#!/usr/bin/perl #example script to print a basketgroup #written 07/11/08 by john.soros@biblibre.com and paul.poulain@biblibre.com # Copyright 2008-2009 BibLibre SARL # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #you can use any PDF::API2 module, all you need to do is return the stringifyed pdf object from the printpdf sub. package pdfformat::example; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT); use Number::Format qw(format_price); use strict; use warnings; use utf8; BEGIN { use Exporter (); our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS); # set the version for version checking $VERSION = 1.00; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(printpdf); } #be careful, all the sizes (height, width, etc...) are in mm, not PostScript points (the default measurment of PDF::API2). #The constants exported tranform that into PostScript points (/mm for milimeter, /in for inch, pt is postscript point, and as so is there only to show what is happening. use constant mm => 25.4 / 72; use constant in => 1 / 72; use constant pt => 1; use PDF::API2; #A4 paper specs my ($height, $width) = (297, 210); use PDF::Table; sub printorders { my ($pdf, $basketgroup, $baskets, $orders) = @_; my $cur_format = C4::Context->preference("CurrencyFormat"); my $num; if ( $cur_format eq 'FR' ) { $num = new Number::Format( 'decimal_fill' => '2', 'decimal_point' => ',', 'int_curr_symbol' => '', 'mon_thousands_sep' => ' ', 'thousands_sep' => ' ', 'mon_decimal_point' => ',' ); } else { # US by default.. $num = new Number::Format( 'int_curr_symbol' => '', 'mon_thousands_sep' => ',', 'mon_decimal_point' => '.' ); } $pdf->mediabox($height/mm, $width/mm); my $number = 3; for my $basket (@$baskets){ my $page = $pdf->page(); # print basket header (box) my $box = $page->gfx; $box->rectxy(($width - 10)/mm, ($height - 5)/mm, 10/mm, ($height - 25)/mm); $box->stroke; # $box->restore(); # create a text my $text = $page->text; # add basketgroup number $text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), 6/mm ); $text->translate(20/mm, ($height-15)/mm); $text->text("Commande N°".$basketgroup->{'id'}.". Panier N° ".$basket->{basketno}.". ".$basket->{booksellernote}); my $pdftable = new PDF::Table(); my $abaskets; my $arrbasket; my @keys = ('Document','Qté','Prix public TTC','Remise','Prix remisé HT','TVA', 'Total TTC'); for my $bkey (@keys) { push(@$arrbasket, $bkey); } push(@$abaskets, $arrbasket); # @{$orders->{$basket->{basketno}}}); foreach my $line (@{$orders->{$basket->{basketno}}}) { $arrbasket = undef; push(@$arrbasket, @$line[3]." / ".@$line[2].(@$line[0]?" ISBN : ".@$line[0]:'').(@$line[10]?" EN : ".@$line[10]:'').", ".@$line[1].(@$line[4]?' publié par '.@$line[4]:''), @$line[5],$num->format_price(@$line[6]),$num->format_price(@$line[8]).'%',$num->format_price(@$line[7]/(1+@$line[9]/100)),$num->format_price(@$line[9]).'%',$num->format_price($num->round(@$line[7])*@$line[5])); push(@$abaskets, $arrbasket); } $pdftable->table($pdf, $page, $abaskets, x => 10/mm, w => ($width - 20)/mm, start_y => 270/mm, next_y => 285/mm, start_h => 250/mm, next_h => 250/mm, padding => 5, padding_right => 5, background_color_odd => "lightgray", font => $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), font_size => 3/mm, header_props => { font => $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), font_size => 10, bg_color => 'gray', repeat => 1, }, column_props => [ { min_w => 100/mm, # Minimum column width. }, { justify => 'right', # One of left|right , }, { justify => 'right', # One of left|right , }, { justify => 'right', # One of left|right , }, { justify => 'right', # One of left|right , }, { justify => 'right', # One of left|right , }, { justify => 'right', # One of left|right , }, ], ); } $pdf->mediabox($width/mm, $height/mm); } sub printbaskets { my ($pdf, $basketgroup, $hbaskets, $bookseller, $GSTrate, $orders) = @_; my $cur_format = C4::Context->preference("CurrencyFormat"); my $num; if ( $cur_format eq 'FR' ) { $num = new Number::Format( 'decimal_fill' => '2', 'decimal_point' => ',', 'int_curr_symbol' => '', 'mon_thousands_sep' => ' ', 'thousands_sep' => ' ', 'mon_decimal_point' => ',' ); } else { # US by default.. $num = new Number::Format( 'int_curr_symbol' => '', 'mon_thousands_sep' => ',', 'mon_decimal_point' => '.' ); } $pdf->mediabox($width/mm, $height/mm); my $page = $pdf->openpage(2); # create a text my $text = $page->text; # add basketgroup number $text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), 6/mm ); $text->translate(($width-40)/mm, ($height-50)/mm); $text->text("".