package C4::Acquisition; # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use Carp; use Text::CSV_XS; use C4::Context; use C4::Debug; use C4::Suggestions; use C4::Biblio; use C4::Contract; use C4::Debug; use C4::Templates qw(gettemplate); use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string output_pref ); use Koha::Acquisition::Baskets; use Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers; use Koha::Acquisition::Orders; use Koha::Biblios; use Koha::Exceptions; use Koha::Items; use Koha::Number::Price; use Koha::Libraries; use Koha::CsvProfiles; use Koha::Patrons; use C4::Koha; use MARC::Field; use MARC::Record; use Time::localtime; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT); BEGIN { require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( &GetBasket &NewBasket &CloseBasket &ReopenBasket &DelBasket &ModBasket &GetBasketAsCSV &GetBasketGroupAsCSV &GetBasketsByBookseller &GetBasketsByBasketgroup &GetBasketsInfosByBookseller &GetBasketUsers &ModBasketUsers &CanUserManageBasket &ModBasketHeader &ModBasketgroup &NewBasketgroup &DelBasketgroup &GetBasketgroup &CloseBasketgroup &GetBasketgroups &ReOpenBasketgroup &DelOrder &ModOrder &GetOrder &GetOrders &GetOrdersByBiblionumber &GetOrderFromItemnumber &SearchOrders &GetHistory &GetRecentAcqui &ModReceiveOrder &CancelReceipt &TransferOrder &ModItemOrder &GetParcels &GetInvoices &GetInvoice &GetInvoiceDetails &AddInvoice &ModInvoice &CloseInvoice &ReopenInvoice &DelInvoice &MergeInvoices &AddClaim &GetBiblioCountByBasketno &GetOrderUsers &ModOrderUsers &NotifyOrderUsers &FillWithDefaultValues &get_rounded_price &get_rounding_sql ); } sub GetOrderFromItemnumber { my ($itemnumber) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq| SELECT * from aqorders LEFT JOIN aqorders_items ON ( aqorders.ordernumber = aqorders_items.ordernumber ) WHERE itemnumber = ? |; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); # $sth->trace(3); $sth->execute($itemnumber); my $order = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; return ( $order ); } =head1 NAME C4::Acquisition - Koha functions for dealing with orders and acquisitions =head1 SYNOPSIS use C4::Acquisition; =head1 DESCRIPTION The functions in this module deal with acquisitions, managing book orders, basket and parcels. =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 FUNCTIONS ABOUT BASKETS =head3 GetBasket $aqbasket = &GetBasket($basketnumber); get all basket informations in aqbasket for a given basket B informations for a given basket returned as a hashref. =cut sub GetBasket { my ($basketno) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = " SELECT aqbasket.*, concat( b.firstname,' ',b.surname) AS authorisedbyname FROM aqbasket LEFT JOIN borrowers b ON aqbasket.authorisedby=b.borrowernumber WHERE basketno=? "; my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($basketno); my $basket = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; return ( $basket ); } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 NewBasket $basket = &NewBasket( $booksellerid, $authorizedby, $basketname, $basketnote, $basketbooksellernote, $basketcontractnumber, $deliveryplace, $billingplace, $is_standing, $create_items ); Create a new basket in aqbasket table =over =item C<$booksellerid> is a foreign key in the aqbasket table =item C<$authorizedby> is the username of who created the basket =back The other parameters are optional, see ModBasketHeader for more info on them. =cut sub NewBasket { my ( $booksellerid, $authorisedby, $basketname, $basketnote, $basketbooksellernote, $basketcontractnumber, $deliveryplace, $billingplace, $is_standing, $create_items ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = 'INSERT INTO aqbasket (creationdate,booksellerid,authorisedby) ' . 'VALUES (now(),?,?)'; $dbh->do( $query, {}, $booksellerid, $authorisedby ); my $basket = $dbh->{mysql_insertid}; $basketname ||= q{}; # default to empty strings $basketnote ||= q{}; $basketbooksellernote ||= q{}; ModBasketHeader( $basket, $basketname, $basketnote, $basketbooksellernote, $basketcontractnumber, $booksellerid, $deliveryplace, $billingplace, $is_standing, $create_items ); return $basket; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 CloseBasket &CloseBasket($basketno); close a basket (becomes unmodifiable, except for receives) =cut sub CloseBasket { my ($basketno) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $dbh->do('UPDATE aqbasket SET closedate=now() WHERE basketno=?', {}, $basketno ); $dbh->do( q{UPDATE aqorders SET orderstatus = 'ordered' WHERE basketno = ? AND orderstatus NOT IN ( 'complete', 'cancelled')}, {}, $basketno ); return; } =head3 ReopenBasket &ReopenBasket($basketno); reopen a basket =cut sub ReopenBasket { my ($basketno) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $dbh->do( q{UPDATE aqbasket SET closedate=NULL WHERE basketno=?}, {}, $basketno ); $dbh->do( q{ UPDATE aqorders SET orderstatus = 'new' WHERE basketno = ? AND orderstatus NOT IN ( 'complete', 'cancelled' ) }, {}, $basketno); return; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 GetBasketAsCSV &GetBasketAsCSV($basketno); Export a basket as CSV $cgi parameter is needed for column name translation =cut sub GetBasketAsCSV { my ($basketno, $cgi, $csv_profile_id) = @_; my $basket = GetBasket($basketno); my @orders = GetOrders($basketno); my $contract = GetContract({ contractnumber => $basket->{'contractnumber'} }); my $template = C4::Templates::gettemplate("acqui/csv/", "intranet", $cgi); my @rows; if ($csv_profile_id) { my $csv_profile = Koha::CsvProfiles->find( $csv_profile_id ); Koha::Exceptions::ObjectNotFound->throw( 'There is no valid csv profile given') unless $csv_profile; my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({'quote_char'=>'"','escape_char'=>'"','sep_char'=>$csv_profile->csv_separator,'binary'=>1}); my $csv_profile_content = $csv_profile->content; my ( @headers, @fields ); while ( $csv_profile_content =~ / ([^=\|]+) # header =? ([^\|]*) # fieldname (table.row or row) \|? /gxms ) { my $header = $1; my $field = ($2 eq '') ? $1 : $2; $header =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Trim whitespaces push @headers, $header; $field =~ s/[^\.]*\.{1}//; # Remove the table name if exists. $field =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Trim whitespaces push @fields, $field; } for my $order (@orders) { my @row; my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->find( $order->{biblionumber} ); my $biblioitem = $biblio->biblioitem; $order = { %$order, %{ $biblioitem->unblessed } }; if ($contract) { $order = {%$order, %$contract}; } $order = {%$order, %$basket, %{ $biblio->unblessed }}; for my $field (@fields) { push @row, $order->{$field}; } push @rows, \@row; } my $content = join( $csv_profile->csv_separator, @headers ) . "\n"; for my $row ( @rows ) { $csv->combine(@$row); my $string = $csv->string; $content .= $string . "\n"; } return $content; } else { foreach my $order (@orders) { my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->find( $order->{biblionumber} ); my $biblioitem = $biblio->biblioitem; my $row = { contractname => $contract->{'contractname'}, ordernumber => $order->{'ordernumber'}, entrydate => $order->{'entrydate'}, isbn => $order->{'isbn'}, author => $biblio->author, title => $biblio->title, publicationyear => $biblioitem->publicationyear, publishercode => $biblioitem->publishercode, collectiontitle => $biblioitem->collectiontitle, notes => $order->{'order_vendornote'}, quantity => $order->{'quantity'}, rrp => $order->{'rrp'}, }; for my $place ( qw( deliveryplace billingplace ) ) { if ( my $library = Koha::Libraries->find( $row->{deliveryplace} ) ) { $row->{$place} = $library->branchname } } foreach(qw( contractname author title publishercode collectiontitle notes deliveryplace billingplace ) ) { # Double the quotes to not be interpreted as a field end $row->{$_} =~ s/"/""/g if $row->{$_}; } push @rows, $row; } @rows = sort { if(defined $a->{publishercode} and defined $b->{publishercode}) { $a->{publishercode} cmp $b->{publishercode}; } } @rows; $template->param(rows => \@rows); return $template->output; } } =head3 GetBasketGroupAsCSV &GetBasketGroupAsCSV($basketgroupid); Export a basket group as CSV $cgi parameter is needed for column name translation =cut sub GetBasketGroupAsCSV { my ($basketgroupid, $cgi) = @_; my $baskets = GetBasketsByBasketgroup($basketgroupid); my $template = C4::Templates::gettemplate('acqui/csv/', 'intranet', $cgi); my @rows; for my $basket (@$baskets) { my @orders = GetOrders( $basket->{basketno} ); my $contract = GetContract({ contractnumber => $basket->{contractnumber} }); my $bookseller = Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers->find( $basket->{booksellerid} ); my $basketgroup = GetBasketgroup( $$basket{basketgroupid} ); foreach my $order (@orders) { my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->find( $order->{biblionumber} ); my $biblioitem = $biblio->biblioitem; my $row = { clientnumber => $bookseller->accountnumber, basketname => $basket->{basketname}, ordernumber => $order->{ordernumber}, author => $biblio->author, title => $biblio->title, publishercode => $biblioitem->publishercode, publicationyear => $biblioitem->publicationyear, collectiontitle => $biblioitem->collectiontitle, isbn => $order->{isbn}, quantity => $order->{quantity}, rrp_tax_included => $order->{rrp_tax_included}, rrp_tax_excluded => $order->{rrp_tax_excluded}, discount => $bookseller->discount, ecost_tax_included => $order->{ecost_tax_included}, ecost_tax_excluded => $order->{ecost_tax_excluded}, notes => $order->{order_vendornote}, entrydate => $order->{entrydate}, booksellername => $bookseller->name, bookselleraddress => $bookseller->address1, booksellerpostal => $bookseller->postal, contractnumber => $contract->{contractnumber}, contractname => $contract->{contractname}, }; my $temp = { basketgroupdeliveryplace => $basketgroup->{deliveryplace}, basketgroupbillingplace => $basketgroup->{billingplace}, basketdeliveryplace => $basket->{deliveryplace}, basketbillingplace => $basket->{billingplace}, }; for my $place (qw( basketgroupdeliveryplace basketgroupbillingplace basketdeliveryplace basketbillingplace )) { if ( my $library = Koha::Libraries->find( $temp->{$place} ) ) { $row->{$place} = $library->branchname; } } foreach(qw( basketname author title publishercode collectiontitle notes booksellername bookselleraddress booksellerpostal contractname basketgroupdeliveryplace basketgroupbillingplace basketdeliveryplace basketbillingplace ) ) { # Double the quotes to not be interpreted as a field end $row->{$_} =~ s/"/""/g if $row->{$_}; } push @rows, $row; } } $template->param(rows => \@rows); return $template->output; } =head3 CloseBasketgroup &CloseBasketgroup($basketgroupno); close a basketgroup =cut sub CloseBasketgroup { my ($basketgroupno) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(" UPDATE aqbasketgroups SET closed=1 WHERE id=? "); $sth->execute($basketgroupno); } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 ReOpenBaskergroup($basketgroupno) &ReOpenBaskergroup($basketgroupno); reopen a basketgroup =cut sub ReOpenBasketgroup { my ($basketgroupno) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(" UPDATE aqbasketgroups SET closed=0 WHERE id=? "); $sth->execute($basketgroupno); } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 DelBasket &DelBasket($basketno); Deletes the basket that has basketno field $basketno in the aqbasket table. =over =item C<$basketno> is the primary key of the basket in the aqbasket table. =back =cut sub DelBasket { my ( $basketno ) = @_; my $query = "DELETE FROM aqbasket WHERE basketno=?"; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($basketno); return; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 ModBasket &ModBasket($basketinfo); Modifies a basket, using a hashref $basketinfo for the relevant information, only $basketinfo->{'basketno'} is required. =over =item C<$basketno> is the primary key of the basket in the aqbasket table. =back =cut sub ModBasket { my $basketinfo = shift; my $query = "UPDATE aqbasket SET "; my @params; foreach my $key (keys %$basketinfo){ if ($key ne 'basketno'){ $query .= "$key=?, "; push(@params, $basketinfo->{$key} || undef ); } } # get rid of the "," at the end of $query if (substr($query, length($query)-2) eq ', '){ chop($query); chop($query); $query .= ' '; } $query .= "WHERE basketno=?"; push(@params, $basketinfo->{'basketno'}); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@params); return; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 ModBasketHeader &ModBasketHeader($basketno, $basketname, $note, $booksellernote, $contractnumber, $booksellerid); Modifies a basket's header. =over =item C<$basketno> is the "basketno" field in the "aqbasket" table; =item C<$basketname> is the "basketname" field in the "aqbasket" table; =item C<$note> is the "note" field in the "aqbasket" table; =item C<$booksellernote> is the "booksellernote" field in the "aqbasket" table; =item C<$contractnumber> is the "contractnumber" (foreign) key in the "aqbasket" table. =item C<$booksellerid> is the id (foreign) key in the "aqbooksellers" table for the vendor. =item C<$deliveryplace> is the "deliveryplace" field in the aqbasket table. =item C<$billingplace> is the "billingplace" field in the aqbasket table. =item C<$is_standing> is the "is_standing" field in the aqbasket table. =item C<$create_items> should be set to 'ordering', 'receiving' or 'cataloguing' (or undef, in which case the AcqCreateItem syspref takes precedence). =back =cut sub ModBasketHeader { my ($basketno, $basketname, $note, $booksellernote, $contractnumber, $booksellerid, $deliveryplace, $billingplace, $is_standing, $create_items) = @_; $is_standing ||= 0; my $query = qq{ UPDATE aqbasket SET basketname=?, note=?, booksellernote=?, booksellerid=?, deliveryplace=?, billingplace=?, is_standing=?, create_items=? WHERE basketno=? }; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($basketname, $note, $booksellernote, $booksellerid, $deliveryplace, $billingplace, $is_standing, $create_items || undef, $basketno); if ( $contractnumber ) { my $query2 ="UPDATE aqbasket SET contractnumber=? WHERE basketno=?"; my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query2); $sth2->execute($contractnumber,$basketno); } return; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 GetBasketsByBookseller @results = &GetBasketsByBookseller($booksellerid, $extra); Returns a list of hashes of all the baskets that belong to bookseller 'booksellerid'. =over =item C<$booksellerid> is the 'id' field of the bookseller in the aqbooksellers table =item C<$extra> is the extra sql parameters, can be $extra->{groupby}: group baskets by column ex. $extra->{groupby} = aqbasket.basketgroupid $extra->{orderby}: order baskets by column $extra->{limit}: limit number of results (can be helpful for pagination) =back =cut sub GetBasketsByBookseller { my ($booksellerid, $extra) = @_; my $query = "SELECT * FROM aqbasket WHERE booksellerid=?"; if ($extra){ if ($extra->{groupby}) { $query .= " GROUP by $extra->{groupby}"; } if ($extra->{orderby}){ $query .= " ORDER by $extra->{orderby}"; } if ($extra->{limit}){ $query .= " LIMIT $extra->{limit}"; } } my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($booksellerid); return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } =head3 GetBasketsInfosByBookseller my $baskets = GetBasketsInfosByBookseller($supplierid, $allbaskets); The optional second parameter allbaskets is a boolean allowing you to select all baskets from the supplier; by default only active baskets (open or closed but still something to receive) are returned. Returns in a arrayref of hashref all about booksellers baskets, plus: total_biblios: Number of distinct biblios in basket total_items: Number of items in basket expected_items: Number of non-received items in basket =cut sub GetBasketsInfosByBookseller { my ($supplierid, $allbaskets) = @_; return unless $supplierid; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = q{ SELECT aqbasket.basketno, aqbasket.basketname, aqbasket.note, aqbasket.booksellernote, aqbasket.contractnumber, aqbasket.creationdate, aqbasket.closedate, aqbasket.booksellerid, aqbasket.authorisedby, aqbasket.booksellerinvoicenumber, aqbasket.basketgroupid, aqbasket.deliveryplace, aqbasket.billingplace, aqbasket.branch, aqbasket.is_standing, aqbasket.create_items, SUM(aqorders.quantity) AS total_items, SUM( IF ( aqorders.orderstatus = 'cancelled', aqorders.quantity, 0 ) ) AS total_items_cancelled, COUNT(DISTINCT aqorders.biblionumber) AS total_biblios, SUM( IF(aqorders.datereceived IS NULL AND aqorders.datecancellationprinted IS NULL , aqorders.quantity , 0) ) AS expected_items, SUM( aqorders.uncertainprice ) AS uncertainprices FROM aqbasket LEFT JOIN aqorders ON aqorders.basketno = aqbasket.basketno WHERE booksellerid = ?