package Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Search; # Copyright 2014 Catalyst IT # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. =head1 NAME Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Search - search functions for Elasticsearch =head1 SYNOPSIS my $searcher = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Search->new( { index => $index } ); my $builder = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::QueryBuilder->new( { index => $index } ); my $query = $builder->build_query('perl'); my $results = $searcher->search($query); print "There were " . $results->total . " results.\n"; $results->each(sub { push @hits, @_[0]; }); =head1 METHODS =cut use Modern::Perl; use base qw(Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch); use C4::Context; use Koha::ItemTypes; use Koha::AuthorisedValues; use Koha::SearchEngine::QueryBuilder; use MARC::Record; use Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch; use Data::Dumper; #TODO remove use Carp qw(cluck); Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Search->mk_accessors(qw( store )); =head2 search my $results = $searcher->search($query, $page, $count, %options); Run a search using the query. It'll return C<$count> results, starting at page C<$page> (C<$page> counts from 1, anything less that, or C becomes 1.) C<$count> is also the number of entries on a page. C<%options> is a hash containing extra options: =over 4 =item offset If provided, this overrides the C<$page> value, and specifies the record as an offset (i.e. the number of the record to start with), rather than a page. =back Returns =cut sub search { my ($self, $query, $page, $count, %options) = @_; my $params = $self->get_elasticsearch_params(); my %paging; # 20 is the default number of results per page $paging{limit} = $count || 20; # ES/Catmandu doesn't want pages, it wants a record to start from. if (exists $options{offset}) { $paging{start} = $options{offset}; } else { $page = (!defined($page) || ($page <= 0)) ? 0 : $page - 1; $paging{start} = $page * $paging{limit}; } $self->store( Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch->new( %$params, ) ) unless $self->store; my $results = eval { $self->store->bag->search( %$query, %paging ); }; if ($@) { die $self->process_error($@); } return $results; } =head2 count my $count = $searcher->count($query); This mimics a search request, but just gets the result count instead. That's faster than pulling all the data in, usually. =cut sub count { my ( $self, $query ) = @_; my $params = $self->get_elasticsearch_params(); $self->store( Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch->new( %$params, trace_calls => 0, ) ) unless $self->store; my $search = $self->store->bag->search( %$query); my $count = $search->total() || 0; return $count; } =head2 search_compat my ( $error, $results, $facets ) = $search->search_compat( $query, $simple_query, \@sort_by, \@servers, $results_per_page, $offset, $expanded_facet, $branches, $query_type, $scan ) A search interface somewhat compatible with LgetRecords>. Anything that is returned in the query created by build_query_compat will probably get ignored here, along with some other things (like C<@servers>.) =cut sub search_compat { my ( $self, $query, $simple_query, $sort_by, $servers, $results_per_page, $offset, $expanded_facet, $branches, $query_type, $scan ) = @_; my %options; $options{offset} = $offset; $options{expanded_facet} = $expanded_facet; my $results = $self->search($query, undef, $results_per_page, %options); # Convert each result into a MARC::Record my (@records, $index); $index = $offset; # opac-search expects results to be put in the # right place in the array, according to $offset $results->each(sub { # The results come in an array for some reason my $marc_json = $_[0]->{record}; my $marc = $self->json2marc($marc_json); $records[$index++] = $marc; }); # consumers of this expect a name-spaced result, we provide the default # configuration. my %result; $result{biblioserver}{hits} = $results->total; $result{biblioserver}{RECORDS} = \@records; return (undef, \%result, $self->_convert_facets($results->{aggregations}, $expanded_facet)); } =head2 search_auth_compat my ( $results, $total ) = $searcher->search_auth_compat( $query, $page, $count, %options ); This has a similar calling convention to L, however it returns its results in a form the same as L. =cut sub search_auth_compat { my $self = shift; # TODO handle paging my $database = Koha::Database->new(); my $schema = $database->schema(); my $res = $self->search(@_); my $bib_searcher = Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch::Search->new({index => 'biblios'}); my @records; $res->each( sub { my %result; my $record = $_[0]; my $marc_json = $record->{record}; # I wonder if these should be real values defined in the mapping # rather than hard-coded conversions. # Our results often come through as nested arrays, to fix this # requires changes in catmandu. my $authid = $record->{ 'Local-number' }[0][0]; $result{authid} = $authid; # TODO put all this info into the record at index time so we # don't have to go and sort it all out now. my $authtypecode = $record->{authtype}; my $rs = $schema->resultset('AuthType') ->search( { authtypecode => $authtypecode } ); # FIXME there's an assumption here that we will get a result. # the original code also makes an assumption that some provided # authtypecode may sometimes be used instead of the one stored # with the record. It's not documented why this is the case, so # it's not reproduced here yet. my $authtype = $rs->single; my $auth_tag_to_report = $authtype->auth_tag_to_report; my $marc = $self->json2marc($marc_json); my $mainentry = $marc->field($auth_tag_to_report); my $reported_tag; if ($mainentry) { foreach ( $mainentry->subfields() ) { $reported_tag .