#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; =head1 NAME install-code.pl =head1 USAGE Install templates and preferences for given language codes. For example: ./install-code fr-FR en-ES creates templates for languages: fr-FR and en-ES =cut sub install_code { my $code = shift; opendir(PO_DIR, "po") or die "Unable to open po directory"; my @po_files = grep { /^$code-i-opac|^$code-i-staff/ } readdir PO_DIR; closedir PO_DIR; foreach ( @po_files ) { my ($interface) = /(staff|opac)/; $interface =~ s/staff/intranet/; mkdir "../../koha-tmpl/$interface-tmpl/prog/$code"; print $_, " : ", $interface, "\n"; my $cmd = "./tmpl_process3.pl install -r " . "-i ../../koha-tmpl/$interface-tmpl/prog/en/ " . "-o ../../koha-tmpl/$interface-tmpl/prog/$code " . "-s po/$_"; system $cmd; } system "./pref-trans install $code"; } # Main install_code ( $_ ) foreach ( @ARGV );