#!/usr/bin/env perl use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 14; use C4::Acquisition qw( NewBasket GetBiblioCountByBasketno GetOrders GetOrder ReopenBasket ); use C4::Biblio qw( AddBiblio ); use C4::Budgets qw( AddBudget GetBudget ); use C4::Context; use Koha::Database; use Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers; use Koha::Acquisition::Orders; # Start transaction my $schema = Koha::Database->new()->schema(); $schema->storage->txn_begin(); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $dbh->do(q{ DELETE FROM aqorders; }); my $bookseller = Koha::Acquisition::Bookseller->new( { name => "my vendor", address1 => "bookseller's address", phone => "0123456", active => 1 } )->store; my $basketno = C4::Acquisition::NewBasket( $bookseller->id ); my $budget_period_id = C4::Budgets::AddBudgetPeriod( { budget_period_startdate => '2024-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2049-01-01', budget_period_active => 1, budget_period_description => "TEST PERIOD" } ); my $budgetid = C4::Budgets::AddBudget( { budget_code => "budget_code_test_close_reopen", budget_name => "budget_name_test_close_reopen", budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, } ); my $budget = C4::Budgets::GetBudget( $budgetid ); my ($biblionumber1, $biblioitemnumber1) = AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, ''); my ($biblionumber2, $biblioitemnumber2) = AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, ''); my $order1 = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new( { basketno => $basketno, quantity => 24, biblionumber => $biblionumber1, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, } )->store; my $ordernumber1 = $order1->ordernumber; my $order2 = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new( { basketno => $basketno, quantity => 42, biblionumber => $biblionumber2, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, } )->store; my $ordernumber2 = $order2->ordernumber; my $nb_biblio = C4::Acquisition::GetBiblioCountByBasketno( $basketno ); is ( $nb_biblio, 2, "There are 2 biblio for this basket" ); my @orders = C4::Acquisition::GetOrders( $basketno ); is( scalar(@orders), 2, "2 orders are created" ); is ( scalar( map { $_->{orderstatus} eq 'new' ? 1 : () } @orders ), 2, "2 orders are new before closing the basket" ); Koha::Acquisition::Baskets->find( $basketno )->close; @orders = C4::Acquisition::GetOrders( $basketno ); is ( scalar( map { $_->{orderstatus} eq 'ordered' ? 1 : () } @orders ), 2, "2 orders are ordered, the basket is closed" ); C4::Acquisition::ReopenBasket( $basketno ); @orders = C4::Acquisition::GetOrders( $basketno ); is ( scalar( map { $_->{orderstatus} eq 'ordered' ? 1 : () } @orders ), 0, "No order is ordered, the basket is reopened" ); is ( scalar( map { $_->{orderstatus} eq 'new' ? 1 : () } @orders ), 2, "2 orders are new, the basket is reopened" ); Koha::Acquisition::Orders->find($ordernumber1)->cancel; my ( $order ) = C4::Acquisition::GetOrders( $basketno, {cancelled => 1} ); is( $order->{ordernumber}, $ordernumber1, 'The order returned by GetOrders should have been the right one' ); is( $order->{orderstatus}, 'cancelled', 'cancelling the order should have set status to cancelled' ); Koha::Acquisition::Baskets->find( $basketno )->close; ( $order ) = C4::Acquisition::GetOrders( $basketno, {cancelled => 1} ); is( $order->{ordernumber}, $ordernumber1, 'The order returned by GetOrders should have been the right one' ); is( $order->{orderstatus}, 'cancelled', '$basket->close should not reset the status to ordered for cancelled orders' ); C4::Acquisition::ReopenBasket( $basketno ); ( $order ) = C4::Acquisition::GetOrders( $basketno, {cancelled => 1} ); is( $order->{ordernumber}, $ordernumber1, 'The expected order is cancelled, the basket is reopened' ); is( $order->{orderstatus}, 'cancelled', 'ReopenBasket should not reset the status for cancelled orders' ); ( $order ) = C4::Acquisition::GetOrders( $basketno, { cancelled => 0 } ); is ( $order->{ordernumber}, $ordernumber2, "The expect order is not cancelled, the basket is reopened" ); is ( $order->{orderstatus}, 'new', 'The expected order is new, the basket is reopened' ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback();