#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . =head1 NAME xgettext.pl - xgettext(1)-like interface for .tt strings extraction =cut use FindBin; use lib $FindBin::Bin; use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions ); use POSIX; use Locale::PO; use TmplTokenizer; use VerboseWarnings; use vars qw( $convert_from ); use vars qw( $files_from $directory $output $sort ); use vars qw( $extract_all_p ); use vars qw( $pedantic_p ); use vars qw( %text %translation ); use vars qw( $charset_in $charset_out ); use vars qw( $disable_fuzzy_p ); use vars qw( $verbose_p ); use vars qw( $po_mode_p ); our $OUTPUT; ############################################################################### sub string_negligible_p { my($t) = @_; # a string # Don't emit pure whitespace, pure numbers, pure punctuation, # single letters, or TMPL_VAR's. # Punctuation should arguably be translated. But without context # they are untranslatable. Note that $t is a string, not a token object. return !$extract_all_p && ( TmplTokenizer::blank_p($t) # blank or TMPL_VAR || $t =~ /^\d+$/ # purely digits || $t =~ /^[-\+\.,:;!\?'"%\(\)\[\]\|]+$/ # punctuation w/o context || $t =~ /^[A-Za-z]$/ # single letters || $t =~ /^(&[a-z]+;|&#\d+;|&#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;|%%|%s|\s|[[:punct:]])*$/ # html entities,placeholder,punct, ... || ( $t =~ /^\[\%.*\%\]$/ and $t !~ /\%\].*\[\%/ ) # pure TT entities || $t =~ /^\s*<\?.*\?>/ # ignore xml prolog ) } sub token_negligible_p { my ($x) = @_; my $t = $x->type; return !$extract_all_p && ( $t == C4::TmplTokenType::TEXT() ? string_negligible_p( $x->string ) : $t == C4::TmplTokenType::DIRECTIVE() ? 1 : $t == C4::TmplTokenType::TEXT_PARAMETRIZED() && join( '', map { my $t = $_->type; $t == C4::TmplTokenType::DIRECTIVE() ? '1' : $t == C4::TmplTokenType::TAG() ? '' : token_negligible_p($_) ? '' : '1' } @{ $x->children } ) eq '' ); } ############################################################################### sub remember { my($token, $string) = @_; # If we determine that the string is negligible, don't bother to remember unless (string_negligible_p( $string ) || token_negligible_p( $token )) { my $key = TmplTokenizer::string_canon( $string ); $text{$key} = [] unless defined $text{$key}; push @{$text{$key}}, $token; } } ############################################################################### sub string_list { my @t = keys %text; # The real gettext tools seems to sort case sensitively; I don't know why @t = sort { $a cmp $b } @t if $sort eq 's'; @t = sort { my @aa = sort { $a->pathname cmp $b->pathname || $a->line_number <=> $b->line_number } @{$text{$a}}; my @bb = sort { $a->pathname cmp $b->pathname || $a->line_number <=> $b->line_number } @{$text{$b}}; $aa[0]->pathname cmp $bb[0]->pathname || $aa[0]->line_number <=> $bb[0]->line_number; } @t if $sort eq 'F'; return @t; } ############################################################################### sub text_extract { my($h) = @_; for (;;) { my $s = TmplTokenizer::next_token($h); last unless defined $s; my($kind, $t, $attr) = ($s->type, $s->string, $s->attributes); if ($kind eq C4::TmplTokenType::TEXT) { if ($t =~ /\S/s && $t !~ /form =~ /\S/s && $s->form !~ /form ); } } elsif ($kind eq C4::TmplTokenType::TAG && %$attr) { # value [tag=input], meta my $tag; $tag = lc($1) if $t =~ /^<(\S+)/s; for my $a ('alt', 'content', 'title', 'value', 'label', 'placeholder', 'aria-label') { if ($attr->{$a}) { next if $a eq 'label' && $tag ne 'optgroup'; next if $a eq 'content' && $tag ne 'meta'; next if $a eq 'value' && ($tag ne 'input' || (ref $attr->{'type'} && $attr->{'type'}->[1] =~ /^(?:hidden|radio|checkbox)$/)); # FIXME my($key, $val, $val_orig, $order) = @{$attr->{$a}}; #FIXME $val = TmplTokenizer::trim($val); # for selected attributes replace '[%..%]' with '%s' globally if ( $a =~ /title|value|alt|content|placeholder|aria-label/ ) { $val =~ s/\[\%.*?\%\]/\%s/g; } # save attribute text for translation remember( $s, $val ) if $val =~ /\S/s; } } } elsif ($s->has_js_data) { for my $t (@{$s->js_data}) { remember( $s, $t->[3] ) if $t->[0]; # FIXME } } } } ############################################################################### sub generate_po_file { # We don't emit the Plural-Forms header; it's meaningless for us my $pot_charset = (defined $charset_out? $charset_out: 'CHARSET'); $pot_charset = TmplTokenizer::charset_canon($pot_charset); # Time stamps aren't exactly right semantically. I don't know how to fix it. my $time = POSIX::strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z', localtime(time)); my $time_pot = $time; my $time_po = $po_mode_p? $time: 'YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE'; print $OUTPUT <, YEAR. # EOF print $OUTPUT <\\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$pot_charset\\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n" EOF my $directory_re = quotemeta("$directory/"); for my $t ( keys %text ) { my @ordered_tokens = sort { $a->pathname cmp $b->pathname || $a->line_number cmp $b->line_number } @{$text{$t}}; my $token = $ordered_tokens[0]; if ( $token->type == C4::TmplTokenType::TEXT_PARAMETRIZED ) { my $n = 0; printf $OUTPUT "#. For the first occurrence,\n" if @{ $text{$t} } > 1 && $token->parameters_and_fields > 0; for my $param ( $token->parameters_and_fields ) { $n += 1; my $type = $param->type; my $subtype = ( $type == C4::TmplTokenType::TAG && $param->string =~ /^attributes->{'type'}->[1] : undef ); my $fmt = TmplTokenizer::_formalize($param); $fmt =~ s/^%/%$n\$/; if ( $type == C4::TmplTokenType::DIRECTIVE ) { # $type = "Template::Toolkit Directive"; $type = $param->string =~ /\[%(.*?)%\]/is ? $1 : 'ERROR'; my $name = $param->string =~ /\bname=(["']?)([^\s"']+)\1/is? $2: undef; printf $OUTPUT "#. %s: %s\n", $fmt, "$type" . ( defined $name ? " name=$name" : '' ); } else { my $name = $param->attributes->{'name'}; my $value; $value = $param->attributes->{'value'} unless $subtype =~ /^(?:text)$/; printf $OUTPUT "#. %s: %s\n", $fmt, "type=$subtype" . ( defined $name ? " name=$name->[1]" : '' ) . ( defined $value ? " value=$value->[1]" : '' ); } } } elsif ( $token->type == C4::TmplTokenType::TAG ) { printf $OUTPUT "#. For the first occurrence,\n" if @{ $text{$t} } > 1 && $token->parameters_and_fields > 0; if ( $token->string =~ /^attributes->{'http-equiv'}->[1]; print $OUTPUT "#. META http-equiv=$type\n" if defined $type; } elsif ( $token->string =~ /^<([a-z0-9]+)/is ) { my $tag = uc($1); my $type = ( lc($tag) eq 'input'? $token->attributes->{'type'}: undef ); my $name = $token->attributes->{'name'}; printf $OUTPUT "#. %s\n", $tag . (defined $type? " type=$type->[1]": '') . (defined $name? " name=$name->[1]": ''); } } elsif ( $token->has_js_data ) { printf $OUTPUT "#. For the first occurrence,\n" if @{ $text{$t} } > 1; printf $OUTPUT "#. SCRIPT\n"; } my $cformat_p; my $location = {}; for my $token ( @{ $text{$t} } ) { my $pathname = $token->pathname; $pathname =~ s/^$directory_re//os; $pathname =~ s/^.*\/koha-tmpl\/(.*)$/$1/; push @{ $location->{$pathname} }, $token->line_number if defined $pathname && defined $token->line_number; $cformat_p = 1 if $token->type == C4::TmplTokenType::TEXT_PARAMETRIZED; } for my $pathname ( sort keys %$location ) { for my $line_number ( @{ $location->{$pathname} } ) { printf $OUTPUT "#: %s:%d\n", $pathname, $line_number; } } printf $OUTPUT "#, c-format\n" if $cformat_p; my $msgid = TmplTokenizer::string_canon( TmplTokenizer::charset_convert( $t, $charset_in, $charset_out ) ); printf $OUTPUT "msgid %s\n", ( defined $msgid && length $msgid ? Locale::PO->quote($msgid) : q{""} ); printf $OUTPUT "msgstr %s\n\n", ( defined $translation{$t} ? Locale::PO->quote( $translation{$t} ) : q{""} ); } } ############################################################################### sub convert_translation_file { open(my $INPUT, '<:encoding(utf-8)', $convert_from) || die "$convert_from: $!\n"; VerboseWarnings::set_input_file_name($convert_from); while (<$INPUT>) { chomp; my($msgid, $msgstr) = split(/\t/); die "$convert_from: $.: Malformed tmpl_process input (no tab)\n" unless defined $msgstr; # Fixup some of the bad strings $msgid =~ s/^SELECTED>//; # Create dummy token my $token = TmplToken->new( $msgid, C4::TmplTokenType::UNKNOWN, undef, undef ); remember( $token, $msgid ); $msgstr =~ s/^(?:LIMIT;|LIMITED;)//g; # unneeded for tmpl_process3 $translation{$msgid} = $msgstr unless $msgstr eq '*****'; if ($msgid =~ /\bcharset=(["']?)([^;\s"']+)\1/s) { my $candidate = TmplTokenizer::charset_canon($2); die "Conflicting charsets in msgid: $candidate vs $charset_in\n" if defined $charset_in && $charset_in ne $candidate; $charset_in = $candidate; } if ($msgstr =~ /\bcharset=(["']?)([^;\s"']+)\1/s) { my $candidate = TmplTokenizer::charset_canon($2); die "Conflicting charsets in msgid: $candidate vs $charset_out\n" if defined $charset_out && $charset_out ne $candidate; $charset_out = $candidate; } } # The following assumption is correct; that's what HTML::Template assumes if (!defined $charset_in) { $charset_in = $charset_out = TmplTokenizer::charset_canon('utf-8'); warn "Warning: Can't determine original templates' charset, defaulting to $charset_in\n"; } } ############################################################################### sub usage { my($exitcode) = @_; my $h = $exitcode? *STDERR: *STDOUT; print $h < \$extract_all_p, 'charset=s' => sub { $charset_in = $charset_out = $_[1] }, # INTERNAL 'convert-from=s' => \$convert_from, 