#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; $| = 1; use Module::Load::Conditional qw/check_install/; use Test::More; use Test::MockModule; use Test::Warn; use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use t::lib::Mocks::Logger; use utf8; use CGI qw(-utf8 ); use C4::Context; BEGIN { if ( check_install( module => 'Test::DBIx::Class' ) ) { plan tests => 18; } else { plan skip_all => "Need Test::DBIx::Class"; } } use Test::DBIx::Class { schema_class => 'Koha::Schema', connect_info => [ 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:', '', '' ] }; # Mock Variables my $matchpoint = 'userid'; my $autocreate = 0; my $welcome = 0; my $sync = 0; my %mapping = ( 'userid' => { 'is' => 'uid' }, 'surname' => { 'is' => 'sn' }, 'dateexpiry' => { 'is' => 'exp' }, 'categorycode' => { 'is' => 'cat' }, 'address' => { 'is' => 'add' }, 'city' => { 'is' => 'city' }, 'emailpro' => { 'is' => 'emailpro' }, ); $ENV{'uid'} = "test1234"; $ENV{'sn'} = undef; $ENV{'exp'} = undef; $ENV{'cat'} = undef; $ENV{'add'} = undef; $ENV{'city'} = undef; $ENV{'emailpro'} = undef; # Setup Mocks ## Mock Context my $context = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Context'); ### Mock ->config $context->mock( 'config', \&mockedConfig ); ### Mock ->preference my $OPACBaseURL = "testopac.com"; my $staffClientBaseURL = "teststaff.com"; $context->mock( 'preference', \&mockedPref ); ### Mock ->tz $context->mock( 'timezone', sub { return 'local'; } ); ### Mock ->interface my $interface = 'opac'; $context->mock( 'interface', \&mockedInterface ); ## Mock Database my $database = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Database'); ### Mock ->schema $database->mock( 'schema', \&mockedSchema ); ### Mock Letters my $mocked_letters = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Letters'); # we want to test the params $mocked_letters->mock( 'GetPreparedLetter', sub { warn "GetPreparedLetter called"; return 1; }); # we don't care about EnqueueLetter for now $mocked_letters->mock( 'EnqueueLetter', sub { warn "EnqueueLetter called"; # return a 'message_id' return 42; }); # we don't care about EnqueueLetter for now $mocked_letters->mock( 'SendQueuedMessages', sub { my $params = shift; warn "SendQueuedMessages called with message_id: $params->{message_id}"; return 1; }); # Tests ############################################################## my $logger = t::lib::Mocks::Logger->new(); # Can module load use C4::Auth_with_shibboleth qw( shib_ok login_shib_url get_login_shib checkpw_shib ); require_ok('C4::Auth_with_shibboleth'); # Subroutine tests ## shib_ok subtest "shib_ok tests" => sub { plan tests => 5; my $result; # correct config, no debug is( shib_ok(), '1', "good config" ); # bad config, no debug $matchpoint = undef; warnings_are { $result = shib_ok() } [ { carped => 'shibboleth matchpoint not defined' }, ], "undefined matchpoint = fatal config, warning given"; is( $result, '0', "bad config" ); $matchpoint = 'email'; warnings_are { $result = shib_ok() } [ { carped => 'shibboleth matchpoint not mapped' }, ], "unmapped matchpoint = fatal config, warning given"; is( $result, '0', "bad config" ); # add test for undefined shibboleth block $logger->clear; reset_config(); }; ## logout_shib #my $query = CGI->new(); #is(logout_shib($query),"https://".$opac."/Shibboleth.sso/Logout?return="."https://".$opac,"logout_shib"); ## login_shib_url subtest "login_shib_url tests" => sub { plan tests => 2; my $string = 'language=en-GB¶m="heh❤"'; my $query_string = Encode::encode('UTF-8', $string); my $query_string_uri_escaped = URI::Escape::uri_escape_utf8('?'.$string); local $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} = 'GET'; local $ENV{QUERY_STRING} = $query_string; local $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = '/cgi-bin/koha/opac-user.pl'; my $query = CGI->new($query_string); is( login_shib_url($query), 'https://testopac.com' . '/Shibboleth.sso/Login?target=' . 'https://testopac.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-user.pl' . $query_string_uri_escaped, "login shib url" ); my $post_params = 'user=bob&password=wideopen'; local $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} = 'POST'; local $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} = length($post_params); my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); my $infile = "$dir/in.txt"; open my $fh_write, '>', $infile or die "Could not open '$infile' $!"; print $fh_write $post_params; close $fh_write; open my $fh_read, '<', $infile or die "Could not open '$infile' $!"; $query = CGI->new($fh_read); is( login_shib_url($query), 'https://testopac.com' . '/Shibboleth.sso/Login?target=' . 