#!/usr/bin/perl use Modern::Perl; use C4::Biblio; use C4::Members; use C4::Branch; use C4::Circulation; use C4::Items; use C4::Context; use Test::More tests => 14; BEGIN { use_ok('C4::Circulation'); } can_ok( 'C4::Circulation', qw( AddIssue AddReturn GetBranchBorrowerCircRule GetBranchItemRule GetIssuingRule ) ); #Start transaction my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM issues|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM items|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM borrowers|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM branches|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM categories|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM accountlines|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM itemtypes|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM branch_item_rules|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM branch_borrower_circ_rules|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM default_branch_circ_rules|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM default_circ_rules|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM default_branch_item_rules|); #Add branch and category my $samplebranch1 = { add => 1, branchcode => 'SAB1', branchname => 'Sample Branch', branchaddress1 => 'sample adr1', branchaddress2 => 'sample adr2', branchaddress3 => 'sample adr3', branchzip => 'sample zip', branchcity => 'sample city', branchstate => 'sample state', branchcountry => 'sample country', branchphone => 'sample phone', branchfax => 'sample fax', branchemail => 'sample email', branchurl => 'sample url', branchip => 'sample ip', branchprinter => undef, opac_info => 'sample opac', }; my $samplebranch2 = { add => 1, branchcode => 'SAB2', branchname => 'Sample Branch2', branchaddress1 => 'sample adr1_2', branchaddress2 => 'sample adr2_2', branchaddress3 => 'sample adr3_2', branchzip => 'sample zip2', branchcity => 'sample city2', branchstate => 'sample state2', branchcountry => 'sample country2', branchphone => 'sample phone2', branchfax => 'sample fax2', branchemail => 'sample email2', branchurl => 'sample url2', branchip => 'sample ip2', branchprinter => undef, opac_info => 'sample opac2', }; ModBranch($samplebranch1); ModBranch($samplebranch2); my $samplecat = { categorycode => 'CAT1', description => 'Description1', enrolmentperiod => 'Null', enrolmentperioddate => 'Null', dateofbirthrequired => 'Null', finetype => 'Null', bulk => 'Null', enrolmentfee => 'Null', overduenoticerequired => 'Null', issuelimit => 'Null', reservefee => 'Null', hidelostitems => 0, category_type => 'Null' }; my $query = "INSERT INTO categories (categorycode, description, enrolmentperiod, enrolmentperioddate, dateofbirthrequired , finetype, bulk, enrolmentfee, overduenoticerequired, issuelimit, reservefee, hidelostitems, category_type ) VALUES( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $dbh->do( $query, {}, $samplecat->{categorycode}, $samplecat->{description}, $samplecat->{enrolmentperiod}, $samplecat->{enrolmentperioddate}, $samplecat->{dateofbirthrequired}, $samplecat->{finetype}, $samplecat->{bulk}, $samplecat->{enrolmentfee}, $samplecat->{overduenoticerequired}, $samplecat->{issuelimit}, $samplecat->{reservefee}, $samplecat->{hidelostitems}, $samplecat->{category_type} ); #Add itemtypes my $sampleitemtype1 = { itemtype => 'BOOK', description => 'BookDescription', rentalcharge => '10.0', notforloan => 1, imageurl => 'Null', summary => 'BookSummary' }; my $sampleitemtype2 = { itemtype => 'DVD', description => 'DvdDescription', rentalcharge => '5.0', notforloan => 0, imageurl => 'Null', summary => 'DvdSummary' }; $query = "INSERT INTO itemtypes (itemtype, description, rentalcharge, notforloan, imageurl, summary ) VALUES( ?,?,?,?,?,?)"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $sampleitemtype1->{itemtype}, $sampleitemtype1->{description}, $sampleitemtype1->{rentalcharge}, $sampleitemtype1->{notforloan}, $sampleitemtype1->{imageurl}, $sampleitemtype1->{summary} ); $sth->execute( $sampleitemtype2->{itemtype}, $sampleitemtype2->{description}, $sampleitemtype2->{rentalcharge}, $sampleitemtype2->{notforloan}, $sampleitemtype2->{imageurl}, $sampleitemtype2->{summary} ); #Add biblio and item my $record = MARC::Record->new(); $record->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '952', '0', '0', a => $samplebranch1->{branchcode} ) ); my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = C4::Biblio::AddBiblio( $record, '' ); # item 2 has home branch and holding branch samplebranch1 my @sampleitem1 = C4::Items::AddItem( { barcode => 'barcode_1', itemcallnumber => 'callnumber1', homebranch => $samplebranch1->{branchcode}, holdingbranch => $samplebranch1->{branchcode} }, $biblionumber ); my $item_id1 = $sampleitem1[2]; # item 2 has holding branch samplebranch2 my @sampleitem2 = C4::Items::AddItem( { barcode => 'barcode_2', itemcallnumber => 'callnumber2', homebranch => $samplebranch2->{branchcode}, holdingbranch => $samplebranch1->{branchcode} }, $biblionumber ); my $item_id2 = $sampleitem2[2]; # item 3 has item type sampleitemtype2 with