#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; my $original_dateformat = C4::Context->preference('dateformat'); my $original_DefaultPatronSearchFields = C4::Context->preference('DefaultPatronSearchFields'); my $original_DefaultPatronSearchMethod = C4::Context->preference('DefaultPatronSearchMethod'); my $original_PatronsPerPage = C4::Context->preference('PatronsPerPage'); our @cleanup; our $DT_delay = 1; use C4::Context; use utf8; use Test::More; use Test::MockModule; use C4::Context; use Koha::AuthUtils; use Koha::Patrons; use t::lib::Mocks; use t::lib::Selenium; use t::lib::TestBuilder; eval { require Selenium::Remote::Driver; }; if ( $@ ) { plan skip_all => "Selenium::Remote::Driver is needed for selenium tests."; } else { plan tests => 2; } my $s = t::lib::Selenium->new; my $driver = $s->driver; my $opac_base_url = $s->opac_base_url; my $base_url = $s->base_url; my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; my $schema = Koha::Database->schema; if ( Koha::Patrons->search({surname => {-like => "test_patron_%"}})->count ) { BAIL_OUT("Cannot run this test, data we need to create already exist in the DB"); } my $PatronsPerPage = 15; my $borrowernotes = q|just 'a" note \123 ❤|; my $borrowernotes_displayed = q|just 'a" note \123 ❤|; my $branchname = q|just 'another" library \123 ❤|; my $firstname = q|fir's"tname \123 ❤|; my $address = q|add'res"s \123 ❤|; my $email = q|abad_email@example\123 ❤.com|; my ($attribute_type, $attribute_type_searchable, $attribute_type_searchable_not_default); sub setup { my $patron_category = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patron::Categories', value => { category_type => 'A' } } ); push @cleanup, $patron_category; my $library = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { branchname => $branchname } } ); push @cleanup, $library; my @patrons; for my $i ( 1 .. 25 ) { push @patrons, $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { surname => "test_patron_" . $i++, firstname => $firstname, middle_name => q{}, # We don't want to copy the logic from patron_to_html othernames => q{}, categorycode => $patron_category->categorycode, branchcode => $library->branchcode, borrowernotes => $borrowernotes, address => $address, email => $email, } } ); } push @patrons, $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { surname => "test", firstname => "not_p_a_t_r_o_n", # won't match 'patron' middle_name => q{}, # We don't want to copy the logic from patron_to_html othernames => q{}, categorycode => $patron_category->categorycode, branchcode => $library->branchcode, borrowernotes => $borrowernotes, address => $address, email => $email, } } ); unshift @cleanup, $_ for @patrons; my $library_2 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { branchname => 'X' . $branchname } } ); push @cleanup, $library_2; my $patron_27 = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { surname => "test_patron_27", firstname => $firstname, middle_name => q{}, # We don't want to copy the logic from patron_to_html othernames => q{}, categorycode => $patron_category->categorycode, branchcode => $library_2->branchcode, borrowernotes => $borrowernotes, address => $address, email => $email, dateofbirth => '1980-06-17', } } ); unshift @cleanup, $patron_27; $attribute_type = Koha::Patron::Attribute::Type->new( { code => 'my code1', description => 'my description1', staff_searchable => 0, searched_by_default => 0 } )->store; $attribute_type_searchable = Koha::Patron::Attribute::Type->new( { code => 'my code2', description => 'my description2', opac_display => 1, staff_searchable => 1, searched_by_default => 1 } )->store; $attribute_type_searchable_not_default = Koha::Patron::Attribute::Type->new( { code => 'mycode3', description => 'my description3', opac_display => 1, staff_searchable => 1, searched_by_default => 0 } )->store; push @cleanup, $attribute_type, $attribute_type_searchable, $attribute_type_searchable_not_default; $patrons[0]->extended_attributes([ { code => $attribute_type->code, attribute => 'test_attr_1' }, { code => $attribute_type_searchable->code, attribute => 'test_attr_2'}, { code => $attribute_type_searchable_not_default->code, attribute => 'test_attr_3'}, ]); $patrons[1]->extended_attributes([ { code => $attribute_type->code, attribute => 'test_attr_1' }, { code => $attribute_type_searchable->code, attribute => 'test_attr_2'}, { code => $attribute_type_searchable_not_default->code, attribute => 'test_attr_3'}, ]); C4::Context->set_preference('PatronsPerPage', $PatronsPerPage); } sub teardown { C4::Context->set_preference( 