}; $query.=" GROUP BY aqbasket.basketno, aqbasket.basketname, aqbasket.note, aqbasket.booksellernote, aqbasket.contractnumber, aqbasket.creationdate, aqbasket.closedate, aqbasket.booksellerid, aqbasket.authorisedby, aqbasket.booksellerinvoicenumber, aqbasket.basketgroupid, aqbasket.deliveryplace, aqbasket.billingplace, aqbasket.branch, aqbasket.is_standing, aqbasket.create_items"; unless ( $allbaskets ) { # Don't show the basket if it's NOT CLOSED or is FULLY RECEIVED $query.=" HAVING (closedate IS NULL OR ( SUM( IF(aqorders.datereceived IS NULL AND aqorders.datecancellationprinted IS NULL , aqorders.quantity , 0) ) > 0))" } my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($supplierid); my $baskets = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); # Retrieve the number of biblios cancelled my $cancelled_biblios = $dbh->selectall_hashref( q| SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(biblionumber)) AS total_biblios_cancelled, aqbasket.basketno FROM aqbasket LEFT JOIN aqorders ON aqorders.basketno = aqbasket.basketno WHERE booksellerid = ? AND aqorders.orderstatus = 'cancelled' GROUP BY aqbasket.basketno |, 'basketno', {}, $supplierid ); map { $_->{total_biblios_cancelled} = $cancelled_biblios->{$_->{basketno}}{total_biblios_cancelled} || 0 } @$baskets; return $baskets; } =head3 GetBasketUsers $basketusers_ids = &GetBasketUsers($basketno); Returns a list of all borrowernumbers that are in basket users list =cut sub GetBasketUsers { my $basketno = shift; return unless $basketno; my $query = qq{ SELECT borrowernumber FROM aqbasketusers WHERE basketno = ? }; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($basketno); my $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); my @borrowernumbers; foreach (@$results) { push @borrowernumbers, $_->{'borrowernumber'}; } return @borrowernumbers; } =head3 ModBasketUsers my @basketusers_ids = (1, 2, 3); &ModBasketUsers($basketno, @basketusers_ids); Delete all users from basket users list, and add users in C<@basketusers_ids> to this users list. =cut sub ModBasketUsers { my ($basketno, @basketusers_ids) = @_; return unless $basketno; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq{ DELETE FROM aqbasketusers WHERE basketno = ? }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($basketno); $query = qq{ INSERT INTO aqbasketusers (basketno, borrowernumber) VALUES (?, ?) }; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); foreach my $basketuser_id (@basketusers_ids) { $sth->execute($basketno, $basketuser_id); } return; } =head3 CanUserManageBasket my $bool = CanUserManageBasket($borrower, $basket[, $userflags]); my $bool = CanUserManageBasket($borrowernumber, $basketno[, $userflags]); Check if a borrower can manage a basket, according to system preference AcqViewBaskets, user permissions and basket properties (creator, users list, branch). First parameter can be either a borrowernumber or a hashref as returned by Koha::Patron->unblessed Second parameter can be either a basketno or a hashref as returned by C4::Acquisition::GetBasket. The third parameter is optional. If given, it should be a hashref as returned by C4::Auth::getuserflags. If not, getuserflags is called. If user is authorised to manage basket, returns 1. Otherwise returns 0. =cut sub CanUserManageBasket { my ($borrower, $basket, $userflags) = @_; if (!ref $borrower) { # FIXME This needs to be replaced # We should not accept both scalar and array # Tests need to be updated $borrower = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrower )->unblessed; } if (!ref $basket) { $basket = GetBasket($basket); } return 0 unless ($basket and $borrower); my $borrowernumber = $borrower->{borrowernumber}; my $basketno = $basket->{basketno}; my $AcqViewBaskets = C4::Context->preference('AcqViewBaskets'); if (!defined $userflags) { my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT flags FROM borrowers WHERE borrowernumber = ?"); $sth->execute($borrowernumber); my ($flags) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $sth->finish; $userflags = C4::Auth::getuserflags($flags, $borrower->{userid}, $dbh); } unless ($userflags->{superlibrarian} || (ref $userflags->{acquisition} && $userflags->{acquisition}->{order_manage_all}) || (!ref $userflags->{acquisition} && $userflags->{acquisition})) { if (not exists $userflags->{acquisition}) { return 0; } if ( (ref $userflags->{acquisition} && !$userflags->{acquisition}->{order_manage}) || (!ref $userflags->{acquisition} && !$userflags->{acquisition}) ) { return 0; } if ($AcqViewBaskets eq 'user' && $basket->{authorisedby} != $borrowernumber && ! grep { $borrowernumber eq $_ } GetBasketUsers($basketno)) { return 0; } if ($AcqViewBaskets eq 'branch' && defined $basket->{branch} && $basket->{branch} ne $borrower->{branchcode}) { return 0; } } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 GetBasketsByBasketgroup $baskets = &GetBasketsByBasketgroup($basketgroupid); Returns a reference to all baskets that belong to basketgroup $basketgroupid. =cut sub GetBasketsByBasketgroup { my $basketgroupid = shift; my $query = qq{ SELECT *, aqbasket.booksellerid as booksellerid FROM aqbasket LEFT JOIN aqcontract USING(contractnumber) WHERE basketgroupid=? }; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($basketgroupid); return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 NewBasketgroup $basketgroupid = NewBasketgroup(\%hashref); Adds a basketgroup to the aqbasketgroups table, and add the initial baskets to it. $hashref->{'booksellerid'} is the 'id' field of the bookseller in the aqbooksellers table, $hashref->{'name'} is the 'name' field of the basketgroup in the aqbasketgroups table, $hashref->{'basketlist'} is a list reference of the 'id's of the baskets that belong to this group, $hashref->{'billingplace'} is the 'billingplace' field of the basketgroup in the aqbasketgroups table, $hashref->{'deliveryplace'} is the 'deliveryplace' field of the basketgroup in the aqbasketgroups table, $hashref->{'freedeliveryplace'} is the 'freedeliveryplace' field of the basketgroup in the aqbasketgroups table, $hashref->{'deliverycomment'} is the 'deliverycomment' field of the basketgroup in the aqbasketgroups table, $hashref->{'closed'} is the 'closed' field of the aqbasketgroups table, it is false if 0, true otherwise. =cut sub NewBasketgroup { my $basketgroupinfo = shift; die "booksellerid is required to create a basketgroup" unless $basketgroupinfo->{'booksellerid'}; my $query = "INSERT INTO aqbasketgroups ("; my @params; foreach my $field (qw(name billingplace deliveryplace freedeliveryplace deliverycomment closed)) { if ( defined $basketgroupinfo->{$field} ) { $query .= "$field, "; push(@params, $basketgroupinfo->{$field}); } } $query .= "booksellerid) VALUES ("; foreach (@params) { $query .= "?, "; } $query .= "?)"; push(@params, $basketgroupinfo->{'booksellerid'}); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@params); my $basketgroupid = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'}; if( $basketgroupinfo->{'basketlist'} ) { foreach my $basketno (@{$basketgroupinfo->{'basketlist'}}) { my $query2 = "UPDATE aqbasket SET basketgroupid=? WHERE basketno=?"; my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query2); $sth2->execute($basketgroupid, $basketno); } } return $basketgroupid; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 ModBasketgroup ModBasketgroup(\%hashref); Modifies a basketgroup in the aqbasketgroups table, and add the baskets to it. $hashref->{'id'} is the 'id' field of the basketgroup in the aqbasketgroup table, this parameter is mandatory, $hashref->{'name'} is the 'name' field of the basketgroup in the aqbasketgroups table, $hashref->{'basketlist'} is a list reference of the 'id's of the baskets that belong to this group, $hashref->{'billingplace'} is the 'billingplace' field of the basketgroup in the aqbasketgroups table, $hashref->{'deliveryplace'} is the 'deliveryplace' field of the basketgroup in the aqbasketgroups table, $hashref->{'freedeliveryplace'} is the 'freedeliveryplace' field of the basketgroup in the aqbasketgroups table, $hashref->{'deliverycomment'} is the 'deliverycomment' field of the basketgroup in the aqbasketgroups table, $hashref->{'closed'} is the 'closed' field of the aqbasketgroups table, it is false if 0, true otherwise. =cut sub ModBasketgroup { my $basketgroupinfo = shift; die "basketgroup id is required to edit a basketgroup" unless $basketgroupinfo->{'id'}; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = "UPDATE aqbasketgroups SET "; my @params; foreach my $field (qw(name billingplace deliveryplace freedeliveryplace deliverycomment closed)) { if ( defined $basketgroupinfo->{$field} ) { $query .