#!/usr/bin/perl # # This module will excercise pdf creation routines # # When run with KEEP_PDF enviroment variable it will keep # test.pdf for manual inspection. This can be used to verify # that ttf font configuration is complete like: # # KEEP_PDF=1 KOHA_CONF=/etc/koha/sites/srvgit/koha-conf.xml prove t/Creators.t # # sample of utf-8 text, font name and type will be on bottom of second page use strict; use warnings; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /; use Test::More tests => 41; BEGIN { use_ok('C4::Creators'); use_ok('C4::Creators::PDF', qw( Init Add Bookmark Compress Font FontSize Page StrWidth Text End )); } my $pdf_creator = C4::Creators::PDF->new(InitVars => 0); ok($pdf_creator, "testing new() works"); if (-e $pdf_creator->{filename}) { pass('testing pdf file created'); } else { fail('testing pdf file created'); } ok($pdf_creator->Add(""), "testing Add() works"); ok($pdf_creator->Bookmark({}), "testing Bookmark() works"); ok($pdf_creator->Compress(1), "testing Compress() works"); is($pdf_creator->Font("H"), "Ft1", "testing Font() works"); is($pdf_creator->FontSize(), '12', "testing FontSize() is set to 12 by default"); my @result = $pdf_creator->FontSize(14); is($result[0], '14', "testing FontSize() can be set to a different value"); $pdf_creator->FontSize(); # Reset font size before testing text width etc below ok($pdf_creator->Page(), "testing Page() works"); my $expected_width; my $expected_offset; if (C4::Context->config('ttf')) { $expected_width = '23.044921875'; $expected_offset = '33.044921875'; } else { $expected_width = '19.344'; $expected_offset = '29.344'; } is($pdf_creator->StrWidth("test", "H", 12), $expected_width, "testing StrWidth() returns correct point width"); @result = $pdf_creator->Text(10, 10, "test"); is($result[0], '10', "testing Text() writes from a given x-value"); is($result[1], $expected_offset, "testing Text() writes to the correct x-value"); my $font_types = C4::Creators::Lib::get_font_types(); isa_ok( $font_types, 'ARRAY', 'get_font_types' ); my $y = 50; foreach my $font ( @$font_types ) { ok( $pdf_creator->Font( $font->{type} ), 'Font ' . $font->{type} ); ok( $pdf_creator->Text(10, $y, "\x{10C}evap\x{10D}i\x{107} " . $font->{name} . ' - ' . $font->{type} ), 'Text ' . $font->{name}); $y += $pdf_creator->FontSize() * 1.2; } SKIP: { skip "Skipping because without proper fonts these two tests fail", 2 if ! $ENV{KOHA_CONF}; my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(); open( $fh, '>', $filename ); select $fh; ok($pdf_creator->End(), "testing End() works"); close($fh); ok( -s $filename , "test file $filename created OK" ); unlink $filename unless $ENV{KEEP_PDF}; }