#!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 91; use vars qw($debug $koha $dbh $config $ret); BEGIN { $debug = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0; diag("Note: The overall number of tests may vary by configuration."); diag("First we need to check your environmental variables"); for (qw(KOHA_CONF PERL5LIB)) { ok($ret = $ENV{$_}, "ENV{$_} = $ret"); } use_ok('C4::Context'); use_ok('C4::Utils', qw/ :all /); } ok($koha = C4::Context->new, 'C4::Context->new'); ok($dbh = C4::Context->dbh(), 'Getting dbh from C4::Context'); ok($ret = C4::Context->KOHAVERSION, ' (function) KOHAVERSION = ' . ($ret||'')); ok($ret = $koha->KOHAVERSION, ' $koha->KOHAVERSION = ' . ($ret||'')); my @keys = keys %$koha; diag("Number of keys in \%\$koha: " . scalar @keys); our $width = 0; if (ok(@keys)) { $width = maxwidth(@keys); $debug and diag "widest key is $width"; } foreach (sort @keys) { ok(exists $koha->{$_}, '$koha->{' . sprintf('%' . $width . 's', $_) . '} exists ' . ((defined $koha->{$_}) ? "and is defined." : "but is not defined.") ); } diag "Examining defined key values."; foreach (grep {defined $koha->{$_}} sort @keys) { print "\n"; hashdump('$koha->{' . sprintf('%' . $width . 's', $_) . '}', $koha->{$_}); } ok($config = $koha->{config}, 'Getting $koha->{config} '); # diag("Examining configuration."); diag("Note: The overall number of tests may vary by configuration. Disregard the projected number."); 1; __END__