= "$field=?, "; push(@params, $basketgroupinfo->{$field}); } } chop($query); chop($query); $query .= " WHERE id=?"; push(@params, $basketgroupinfo->{'id'}); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@params); $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE aqbasket SET basketgroupid = NULL WHERE basketgroupid = ?'); $sth->execute($basketgroupinfo->{'id'}); if($basketgroupinfo->{'basketlist'} && @{$basketgroupinfo->{'basketlist'}}){ $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE aqbasket SET basketgroupid=? WHERE basketno=?"); foreach my $basketno (@{$basketgroupinfo->{'basketlist'}}) { $sth->execute($basketgroupinfo->{'id'}, $basketno); } } return; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 DelBasketgroup DelBasketgroup($basketgroupid); Deletes a basketgroup in the aqbasketgroups table, and removes the reference to it from the baskets, =over =item C<$basketgroupid> is the 'id' field of the basket in the aqbasketgroup table =back =cut sub DelBasketgroup { my $basketgroupid = shift; die "basketgroup id is required to edit a basketgroup" unless $basketgroupid; my $query = "DELETE FROM aqbasketgroups WHERE id=?"; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($basketgroupid); return; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head2 FUNCTIONS ABOUT ORDERS =head3 GetBasketgroup $basketgroup = &GetBasketgroup($basketgroupid); Returns a reference to the hash containing all information about the basketgroup. =cut sub GetBasketgroup { my $basketgroupid = shift; die "basketgroup id is required to edit a basketgroup" unless $basketgroupid; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $result_set = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 'SELECT * FROM aqbasketgroups WHERE id=?', { Slice => {} }, $basketgroupid ); return $result_set->[0]; # id is unique } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 GetBasketgroups $basketgroups = &GetBasketgroups($booksellerid); Returns a reference to the array of all the basketgroups of bookseller $booksellerid. =cut sub GetBasketgroups { my $booksellerid = shift; die 'bookseller id is required to edit a basketgroup' unless $booksellerid; my $query = 'SELECT * FROM aqbasketgroups WHERE booksellerid=? ORDER BY id DESC'; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($booksellerid); return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head2 FUNCTIONS ABOUT ORDERS =head3 GetOrders @orders = &GetOrders( $basketno, { orderby => 'biblio.title', cancelled => 0|1 } ); Looks up the pending (non-cancelled) orders with the given basket number. If cancelled is set, only cancelled orders will be returned. =cut sub GetOrders { my ( $basketno, $params ) = @_; return () unless $basketno; my $orderby = $params->{orderby}; my $cancelled = $params->{cancelled} || 0; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = q| SELECT biblio.*,biblioitems.*, aqorders.*, aqbudgets.*, |; $query .= $cancelled ? q| aqorders_transfers.ordernumber_to AS transferred_to, aqorders_transfers.timestamp AS transferred_to_timestamp | : q| aqorders_transfers.ordernumber_from AS transferred_from, aqorders_transfers.timestamp AS transferred_from_timestamp |; $query .= q| FROM aqorders LEFT JOIN aqbudgets ON aqbudgets.budget_id = aqorders.budget_id LEFT JOIN biblio ON biblio.biblionumber = aqorders.biblionumber LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON biblioitems.biblionumber =biblio.biblionumber |; $query .= $cancelled ? q| LEFT JOIN aqorders_transfers ON aqorders_transfers.ordernumber_from = aqorders.ordernumber | : q| LEFT JOIN aqorders_transfers ON aqorders_transfers.ordernumber_to = aqorders.ordernumber |; $query .= q| WHERE basketno=? |; if ($cancelled) { $orderby ||= q|biblioitems.publishercode, biblio.title|; $query .= q| AND datecancellationprinted IS NOT NULL |; } else { $orderby ||= q|aqorders.datecancellationprinted desc, aqorders.timestamp desc|; $query .= q| AND datecancellationprinted IS NULL |; } $query .= " ORDER BY $orderby"; my $orders = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( $query, { Slice => {} }, $basketno ); return @{$orders}; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 GetOrdersByBiblionumber @orders = &GetOrdersByBiblionumber($biblionumber); Looks up the orders with linked to a specific $biblionumber, including cancelled orders and received orders. return : C<@orders> is an array of references-to-hash, whose keys are the fields from the aqorders, biblio, and biblioitems tables in the Koha database. =cut sub GetOrdersByBiblionumber { my $biblionumber = shift; return unless $biblionumber; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query =" SELECT biblio.*,biblioitems.*, aqorders.*, aqbudgets.* FROM aqorders LEFT JOIN aqbudgets ON aqbudgets.budget_id = aqorders.budget_id LEFT JOIN biblio ON biblio.biblionumber = aqorders.biblionumber LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON biblioitems.biblionumber =biblio.biblionumber WHERE aqorders.biblionumber=? "; my $result_set = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( $query, { Slice => {} }, $biblionumber ); return @{$result_set}; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 GetOrder $order = &GetOrder($ordernumber); Looks up an order by order number. Returns a reference-to-hash describing the order. The keys of C<$order> are fields from the biblio, biblioitems, aqorders tables of the Koha database. =cut sub GetOrder { my ($ordernumber) = @_; return unless $ordernumber; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq{SELECT aqorders.*, biblio.title,, aqbasket.basketname, borrowers.branchcode, biblioitems.publicationyear, biblio.copyrightdate, biblioitems.editionstatement, biblioitems.isbn, biblioitems.ean, biblio.seriestitle, biblioitems.publishercode, aqorders.rrp AS unitpricesupplier, aqorders.ecost AS unitpricelib, aqbudgets.budget_name AS budget, AS supplier, AS supplierid, biblioitems.publishercode AS publisher, ADDDATE(aqbasket.closedate, INTERVAL aqbooksellers.deliverytime DAY) AS estimateddeliverydate, DATE(aqbasket.closedate) AS orderdate, aqorders.quantity - COALESCE(aqorders.quantityreceived,0) AS quantity_to_receive, (aqorders.quantity - COALESCE(aqorders.quantityreceived,0)) * aqorders.rrp AS subtotal, DATEDIFF(CURDATE( ),closedate) AS latesince FROM aqorders LEFT JOIN biblio ON biblio.biblionumber = aqorders.biblionumber LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON biblioitems.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber LEFT JOIN aqbudgets ON aqorders.budget_id = aqbudgets.budget_id, aqbasket LEFT JOIN borrowers ON aqbasket.authorisedby = borrowers.borrowernumber LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON aqbasket.booksellerid = WHERE aqorders.basketno = aqbasket.basketno AND ordernumber=?}; my $result_set = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( $query, { Slice => {} }, $ordernumber ); # result_set assumed to contain 1 match return $result_set->[0]; } =head3 ModOrder &ModOrder(\%hashref); Modifies an existing order. Updates the order with order number $hashref->{'ordernumber'} and biblionumber $hashref->{'biblionumber'}. All other keys of the hash update the fields with the same name in the aqorders table of the Koha database. =cut sub ModOrder { my $orderinfo = shift; die "Ordernumber is required" if $orderinfo->{'ordernumber'} eq ''; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my @params; # update uncertainprice to an integer, just in case (under FF, checked boxes have the value "ON" by default) $orderinfo->{uncertainprice}=1 if $orderinfo->{uncertainprice}; # delete($orderinfo->{'branchcode'}); # the hash contains a lot of entries not in aqorders, so get the columns ... my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM aqorders LIMIT 1;"); $sth->execute; my $colnames = $sth->{NAME}; #FIXME Be careful. If aqorders would have columns with diacritics, #you should need to decode what you get back from NAME. #See report 10110 and my $query = "UPDATE aqorders SET "; foreach my $orderinfokey (grep(!