'dateformat', $original_dateformat ); C4::Context->set_preference( 'DefaultPatronSearchFields', $original_DefaultPatronSearchFields ); C4::Context->set_preference( 'DefaultPatronSearchMethod', $original_DefaultPatronSearchMethod ); C4::Context->set_preference( 'PatronsPerPage', $original_PatronsPerPage ); $_->delete for @cleanup; @cleanup = (); } subtest 'Search patrons' => sub { plan tests => 27; setup(); my $total_number_of_patrons = Koha::Patrons->search->count; my $table_id = "memberresultst"; $s->auth; C4::Context->set_preference('DefaultPatronSearchFields',""); C4::Context->set_preference('DefaultPatronSearchMethod',"contains"); my $searchable_attributes = Koha::Patron::Attribute::Types->search({ staff_searchable => 1 })->count(); my $nb_standard_fields = 13 + $searchable_attributes; # Standard fields, plus one searchable attribute $driver->get( $base_url . "/members/members-home.pl" ); my @adv_options = $driver->find_elements('//select[@id="searchfieldstype"]/option'); is( scalar @adv_options, $nb_standard_fields + 1, 'All standard fields are searchable if DefaultPatronSearchFields not set. middle_name is there.'); is( $adv_options[0]->get_value(), 'standard', 'Standard search uses value "standard"'); my @filter_options = $driver->find_elements('//select[@class="searchfieldstype_filter"]/option'); is( scalar @filter_options, $nb_standard_fields + 1, 'All standard fields + middle_name are searchable by filter if DefaultPatronSearchFields not set'); is( $filter_options[0]->get_value(), 'standard', 'Standard filter uses hard coded value "standard" DefaultPatronSearchFields not set'); C4::Context->set_preference('DefaultPatronSearchFields',"firstname|initials"); $driver->get( $base_url . "/members/members-home.pl" ); @adv_options = $driver->find_elements('//select[@id="searchfieldstype"]/option'); is( scalar @adv_options, $nb_standard_fields, 'New option added when DefaultPatronSearchFields is populated with a field. Note that middle_name disappears, we do not want it if not part of DefaultPatronSearchFields'); is( $adv_options[0]->get_value(), 'standard', 'Standard search uses value "standard"'); @filter_options = $driver->find_elements('//select[@class="searchfieldstype_filter"]/option'); is( scalar @filter_options, $nb_standard_fields, 'New filter option added when DefaultPatronSearchFields is populated with a field'); is( $filter_options[0]->get_value(), 'standard', 'Standard filter uses value "standard"'); $driver->get( $base_url . "/members/members-home.pl" ); @adv_options = $driver->find_elements('//select[@id="searchfieldstype"]/option'); @filter_options = $driver->find_elements('//select[@class="searchfieldstype_filter"]/option'); is( scalar @adv_options, $nb_standard_fields, 'Invalid option not added when DefaultPatronSearchFields is populated with an invalid field'); is( scalar @filter_options, $nb_standard_fields, 'Invalid filter option not added when DefaultPatronSearchFields is populated with an invalid field'); # NOTE: We should probably ensure the bad field is removed from 'standard' search here, else searches are broken C4::Context->set_preference('DefaultPatronSearchFields',""); $driver->get( $base_url . "/members/members-home.pl" ); $s->fill_form( { 'class=search_patron_filter' => 'test_patron' } ); $s->submit_form; my $first_patron = Koha::Patrons->search( { surname => { like => 'test_patron_%' } } )->next; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; my @td = $driver->find_elements('//table[@id="'.$table_id.'"]/tbody/tr/td'); like ($td[2]->get_text, qr[\Q$firstname\E], 'Column "Name" should be the 3rd and contain the firstname correctly filtered' ); like ($td[2]->get_text, qr[\Q$address\E], 'Column "Name" should be the 3rd and contain the address correctly filtered' ); like ($td[2]->get_text, qr[\Q$email\E], 'Column "Name" should be the 3rd and contain the email address correctly filtered' ); is( $td[4]->get_text, $branchname, 'Column "Library" should be the 6th and contain the html tags - they have been html filtered' ); is( $td[9]->get_text, $borrowernotes_displayed, 'Column "Circ note" should be the 10th and not contain the html tags - they have not been html filtered' ); $driver->find_element( '//a[@href="/cgi-bin/koha/members/memberentry.pl?op=edit_form&destination=circ&borrowernumber=' . $first_patron->borrowernumber . '"]' )->click; is( $driver->get_title, sprintf( "Modify patron %s %s %s (%s) (%s) › Patrons › Koha", $first_patron->title, $first_patron->firstname, $first_patron->surname, $first_patron->cardnumber, $first_patron->category->description, ), 'Page title is correct after following modification link' ); $driver->get( $base_url . "/members/members-home.pl" ); $s->fill_form( { 'class=search_patron_filter' => 'test_patron' } ); $s->submit_form; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; $s->driver->find_element('//*[@id="'.