#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright 2015 Koha Development team # # This file is part of Koha # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 124; use Test::Warn; # To be replaced by t::lib::Mock use Test::MockModule; use Koha::Database; use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir); my $temp_dir = tempdir('Koha_patrons_import_test_XXXX', CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1); use t::lib::Mocks; use t::lib::TestBuilder; my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; $schema->storage->txn_begin; # ########## Tests start here ############################# # Given ... we can use the module BEGIN { use_ok('Koha::Patrons::Import'); } my $patrons_import = new_ok('Koha::Patrons::Import'); subtest 'test_methods' => sub { plan tests => 1; # Given ... we can reach the method(s) my @methods = ('import_patrons', 'set_attribute_types', 'prepare_columns', 'set_column_keys', 'set_patron_attributes', 'check_branch_code', 'format_dates', ); can_ok('Koha::Patrons::Import', @methods); }; subtest 'test_attributes' => sub { plan tests => 1; my @attributes = ('today_iso', 'text_csv'); can_ok('Koha::Patrons::Import', @attributes); }; # Tests for Koha::Patrons::Import::import_patrons() # Given ... nothing much. When ... Then ... my $result; warning_is { $result = $patrons_import->import_patrons(undef) } { carped => 'No file handle passed in!' }, " Koha::Patrons::Import->import_patrons carps if no file handle is passed"; is($result, undef, 'Got the expected undef from import_patrons with nothing much'); # Given ... some params but no file handle. my $params_0 = { some_stuff => 'random stuff', }; # When ... Then ... my $result_0; warning_is { $result_0 = $patrons_import->import_patrons($params_0) } { carped => 'No file handle passed in!' }, " Koha::Patrons::Import->import_patrons carps if no file handle is passed"; is($result_0, undef, 'Got the expected undef from import_patrons with no file handle'); # Given ... a file handle to file with headers only. t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes', 0); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('dateformat', 'us'); my $csv_headers = 'cardnumber,surname,firstname,title,othernames,initials,streetnumber,streettype,address,address2,city,state,zipcode,country,email,phone,mobile,fax,dateofbirth,branchcode,categorycode,dateenrolled,dateexpiry,userid,password'; my $res_header = 'cardnumber, surname, firstname, title, othernames, initials, streetnumber, streettype, address, address2, city, state, zipcode, country, email, phone, mobile, fax, dateofbirth, branchcode, categorycode, dateenrolled, dateexpiry, userid, password'; my $csv_one_line = '1000,Nancy,Jenkins,Dr,,NJ,78,Circle,Bunting,El Paso,Henderson,Texas,79984,United States,ajenkins0@sourceforge.net,7-(388)559-6763,3-(373)151-4471,8-(509)286-4001,10/16/1965,CPL,PT,12/28/2014,07/01/2015,jjenkins0,DPQILy'; my $filename_1 = make_csv($temp_dir, $csv_headers, $csv_one_line); open(my $handle_1, "<", $filename_1) or die "cannot open < $filename_1: $!"; my $params_1 = { file => $handle_1, }; # When ... my $result_1 = $patrons_import->import_patrons($params_1); # Then ... is($result_1->{already_in_db}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 already_in_db from import_patrons with no matchpoint defined'); is(scalar @{$result_1->{errors}}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 size error array from import_patrons with no matchpoint defined'); is($result_1->{feedback}->[0]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 feedback from import_patrons with no matchpoint defined'); is($result_1->{feedback}->[0]->{name}, 'headerrow', 'Got the expected header row name from import_patrons with no matchpoint defined'); is($result_1->{feedback}->[0]->{value}, $res_header, 'Got the expected header row value from import_patrons with no matchpoint defined'); is($result_1->{feedback}->[1]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected second feedback from import_patrons with no matchpoint defined'); is($result_1->{feedback}->[1]->{name}, 'lastimported', 'Got the expected last imported name from import_patrons with no matchpoint defined'); like($result_1->{feedback}->[1]->{value}, qr/^Nancy \/ \d+/, 'Got the expected second header row value from import_patrons with no matchpoint defined'); is($result_1->{imported}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 imported result from import_patrons with no matchpoint defined'); is($result_1->{invalid}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 invalid result from import_patrons with no matchpoint defined'); is($result_1->{overwritten}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 