noreturn policy my @sampleitem3 = C4::Items::AddItem( { barcode => 'barcode_3', itemcallnumber => 'callnumber3', homebranch => $samplebranch2->{branchcode}, holdingbranch => $samplebranch2->{branchcode}, itype => $sampleitemtype2->{itemtype} }, $biblionumber ); my $item_id3 = $sampleitem3[2]; #Add borrower my $borrower_id1 = C4::Members::AddMember( firstname => 'firstname1', surname => 'surname1 ', categorycode => $samplecat->{categorycode}, branchcode => $samplebranch1->{branchcode}, ); my $borrower_1 = C4::Members::GetMember(borrowernumber => $borrower_id1); is_deeply( GetBranchBorrowerCircRule(), { maxissueqty => undef, maxonsiteissueqty => undef }, "Without parameter, GetBranchBorrower returns undef (unilimited) for maxissueqty and maxonsiteissueqty if no rules defined" ); $query = q| INSERT INTO branch_borrower_circ_rules (branchcode, categorycode, maxissueqty, maxonsiteissueqty) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ? ) |; $dbh->do( $query, {}, $samplebranch1->{branchcode}, $samplecat->{categorycode}, 5, 6 ); $query = q| INSERT INTO default_branch_circ_rules (branchcode, maxissueqty, maxonsiteissueqty, holdallowed, returnbranch) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) |; $dbh->do( $query, {}, $samplebranch2->{branchcode}, 3, 2, 1, 'holdingbranch' ); $query = q| INSERT INTO default_circ_rules (singleton, maxissueqty, maxonsiteissueqty, holdallowed, returnbranch) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) |; $dbh->do( $query, {}, 'singleton', 4, 5, 3, 'homebranch' ); $query = "INSERT INTO branch_item_rules (branchcode,itemtype,holdallowed,returnbranch) VALUES( ?,?,?,?)"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $samplebranch1->{branchcode}, $sampleitemtype1->{itemtype}, 5, 'homebranch' ); $sth->execute( $samplebranch2->{branchcode}, $sampleitemtype1->{itemtype}, 5, 'holdingbranch' ); $sth->execute( $samplebranch2->{branchcode}, $sampleitemtype2->{itemtype}, 5, 'noreturn' ); #Test GetBranchBorrowerCircRule is_deeply( GetBranchBorrowerCircRule(), { maxissueqty => 4, maxonsiteissueqty => 5 }, "Without parameter, GetBranchBorrower returns the maxissueqty and maxonsiteissueqty of default_circ_rules" ); is_deeply( GetBranchBorrowerCircRule( $samplebranch2->{branchcode} ), { maxissueqty => 3, maxonsiteissueqty => 2 }, "Without only the branchcode specified, GetBranchBorrower returns the maxissueqty and maxonsiteissueqty corresponding" ); is_deeply( GetBranchBorrowerCircRule( $samplebranch1->{branchcode}, $samplecat->{categorycode} ), { maxissueqty => 5, maxonsiteissueqty => 6 }, "GetBranchBorrower returns the maxissueqty and maxonsiteissueqty of the branch1 and the category1" ); is_deeply( GetBranchBorrowerCircRule( -1, -1 ), { maxissueqty => 4, maxonsiteissueqty => 5 }, "GetBranchBorrower with wrong parameters returns the maxissueqty and maxonsiteissueqty of default_circ_rules" ); #Test GetBranchItemRule is_deeply( GetBranchItemRule( $samplebranch1->{branchcode}, $sampleitemtype1->{itemtype} ), { returnbranch => 'homebranch', holdallowed => 5 }, "GetBranchitem returns holdallowed and return branch" ); is_deeply( GetBranchItemRule(), { returnbranch => 'homebranch', holdallowed => 3 }, "Without parameters GetBranchItemRule returns the values in default_circ_rules" ); is_deeply( GetBranchItemRule( $samplebranch2->{branchcode} ), { returnbranch => 'holdingbranch', holdallowed => 1 }, "With only a branchcode GetBranchItemRule returns values in default_branch_circ_rules" ); is_deeply( GetBranchItemRule( -1, -1 ), { returnbranch => 'homebranch', holdallowed => 3 }, "With only one parametern GetBranchItemRule returns default values" ); # Test return policies C4::Context->set_preference('AutomaticItemReturn','0'); # item1 returned at branch2 should trigger transfer to homebranch $query = "INSERT INTO issues (borrowernumber,itemnumber,branchcode) VALUES( ?,?,? )"; $dbh->do( $query, {}, $borrower_id1, $item_id1, $samplebranch1->{branchcode} ); my ($doreturn, $messages, $iteminformation, $borrower) = AddReturn('barcode_1', $samplebranch2->{branchcode}); is( $messages->{NeedsTransfer}, $samplebranch1->{branchcode}, "AddReturn respects default return policy - return to homebranch" ); # item2 returned at branch2 should trigger transfer to holding branch $query = "INSERT INTO issues (borrowernumber,itemnumber,branchcode) VALUES( ?,?,? )"; $dbh->do( $query, {}, $borrower_id1, $item_id2, $samplebranch2->{branchcode} ); ($doreturn, $messages, $iteminformation, $borrower) = AddReturn('barcode_2', $samplebranch2->{branchcode}); is( $messages->{NeedsTransfer}, $samplebranch1->{branchcode}, "AddReturn respects branch return policy - item2->homebranch policy = 'holdingbranch'" ); # item3 should not trigger transfer - floating collection $query = "INSERT INTO issues (borrowernumber,itemnumber,branchcode) VALUES( ?,?,? )"; $dbh->do( $query, {}, $borrower_id1, $item_id3, $samplebranch1->{branchcode} ); ($doreturn, $messages, $iteminformation, $borrower) = AddReturn('barcode_3', $samplebranch1->{branchcode}); is($messages->{NeedsTransfer},undef,"AddReturn respects branch item return policy - noreturn"); $dbh->rollback;