {$bh[$i+1]}|; } $tex .= join(",\n", $id, @elt); if ($additional_fields) { $tex .= ",\n"; foreach my $bibtex_tag ( keys %$additional_fields ) { next if $bibtex_tag eq '@'; my @fields = ref( $additional_fields->{$bibtex_tag} ) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $additional_fields->{$bibtex_tag} } : $additional_fields->{$bibtex_tag}; for my $tag (@fields) { my ( $f, $sf ) = split( /\$/, $tag ); my @values = read_field( { record => $record, field => $f, subfield => $sf } ); foreach my $v (@values) { $tex .= qq(\t$bibtex_tag = {$v}\n); } } } } else { $tex .= "\n"; } $tex .= "}\n"; return $tex; } =head1 INTERNAL FUNCTIONS =head2 _entity_encode - Entity-encode an array of strings my ($entity_encoded_string) = _entity_encode($string); or my (@entity_encoded_strings) = _entity_encode(@strings); Entity-encode an array of strings =cut sub _entity_encode { my @strings = @_; my @strings_entity_encoded; foreach my $string (@strings) { my $nfc_string = NFC($string); $nfc_string =~ s/([\x{0080}-\x{fffd}])/sprintf('&#x%X;',ord($1))/sgoe; push @strings_entity_encoded, $nfc_string; } return @strings_entity_encoded; } END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor) 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Joshua Ferraro =head1 MODIFICATIONS =cut