$basketgroup->{'id'}); my $pdftable = new PDF::Table(); my $abaskets; my $arrbasket; # header of the table my @keys = ('Lot', 'Panier (N°)', 'Prix public TTC', 'Remise', 'Prix remisé','taux TVA', 'Total HT','TVA', 'Total TTC'); for my $bkey (@keys) { push(@$arrbasket, $bkey); } my $grandtotal=0; my $grandgst=0; # calculate each basket total push(@$abaskets, $arrbasket); for my $basket (@$hbaskets) { $arrbasket = undef; my ($total, $gst, $totallist) = (0, 0, 0); my $ords = $orders->{$basket->{basketno}}; my $ordlength = @$ords; foreach my $ord (@$ords) { $total += @$ord[5] * @$ord[7]; $gst += (@$ord[5] * @$ord[7]) * $GSTrate/(1+$GSTrate); $totallist += @$ord[5]*@$ord[6]; } $total=$num->round($total); $gst=$num->round($gst); $grandtotal +=$total; $grandgst +=$gst; push(@$arrbasket, $basket->{contractname}, $basket->{basketname}.'(N°'.$basket->{basketno}.')',$num->format_price($totallist), $num->format_price($bookseller->{discount}).'%', $num->format_price($total), $num->format_price($GSTrate*100).'%', $num->format_price($total-$gst), $num->format_price($gst), $num->format_price($total)); push(@$abaskets, $arrbasket); } # now, push total undef $arrbasket; push @$arrbasket,'','','','Total',$num->format_price($grandtotal),'',$num->format_price($grandtotal-$grandgst), $num->format_price($grandgst),$num->format_price($grandtotal); push @$abaskets,$arrbasket; # height is width and width is height in this function, as the pdf is in landscape mode for the Tables. $pdftable->table($pdf, $page, $abaskets, x => 5/mm, w => ($width - 10)/mm, start_y => 230/mm, next_y => 230/mm, start_h => 230/mm, next_h => 230/mm, font => $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), font_size => 3/mm, padding => 5, padding_right => 10, background_color_odd => "lightgray", header_props => { bg_color => 'gray', repeat => 1, }, column_props => [ { }, { }, { justify => 'right', }, { justify => 'right', }, { justify => 'right', }, { justify => 'right', }, { justify => 'right', }, { justify => 'right', }, { justify => 'right', }, ], ); $pdf->mediabox($height/mm, $width/mm); } sub printhead { my ($pdf, $basketgroup, $bookseller, $branch) = @_; # open 1st page (with the header) my $page = $pdf->openpage(1); # create a text my $text = $page->text; # print order info, on the default PDF $text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), 8/mm ); $text->translate(100/mm, ($height-5-48)/mm); $text->text($basketgroup->{'id'}); # print the date my $today = C4::Dates->today(); $text->translate(130/mm, ($height-5-48)/mm); $text->text($today); # print bookseller infos $text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), 4/mm ); $text->translate(110/mm, ($height-170)/mm); $text->text($bookseller->{name}); $text->translate(110/mm, ($height-175)/mm); $text->text($bookseller->{postal}); $text->translate(110/mm, ($height-180)/mm); $text->text($bookseller->{address1}); $text->translate(110/mm, ($height-185)/mm); $text->text($bookseller->{address2}); $text->translate(110/mm, ($height-190)/mm); $text->text($bookseller->{address3}); } sub printfooters { my ($pdf) = @_; for (my $i=1;$i <= $pdf->pages;$i++) { my $page = $pdf->openpage($i); my $text = $page->text; $text->font( $pdf->corefont("Times", -encoding => "utf8"), 3/mm ); $text->translate(10/mm, 10/mm); $text->text("Page $i / ".$pdf->pages); } } sub printpdf { my ($basketgroup, $bookseller, $baskets, $branch, $orders, $GST) = @_; # open the default PDF that will be used for base (1st page already filled) my $pdf = PDF::API2->open('pdfformat/example.pdf'); $pdf->pageLabel( 0, { -style => 'roman', } ); # start with roman numbering # fill the 1st page (basketgroup information) printhead($pdf, $basketgroup, $bookseller, $branch); # fill the 2nd page (orders summary) printbaskets($pdf, $basketgroup, $baskets, $bookseller, $GST, $orders); # fill other pages (orders) printorders($pdf, $basketgroup, $baskets, $orders); # print something on each page (usually the footer, but you could also put a header printfooters($pdf); return $pdf->stringify; } 1;