use Modern::Perl; return { bug_number => "29557", description => "Add auto_account_expired to AUTO_RENEWALS notice", up => sub { my ($args) = @_; my ($dbh, $out) = @$args{qw(dbh out)}; my @c = $dbh->do(q{ UPDATE letter SET content=REPLACE(content, "[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'too_unseen' %]\r\nThis item must be renewed at the library.\r\n[% END %]", "[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'too_unseen' %]\r\nThis item must be renewed at the library.\r\n[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'auto_account_expired' %]\r\nYour account has expired.\r\n[% END %]") WHERE code="AUTO_RENEWALS" }); say $out "Please update your AUTO_RENEWALS notice manually if you have changed or translated it" }, }