'https://testopac.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-user.pl', "login shib url" ); close $fh_read; }; ## get_login_shib subtest "get_login_shib tests" => sub { plan tests => 3; my $login; $login = get_login_shib(); $logger->debug_is("koha borrower field to match: userid", "borrower match field debug info") ->debug_is("shibboleth attribute to match: uid", "shib match attribute debug info") ->clear(); is( $login, "test1234", "good config, attribute value returned" ); }; ## checkpw_shib subtest "checkpw_shib tests" => sub { plan tests => 34; my $shib_login; my ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid ); # Setup Mock Database Data fixtures_ok [ 'Borrower' => [ [qw/cardnumber userid surname address city email/], [qw/testcardnumber test1234 renvoize myaddress johnston /], [qw/testcardnumber1 test12345 clamp1 myaddress quechee kid@clamp.io/], [qw/testcardnumber2 test123456 clamp2 myaddress quechee kid@clamp.io/], ], 'Category' => [ [qw/categorycode default_privacy/], [qw/S never/], ] ], 'Installed some custom fixtures via the Populate fixture class'; # good user $shib_login = "test1234"; ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login); is( $logger->count(), 2, "Two debugging entries"); is( $retval, "1", "user authenticated" ); is( $retcard, "testcardnumber", "expected cardnumber returned" ); is( $retuserid, "test1234", "expected userid returned" ); $logger->debug_is("koha borrower field to match: userid", "borrower match field debug info") ->debug_is("shibboleth attribute to match: uid", "shib match attribute debug info") ->clear(); # bad user $shib_login = 'martin'; ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login); is( $retval, "0", "user not authenticated" ); $logger->debug_is("koha borrower field to match: userid", "borrower match field debug info") ->debug_is("shibboleth attribute to match: uid", "shib match attribute debug info") ->clear(); # duplicated matchpoint $matchpoint = 'email'; $mapping{'email'} = { is => 'email' }; $shib_login = 'kid@clamp.io'; ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login); is( $retval, "0", "user not authenticated if duplicated matchpoint" ); $logger->debug_is("koha borrower field to match: email", "borrower match field debug info") ->debug_is("shibboleth attribute to match: email", "shib match attribute debug info") ->clear(); ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login); $logger->debug_is("koha borrower field to match: email", "borrower match field debug info") ->debug_is("shibboleth attribute to match: email", "shib match attribute debug info") ->warn_is('There are several users with email of kid@clamp.io, matchpoints must be unique', "duplicated matchpoint warned with debug") ->clear(); reset_config(); # autocreate user (welcome) $autocreate = 1; $welcome = 1; $shib_login = 'test4321'; $ENV{'uid'} = 'test4321'; $ENV{'sn'} = "pika"; $ENV{'exp'} = "2017"; $ENV{'cat'} = "S"; $ENV{'add'} = 'Address'; $ENV{'city'} = 'City'; $ENV{'emailpro'} = 'me@myemail.com'; warnings_are { ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login); } [ 'GetPreparedLetter called', 'EnqueueLetter called', 'SendQueuedMessages called with message_id: 42' ], "WELCOME notice Prepared, Enqueued and Send"; is( $retval, "1", "user authenticated" ); is( $retuserid, "test4321", "expected userid returned" ); $logger->debug_is("koha borrower field to match: userid", "borrower match field debug info") ->debug_is("shibboleth attribute to match: uid", "shib match attribute debug info") ->clear(); ok my $new_user = ResultSet('Borrower') ->search( { 'userid' => 'test4321' }, { rows => 1 } ), "new user found"; is_fields [qw/surname dateexpiry address city/], $new_user->next, [qw/pika 2017 Address City/], 'Found $new_users surname'; $autocreate = 0; $welcome = 0; # sync user $sync = 1; $ENV{'city'} = 'AnotherCity'; ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login); $logger->debug_is("koha borrower field to match: userid", "borrower match field debug