overwritten result from import_patrons with no matchpoint defined'); # Given ... a valid file handle, a bad matchpoint resulting in invalid card number my $filename_2 = make_csv($temp_dir, $csv_headers, $csv_one_line); open(my $handle_2, "<", $filename_2) or die "cannot open < $filename_2: $!"; my $params_2 = { file => $handle_2, matchpoint => 'SHOW_BCODE', }; # When ... my $result_2 = $patrons_import->import_patrons($params_2); # Then ... is($result_2->{already_in_db}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 already_in_db from import_patrons with invalid card number'); is($result_2->{errors}->[0]->{borrowernumber}, undef, 'Got the expected undef borrower number from import patrons with invalid card number'); is($result_2->{errors}->[0]->{cardnumber}, 1000, 'Got the expected 1000 card number from import patrons with invalid card number'); is($result_2->{errors}->[0]->{invalid_cardnumber}, 1, 'Got the expected invalid card number from import patrons with invalid card number'); is($result_2->{feedback}->[0]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 feedback from import_patrons with invalid card number'); is($result_2->{feedback}->[0]->{name}, 'headerrow', 'Got the expected header row name from import_patrons with invalid card number'); is($result_2->{feedback}->[0]->{value}, $res_header, 'Got the expected header row value from import_patrons with invalid card number'); is($result_2->{imported}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 imported result from import_patrons with invalid card number'); is($result_2->{invalid}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 invalid result from import_patrons with invalid card number'); is($result_2->{overwritten}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 overwritten result from import_patrons with invalid card number'); # Given ... valid file handle, good matchpoint but same input as prior test. my $filename_3 = make_csv($temp_dir, $csv_headers, $csv_one_line); open(my $handle_3, "<", $filename_3) or die "cannot open < $filename_3: $!"; my $params_3 = { file => $handle_3, matchpoint => 'cardnumber', }; # When ... my $result_3 = $patrons_import->import_patrons($params_3); # Then ... is($result_3->{already_in_db}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 already_in_db from import_patrons with duplicate userid'); is($result_3->{errors}->[0]->{duplicate_userid}, 1, 'Got the expected duplicate userid error from import patrons with duplicate userid'); is($result_3->{errors}->[0]->{userid}, 'jjenkins0', 'Got the expected userid error from import patrons with duplicate userid'); is($result_3->{feedback}->[0]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 feedback from import_patrons with duplicate userid'); is($result_3->{feedback}->[0]->{name}, 'headerrow', 'Got the expected header row name from import_patrons with duplicate userid'); is($result_3->{feedback}->[0]->{value}, $res_header, 'Got the expected header row value from import_patrons with duplicate userid'); is($result_3->{imported}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 imported result from import_patrons with duplicate userid'); is($result_3->{invalid}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 invalid result from import_patrons with duplicate userid'); is($result_3->{overwritten}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 overwritten result from import_patrons with duplicate userid'); # Given ... a new input and mocked C4::Context t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes', 1); my $new_input_line = '1001,Donna,Sullivan,Mrs,Henry,DS,59,Court,Burrows,Reading,Salt Lake City,Pennsylvania,19605,United States,hsullivan1@purevolume.com,3-(864)009-3006,7-(291)885-8423,1-(879)095-5038,09/19/1970,LPL,PT,03/04/2015,07/01/2015,hsullivan1,8j6P6Dmap'; my $filename_4 = make_csv($temp_dir, $csv_headers, $new_input_line); open(my $handle_4, "<", $filename_4) or die "cannot open < $filename_4: $!"; my $params_4 = { file => $handle_4, matchpoint => 'SHOW_BCODE', }; # When ... my $result_4 = $patrons_import->import_patrons($params_4); # Then ... is($result_4->{already_in_db}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 already_in_db from import_patrons with extended user'); is(scalar @{$result_4->{errors}}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 size error array from import_patrons with extended user'); is($result_4->{feedback}->[0]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 feedback from import_patrons with extended user'); is($result_4->{feedback}->[0]->{name}, 'headerrow', 'Got the expected header row name from import_patrons with extended user'); is($result_4->{feedback}->[0]->{value}, $res_header, 'Got the