= '$' . $_->[0] . $_->[1]; } } # Turn the resultset into a hash my %authtype_cols; foreach my $col ($authtype->result_source->columns) { $authtype_cols{$col} = $authtype->get_column($col); } $result{authtype} = $authtype->authtypetext; $result{reported_tag} = $reported_tag; # Reimplementing BuildSummary is out of scope because it'll be hard $result{summary} = C4::AuthoritiesMarc::BuildSummary( $marc, $result{authid}, $authtypecode ); $result{used} = $self->count_auth_use($bib_searcher, $authid); push @records, \%result; } ); return ( \@records, $res->total ); } =head2 count_auth_use my $count = $auth_searcher->count_auth_use($bib_searcher, $authid); This runs a search to determine the number of records that reference the specified authid. C<$bib_searcher> must be something compatible with elasticsearch, as the query is built in this function. =cut sub count_auth_use { my ($self, $bib_searcher, $authid) = @_; my $query = { query => { bool => { # query => { match_all => {} }, filter => { term => { an => $authid } } } } }; $bib_searcher->count($query); } =head2 simple_search_compat my ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = $searcher->simple_search( $query, $offset, $max_results ); This is a simpler interface to the searching, intended to be similar enough to L. Arguments: =over 4 =item C<$query> A thing to search for. It could be a simple string, or something constructed with the appropriate QueryBuilder module. =item C<$offset> How many results to skip from the start of the results. =item C<$max_results> The max number of results to return. The default is 100 (because unlimited is a pretty terrible thing to do.) =back Returns: =over 4 =item C<$error> if something went wrong, this'll contain some kind of error message. =item C<$marcresults> an arrayref of MARC::Records (note that this is different from the L version which will return plain XML, but too bad.) =item C<$total_hits> the total number of results that this search could have returned. =back =cut sub simple_search_compat { my ($self, $query, $offset, $max_results) = @_; return ('No query entered', undef, undef) unless $query; my %options; $options{offset} = $offset // 0; $max_results //= 100; unless (ref $query) { # We'll push it through the query builder to sanitise everything. my $qb = Koha::SearchEngine::QueryBuilder->new({index => $self->index}); (undef,$query) = $qb->build_query_compat(undef, [$query]); } my $results = $self->search($query, undef, $max_results, %options); my @records; $results->each(sub { # The results come in an array for some reason my $marc_json = $_[0]->{record}; my $marc = $self->json2marc($marc_json); push @records, $marc; }); return (undef, \@records, $results->total); } =head2 json2marc my $marc = $self->json2marc($marc_json); Converts the form of marc (based on its JSON, but as a Perl structure) that Catmandu stores into a MARC::Record object. =cut sub json2marc { my ( $self, $marcjson ) = @_; my $marc = MARC::Record->new(); $marc->encoding('UTF-8'); # fields are like: # [ '245', '1', '2', 'a' => 'Title', 'b' => 'Subtitle' ] # or # [ '001', undef, undef, '_', 'a value' ] # conveniently, this is the form that MARC::Field->new() likes foreach my $field (@$marcjson) { next if @$field < 5; if ( $field->[0] eq 'LDR' ) { $marc->leader( $field->[4] ); } else { my $tag = $field->[0]; my $marc_field; if ( MARC::Field->is_controlfield_tag( $field->[0] ) ) { $marc_field = MARC::Field->new($field->[0], $field->[4]); } else { $marc_field = MARC::Field->new(@$field); } $marc->append_fields($marc_field); } } return $marc; } =head2 _convert_facets my $koha_facets = _convert_facets($es_facets, $expanded_facet); Converts elasticsearch facets types to the form that Koha expects. It expects the ES facet name to match the Koha type, for example C, C, C, etc. C<$expanded_facet> is the facet that we want to show FacetMaxCount entries for, rather than just 5 like normal. =cut sub _convert_facets { my ( $self, $es, $exp_facet ) = @_; return if !$es; # These should correspond to the ES field names, as opposed to the CCL # things that zebra uses. # TODO let the library define the order using the interface. my %type_to_label = ( author => { order => 1, label => 'Authors', }, itype => { order => 2, label => 'ItemTypes', }, location => { order => 3, label => 'Location', }, 'su-geo' => { order => 4, label => 'Places', }, se => { order => 5, label => 'Series', }, subject => { order => 6, label => 'Topics', }, ccode => { order => 7, label => 'CollectionCodes',}, holdingbranch => { order => 8, label => 'HoldingLibrary' }, homebranch => { order => 9, label => 'HomeLibrary' } ); # We also have some special cases, e.g. itypes that need to show the # value rather than the code. my @itypes = Koha::ItemTypes->search; my @libraries = Koha::Libraries->search; my $library_names = { map { $_->branchcode => $_->branchname } @libraries }; my @locations = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search( { category => 'LOC' } ); my $opac = C4::Context->interface eq 'opac' ; my %special = ( itype => { map { $_->itemtype => $_->description } @itypes }, location => { map { $_->authorised_value => ( $opac ? ( $_->lib_opac || $_->lib ) : $_->lib ) } @locations }, holdingbranch => $library_names, homebranch => $library_names ); my @facets; $exp_facet //= ''; while ( my ( $type, $data ) = each %$es ) { next if !exists( $type_to_label{$type} ); # We restrict to the most popular $limit !results my $limit = ( $type eq $exp_facet ) ? C4::Context->preference('FacetMaxCount') : 5; my $facet = { type_id => $type . '_id', expand => $type, expandable => ( $type ne $exp_facet ) && ( @{ $data->{buckets} } > $limit ), "type_label_$type_to_label{$type}{label}" => 1, type_link_value => $type, order => $type_to_label{$type}{order}, }; $limit = @{ $data->{buckets} } if ( $limit > @{ $data->{buckets} } ); foreach my $term ( @{ $data->{buckets} }[ 0 .. $limit - 1 ] ) { my $t = $term->{key}; my $c = $term->{doc_count}; my $label; if ( exists( $special{$type} ) ) { $label = $special{$type}->{$t} // $t; } else { $label = $t; } push @{ $facet->{facets} }, { facet_count => $c, facet_link_value => $t, facet_title_value => $t . " ($c)", facet_label_value => $label, # TODO either truncate this, # or make the template do it like it should anyway type_link_value => $type, }; } push @facets, $facet if exists $facet->{facets}; } @facets = sort { $a->{order} cmp $b->{order} } @facets; return \@facets; } 1;