$table_id.'_filter"]//input')->send_keys('test_patron'); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="'.$table_id.'_info"]')->get_text, sprintf('Showing 1 to %s of %s entries (filtered from %s total entries)', $PatronsPerPage, 26, $total_number_of_patrons), 'Searching in standard brings back correct results' ); $s->driver->find_element('//table[@id="'.$table_id.'"]//th[@data-filter="libraries"]/select/option[@value="'.$first_patron->library->branchcode.'"]')->click; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="'.$table_id.'_info"]')->get_text, sprintf('Showing 1 to %s of %s entries (filtered from %s total entries)', $PatronsPerPage, 25, $total_number_of_patrons), 'Filtering on library works in combination with main search' ); # Reset the filters $driver->find_element('//form[@class="patron_search_form"]//*[@class="btn btn-default clear_search"]')->click(); $s->submit_form; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; # And make sure all the patrons are present is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="'.$table_id.'_info"]')->get_text, sprintf('Showing 1 to %s of %s entries', $PatronsPerPage, $total_number_of_patrons), 'Resetting filters works as expected' ); # Pattern terms must be split $s->fill_form( { 'class=search_patron_filter' => 'test patron' } ); $s->submit_form; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="'.$table_id.'_info"]')->get_text, sprintf('Showing 1 to %s of %s entries (filtered from %s total entries)', $PatronsPerPage, 26, $total_number_of_patrons) ); $driver->find_element('//form[@class="patron_search_form"]//*[@class="btn btn-default clear_search"]')->click(); $s->submit_form; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; # Search on non-searchable attribute, we expect no result! $s->fill_form( { 'class=search_patron_filter' => 'test_attr_1' } ); $s->submit_form; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="'.$table_id.'_info"]')->get_text, sprintf('No entries to show (filtered from %s total entries)', $total_number_of_patrons), 'Searching on a non-searchable attribute returns no results' ); # clear form $driver->find_element('//form[@class="patron_search_form"]//*[@class="btn btn-default clear_search"]')->click(); # Search on searchable attribute, we expect 2 patrons $s->fill_form( { 'class=search_patron_filter' => 'test_attr_2' } ); $s->submit_form; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="'.$table_id.'_info"]')->get_text, sprintf('Showing 1 to %s of %s entries (filtered from %s total entries)', 2, 2, $total_number_of_patrons), 'Searching on a searchable attribute returns correct results' ); # clear form $driver->find_element('//form[@class="patron_search_form"]//*[@class="btn btn-default clear_search"]')->click(); # Search on searchable attribute as specific field, we expect 2 patrons $s->fill_form( { 'class=search_patron_filter' => 'test_attr_3' } ); $driver->find_element('//form[@class="patron_search_form"]//*[@class="searchfieldstype_filter"]//option[@value="_ATTR_'.$attribute_type_searchable_not_default->code.'"]')->click(); $s->submit_form; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="'.$table_id.'_info"]')->get_text, sprintf('Showing 1 to %s of %s entries (filtered from %s total entries)', 2, 2, $total_number_of_patrons), 'Searching on a searchable attribute as a specific field returns correct results' ); # Refine search and search for test_patron in all the data using the DT global search # No change in result expected, still 2 patrons $s->driver->find_element('//*[@id="'.$table_id.'_filter"]//input')->send_keys('test_patron'); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="'.$table_id.'_info"]')->get_text, sprintf('Showing 1 to %s of %s entries (filtered from %s total entries)', 2, 2, $total_number_of_patrons), 'Refining with DataTables search works to further filter the original query' ); # Adding the surname of the first patron in the "Name" column # We expect only 1 result $s->driver->find_element('//table[@id="'.$table_id.'"]//input[@placeholder="Name search"]')->send_keys($first_patron->surname); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="'.$table_id.'