expected header row value from import_patrons with extended user'); is($result_4->{feedback}->[1]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected second feedback from import_patrons with extended user'); is($result_4->{feedback}->[1]->{name}, 'attribute string', 'Got the expected attribute string from import_patrons with extended user'); is($result_4->{feedback}->[1]->{value}, '', 'Got the expected second feedback value from import_patrons with extended user'); is($result_4->{feedback}->[2]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected third feedback from import_patrons with extended user'); is($result_4->{feedback}->[2]->{name}, 'lastimported', 'Got the expected last imported name from import_patrons with extended user'); like($result_4->{feedback}->[2]->{value}, qr/^Donna \/ \d+/, 'Got the expected third feedback value from import_patrons with extended user'); is($result_4->{imported}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 imported result from import_patrons with extended user'); is($result_4->{invalid}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 invalid result from import_patrons with extended user'); is($result_4->{overwritten}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 overwritten result from import_patrons with extended user'); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('ExtendedPatronAttributes', 0); # Given ... 3 new inputs. One with no branch code, one with unexpected branch code. my $input_no_branch = '1002,Johnny,Reynolds,Mr,Patricia,JR,12,Hill,Kennedy,Saint Louis,Colorado Springs,Missouri,63131,United States,preynolds2@washington.edu,7-(925)314-9514,0-(315)973-8956,4-(510)556-2323,09/18/1967,,PT,05/07/2015,07/01/2015,preynolds2,K3HiDzl'; my $input_good_branch = '1003,Linda,Richardson,Mr,Kimberly,LR,90,Place,Bayside,Atlanta,Erie,Georgia,31190,United States,krichardson3@pcworld.com,8-(035)185-0387,4-(796)518-3676,3-(644)960-3789,04/13/1954,RPL,PT,06/06/2015,07/01/2015,krichardson3,P3EO0MVRPXbM'; my $input_na_branch = '1005,Ruth,Greene,Mr,Michael,RG,3,Avenue,Grim,Peoria,Jacksonville,Illinois,61614,United States,mgreene5@seesaa.net,3-(941)565-5752,1-(483)885-8138,4-(979)577-6908,02/09/1957,ZZZ,ST,04/02/2015,07/01/2015,mgreene5,or4ORT6JH'; my $filename_5 = make_csv($temp_dir, $csv_headers, $input_no_branch, $input_good_branch, $input_na_branch); open(my $handle_5, "<", $filename_5) or die "cannot open < $filename_5: $!"; my $params_5 = { file => $handle_5, matchpoint => 'cardnumber', }; # When ... my $result_5 = $patrons_import->import_patrons($params_5); # Then ... is($result_5->{already_in_db}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 already_in_db from import_patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{borrowernumber}, 'UNDEF', 'Got the expected undef borrower number error from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{key}, 'branchcode', 'Got the expected branch code key from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{line}, 2, 'Got the expected 2 line number error from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{lineraw}, $input_no_branch."\r\n", 'Got the expected lineraw error from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{surname}, 'Johnny', 'Got the expected surname error from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{borrowernumber}, 'UNDEF', 'Got the expected undef borrower number error from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{branch_map}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 branchmap error from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{key}, 'branchcode', 'Got the expected branch code key from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{line}, 4, 'Got the expected 4 line number error from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{lineraw}, $input_na_branch."\r\n", 'Got the expected lineraw error from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{surname}, 'Ruth', 'Got the expected surname error from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{value}, 'ZZZ', 'Got the expected ZZZ value error from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{feedback}->[0]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 feedback from import_patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{feedback}->[0]->{name}, 'headerrow', 'Got the expected header row name from import_patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{feedback}->[0]->{value}, $res_header, 'Got the expected header row value from import_patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{feedback}->[1]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 feedback from import_patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{feedback}->[1]->{name}, 'lastimported', 'Got the expected lastimported name from import_patrons for branch tests'); like($result_5->{feedback}->[1]->{value}, qr/^Linda \/ \d+/, 'Got the expected last imported value from import_patrons with for branch tests'); is($result_5->{imported}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 imported result from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{invalid}, 2, 'Got the expected 2 invalid result from import patrons for branch tests'); is($result_5->{overwritten}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 overwritten result from import patrons for branch tests'); # Given ... 