{ "/public/patrons/{patron_id}/password": { "post": { "x-mojo-to": "Patrons::Password#set_public", "operationId": "setPatronPasswordPublic", "tags": [ "patrons" ], "summary": "Set password for a patron (public)", "parameters": [ { "$ref": "../parameters.json#/patron_id_pp" }, { "name": "body", "in": "body", "description": "A JSON object containing password information", "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "password": { "description": "New password (plain text)", "type": "string" }, "password_repeated": { "description": "Repeated new password (plain text)", "type": "string" }, "old_password": { "description": "Patron's original password", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "password", "password_repeated", "old_password" ], "additionalProperties": false } } ], "produces": [ "application/json" ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Password changed" }, "400": { "description": "Bad request", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "401": { "description": "Authentication required", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "403": { "description": "Access forbidden", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "404": { "description": "Patron not found", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "500": { "description": "Internal server error", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "503": { "description": "Under maintenance", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } } }, "x-koha-authorization": { "allow-owner": true } } }, "/public/patrons/{patron_id}/guarantors/can_see_charges": { "put": { "x-mojo-to": "Patrons#guarantors_can_see_charges", "operationId": "setPatronGuarantorsCanSeeCharges", "tags": [ "patrons" ], "summary": "Set if guarantors can see charges (public)", "parameters": [ { "$ref": "../parameters.json#/patron_id_pp" }, { "name": "body", "in": "body", "description": "A boolean representing if guarantors should be able to see the patron's charges", "required": true, "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "allowed": { "type": "boolean" } }, "additionalProperties": false } } ], "produces": [ "application/json" ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Charges view policy for guarantors changed" }, "400": { "description": "Bad request", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "401": { "description": "Authentication required", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "403": { "description": "Access forbidden", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "404": { "description": "Patron not found", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "500": { "description": "Internal server error", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "503": { "description": "Under maintenance", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } } }, "x-koha-authorization": { "allow-owner": true } } }, "/public/patrons/{patron_id}/guarantors/can_see_checkouts": { "put": { "x-mojo-to": "Patrons#guarantors_can_see_checkouts", "operationId": "setPatronGuarantorsCanSeeCheckouts", "tags": [ "patrons" ], "summary": "Set if guarantors can see checkouts", "parameters": [ { "$ref": "../parameters.json#/patron_id_pp" }, { "name": "body", "in": "body", "description": "A boolean representing if guarantors should be able to see the patron's checkouts", "required": true, "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "allowed": { "type": "boolean" } }, "additionalProperties": false } } ], "produces": [ "application/json" ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Check-out view policy for guarantors changed" }, "400": { "description": "Bad request", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "401": { "description": "Authentication required", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "403": { "description": "Access forbidden", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "404": { "description": "Patron not found", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "500": { "description": "Internal server error", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } }, "503": { "description": "Under maintenance", "schema": { "$ref": "../definitions.json#/error" } } }, "x-koha-authorization": { "allow-owner": true } } } }