#!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use C4::Interface::CGI::Output; # use vars qw( @tests ); use vars qw( $loaded ); BEGIN { @tests = ( [ 'Normal HTML without meta tag', sub { guesscharset($_[0]) }, undef, <control case EOF ], [ 'Result of guesscharset with normal HTML with irrelevant meta tag', sub { guesscharset($_[0]) }, undef, < EOF ], [ 'Result of guesstype with normal HTML with irrelevant meta tag', sub { guesstype($_[0]) }, 'text/html', < EOF ], [ 'Result of guesscharset with normal HTML with relevant meta tag', sub { guesscharset($_[0]) }, 'big5', < EOF ], [ 'Result of guesstype with normal HTML with relevant meta tag', sub { guesstype($_[0]) }, 'text/html; charset=big5', < EOF ], [ 'Variant 1 using single quotes', sub { guesstype($_[0]) }, 'text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp', < EOF ], [ 'Variant 2 using single quotes', sub { guesstype($_[0]) }, 'text/html; charset=utf-8', < EOF ], [ 'Unquoted Content-Type', sub { guesstype($_[0]) }, 'text/html; charset=big5', < EOF ], [ 'XML syntax', sub { guesstype($_[0]) }, 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-2', < EOF ], [ 'Expected attributes in reverse order', sub { guesstype($_[0]) }, 'text/html; charset=big5', < EOF ], [ 'Extra whitespace at end', sub { guesstype($_[0]) }, 'text/html; charset=big5', < EOF ], [ 'Multiple lines', sub { guesstype($_[0]) }, 'text/html; charset=big5', < EOF ], [ # FIXME - THIS IS NOT A WELL-WRITTEN TEST CASE!!! 'With surrounding HTML', sub { guesstype($_[0]) }, 'text/html; charset=us-ascii', < Test case with surrounding HTML The return value should not be contaiminated with any surround HTML FIXME: Auth.pm returns in code that can contaminate the charset FIXME: if we do not explicitly disallow whitespace in the charset EOF ], ); } BEGIN { $| = 1; printf "1..%d\n", scalar(@tests); } END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;} $loaded = 1; # Run all tests in sequence for (my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @tests; $i += 1) { my $test = $tests[$i - 1]; my($title, $f, $expected, $input) = @$test; die "not ok $i (malformed test case)\n" unless @$test == 4 && ref $f eq 'CODE'; my $output = &$f($input); if ( (!defined $output && !defined $expected) || (defined $output && defined $expected && $output eq $expected) ) { print "ok $i - $title\n"; } else { print "not ok $i - $title: got ", (defined $output? "\"$output\"": 'undef'), ', expected ', (defined $expected? "\"$expected\"": 'undef'), "\n"; } }