3 new inputs. One with no category code, one with unexpected category code. my $input_no_category = '1006,Christina,Olson,Rev,Kimberly,CO,8,Avenue,Northridge,Lexington,Wilmington,Kentucky,40510,United States,kolson6@dropbox.com,7-(810)636-6048,1-(052)012-8984,8-(567)232-7818,03/26/1952,FFL,,09/07/2014,01/07/2015,kolson6,x5D3qGbLlptx'; my $input_good_category = '1007,Peter,Peters,Mrs,Lawrence,PP,6,Trail,South,Oklahoma City,Topeka,Oklahoma,73135,United States,lpeters7@bandcamp.com,5-(992)205-9318,0-(732)586-9365,3-(448)146-7936,08/16/1983,PVL,T,03/24/2015,07/01/2015,lpeters7,Z19BrQ4'; my $input_na_category = '1008,Emily,Richards,Ms,Judy,ER,73,Way,Kedzie,Fort Wayne,Phoenix,Indiana,46825,United States,jrichards8@arstechnica.com,5-(266)658-8957,3-(550)500-9107,7-(816)675-9822,08/09/1984,FFL,ZZ,11/09/2014,07/01/2015,jrichards8,D5PvU6H2R'; my $filename_6 = make_csv($temp_dir, $csv_headers, $input_no_category, $input_good_category, $input_na_category); open(my $handle_6, "<", $filename_6) or die "cannot open < $filename_6: $!"; my $params_6 = { file => $handle_6, matchpoint => 'cardnumber', }; # When ... my $result_6 = $patrons_import->import_patrons($params_6); # Then ... is($result_6->{already_in_db}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 already_in_db from import_patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{borrowernumber}, 'UNDEF', 'Got the expected undef borrower number error from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{key}, 'categorycode', 'Got the expected category code key from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{line}, 2, 'Got the expected 2 line number error from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{lineraw}, $input_no_category."\r\n", 'Got the expected lineraw error from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{surname}, 'Christina', 'Got the expected surname error from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{borrowernumber}, 'UNDEF', 'Got the expected undef borrower number error from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{category_map}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 category_map error from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{key}, 'categorycode', 'Got the expected category code key from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{line}, 4, 'Got the expected 4 line number error from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{lineraw}, $input_na_category."\r\n", 'Got the expected lineraw error from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{surname}, 'Emily', 'Got the expected surname error from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{errors}->[1]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{value}, 'ZZ', 'Got the expected ZZ value error from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{feedback}->[0]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 feedback from import_patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{feedback}->[0]->{name}, 'headerrow', 'Got the expected header row name from import_patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{feedback}->[0]->{value}, $res_header, 'Got the expected header row value from import_patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{feedback}->[1]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 feedback from import_patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{feedback}->[1]->{name}, 'lastimported', 'Got the expected lastimported name from import_patrons for category tests'); like($result_6->{feedback}->[1]->{value}, qr/^Peter \/ \d+/, 'Got the expected last imported value from import_patrons with for category tests'); is($result_6->{imported}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 imported result from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{invalid}, 2, 'Got the expected 2 invalid result from import patrons for category tests'); is($result_6->{overwritten}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 overwritten result from import patrons for category tests'); # Given ... 