_info"]')->get_text, sprintf('Showing 1 to %s of %s entries (filtered from %s total entries)', 1, 1, $total_number_of_patrons), 'Refining with header filters works to further filter the original query' ); subtest 'remember_search' => sub { plan tests => 7; C4::Context->set_preference( 'PatronsPerPage', 5 ); $driver->get( $base_url . "/members/members-home.pl" ); $s->fill_form( { 'class=search_patron_filter' => 'test_patron' } ); $s->submit_form; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; my $patron_selected_text = $driver->find_element('//div[@id="table_search_selections"]/span')->get_text; is( $patron_selected_text, "", "Patrons selected is not displayed" ); my @checkboxes = $driver->find_elements( '//input[@type="checkbox"][@name="borrowernumber"]'); $checkboxes[2]->click; $patron_selected_text = $driver->find_element('//div[@id="table_search_selections"]/span')->get_text; is( $patron_selected_text, "Patrons selected: 1", "One patron selected" ); $checkboxes[4]->click; $patron_selected_text = $driver->find_element('//div[@id="table_search_selections"]/span')->get_text; is( $patron_selected_text, "Patrons selected: 2", "Two patrons are selected" ); $driver->find_element('//*[@id="memberresultst_next"]')->click; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; @checkboxes = $driver->find_elements( '//input[@type="checkbox"][@name="borrowernumber"]'); $checkboxes[0]->click; $patron_selected_text = $driver->find_element('//div[@id="table_search_selections"]/span')->get_text; is( $patron_selected_text, "Patrons selected: 3", "Three patrons are selected" ); # Perform another search $driver->get( $base_url . "/members/members-home.pl" ); $s->fill_form( { 'class=search_patron_filter' => 'test_patron' } ); $s->submit_form; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; $patron_selected_text = $driver->find_element('//div[@id="table_search_selections"]/span')->get_text; is( $patron_selected_text, "Patrons selected: 3", "Three patrons still selected" ); $driver->find_element('//*[@id="patronlist-menu"]')->click; $driver->find_element('//a[@class="patron-list-add"]')->click; my $patron_list_name = "my new list"; $driver->find_element('//input[@id="new_patron_list"]')->send_keys($patron_list_name); $driver->find_element('//button[@id="add_to_patron_list_submit"]')->click; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( $driver->find_element('//*[@id="patron_list_dialog"]')->get_text, "Added 3 patrons to $patron_list_name." ); my $patron_list = $schema->resultset('PatronList')->search({ name => $patron_list_name })->next; is( $schema->resultset('PatronListPatron')->search({ patron_list_id => $patron_list->patron_list_id })->count, 3 ); $patron_list->delete; }; subtest 'filter by date of birth' => sub { plan tests => 7; C4::Context->set_preference( 'dateformat', 'metric' ); # We have a patron with date of birth=1980-06-17 => formatted as 17/06/1980 $driver->get( $base_url . "/members/members-home.pl" ); $s->fill_form( { 'class=search_patron_filter' => 'test_patron' } ); $s->submit_form; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; $s->show_all_entries( '//div[@id="' . $table_id . '_wrapper"]' ); my $dob_search_filter = $s->driver->find_element( '//table[@id="' . $table_id . '"]//input[@placeholder="Date of birth search"]' ); $dob_search_filter->send_keys('1980'); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; my $patron_27 = Koha::Patrons->search( { surname => 'test_patron_27' } )->next; is( is_patron_shown($patron_27), 1, 'search by correct year shows the patron' ); $dob_search_filter->clear; $dob_search_filter->send_keys('1986'); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( is_patron_shown($patron_27), 0, 'search by incorrect year does not show the patron' ); $dob_search_filter->clear; $dob_search_filter->send_keys('1980-06'); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( is_patron_shown($patron_27), 1, 'search by correct year-month shows the patron' ); $dob_search_filter->clear; $dob_search_filter->send_keys('1980-06-17'); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( is_patron_shown($patron_27), 1, 'search by correct full iso date shows the patron' ); $dob_search_filter->clear; $dob_search_filter->send_keys('1986-06-17'); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( is_patron_shown($patron_27), 0, 'search by incorrect full iso date does not show the patron' ); $dob_search_filter->clear; $dob_search_filter->send_keys('17/06/1980'); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( is_patron_shown($patron_27), 1, 'search by correct full formatted date shows the patron' ); $dob_search_filter->clear; $dob_search_filter->send_keys('17/06/1986'); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; is( is_patron_shown($patron_27), 