/ordernumber/, keys %$orderinfo)){ # ... and skip hash entries that are not in the aqorders table # FIXME : probably not the best way to do it (would be better to have a correct hash) next unless grep { $_ eq $orderinfokey } @$colnames; $query .= "$orderinfokey=?, "; push(@params, $orderinfo->{$orderinfokey}); } $query .= "timestamp=NOW() WHERE ordernumber=?"; push(@params, $orderinfo->{'ordernumber'} ); $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@params); return; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 ModItemOrder ModItemOrder($itemnumber, $ordernumber); Modifies the ordernumber of an item in aqorders_items. =cut sub ModItemOrder { my ($itemnumber, $ordernumber) = @_; return unless ($itemnumber and $ordernumber); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq{ UPDATE aqorders_items SET ordernumber = ? WHERE itemnumber = ? }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); return $sth->execute($ordernumber, $itemnumber); } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 ModReceiveOrder my ( $date_received, $new_ordernumber ) = ModReceiveOrder( { biblionumber => $biblionumber, order => $order, quantityreceived => $quantityreceived, user => $user, invoice => $invoice, budget_id => $budget_id, datereceived => $datereceived, received_itemnumbers => \@received_itemnumbers, } ); Updates an order, to reflect the fact that it was received, at least in part. If a partial order is received, splits the order into two. Updates the order with biblionumber C<$biblionumber> and ordernumber C<$order->{ordernumber}>. =cut sub ModReceiveOrder { my ($params) = @_; my $biblionumber = $params->{biblionumber}; my $order = { %{ $params->{order} } }; # Copy the order, we don't want to modify it my $invoice = $params->{invoice}; my $quantrec = $params->{quantityreceived}; my $user = $params->{user}; my $budget_id = $params->{budget_id}; my $datereceived = $params->{datereceived}; my $received_items = $params->{received_items}; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $datereceived = output_pref( { dt => ( $datereceived ? dt_from_string( $datereceived ) : dt_from_string ), dateformat => 'iso', dateonly => 1, } ); my $suggestionid = GetSuggestionFromBiblionumber( $biblionumber ); if ($suggestionid) { ModSuggestion( {suggestionid=>$suggestionid, STATUS=>'AVAILABLE', biblionumber=> $biblionumber} ); } my $result_set = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref( q{SELECT aqbasket.is_standing FROM aqbasket WHERE basketno=?},{ Slice => {} }, $order->{basketno}); my $is_standing = $result_set->[0]; # we assume we have a unique basket my $new_ordernumber = $order->{ordernumber}; if ( $is_standing || $order->{quantity} > $quantrec ) { # Split order line in two parts: the first is the original order line # without received items (the quantity is decreased), # the second part is a new order line with quantity=quantityrec # (entirely received) my $query = q| UPDATE aqorders SET quantity = ?, orderstatus = 'partial'|; $query .= q| WHERE ordernumber = ?|; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( ( $is_standing ? 1 : ($order->{quantity} - $quantrec) ), $order->{ordernumber} ); if ( not $order->{subscriptionid} && defined $order->{order_internalnote} ) { $dbh->do( q|UPDATE aqorders SET order_internalnote = ? WHERE ordernumber = ?|, {}, $order->{order_internalnote}, $order->{ordernumber} ); } # Recalculate tax_value $dbh->do(q| UPDATE aqorders SET tax_value_on_ordering = quantity * | . get_rounding_sql(q|ecost_tax_excluded|) . q| * tax_rate_on_ordering, tax_value_on_receiving = quantity * | . get_rounding_sql(q|unitprice_tax_excluded|) . q| * tax_rate_on_receiving WHERE ordernumber = ? |, undef, $order->{ordernumber}); delete $order->{ordernumber}; $order->{budget_id} = ( $budget_id || $order->{budget_id} ); $order->{quantity} = $quantrec; $order->{quantityreceived} = $quantrec; $order->{ecost_tax_excluded} //= 0; $order->{tax_rate_on_ordering} //= 0; $order->{unitprice_tax_excluded} //= 0; $order->{tax_rate_on_receiving} //= 0; $order->{tax_value_on_ordering} = $order->{quantity} * get_rounded_price($order->{ecost_tax_excluded}) * $order->{tax_rate_on_ordering}; $order->{tax_value_on_receiving} = $order->{quantity} * get_rounded_price($order->{unitprice_tax_excluded}) * $order->{tax_rate_on_receiving}; $order->{datereceived} = $datereceived; $order->{invoiceid} = $invoice->{invoiceid}; $order->{orderstatus} = 'complete'; $new_ordernumber = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new($order)->store->ordernumber; # TODO What if the store fails? if ($received_items) { foreach my $itemnumber (@$received_items) { ModItemOrder($itemnumber, $new_ordernumber); } } } else { my $query = q| UPDATE aqorders SET quantityreceived = ?, datereceived = ?, invoiceid = ?, budget_id = ?, orderstatus = 'complete' |; $query .= q| , replacementprice = ? | if defined $order->{replacementprice}; $query .= q| , unitprice = ?, unitprice_tax_included = ?, unitprice_tax_excluded = ? | if defined $order->{unitprice}; $query .= q| ,tax_value_on_receiving = ? | if defined $order->{tax_value_on_receiving}; $query .= q| ,tax_rate_on_receiving = ? | if defined $order->{tax_rate_on_receiving}; $query .= q| , order_internalnote = ? | if defined $order->{order_internalnote}; $query .= q| where biblionumber=? and ordernumber=?|; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $query ); my @params = ( $quantrec, $datereceived, $invoice->{invoiceid}, ( $budget_id ? $budget_id : $order->{budget_id} ) ); if ( defined $order->{replacementprice} ) { push @params, $order->{replacementprice}; } if ( defined $order->{unitprice} ) { push @params, $order->{unitprice}, $order->{unitprice_tax_included}, $order->{unitprice_tax_excluded}; } if ( defined $order->{tax_value_on_receiving} ) { push @params, $order->{tax_value_on_receiving}; } if ( defined $order->{tax_rate_on_receiving} ) { push @params, $order->{tax_rate_on_receiving}; } if ( defined $order->{order_internalnote} ) { push @params, $order->{order_internalnote}; } push @params, ( $biblionumber, $order->{ordernumber} ); $sth->execute( @params ); # All items have been received, sent a notification to users NotifyOrderUsers( $order->{ordernumber} ); } return ($datereceived, $new_ordernumber); } =head3 CancelReceipt my $parent_ordernumber = CancelReceipt($ordernumber); Cancel an order line receipt and update the parent order line, as if no receipt was made. If items are created at receipt (AcqCreateItem = receiving) then delete these items. =cut sub CancelReceipt { my $ordernumber = shift; return unless $ordernumber; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq{ SELECT datereceived, parent_ordernumber, quantity FROM aqorders WHERE ordernumber = ? }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($ordernumber); my $order = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; unless($order) { warn "CancelReceipt: order $ordernumber does not exist"; return; } unless($order->{'datereceived'}) { warn "CancelReceipt: order $ordernumber is not received"; return; } my $parent_ordernumber = $order->{'parent_ordernumber'}; my $order_obj = Koha::Acquisition::Orders->find( $ordernumber ); # FIXME rewrite all this subroutine using this object my @itemnumbers = $order_obj->items->get_column('itemnumber'); if($parent_ordernumber == $ordernumber || not $parent_ordernumber) { # The order line has no parent, just mark it as not received $query = qq{ UPDATE aqorders SET quantityreceived = ?, datereceived = ?, invoiceid = ?, orderstatus = 'ordered' WHERE ordernumber = ? }; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(0, undef, undef, $ordernumber); _cancel_items_receipt( $order_obj ); } else { # The order line has a parent, increase parent quantity and delete # the order line. unless ( $order_obj->basket->is_standing ) { $query = qq{ SELECT quantity, datereceived FROM aqorders WHERE ordernumber = ? }; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($parent_ordernumber); my $parent_order = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; unless($parent_order) { warn "Parent order $parent_ordernumber does not exist."; return; } if($parent_order->{'datereceived'}) { warn "CancelReceipt: parent order is received.". " Can't cancel receipt."; return; } $query = qq{ UPDATE aqorders SET quantity = ?, orderstatus = 'ordered' WHERE ordernumber = ? }; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); my $rv = $sth->execute( $order->{'quantity'} + $parent_order->{'quantity'}, $parent_ordernumber ); unless($rv) { warn "Cannot update parent order line, so do not cancel". " receipt"; return; } # Recalculate tax_value $dbh->do(q| UPDATE aqorders SET tax_value_on_ordering = quantity * | . get_rounding_sql(q|ecost_tax_excluded|) . q| * tax_rate_on_ordering, tax_value_on_receiving = quantity * | . get_rounding_sql(q|unitprice_tax_excluded|) . q| * tax_rate_on_receiving WHERE ordernumber = ? |, undef, $parent_ordernumber); } _cancel_items_receipt( $order_obj, $parent_ordernumber ); # Delete order line $query = qq{ DELETE FROM aqorders WHERE ordernumber = ? }; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($ordernumber); } if( $order_obj->basket->effective_create_items eq 'ordering' ) { my @affects = split q{\|}, C4::Context->preference("AcqItemSetSubfieldsWhenReceiptIsCancelled"); if ( @affects ) { for my $in ( @itemnumbers ) { my $item = Koha::Items->find( $in ); # FIXME We do not need that, we already have Koha::Items from $order_obj->items my $biblio = $item->biblio; my ( $itemfield ) = GetMarcFromKohaField( 'items.itemnumber' ); my $item_marc = C4::Items::GetMarcItem( $biblio->biblionumber, $in ); for my $affect ( @affects ) { my ( $sf, $v ) = split q{=}, $affect, 2; foreach ( $item_marc->field($itemfield) ) { $_->update( $sf => $v ); } } C4::Items::ModItemFromMarc( $item_marc, $biblio->biblionumber, $in ); } } } return $parent_ordernumber; } sub _cancel_items_receipt { my ( $order, $parent_ordernumber ) = @_; $parent_ordernumber ||= $order->ordernumber; my $items = $order->items; if ( $order->basket->effective_create_items eq 'receiving' ) { # Remove items that were created at receipt my $query = qq{ DELETE FROM items, aqorders_items USING items, aqorders_items WHERE items.itemnumber = ? AND aqorders_items.itemnumber = ? }; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); while ( my $item = $items->next ) { $sth->execute($item->itemnumber, $item->itemnumber); } } else { # Update items while ( my $item = $items->next ) { ModItemOrder($item->itemnumber, $parent_ordernumber); } } } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 SearchOrders @results = &SearchOrders({ ordernumber => $ordernumber, search => $search, ean => $ean, booksellerid => $booksellerid, basketno => $basketno, basketname => $basketname, basketgroupname => $basketgroupname, owner => $owner, pending => $pending ordered => $ordered biblionumber => $biblionumber, budget_id => $budget_id }); Searches for orders filtered by criteria. C<$ordernumber> Finds matching orders or transferred orders by ordernumber. C<$search> Finds orders matching %$search% in title, author, or isbn. C<$owner> Finds order for the logged in user. C<$pending> Finds pending orders. Ignores completed and cancelled orders. C<$ordered> Finds orders to receive only (status 'ordered' or 'partial'). C<@results> is an array of references-to-hash with the keys are fields from aqorders, biblio, biblioitems and aqbasket tables. =cut sub SearchOrders { my ( $params ) = @_; my $ordernumber = $params->{ordernumber}; my $search = $params->{search}; my $ean = $params->{ean}; my $booksellerid = $params->{booksellerid}; my $basketno = $params->{basketno}; my $basketname = $params->{basketname}; my $basketgroupname = $params->{basketgroupname}; my $owner = $params->{owner}; my $pending = $params->{pending}; my $ordered = $params->{ordered}; my $biblionumber = $params->{biblionumber}; my $budget_id = $params->{budget_id}; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my @args = (); my $query = q{ SELECT aqbasket.basketno, borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname, biblio.*, biblioitems.isbn, biblioitems.biblioitemnumber, biblioitems.publishercode, biblioitems.publicationyear, aqbasket.authorisedby, aqbasket.booksellerid, aqbasket.closedate, aqbasket.creationdate, aqbasket.basketname, as basketgroupid, as basketgroupname, aqorders.* FROM aqorders LEFT JOIN aqbasket ON aqorders.basketno = aqbasket.basketno LEFT JOIN aqbasketgroups ON aqbasket.basketgroupid = LEFT JOIN borrowers ON aqbasket.authorisedby=borrowers.borrowernumber LEFT JOIN biblio ON aqorders.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON biblioitems.biblionumber=biblio.biblionumber }; # If we search on ordernumber, we retrieve the transferred order if a transfer has been done. $query .= q{ LEFT JOIN aqorders_transfers ON aqorders_transfers.ordernumber_to = aqorders.ordernumber } if $ordernumber; $query .= q{ WHERE (datecancellationprinted is NULL) }; if ( $pending or $ordered ) { $query .= q{ AND ( ( aqbasket.is_standing AND aqorders.orderstatus IN ( "new", "ordered", "partial" ) ) OR ( ( quantity > quantityreceived OR quantityreceived is NULL ) }; if ( $ordered ) { $query .= q{ AND aqorders.orderstatus IN ( "ordered", "partial" )}; } $query .= q{ ) ) }; } my $userenv = C4::Context->userenv; if ( C4::Context->preference("IndependentBranches") ) { unless ( C4::Context->IsSuperLibrarian() ) { $query .= q{ AND ( borrowers.branchcode = ? OR borrowers.branchcode = '' ) }; push @args, $userenv->{branch}; } } if ( $ordernumber ) { $query .= ' AND ( aqorders.ordernumber = ? OR aqorders_transfers.ordernumber_from = ? ) '; push @args, ( $ordernumber, $ordernumber ); } if ( $biblionumber ) { $query .= 'AND aqorders.biblionumber = ?'; push @args, $biblionumber; } if( $search ) { $query .= ' AND (biblio.title LIKE ? OR LIKE ? OR biblioitems.isbn LIKE ?)'; push @args, ("%$search%","%$search%","%$search%"); } if ( $ean ) { $query .= ' AND biblioitems.ean = ?'; push @args, $ean; } if ( $booksellerid ) { $query .= 'AND aqbasket.booksellerid = ?'; push @args, $booksellerid; } if( $basketno ) { $query .= 'AND aqbasket.basketno = ?'; push @args, $basketno; } if( $basketname ) { $query .= 'AND aqbasket.basketname LIKE ?'; push @args, "%$basketname%"; } if( $basketgroupname ) { $query .= ' AND LIKE ?'; push @args, "%$basketgroupname%"; } if ( $owner ) { $query .= ' AND aqbasket.authorisedby=? '; push @args, $userenv->{'number'}; } if ( $budget_id ) { $query .= ' AND aqorders.budget_id = ?'; push @args, $budget_id; } $query .= ' ORDER BY aqbasket.basketno'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@args); return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 DelOrder &DelOrder($biblionumber, $ordernumber); Cancel the order with the given order and biblio numbers. It does not delete any entries in the aqorders table, it merely marks them as cancelled. =cut sub DelOrder { my ( $bibnum, $ordernumber, $delete_biblio, $reason ) = @_; my $error; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = " UPDATE aqorders SET datecancellationprinted=now(), orderstatus='cancelled' "; if($reason) { $query .= ", cancellationreason = ? "; } $query .= " WHERE biblionumber=? AND ordernumber=? "; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); if($reason) { $sth->execute($reason, $bibnum, $ordernumber); } else { $sth->execute( $bibnum, $ordernumber ); } $sth->finish; my $order = Koha::Acquisition::Orders->find($ordernumber); my $items = $order->items; while ( my $item = $items->next ) { # Should be moved to Koha::Acquisition::Order->delete my $delcheck = $item->safe_delete; if($delcheck ne '1') { $error->{'delitem'} = 1; } } if($delete_biblio) { # We get the number of remaining items my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->find( $bibnum ); my $itemcount = $biblio->items->count; # If there are no items left, if ( $itemcount == 0 ) { # We delete the record my $delcheck = DelBiblio($bibnum); if($delcheck) { $error->{'delbiblio'} = 1; } } } return $error; } =head3 TransferOrder my $newordernumber = TransferOrder($ordernumber, $basketno); Transfer an order line to a basket. Mark $ordernumber as cancelled with an internal note 'Cancelled and transferred to BOOKSELLER on DATE' and create new order with internal note 'Transferred from BOOKSELLER on DATE'. Move all attached items to the new order. Received orders cannot be transferred. Return the ordernumber of created order. =cut sub TransferOrder { my ($ordernumber, $basketno) = @_; return unless ($ordernumber