2 new inputs. One without dateofbirth, dateenrolled and dateexpiry values. my $input_complete = '1009,Christina,Harris,Dr,Philip,CH,99,Street,Grayhawk,Baton Rouge,Dallas,Louisiana,70810,United States,pharris9@hp.com,9-(317)603-5513,7-(005)062-7593,8-(349)134-1627,06/19/1969,IPT,PT,04/09/2015,07/01/2015,pharris9,NcAhcvvnB'; my $input_no_date = '1010,Ralph,Warren,Ms,Linda,RW,6,Way,Barby,Orlando,Albany,Florida,32803,United States,lwarrena@multiply.com,7-(579)753-7752,6-(847)086-7566,9-(122)729-8226,26/01/2001,LPL,T,25/01/2001,24/01/2001,lwarrena,tJ56RD4uV'; my $filename_7 = make_csv($temp_dir, $csv_headers, $input_complete, $input_no_date); open(my $handle_7, "<", $filename_7) or die "cannot open < $filename_7: $!"; my $params_7 = { file => $handle_7, matchpoint => 'cardnumber', }; # When ... my $result_7 = $patrons_import->import_patrons($params_7); # Then ... is($result_7->{already_in_db}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 already_in_db from import_patrons for dates tests'); is(scalar @{$result_7->{errors}}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 error array size from import_patrons for dates tests'); is(scalar @{$result_7->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}}, 3, 'Got the expected 3 missing critical errors from import_patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{bad_date}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 bad_date error from import patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{borrowernumber}, 'UNDEF', 'Got the expected undef borrower number error from import patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{key}, 'dateofbirth', 'Got the expected dateofbirth key from import patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{line}, 3, 'Got the expected 2 line number error from import patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{lineraw}, $input_no_date."\r\n", 'Got the expected lineraw error from import patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[0]->{surname}, 'Ralph', 'Got the expected surname error from import patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[1]->{key}, 'dateenrolled', 'Got the expected dateenrolled key from import patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{errors}->[0]->{missing_criticals}->[2]->{key}, 'dateexpiry', 'Got the expected dateexpiry key from import patrons for dates tests'); is(scalar @{$result_7->{feedback}}, 2, 'Got the expected 2 feedback from import patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{feedback}->[0]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 feedback from import_patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{feedback}->[0]->{name}, 'headerrow', 'Got the expected header row name from import_patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{feedback}->[0]->{value}, $res_header, 'Got the expected header row value from import_patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{feedback}->[1]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 feedback from import_patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{feedback}->[1]->{name}, 'lastimported', 'Got the expected lastimported from import_patrons for dates tests'); like($result_7->{feedback}->[1]->{value}, qr/^Christina \/ \d+/, 'Got the expected lastimported value from import_patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{imported}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 imported result from import patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{invalid}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 invalid result from import patrons for dates tests'); is($result_7->{overwritten}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 overwritten result from import patrons for dates tests'); subtest 'test_prepare_columns' => sub { plan tests => 16; # Given ... no header row my %csvkeycol_0; my @errors_0; # When ... my @csvcolumns_0 = $patrons_import->prepare_columns({headerrow => undef, keycol => \%csvkeycol_0, errors => \@errors_0, }); # Then ... is(scalar @csvcolumns_0, 0, 'Got the expected empty column array from prepare columns with no header row'); is(scalar @errors_0, 1, 'Got the expected 1 entry in error array from prepare columns with no header row'); is($errors_0[0]->{badheader}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 badheader from prepare columns with no header row'); is($errors_0[0]->{line}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 line from prepare columns with no header row'); is($errors_0[0]->{lineraw}, undef, 'Got the expected undef lineraw from prepare columns with no header row'); # Given ... a good header row with plenty of whitespaces