0, 'search by incorrect full formatted date does not show the patron' ); $dob_search_filter->clear; }; teardown(); }; subtest 'Search patrons in modal' => sub { plan tests => 2; setup(); my $total_number_of_patrons = Koha::Patrons->search->count; $driver->set_window_size( 3840, 10800 ); subtest 'Add guarantor - simple' => sub { plan tests => 4; my $table_id = "memberresultst"; my $mainpage = $s->base_url . q|mainpage.pl|; $driver->get($mainpage . q|?logout.x=1|); $s->auth; # Go to the add patron form $driver->get( $base_url . "/members/memberentry.pl" ); # Click "Add guarantor" $driver->find_element('//a[@href="#patron_search_modal"]')->click(); # Wait for the modal to be visible $s->wait_for_element_visible('//div[@id="patron_search_modal"]//div[@class="modal-header"]'); # Search for our test patrons $s->fill_form( { 'class=search_patron_filter' => 'test_patron' } ); $s->submit_form; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; # => the table is correctly displayed is( $driver->find_element( '//div[@id="' . $table_id . '_info"]' )->get_text, sprintf( 'Showing 1 to %s of %s entries (filtered from %s total entries)', $PatronsPerPage, 26, $total_number_of_patrons ), 'Searching in standard brings back correct results' ); # Search for patron 2 and display the patron preview modal my $patron = Koha::Patrons->search( { surname => 'test_patron_2' } )->next; $driver->find_element( sprintf '//a[@data-borrowernumber="%s"][@class="patron_name patron_preview"]', $patron->borrowernumber )->click; $s->wait_for_element_visible('//div[@id="patron_preview_modal"]'); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; # => The modal has patron's detail in it is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_preview_modal"]//h1')->get_text(), sprintf( "%s %s %s (%s)", $patron->title, $patron->firstname, $patron->surname, $patron->cardnumber ) ); # Close the patron preview modal $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_preview_modal"]//input[@class="close"]')->click; $s->wait_for_element_hidden('//div[@id="patron_preview_modal"]'); # Select patron 2 $driver->find_element( sprintf '//a[@data-borrowernumber="%s"][@class="btn btn-default btn-xs select_user"]', $patron->borrowernumber )->click; # Wait for the modal to be hidden $s->wait_for_element_hidden('//div[@id="patron_search_modal"]//div[@class="modal-header"]'); # => The guarantor block has the info of the selected patron is( $driver->find_element('//a[@class="new_guarantor_link"]')->get_text(), sprintf( "%s %s (%s)", $patron->firstname, $patron->surname, $patron->cardnumber ) ); is( $driver->find_element('//input[@class="new_guarantor_id noEnterSubmit"]')->get_value(), $patron->borrowernumber ); }; subtest 'Add funds - double' => sub { plan tests => 11; my $table_id = "patron_search_modal_owner_table"; my $mainpage = $s->base_url . q|mainpage.pl|; $driver->get($mainpage . q|?logout.x=1|); $s->auth; # Go to the add patron form my $fund = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Acquisition::Funds' } ); push @cleanup, $fund->budget, $fund; $driver->get( $base_url . sprintf "/admin/aqbudgets.pl?op=add_form&budget_id=%s&budget_period_id=%s", $fund->budget_id, $fund->budget_period_id ); # Click "Select owner" $driver->find_element('//a[@href="#patron_search_modal_owner"]')->click(); # Add { acquisition => budget_modify } subpermission to some patrons my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $patrons = Koha::Patrons->search( { surname => { like => 'test_patron_2%' } } ); while ( my $patron = $patrons->next ) { $dbh->do( q{INSERT INTO user_permissions (borrowernumber, module_bit, code) VALUES (?, ?, ?)}, {}, $patron->borrowernumber, 11, "budget_modify" ); } # Wait for the modal to be visible $s->wait_for_element_visible('//div[@id="patron_search_modal_owner"]//div[@class="modal-header"]'); # Search for our test patrons $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_search_modal_owner"]//input[@class="search_patron_filter"]') ->send_keys('test_patron'); $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_search_modal_owner"]//input[@type="submit"]')->click; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; # => the table is correctly displayed is( $driver->find_element( '//div[@id="' . $table_id . '_info"]' )->is_displayed, 1, ); # Search for patron 2 and display the patron preview modal my $patron = Koha::Patrons->search( { surname => 'test_patron_2' } )->next; $driver->find_element( sprintf '//a[@data-borrowernumber="%s"][@class="patron_name patron_preview"]', $patron->borrowernumber )->click; $s->wait_for_element_visible('//div[@id="patron_preview_modal"]'); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; # => The modal has patron's detail in it is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_preview_modal"]//h1')->get_text(), sprintf( "%s %s %s (%s)", $patron->title, $patron->firstname, $patron->surname, $patron->cardnumber ) ); # Close the patron preview modal $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_preview_modal"]//input[@class="close"]')->click; $s->wait_for_element_hidden('//div[@id="patron_preview_modal"]'); # Select patron 2 $driver->find_element( sprintf '//a[@data-borrowernumber="%s"][@class="btn btn-default btn-xs select_user"]', $patron->borrowernumber )->click; # Wait for the modal to be hidden $s->wait_for_element_hidden('//div[@id="patron_search_modal"]//div[@class="modal-header"]'); # => The block has the info of the selected patron is( $driver->find_element('//span[@id="budget_owner_name"]')->get_text(), sprintf( "%s %s", $patron->firstname, $patron->surname ) ); is( $driver->find_element('//input[@id="budget_owner_id"]')->get_value(), $patron->borrowernumber ); $table_id = "patron_search_modal_users_table"; # Click "Add users" $driver->find_element('//a[@href="#patron_search_modal_users"]')->click(); # Wait for the modal to be visible $s->wait_for_element_visible('//div[@id="patron_search_modal_users"]//div[@class="modal-header"]'); # Search for our test patrons $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_search_modal_users"]//input[@class="search_patron_filter"]') ->send_keys('test_patron'); $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_search_modal_users"]//input[@type="submit"]')->click; sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; # => the table is correctly displayed is( $driver->find_element( '//div[@id="' . $table_id . '_info"]' )->is_displayed, 1, ); # Search for patron 2 and display the patron preview modal $patron = Koha::Patrons->search( { surname => 'test_patron_2' } )->next; $driver->find_element( sprintf '//a[@data-borrowernumber="%s"][@class="patron_name patron_preview"]', $patron->borrowernumber )->click; $s->wait_for_element_visible('//div[@id="patron_preview_modal"]'); sleep $DT_delay && $s->wait_for_ajax; # => The modal has patron's detail in it is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_preview_modal"]//h1')->get_text(), sprintf( "%s %s %s (%s)", $patron->title, $patron->firstname, $patron->surname, $patron->cardnumber ) ); # Close the patron preview modal $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_preview_modal"]//input[@class="close"]')->click; $s->wait_for_element_hidden('//div[@id="patron_preview_modal"]'); # Select patron 2 $driver->find_element( sprintf '//a[@data-borrowernumber="%s"][@class="btn btn-default btn-xs add_user"]', $patron->borrowernumber )->click; # The modal is still displayed is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_search_modal_users"]//div[@class="modal-header"]')->is_displayed, 1, ); # Info has been added about the patron is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_search_modal_users"]//div[@class="info dialog message"]')->get_text, sprintf( "Patron '%s %s' added.", $patron->firstname, $patron->surname ) ); # Select patron 2 again $driver->find_element( sprintf '//a[@data-borrowernumber="%s"][@class="btn btn-default btn-xs add_user"]', $patron->borrowernumber )->click; # Warning has been added about the patron is( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_search_modal_users"]//div[@class="error dialog alert"]')->get_text, sprintf( "Patron '%s %s' is already in the list.", $patron->firstname, $patron->surname ) ); # Click "Close" $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_search_modal_users"]//div[@class="modal-footer"]//a')->click, # The modal is closed if ( $driver->find_element('//div[@id="patron_search_modal_users"]//div[@class="modal-header"]')->is_displayed, 0, ); # => The block has the info of the selected patron is( $driver->find_element( sprintf '//*[@id="budget_users"]/*[@id="user_%s"]/a', $patron->borrowernumber ) ->get_text(), sprintf( "%s %s", $patron->firstname, $patron->surname ) ); is( $driver->find_element('//input[@id="budget_users_id"]')->get_value(), sprintf( ":%s", $patron->borrowernumber ), # FIXME There is an extra ':' here ); }; teardown(); }; sub is_patron_shown { my ($patron) = @_; my @checkboxes = $driver->find_elements('//input[@type="checkbox"][@name="borrowernumber"]'); return scalar( grep { $_->get_value == $patron->borrowernumber } @checkboxes ); }