and $basketno); my $order = Koha::Acquisition::Orders->find( $ordernumber ) or return; return if $order->datereceived; $order = $order->unblessed; my $basket = GetBasket($basketno); return unless $basket; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my ($query, $sth, $rv); $query = q{ UPDATE aqorders SET datecancellationprinted = CAST(NOW() AS date), orderstatus = ? WHERE ordernumber = ? }; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $rv = $sth->execute('cancelled', $ordernumber); delete $order->{'ordernumber'}; delete $order->{parent_ordernumber}; $order->{'basketno'} = $basketno; my $newordernumber = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new($order)->store->ordernumber; $query = q{ UPDATE aqorders_items SET ordernumber = ? WHERE ordernumber = ? }; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($newordernumber, $ordernumber); $query = q{ INSERT INTO aqorders_transfers (ordernumber_from, ordernumber_to) VALUES (?, ?) }; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($ordernumber, $newordernumber); return $newordernumber; } =head3 get_rounding_sql $rounding_sql = get_rounding_sql($column_name); returns the correct SQL routine based on OrderPriceRounding system preference. =cut sub get_rounding_sql { my ( $round_string ) = @_; my $rounding_pref = C4::Context->preference('OrderPriceRounding') // q{}; if ( $rounding_pref eq "nearest_cent" ) { return "CAST($round_string*100 AS SIGNED)/100"; } return $round_string; } =head3 get_rounded_price $rounded_price = get_rounded_price( $price ); returns a price rounded as specified in OrderPriceRounding system preference. =cut sub get_rounded_price { my ( $price ) = @_; my $rounding_pref = C4::Context->preference('OrderPriceRounding') // q{}; if( $rounding_pref eq 'nearest_cent' ) { return Koha::Number::Price->new( $price )->round(); } return $price; } =head2 FUNCTIONS ABOUT PARCELS =head3 GetParcels $results = &GetParcels($bookseller, $order, $code, $datefrom, $dateto); get a lists of parcels. * Input arg : =over =item $bookseller is the bookseller this function has to get parcels. =item $order To know on what criteria the results list has to be ordered. =item $code is the booksellerinvoicenumber. =item $datefrom & $dateto to know on what date this function has to filter its search. =back * return: a pointer on a hash list containing parcel informations as such : =over =item Creation date =item Last operation =item Number of biblio =item Number of items =back =cut sub GetParcels { my ($bookseller,$order, $code, $datefrom, $dateto) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my @query_params = (); my $strsth =" SELECT aqinvoices.invoicenumber, datereceived,purchaseordernumber, count(DISTINCT biblionumber) AS biblio, sum(quantity) AS itemsexpected, sum(quantityreceived) AS itemsreceived FROM aqorders LEFT JOIN aqbasket ON aqbasket.basketno = aqorders.basketno LEFT JOIN aqinvoices ON aqorders.invoiceid = aqinvoices.invoiceid WHERE aqbasket.booksellerid = ? and datereceived IS NOT NULL "; push @query_params, $bookseller; if ( defined $code ) { $strsth .= ' and aqinvoices.invoicenumber like ? '; # add a % to the end of the code to allow stemming. push @query_params, "$code%"; } if ( defined $datefrom ) { $strsth .= ' and datereceived >= ? '; push @query_params, $datefrom; } if ( defined $dateto ) { $strsth .= 'and datereceived <= ? '; push @query_params, $dateto; } $strsth .= "group by aqinvoices.invoicenumber,datereceived "; # can't use a placeholder to place this column name. # but, we could probably be checking to make sure it is a column that will be fetched. $strsth .= "order by $order " if ($order); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($strsth); $sth->execute( @query_params ); my $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); return @{$results}; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 GetHistory \@order_loop = GetHistory( %params ); Retreives some acquisition history information params: title author name isbn ean from_placed_on to_placed_on basket - search both basket name and number booksellerinvoicenumber basketgroupname budget orderstatus (note that orderstatus '' will retrieve orders of any status except cancelled) managing_library biblionumber get_canceled_order (if set to a true value, cancelled orders will be included) returns: $order_loop is a list of hashrefs that each look like this: { 'author' => 'Twain, Mark', 'basketno' => '1', 'biblionumber' => '215', 'count' => 1, 'creationdate' => 'MM/DD/YYYY', 'datereceived' => undef, 'ecost' => '1.00', 'id' => '1', 'invoicenumber' => undef, 'name' => '', 'ordernumber' => '1', 'quantity' => 1, 'quantityreceived' => undef, 'title' => 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn', 'managing_library' => 'CPL' } =cut sub GetHistory { # don't run the query if there are no parameters (list would be too long for sure !) croak "No search params" unless @_; my %params = @_; my $title = $params{title}; my $author = $params{author}; my $isbn = $params{isbn}; my $ean = $params{ean}; my $name = $params{name}; my $from_placed_on = $params{from_placed_on}; my $to_placed_on = $params{to_placed_on}; my $basket = $params{basket}; my $booksellerinvoicenumber = $params{booksellerinvoicenumber}; my $basketgroupname = $params{basketgroupname}; my $budget = $params{budget}; my $orderstatus = $params{orderstatus}; my $biblionumber = $params{biblionumber}; my $get_canceled_order = $params{get_canceled_order} || 0; my $ordernumber = $params{ordernumber}; my $search_children_too = $params{search_children_too} || 0; my $created_by = $params{created_by} || []; my $managing_library = $params{managing_library}; my $ordernumbers = $params{ordernumbers} || []; my $additional_fields = $params{additional_fields} // []; my @order_loop; my $total_qty = 0; my $total_qtyreceived = 0; my $total_price = 0; #get variation of isbn my @isbn_params; my @isbns; if ($isbn){ if ( C4::Context->preference("SearchWithISBNVariations") ){ @isbns = C4::Koha::GetVariationsOfISBN( $isbn ); foreach my $isb (@isbns){ push @isbn_params, '?'; } } unless (@isbns){ push @isbns, $isbn; push @isbn_params, '?'; } } my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query =" SELECT COALESCE(biblio.title, deletedbiblio.title) AS title, COALESCE(, AS author, COALESCE(biblioitems.isbn, deletedbiblioitems.isbn) AS isbn, COALESCE(biblioitems.ean, deletedbiblioitems.ean) AS ean, aqorders.basketno, aqbasket.basketname, aqbasket.basketgroupid, aqbasket.authorisedby, concat( borrowers.firstname,' ',borrowers.surname) AS authorisedbyname, branch as managing_library, as groupname,, aqbasket.creationdate, aqorders.datereceived, aqorders.quantity, aqorders.quantityreceived, aqorders.ecost, aqorders.ordernumber, aqorders.invoiceid, aqinvoices.invoicenumber, as id, aqorders.biblionumber, aqorders.orderstatus, aqorders.parent_ordernumber, aqbudgets.budget_name "; $query .= ", aqbudgets.budget_id AS budget" if defined $budget; $query .= " FROM aqorders LEFT JOIN aqbasket ON aqorders.basketno=aqbasket.basketno LEFT JOIN aqbasketgroups ON LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON biblioitems.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber LEFT JOIN biblio ON biblio.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber LEFT JOIN aqbudgets ON aqorders.budget_id=aqbudgets.budget_id LEFT JOIN aqinvoices ON aqorders.invoiceid = aqinvoices.invoiceid LEFT JOIN deletedbiblio ON deletedbiblio.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber LEFT JOIN deletedbiblioitems ON deletedbiblioitems.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber LEFT JOIN borrowers ON aqbasket.authorisedby=borrowers.borrowernumber "; $query .= " WHERE 1 "; unless ($get_canceled_order or (defined $orderstatus and $orderstatus eq 'cancelled')) { $query .= " AND datecancellationprinted IS NULL "; } my @query_params = (); if ( $biblionumber ) { $query .= " AND biblio.biblionumber = ?"; push @query_params, $biblionumber; } if ( $title ) { $query .= " AND biblio.title LIKE ? "; $title =~ s/\s+/%/g; push @query_params, "%$title%"; } if ( $author ) { $query .= " AND LIKE ? "; push @query_params, "%$author%"; } if ( @isbns ) { $query .= " AND ( biblioitems.isbn LIKE " . join (" OR biblioitems.isbn LIKE ", @isbn_params ) . ")"; foreach my $isb (@isbns){ push @query_params, "%$isb%"; } } if ( $ean ) { $query .