if (typeof KOHA == "undefined" || !KOHA) { var KOHA = {}; } /** * A namespace for OpenLibrary related functions. */ KOHA.OpenLibrary = { /** * Search all: *
* or *
* and run a search with all collected isbns to Open Library Book Search. * The result is asynchronously returned by OpenLibrary and catched by * olCallBack(). */ GetCoverFromIsbn: function() { var bibkeys = []; $("[id^=openlibrary-thumbnail]").each(function(i) { bibkeys.push("ISBN:" + $(this).attr("class")); // id=isbn }); bibkeys = bibkeys.join(','); var scriptElement = document.createElement("script"); scriptElement.setAttribute("id", "jsonScript"); scriptElement.setAttribute("src", "http://openlibrary.org/api/books?bibkeys=" + escape(bibkeys) + "&callback=KOHA.OpenLibrary.olCallBack&jscmd=data"); scriptElement.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(scriptElement); }, /** * Add cover pages
' + 'Preview
'); } else { img.src = book.cover.small; $(this).append(img); } } else { var message = document.createElement("span"); $(message).attr("class","no-image"); $(message).html(NO_OL_JACKET); $(this).append(message); } }); } } };