my $headerrow_1 = 'a, b , c, , d'; my %csvkeycol_1; my @errors_1; # When ... my @csvcolumns_1 = $patrons_import->prepare_columns({headerrow => $headerrow_1, keycol => \%csvkeycol_1, errors => \@errors_1, }); # Then ... is(scalar @csvcolumns_1, 5, 'Got the expected 5 column array from prepare columns'); is($csvcolumns_1[0], 'a', 'Got the expected a header from prepare columns'); is($csvcolumns_1[1], 'b', 'Got the expected b header from prepare columns'); is($csvcolumns_1[2], 'c', 'Got the expected c header from prepare columns'); is($csvcolumns_1[3], '', 'Got the expected empty header from prepare columns'); is($csvcolumns_1[4], 'd', 'Got the expected d header from prepare columns'); is($csvkeycol_1{a}, 0, 'Got the expected 0 value for key a from prepare columns hash'); is($csvkeycol_1{b}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 value for key b from prepare columns hash'); is($csvkeycol_1{c}, 2, 'Got the expected 2 value for key c from prepare columns hash'); is($csvkeycol_1{''}, 3, 'Got the expected 3 value for empty string key from prepare columns hash'); is($csvkeycol_1{d}, 4, 'Got the expected 4 value for key d from prepare columns hash'); }; subtest 'test_set_column_keys' => sub { plan tests => 5; # Given ... nothing at all # When ... Then ... my $attr_type_0 = $patrons_import->set_attribute_types(undef); is($attr_type_0, undef, 'Got the expected undef attribute type from set attribute types with nothing'); # Given ... extended but not matchpoint my $params_1 = { extended => 1, matchpoint => undef, }; # When ... Then ... my $attr_type_1 = $patrons_import->set_attribute_types($params_1); is($attr_type_1, undef, 'Got the expected undef attribute type from set attribute types with no matchpoint'); # Given ... extended and unexpected matchpoint my $params_2 = { extended => 1, matchpoint => 'unexpected', }; # When ... Then ... my $attr_type_2 = $patrons_import->set_attribute_types($params_2); is($attr_type_2, undef, 'Got the expected undef attribute type from set attribute types with unexpected matchpoint'); # Given ... my $code_3 = 'SHOW_BCODE'; my $params_3 = { extended => 1, matchpoint => $code_3, }; # When ... my $attr_type_3 = $patrons_import->set_attribute_types($params_3); # Then ... isa_ok($attr_type_3, 'C4::Members::AttributeTypes'); is($attr_type_3->{code}, $code_3, 'Got the expected code attribute type from set attribute types'); }; subtest 'test_set_column_keys' => sub { plan tests => 2; my @columns = Koha::Patrons->columns; # Given ... nothing at all # When ... Then ... my @columnkeys_0 = $patrons_import->set_column_keys(undef); # -1 because we do not want the borrowernumber column is(scalar @columnkeys_0, @columns - 1, 'Got the expected array size from set column keys with undef extended'); # Given ... extended. my $extended = 1; # When ... Then ... my @columnkeys_1 = $patrons_import->set_column_keys($extended); is(scalar @columnkeys_1, @columns - 1 + $extended, 'Got the expected array size from set column keys with extended'); }; subtest 'test_set_patron_attributes' => sub { plan tests => 13; # Given ... nothing at all # When ... Then ... my $result_0 = $patrons_import->set_patron_attributes(undef, undef, undef); is($result_0, undef, 'Got the expected undef from set patron attributes with nothing'); # Given ... not extended. my $extended_1 = 0; # When ... Then ... my $result_1 = $patrons_import->set_patron_attributes($extended_1, undef, undef); is($result_1, undef, 'Got the expected undef from set patron attributes with not extended'); # Given ... NO patrons attributes my $extended_2 = 1; my $patron_attributes_2 = undef; my @feedback_2; # When ... my $result_2 = $patrons_import->set_patron_attributes($extended_2, $patron_attributes_2, \@feedback_2); # Then ... is($result_2, undef, 'Got the expected undef from set patron attributes with no patrons attributes'); is(scalar @feedback_2, 0, 'Got the expected 0 size feedback array from set patron attributes with no patrons attributes'); # Given ... some patrons attributes my $patron_attributes_3 = "homeroom:1150605,grade:01"; my @feedback_3; # When ... my $result_3 = $patrons_import->set_patron_attributes($extended_2, $patron_attributes_3, \@feedback_3); # Then ... ok($result_3, 'Got some data back from set patron attributes'); is($result_3->[0]->{code}, 'grade', 'Got the expected first code from set patron attributes'); is($result_3->[0]->{value}, '01', 'Got the expected first value from set patron attributes'); is($result_3->[1]->{code}, 'homeroom', 'Got the expected second code from set patron attributes'); is($result_3->[1]->{value}, 1150605, 'Got the expected second value from set patron attributes'); is(scalar @feedback_3, 1, 'Got the expected 1 array