[% PROCESS 'i18n.inc' %]
[% USE raw %]
[% USE Asset %]
[% USE To %]
[% USE Koha %]
[% USE KohaDates %]
[% USE Branches %]
[% PROCESS 'member-main-address-style.inc' %]
[% PROCESS 'member-alt-address-style.inc' %]
[% PROCESS 'member-alt-contact-style.inc' %]
[% SET footerjs = 1 %]
[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %]
[% UNLESS blocking_error %]
[% IF ( opadd ) %]
Add patron
[% ELSIF ( opduplicate ) %]
Duplicate patron
[% ELSE %]
Modify patron
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'patron-title.inc' no_html = 1 %]
[% IF categoryname %]([% categoryname | html %])[% END %]
[% END %] › Patrons › Koha
[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'header.inc' %]
[% INCLUDE 'patron-search-header.inc' %]
[% IF borrower_data.messages %]
[% FOR message IN borrower_data.messages %]
[% SWITCH message.error %]
[% CASE 'error_on_insert_patron' %]
Something went wrong when creating the patron. Check the logs.
[% CASE 'error_on_update_patron' %]
Something went wrong when updating the patron. Check the logs.
[% CASE %]Unhandled error: [% message.error | html %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF ( opadd ) %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'blocking_errors.inc' %]
[% IF error_alert %]
[% IF ( error_alert == "no_email" ) %]
This member has no email
[% ELSE %]
[% error_alert | html %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF info_alert %]
Email has been sent.
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'noadd-warnings.inc' %]
[% UNLESS ( no_add ) %]
[% IF ( opadd ) %]
Add patron
[% ELSIF ( opduplicate ) %]
Duplicate patron
[% ELSE %]
Modify patron
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE 'patron-title.inc' %]
[% IF categoryname %]([% categoryname | html %])[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF ERROR_cardnumber_already_exists %]
Cardnumber already in use.
[% END %]
[% IF ERROR_cardnumber_length %]
Cardnumber length is incorrect.
[% END %]
[% IF ( ERROR_age_limitations ) %]
Patron's age is incorrect for their category.
Ages allowed are [% age_low | html %]-[% age_high | html %].
[% END %]
[% IF ( ERROR_branch ) %]
Library is invalid.
[% END %]
[% IF ( ERROR_dateofbirth ) %]
Date of birth is invalid.
[% END %]
[% IF ( ERROR_dateenrolled ) %]
Date of enrollment is invalid.
[% END %]
[% IF ( ERROR_dateexpiry ) %]
Date of expiration is invalid.
[% END %]
[% IF ( ERROR_password_too_short ) %]
Password must be at least [% minPasswordLength | html %] characters long.
[% END %]
[% IF ( ERROR_password_too_weak ) %]
Password must contain at least one digit, one lowercase and one uppercase.
[% END %]
[% IF ( ERROR_password_has_whitespaces ) %]
Password must not contain leading or trailing whitespaces.
[% END %]
[% IF ( ERROR_password_mismatch ) %]
Passwords do not match.
[% END %]
[% IF ( ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed ) %]
[% ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed_description | html %]: Attribute value "[% ERROR_extended_unique_id_failed_value | html %]" is already in use by another patron record.
[% END %]
[% IF ERROR_bad_email %]
The primary email is invalid.
[% END %]
[% IF ERROR_bad_email_secondary %]
The secondary email is invalid.
[% END %]
[% IF ERROR_bad_email_alternative %]
The alternative email is invalid.
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% SET fieldstohide = Koha.Preference('CollapseFieldsPatronAddForm') %]
[% IF Koha.Preference('CollapseFieldsPatronAddForm') %][% UNLESS step %]
Show collapsed fields:
[% FOREACH field IN fieldstohide.split(',') %]
[% SWITCH field %]
[% CASE 'identity' %] Patron identity |
[% CASE 'guarantor' %] Guarantor information |
[% CASE 'primary_address' %] Main address |
[% CASE 'primary_contact' %] Contact information |
[% CASE 'alt_address' %] Alternate address |
[% CASE 'alt_contact' %] Alternate contact |
[% CASE 'lib_mgmt' %] Library management |
[% CASE 'lib_setup' %] Library setup |
[% CASE 'login' %] OPAC/Staff interface login |
[% CASE 'flags' %] Patron account flags |
[% CASE 'debarments' %] Patron restrictions |
[% CASE 'housebound' %] Housebound roles |
[% CASE 'additional' %] Additional attributes and identifiers |
[% CASE 'messaging' %] Patron messaging preferences |
[% END %]
[% END %]