info") ->debug_is("shibboleth attribute to match: uid", "shib match attribute debug info") ->clear(); ok my $sync_user = ResultSet('Borrower') ->search( { 'userid' => 'test4321' }, { rows => 1 } ), "sync user found"; is_fields [qw/surname dateexpiry address city/], $sync_user->next, [qw/pika 2017 Address AnotherCity/], 'Found $sync_user synced city'; $sync = 0; # good user $shib_login = "test1234"; ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login); is( $retval, "1", "user authenticated" ); is( $retcard, "testcardnumber", "expected cardnumber returned" ); is( $retuserid, "test1234", "expected userid returned" ); $logger->debug_is("koha borrower field to match: userid", "borrower match field debug info") ->debug_is("shibboleth attribute to match: uid", "shib match attribute debug info") ->clear(); # bad user $shib_login = "martin"; ( $retval, $retcard, $retuserid ) = checkpw_shib($shib_login); is( $retval, "0", "user not authenticated" ); $logger->info_is("No users with userid of martin found and autocreate is disabled", "Duplicated matchpoint warned to info"); }; ## _get_uri - opac $OPACBaseURL = "testopac.com"; is( C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::_get_uri(), "https://testopac.com", "https opac uri returned" ); $logger->clear; $OPACBaseURL = "http://testopac.com"; my $result = C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::_get_uri(); is( $result, "https://testopac.com", "https opac uri returned" ); $logger->warn_is("Shibboleth requires OPACBaseURL/staffClientBaseURL to use the https protocol!", "Improper protocol logged to warn") ->clear(); $OPACBaseURL = "https://testopac.com"; is( C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::_get_uri(), "https://testopac.com", "https opac uri returned" ); $logger->clear(); $OPACBaseURL = undef; $result = C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::_get_uri(); is( $result, "https://", "https $interface uri returned" ); $logger->warn_is("Syspref staffClientBaseURL or OPACBaseURL not set!", "undefined OPACBaseURL - received expected warning") ->clear(); ## _get_uri - intranet $interface = 'intranet'; $staffClientBaseURL = "teststaff.com"; is( C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::_get_uri(), "https://teststaff.com", "https $interface uri returned" ); $logger->clear; $staffClientBaseURL = "http://teststaff.com"; $result = C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::_get_uri(); is( $result, "https://teststaff.com", "https $interface uri returned" ); $logger->warn_is("Shibboleth requires OPACBaseURL/staffClientBaseURL to use the https protocol!") ->clear; $staffClientBaseURL = "https://teststaff.com"; is( C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::_get_uri(), "https://teststaff.com", "https $interface uri returned" ); is( $logger->count(), 0, 'No logging' ); $staffClientBaseURL = undef; $result = C4::Auth_with_shibboleth::_get_uri(); is( $result, "https://", "https $interface uri returned" ); $logger->warn_is("Syspref staffClientBaseURL or OPACBaseURL not set!", "undefined staffClientBaseURL - received expected warning") ->clear; ## _get_shib_config # Internal helper function, covered in tests above sub mockedConfig { my $param = shift; my %shibboleth = ( 'autocreate' => $autocreate, 'welcome' => $welcome, 'sync' => $sync, 'matchpoint' => $matchpoint, 'mapping' => \%mapping ); return \%shibboleth; } sub mockedPref { my $param = $_[1]; my $return; if ( $param eq 'OPACBaseURL' ) { $return = $OPACBaseURL; } if ( $param eq 'staffClientBaseURL' ) { $return = $staffClientBaseURL; } if ( $param eq 'AutoEmailPrimaryAddress' ) { $return = 'OFF'; } if ( $param eq 'EmailFieldPrecedence' ) { $return = 'emailpro'; } return $return; } sub mockedInterface { return $interface; } sub mockedSchema { return Schema(); } ## Convenience method to reset config sub reset_config { $matchpoint = 'userid'; $autocreate = 0; $welcome = 0; $sync = 0; %mapping = ( 'userid' => { 'is' => 'uid' }, 'surname' => { 'is' => 'sn' }, 'dateexpiry' => { 'is' => 'exp' }, 'categorycode' => { 'is' => 'cat' }, 'address' => { 'is' => 'add' }, 'city' => { 'is' => 'city' }, 'emailpro' => { 'is' => 'emailpro' }, ); $ENV{'uid'} = "test1234"; $ENV{'sn'} = undef; $ENV{'exp'} = undef; $ENV{'cat'} = undef; $ENV{'add'} = undef; $ENV{'city'} = undef; $ENV{'emailpro'} = undef; return 1; }