size from set patron attributes with extended user'); is($feedback_3[0]->{feedback}, 1, 'Got the expected second feedback from set patron attributes with extended user'); is($feedback_3[0]->{name}, 'attribute string', 'Got the expected attribute string from set patron attributes with extended user'); is($feedback_3[0]->{value}, 'homeroom:1150605,grade:01', 'Got the expected feedback value from set patron attributes with extended user'); }; subtest 'test_check_branch_code' => sub { plan tests => 11; # Given ... no branch code. my $borrowerline = 'some, line'; my $line_number = 78; my @missing_criticals = (); # When ... $patrons_import->check_branch_code(undef, $borrowerline, $line_number, \@missing_criticals); # Then ... is(scalar @missing_criticals, 1, 'Got the expected missing critical array size of 1 from check_branch_code with no branch code'); is($missing_criticals[0]->{key}, 'branchcode', 'Got the expected branchcode key from check_branch_code with no branch code'); is($missing_criticals[0]->{line}, $line_number, 'Got the expected line number from check_branch_code with no branch code'); is($missing_criticals[0]->{lineraw}, $borrowerline, 'Got the expected lineraw value from check_branch_code with no branch code'); # Given ... unknown branch code my $branchcode_1 = 'unexpected'; my $borrowerline_1 = 'some, line,'.$branchcode_1; my $line_number_1 = 79; my @missing_criticals_1 = (); # When ... $patrons_import->check_branch_code($branchcode_1, $borrowerline_1, $line_number_1, \@missing_criticals_1); # Then ... is(scalar @missing_criticals_1, 1, 'Got the expected missing critical array size of 1 from check_branch_code with unexpected branch code'); is($missing_criticals_1[0]->{branch_map}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 branch_map from check_branch_code with unexpected branch code'); is($missing_criticals_1[0]->{key}, 'branchcode', 'Got the expected branchcode key from check_branch_code with unexpected branch code'); is($missing_criticals_1[0]->{line}, $line_number_1, 'Got the expected line number from check_branch_code with unexpected branch code'); is($missing_criticals_1[0]->{lineraw}, $borrowerline_1, 'Got the expected lineraw value from check_branch_code with unexpected branch code'); is($missing_criticals_1[0]->{value}, $branchcode_1, 'Got the expected value from check_branch_code with unexpected branch code'); # Given ... a known branch code. Relies on database sample data my $branchcode_2 = 'FFL'; my $borrowerline_2 = 'some, line,'.$branchcode_2; my $line_number_2 = 80; my @missing_criticals_2 = (); # When ... $patrons_import->check_branch_code($branchcode_2, $borrowerline_2, $line_number_2, \@missing_criticals_2); # Then ... is(scalar @missing_criticals_2, 0, 'Got the expected missing critical array size of 0 from check_branch_code'); }; subtest 'test_check_borrower_category' => sub { plan tests => 11; # Given ... no category code. my $borrowerline = 'some, line'; my $line_number = 781; my @missing_criticals = (); # When ... $patrons_import->check_borrower_category(undef, $borrowerline, $line_number, \@missing_criticals); # Then ... is(scalar @missing_criticals, 1, 'Got the expected missing critical array size of 1 from check_branch_code with no category code'); is($missing_criticals[0]->{key}, 'categorycode', 'Got the expected categorycode key from check_branch_code with no category code'); is($missing_criticals[0]->{line}, $line_number, 'Got the expected line number from check_branch_code with no category code'); is($missing_criticals[0]->{lineraw}, $borrowerline, 'Got the expected lineraw value from check_branch_code with no category code'); # Given ... unknown category code my $categorycode_1 = 'unexpected'; my $borrowerline_1 = 'some, line, line, '.$categorycode_1; my $line_number_1 = 791; my @missing_criticals_1 = (); # When ... $patrons_import->check_borrower_category($categorycode_1, $borrowerline_1, $line_number_1, \@missing_criticals_1); # Then ... is(scalar @missing_criticals_1, 1, 'Got the expected missing critical array size of 1 from check_branch_code with unexpected category code'); is($missing_criticals_1[0]->{category_map}, 1, 'Got the expected 1 category_map from check_branch_code with unexpected category code'); is($missing_criticals_1[0]->{key}, 'categorycode', 'Got the expected branchcode key from check_branch_code with unexpected category code'); is($missing_criticals_1[0]->{line}, $line_number_1, 'Got the expected line number from check_branch_code with unexpected category code'); is($missing_criticals_1[0]->{lineraw}, $borrowerline_1, 'Got the expected lineraw value from check_branch_code with unexpected category code'); is($missing_criticals_1[0]->{value}, $categorycode_1, 'Got the expected value from check_branch_code with unexpected category code'); # Given ... a known category code. Relies on database sample data. my $categorycode_2 = 'T'; my $borrowerline_2 = 'some, line,'.