'D|directory=s' => \$directory, 'disable-fuzzy' => \$disable_fuzzy_p, # INTERNAL 'f|files-from=s' => \$files_from, 'I|input-charset=s' => \$charset_in, # INTERNAL 'pedantic-warnings|pedantic' => sub { $pedantic_p = 1 }, 'O|output-charset=s' => \$charset_out, # INTERNAL 'output|o=s' => \$output, 'po-mode' => \$po_mode_p, # INTERNAL 's|sort-output' => sub { $sort = 's' }, 'F|sort-by-file' => sub { $sort = 'F' }, 'v|verbose' => \$verbose_p, 'help' => sub { usage(0) }, ) || usage_error; VerboseWarnings::set_application_name($0); VerboseWarnings::set_pedantic_mode($pedantic_p); usage_error('Missing mandatory option -f') unless defined $files_from || defined $convert_from; $directory = '.' unless defined $directory; usage_error('You cannot specify both --convert-from and --files-from') if defined $convert_from && defined $files_from; if (defined $output && $output ne '-') { print STDERR "$0: Opening output file \"$output\"\n" if $verbose_p; open($OUTPUT, '>:encoding(utf-8)', $output) || die "$output: $!\n"; } else { print STDERR "$0: Outputting to STDOUT...\n" if $verbose_p; open($OUTPUT, q{>}, "&STDOUT"); } if (defined $files_from) { print STDERR "$0: Opening input file list \"$files_from\"\n" if $verbose_p; open(my $INPUT, '<:encoding(utf-8)', $files_from) || die "$files_from: $!\n"; while (<$INPUT>) { chomp; my $input = /^\//? $_: "$directory/$_"; my $h = TmplTokenizer->new( $input ); $h->set_allow_cformat( 1 ); VerboseWarnings::set_input_file_name($input); print STDERR "$0: Processing file \"$input\"\n" if $verbose_p; text_extract( $h ); } close $INPUT; } else { print STDERR "$0: Converting \"$convert_from\"\n" if $verbose_p; convert_translation_file; } generate_po_file; warn "This input will not work with Mozilla standards-compliant mode\n", undef if TmplTokenizer::syntaxerror_p; exit(-1) if TmplTokenizer::fatal_p; ############################################################################### =head1 DESCRIPTION This script has behaviour similar to xgettext(1), and generates gettext-compatible output files. A gettext-like format provides the following advantages: =over =item - Translation to non-English-like languages with different word order: gettext's c-format strings can theoretically be emulated if we are able to do some analysis on the .tt input and treat in a way similar to %s. =item - Context for the extracted strings: the gettext format provides the filenames and line numbers where each string can be found. The translator can read the source file and see the context, in case the string by itself can mean several different things. =item - Place for the translator to add comments about the translations. =item - Gettext-compatible tools, if any, might be usable if we adopt the gettext format. =back This script has already been in use for over a year and should be reasonable stable. Nevertheless, it is still somewhat experimental and there are still some issues. Please refer to the explanation in tmpl_process3 for further details. If you want to generate GNOME-style POTFILES.in files, such files (passed to -f) can be generated thus: (cd ../.. && find koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl/default/en \ -name \*.inc -o -name \*.tt) > opac/POTFILES.in (cd ../.. && find koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/default/en \ -name \*.inc -o -name \*.tt) > intranet/POTFILES.in This is, however, quite pointless, because the "create" and "update" actions have already been implemented in tmpl_process3.pl. =head2 Strings inside JavaScript In the SCRIPT elements, the script will attempt to scan for _("I") patterns, and extract the I as a translatable string. Note that the C-like _(...) notation is required. The JavaScript must actually define a _ function so that the code remains correct JavaScript. A suitable definition of such a function can be function _(s) { return s } // dummy function for gettext =head1 SEE ALSO tmpl_process3.pl, xgettext(1), Locale::PO(3), translator_doc.txt =head1 BUGS There probably are some. Bugs related to scanning of tags seem to be especially likely to be present. Its diagnostics are probably too verbose. When a within a JavaScript-related attribute is detected, the script currently displays no warnings at all. It might be good to display some kind of warning. Its sort order (-s option) seems to be different than the real xgettext(1)'s sort option. This will result in translation strings inside the generated PO file spuriously moving about when tmpl_process3.pl calls msgmerge(1) to update the PO file. If a Javascript string has leading spaces, it will generate strings with spurious leading spaces, leading to failure to match the strings when actually generating translated files. =cut