#!/usr/bin/perl use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 16; use Try::Tiny; use t::lib::TestBuilder; use Koha::Database; use C4::Context; use Koha::AuthorisedValue; use Koha::AuthorisedValues; use Koha::AuthorisedValueCategories; use Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures; my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; my @existing_categories = Koha::AuthorisedValues->new->categories; # insert Koha::AuthorisedValueCategory->new({ category_name => 'av_for_testing', is_system => 1 })->store; Koha::AuthorisedValueCategory->new({ category_name => 'aaav_for_testing' })->store; Koha::AuthorisedValueCategory->new({ category_name => 'restricted_for_testing' })->store; my $av1 = Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'av_for_testing', authorised_value => 'value 1', lib => 'display value 1', lib_opac => 'opac display value 1', imageurl => 'image1.png', } )->store(); my $av2 = Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'av_for_testing', authorised_value => 'value 2', lib => 'display value 2', lib_opac => 'opac display value 2', imageurl => 'image2.png', } )->store(); my $av3 = Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'av_for_testing', authorised_value => 'value 3', lib => 'display value 3', lib_opac => 'opac display value 3', imageurl => 'image2.png', } )->store(); my $av4 = Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'aaav_for_testing', authorised_value => 'value 4', lib => 'display value 4', lib_opac => 'opac display value 4', imageurl => 'image4.png', } )->store(); my $av_empty_string = Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'restricted_for_testing', authorised_value => undef, # Should have been defaulted to "" lib => 'display value undef', lib_opac => 'opac display value undef', } )->store(); my $av_0 = Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'restricted_for_testing', authorised_value => 0, lib => 'display value 0', lib_opac => 'opac display value 0', } )->store(); ok( $av1->id(), 'AV 1 is inserted' ); ok( $av2->id(), 'AV 2 is inserted' ); ok( $av3->id(), 'AV 3 is inserted' ); ok( $av4->id(), 'AV 4 is inserted' ); { # delete is_system AV categories try { Koha::AuthorisedValueCategories->find('av_for_testing')->delete } catch { ok( $_->isa('Koha::Exceptions::CannotDeleteDefault'), 'A system AV category cannot be deleted' ); }; try { Koha::AuthorisedValueCategories->search->delete } catch { ok( $_->isa('Koha::Exceptions::CannotDeleteDefault'), 'system AV categories cannot be deleted' ); }; } is( $av3->opac_description, 'opac display value 3', 'Got correction opac description if lib_opac is set' ); $av3->lib_opac(''); is( $av3->opac_description, 'display value 3', 'Got correction opac description if lib_opac is *not* set' ); my @authorised_values = Koha::AuthorisedValues->new()->search( { category => 'av_for_testing' } )->as_list; is( @authorised_values, 3, "Get correct number of values" ); my $branchcode1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{branchcode}; my $branchcode2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{branchcode}; $av1->add_library_limit( $branchcode1 ); @authorised_values = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search_with_library_limits( { category => 'av_for_testing' }, {}, $branchcode1 )->as_list; is( @authorised_values, 3, "Search including value with a branch limit ( branch can use the limited value ) gives correct number of results" ); @authorised_values = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search_with_library_limits( { category => 'av_for_testing' }, {}, $branchcode2 )->as_list; is( @authorised_values, 2, "Search including value with a branch limit ( branch *cannot* use the limited value ) gives correct number of results" ); $av1->del_library_limit( $branchcode1 ); @authorised_values = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search_with_library_limits( { category => 'av_for_testing' }, {}, $branchcode2 )->as_list; is( @authorised_values, 3, "Branch limitation deleted successfully" ); $av1->add_library_limit( $branchcode1 ); $av1->library_limits( [ $branchcode1, $branchcode2 ] ); my $limits = $av1->library_limits->as_list; is( @$limits, 2, 'library_limits functions correctly both as setter and getter' ); my @categories = Koha::AuthorisedValues->new->categories; is( @categories, @existing_categories+3, 'There should have 3 categories inserted' ); is_deeply( \@categories, [ sort { uc $a cmp uc $b } @categories ], 'categories must be ordered by category names' ); subtest 'search_by_*_field + find_by_koha_field + get_description + authorised_values' => sub { plan tests => 7; my $test_cat = Koha::AuthorisedValueCategories->find('TEST'); $test_cat->delete if $test_cat; my $mss = Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures->search( { tagfield => 952, tagsubfield => 'c', frameworkcode => '' } ); $mss->delete if $mss; $mss = Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures->search( { tagfield => 952, tagsubfield => 'c', frameworkcode => 'ACQ' } ); $mss->delete if $mss; $mss = Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures->search( { tagfield => 952, tagsubfield => 'd', frameworkcode => '' } ); $mss->delete if $mss; $mss = Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures->search( { tagfield => 952, tagsubfield => '5', frameworkcode => '' } ); $mss->delete if $mss; $mss = Koha::MarcSubfieldStructures->search( { tagfield => '003', frameworkcode => '' } ); $mss->delete if $mss; Koha::AuthorisedValueCategory->new( { category_name => 'TEST' } )->store; Koha::AuthorisedValueCategory->new( { category_name => 'CONTROL_TEST' } )->store; Koha::AuthorisedValueCategory->new( { category_name => 'ANOTHER_4_TESTS' } )->store; Koha::MarcSubfieldStructure->new( { tagfield => 952, tagsubfield => 'c', frameworkcode => '', authorised_value => 'TEST', kohafield => 'items.location' } )->store; Koha::MarcSubfieldStructure->new( { tagfield => 952, tagsubfield => 'c', frameworkcode => 'ACQ', authorised_value => 'TEST', kohafield => 'items.location' } )->store; Koha::MarcSubfieldStructure->new( { tagfield => 952, tagsubfield => 'd', frameworkcode => '', authorised_value => 