$categorycode_2; my $line_number_2 = 801; my @missing_criticals_2 = (); # When ... $patrons_import->check_borrower_category($categorycode_2, $borrowerline_2, $line_number_2, \@missing_criticals_2); # Then ... is(scalar @missing_criticals_2, 0, 'Got the expected missing critical array size of 0 from check_branch_code'); }; subtest 'test_format_dates' => sub { plan tests => 22; # Given ... no borrower data. my $borrowerline = 'another line'; my $line_number = 987; my @missing_criticals = (); my %borrower; my $params = {borrower => \%borrower, lineraw => $borrowerline, line => $line_number, missing_criticals => \@missing_criticals, }; # When ... $patrons_import->format_dates($params); # Then ... ok( not(%borrower), 'Got the expected no borrower from format_dates with no dates'); is(scalar @missing_criticals, 0, 'Got the expected missing critical array size of 0 from format_dates with no dates'); # Given ... some good dates my @missing_criticals_1 = (); my $dateofbirth_1 = '2016-05-03'; my $dateenrolled_1 = '2016-05-04'; my $dateexpiry_1 = '2016-05-06'; my $borrower_1 = { dateofbirth => $dateofbirth_1, dateenrolled => $dateenrolled_1, dateexpiry => $dateexpiry_1, }; my $params_1 = {borrower => $borrower_1, lineraw => $borrowerline, line => $line_number, missing_criticals => \@missing_criticals_1, }; # When ... $patrons_import->format_dates($params_1); # Then ... is($borrower_1->{dateofbirth}, $dateofbirth_1, 'Got the expected date of birth from format_dates with good dates'); is($borrower_1->{dateenrolled}, $dateenrolled_1, 'Got the expected date of birth from format_dates with good dates'); is($borrower_1->{dateexpiry}, $dateexpiry_1, 'Got the expected date of birth from format_dates with good dates'); is(scalar @missing_criticals_1, 0, 'Got the expected missing critical array size of 0 from check_branch_code with good dates'); # Given ... some very bad dates my @missing_criticals_2 = (); my $dateofbirth_2 = '03-2016-05'; my $dateenrolled_2 = '04-2016-05'; my $dateexpiry_2 = '06-2016-05'; my $borrower_2 = { dateofbirth => $dateofbirth_2, dateenrolled => $dateenrolled_2, dateexpiry => $dateexpiry_2, }; my $params_2 = {borrower => $borrower_2, lineraw => $borrowerline, line => $line_number, missing_criticals => \@missing_criticals_2, }; # When ... $patrons_import->format_dates($params_2); # Then ... is($borrower_2->{dateofbirth}, '', 'Got the expected empty date of birth from format_dates with bad dates'); is($borrower_2->{dateenrolled}, '', 'Got the expected emptydate of birth from format_dates with bad dates'); is($borrower_2->{dateexpiry}, '', 'Got the expected empty date of birth from format_dates with bad dates'); is(scalar @missing_criticals_2, 3, 'Got the expected missing critical array size of 3 from check_branch_code with bad dates'); is($missing_criticals_2[0]->{bad_date}, 1, 'Got the expected first bad date flag from check_branch_code with bad dates'); is($missing_criticals_2[0]->{key}, 'dateofbirth', 'Got the expected dateofbirth key from check_branch_code with bad dates'); is($missing_criticals_2[0]->{line}, $line_number, 'Got the expected first line from check_branch_code with bad dates'); is($missing_criticals_2[0]->{lineraw}, $borrowerline, 'Got the expected first lineraw from check_branch_code with bad dates'); is($missing_criticals_2[1]->{bad_date}, 1, 'Got the expected second bad date flag from check_branch_code with bad dates'); is($missing_criticals_2[1]->{key}, 'dateenrolled', 'Got the expected dateenrolled key from check_branch_code with bad dates'); is($missing_criticals_2[1]->{line}, $line_number, 'Got the expected second line from check_branch_code with bad dates'); is($missing_criticals_2[1]->{lineraw}, $borrowerline, 'Got the expected second lineraw from check_branch_code with bad dates'); is($missing_criticals_2[2]->{bad_date}, 1, 'Got the expected third bad date flag from check_branch_code with bad dates'); is($missing_criticals_2[2]->{key}, 'dateexpiry', 'Got the expected dateexpiry key from check_branch_code with bad dates'); is($missing_criticals_2[2]->{line}, $line_number, 'Got the expected third line from check_branch_code with bad dates'); is($missing_criticals_2[2]->{lineraw}, $borrowerline, 'Got the expected third lineraw from check_branch_code with bad dates'); }; # ###### Test utility ########### sub make_csv { my ($temp_dir, @lines) = @_; my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $temp_dir) or die $!; print $fh $_."\r\n" foreach @lines; close $fh or die $!; return $filename; } 1;