'ANOTHER_4_TESTS', kohafield => 'items.another_field' } )->store; Koha::MarcSubfieldStructure->new( { tagfield => 952, tagsubfield => '5', frameworkcode => '', authorised_value => 'restricted_for_testing', kohafield => 'items.restricted' } )->store; Koha::MarcSubfieldStructure->new( { tagfield => '003', frameworkcode => '', authorised_value => 'CONTROL_TEST', } ) ->store; Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'TEST', authorised_value => 'location_1', lib => 'location_1' } )->store; Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'TEST', authorised_value => 'location_2', lib => 'location_2' } )->store; Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'TEST', authorised_value => 'location_3', lib => 'location_3' } )->store; Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'ANOTHER_4_TESTS', authorised_value => 'an_av' } )->store; Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'ANOTHER_4_TESTS', authorised_value => 'another_av' } )->store; Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'CONTROL_TEST', authorised_value => 'lib1', lib => 'lib1' } )->store; Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'CONTROL_TEST', authorised_value => 'lib2', lib => 'lib2' } )->store; subtest 'search_by_marc_field' => sub { plan tests => 4; my $avs; $avs = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search_by_marc_field(); is ( $avs, undef ); $avs = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search_by_marc_field({ frameworkcode => '' }); is ( $avs, undef ); $avs = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search_by_marc_field({ tagfield => 952, tagsubfield => 'c'}); is( $avs->count, 3, 'default fk'); is( $avs->next->authorised_value, 'location_1', ); }; subtest 'search_by_koha_field' => sub { plan tests => 3; my $avs; $avs = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search_by_koha_field(); is ( $avs, undef ); $avs = Koha::AuthorisedValues->search_by_koha_field( { kohafield => 'items.location' } ); is( $avs->count, 3, ); is( $avs->next->authorised_value, 'location_1', ); }; subtest 'find_by_koha_field' => sub { plan tests => 3; # Test authorised_value = 0 my $av; $av = Koha::AuthorisedValues->find_by_koha_field( { kohafield => 'items.restricted', authorised_value => 0 } ); is( $av->lib, $av_0->lib, ); # Test authorised_value = "" $av = Koha::AuthorisedValues->find_by_koha_field( { kohafield => 'items.restricted', authorised_value => '' } ); is( $av->lib, $av_empty_string->lib, ); # Test authorised_value = undef => we do not want to retrieve anything $av = Koha::AuthorisedValues->find_by_koha_field( { kohafield => 'items.restricted', authorised_value => undef } ); is( $av, undef, ); }; subtest 'get_description_by_koha_field' => sub { plan tests => 4; my $descriptions; # Test authorised_value = 0 $descriptions = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_description_by_koha_field( { kohafield => 'items.restricted', authorised_value => 0 } ); is_deeply( $descriptions, { lib => $av_0->lib, opac_description => $av_0->lib_opac }, ); # Test authorised_value = "" $descriptions = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_description_by_koha_field( { kohafield => 'items.restricted', authorised_value => '' } ); is_deeply( $descriptions, { lib => $av_empty_string->lib, opac_description => $av_empty_string->lib_opac }, ); # Test authorised_value = undef => we do not want to retrieve anything $descriptions = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_description_by_koha_field( { kohafield => 'items.restricted', authorised_value => undef } ); is_deeply( $descriptions, {}, ) ; # This could be arguable, we could return undef instead # No authorised_value $descriptions = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_description_by_koha_field( { kohafield => 'items.restricted', authorised_value => "does not exist" } ); is_deeply( $descriptions, {}, ) ; # This could be arguable, we could return undef instead }; subtest 'get_descriptions_by_koha_field' => sub { plan tests => 1; my @descriptions = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_koha_field( { kohafield => 'items.restricted' } ); is_deeply( \@descriptions, [ { authorised_value => $av_0->authorised_value, lib => $av_0->lib, opac_description => $av_0->lib_opac }, { authorised_value => '', lib => $av_empty_string->lib, opac_description => $av_empty_string->lib_opac } ], ); }; subtest 'get_descriptions_by_marc_field' => sub { plan tests => 4; my $control_descriptions = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_marc_field( { frameworkcode => '', tagfield => '003', } ); is_deeply( $control_descriptions, { 'lib1' => 'lib1', 'lib2' => 'lib2', }, ); my $control_descriptions_cached = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_marc_field( { frameworkcode => '', tagfield => '003', } ); is( "$control_descriptions", "$control_descriptions_cached", "Same memory address used proves cached control desc data" ); my $descriptions = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_marc_field( { frameworkcode => '', tagfield => '952', tagsubfield => 'c' } ); is_deeply( $descriptions, { 'location_1' => 'location_1', 'location_2' => 'location_2', 'location_3' => 'location_3', }, ); my $descriptions_cached = Koha::AuthorisedValues->get_descriptions_by_marc_field( { frameworkcode => '', tagfield => '952', tagsubfield => 'c' } ); is( "$descriptions", "$descriptions_cached", "Same memory address used proves cached desc data" ); }; subtest 'authorised_values' => sub { plan tests => 2; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $authorised_value_category = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::AuthorisedValueCategories', value => { category_name => 'test_avs' } } ); is( $authorised_value_category->authorised_values->count, 0, "no authorised values yet" ); my $av1 = Koha::AuthorisedValue->new( { category => 'test_avs', authorised_value => 'value 1', lib => 'display value 1', lib_opac => 'opac display value 1', imageurl => 'image1.png', } )->store(); is( $authorised_value_category->authorised_values->count, 1, "one authorised value" ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; }; $schema->storage->txn_rollback;