= " AND biblioitems.ean = ? "; push @query_params, "$ean"; } if ( $name ) { $query .= " AND LIKE ? "; push @query_params, "%$name%"; } if ( $budget ) { $query .= " AND aqbudgets.budget_id = ? "; push @query_params, "$budget"; } if ( $from_placed_on ) { $query .= " AND creationdate >= ? "; push @query_params, $from_placed_on; } if ( $to_placed_on ) { $query .= " AND creationdate <= ? "; push @query_params, $to_placed_on; } if ( defined $orderstatus and $orderstatus ne '') { $query .= " AND aqorders.orderstatus = ? "; push @query_params, "$orderstatus"; } if ($basket) { if ($basket =~ m/^\d+$/) { $query .= " AND aqorders.basketno = ? "; push @query_params, $basket; } else { $query .= " AND aqbasket.basketname LIKE ? "; push @query_params, "%$basket%"; } } if ($booksellerinvoicenumber) { $query .= " AND aqinvoices.invoicenumber LIKE ? "; push @query_params, "%$booksellerinvoicenumber%"; } if ($basketgroupname) { $query .= " AND LIKE ? "; push @query_params, "%$basketgroupname%"; } if ($ordernumber) { $query .= " AND (aqorders.ordernumber = ? "; push @query_params, $ordernumber; if ($search_children_too) { $query .= " OR aqorders.parent_ordernumber = ? "; push @query_params, $ordernumber; } $query .= ") "; } if ( @$created_by ) { $query .= ' AND aqbasket.authorisedby IN ( ' . join( ',', ('?') x @$created_by ) . ')'; push @query_params, @$created_by; } if ( $managing_library ) { $query .= " AND aqbasket.branch = ? "; push @query_params, $managing_library; } if ( @$ordernumbers ) { $query .= ' AND (aqorders.ordernumber IN ( ' . join (',', ('?') x @$ordernumbers ) . '))'; push @query_params, @$ordernumbers; } if ( @$additional_fields ) { my @baskets = Koha::Acquisition::Baskets->filter_by_additional_fields($additional_fields); return [] unless @baskets; # No parameterization because record IDs come directly from DB $query .= ' AND aqbasket.basketno IN ( ' . join( ',', map { $_->basketno } @baskets ) . ' )'; } if ( C4::Context->preference("IndependentBranches") ) { unless ( C4::Context->IsSuperLibrarian() ) { $query .= " AND (borrowers.branchcode = ? OR borrowers.branchcode ='' ) "; push @query_params, C4::Context->userenv->{branch}; } } $query .= " ORDER BY id"; return $dbh->selectall_arrayref( $query, { Slice => {} }, @query_params ); } =head2 GetRecentAcqui $results = GetRecentAcqui($days); C<$results> is a ref to a table which contains hashref =cut sub GetRecentAcqui { my $limit = shift; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = " SELECT * FROM biblio ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 0,".$limit; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute; my $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); return $results; } #------------------------------------------------------------# =head3 AddClaim &AddClaim($ordernumber); Add a claim for an order =cut sub AddClaim { my ($ordernumber) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = " UPDATE aqorders SET claims_count = claims_count + 1, claimed_date = CURDATE() WHERE ordernumber = ? "; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($ordernumber); } =head3 GetInvoices my @invoices = GetInvoices( invoicenumber => $invoicenumber, supplierid => $supplierid, suppliername => $suppliername, shipmentdatefrom => $shipmentdatefrom, # ISO format shipmentdateto => $shipmentdateto, # ISO format billingdatefrom => $billingdatefrom, # ISO format billingdateto => $billingdateto, # ISO format isbneanissn => $isbn_or_ean_or_issn, title => $title, author => $author, publisher => $publisher, publicationyear => $publicationyear, branchcode => $branchcode, order_by => $order_by ); Return a list of invoices that match all given criteria. $order_by is "column_name (asc|desc)", where column_name is any of 'invoicenumber', 'booksellerid', 'shipmentdate', 'billingdate', 'closedate', 'shipmentcost', 'shipmentcost_budgetid'. asc is the default if omitted =cut sub GetInvoices { my %args = @_; my @columns = qw(invoicenumber booksellerid shipmentdate billingdate closedate shipmentcost shipmentcost_budgetid); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq{ SELECT aqinvoices.invoiceid, aqinvoices.invoicenumber, aqinvoices.booksellerid, aqinvoices.shipmentdate, aqinvoices.billingdate, aqinvoices.closedate, aqinvoices.shipmentcost, aqinvoices.shipmentcost_budgetid, aqinvoices.message_id, AS suppliername, COUNT( DISTINCT IF( aqorders.datereceived IS NOT NULL, aqorders.biblionumber, NULL ) ) AS receivedbiblios, COUNT( DISTINCT IF( aqorders.subscriptionid IS NOT NULL, aqorders.subscriptionid, NULL ) ) AS is_linked_to_subscriptions, SUM(aqorders.quantityreceived) AS receiveditems FROM aqinvoices LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON = aqinvoices.booksellerid LEFT JOIN aqorders ON aqorders.invoiceid = aqinvoices.invoiceid LEFT JOIN aqbasket ON aqbasket.basketno=aqorders.basketno LEFT JOIN borrowers ON aqbasket.authorisedby=borrowers.borrowernumber LEFT JOIN biblio ON aqorders.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber LEFT JOIN subscription ON biblio.biblionumber = subscription.biblionumber }; my @bind_args; my @bind_strs; if($args{supplierid}) { push @bind_strs, " aqinvoices.booksellerid = ? "; push @bind_args, $args{supplierid}; } if($args{invoicenumber}) { push @bind_strs, " aqinvoices.invoicenumber LIKE ? "; push @bind_args, "%$args{invoicenumber}%"; } if($args{suppliername}) { push @bind_strs, " LIKE ? "; push @bind_args, "%$args{suppliername}%"; } if($args{shipmentdatefrom}) { push @bind_strs, " aqinvoices.shipmentdate >= ? "; push @bind_args, $args{shipmentdatefrom}; } if($args{shipmentdateto}) { push @bind_strs, " aqinvoices.shipmentdate <= ? "; push @bind_args, $args{shipmentdateto}; } if($args{billingdatefrom}) { push @bind_strs, " aqinvoices.billingdate >= ? "; push @bind_args, $args{billingdatefrom}; } if($args{billingdateto}) { push @bind_strs, " aqinvoices.billingdate <= ? "; push @bind_args, $args{billingdateto}; } if($args{isbneanissn}) { push @bind_strs, " (biblioitems.isbn LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%') OR biblioitems.ean LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%') OR biblioitems.issn LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%') ) "; push @bind_args, $args{isbneanissn}, $args{isbneanissn}, $args{isbneanissn}; } if($args{title}) { push @bind_strs, " biblio.title LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%') "; push @bind_args, $args{title}; } if($args{author}) { push @bind_strs, " LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%') "; push @bind_args, $args{author}; } if($args{publisher}) { push @bind_strs, " biblioitems.publishercode LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%') "; push @bind_args, $args{publisher}; } if($args{publicationyear}) { push @bind_strs, " ((biblioitems.publicationyear LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')) OR (biblio.copyrightdate LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%'))) "; push @bind_args, $args{publicationyear}, $args{publicationyear}; } if($args{branchcode}) { push @bind_strs, " borrowers.branchcode = ? "; push @bind_args, $args{branchcode}; } if($args{message_id}) { push @bind_strs, " aqinvoices.message_id = ? "; push @bind_args, $args{message_id}; } $query .= " WHERE " . join(" AND ", @bind_strs) if @bind_strs; $query .= " GROUP BY aqinvoices.invoiceid, aqinvoices.invoicenumber, aqinvoices.booksellerid, aqinvoices.shipmentdate, aqinvoices.billingdate, aqinvoices.closedate, aqinvoices.shipmentcost, aqinvoices.shipmentcost_budgetid, aqinvoices.message_id,"; if($args{order_by}) { my ($column, $direction) = split / /, $args{order_by}; if(grep { $_ eq $column } @columns) { $direction ||= 'ASC'; $query .= " ORDER BY $column $direction"; } } my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@bind_args); my $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); return @$results; } =head3 GetInvoice my $invoice = GetInvoice($invoiceid); Get informations about invoice with given $invoiceid Return a hash filled with aqinvoices.* fields =cut sub GetInvoice { my ($invoiceid) = @_; my $invoice; return unless $invoiceid; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq{ SELECT * FROM aqinvoices WHERE invoiceid = ? }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($invoiceid); $invoice = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; return $invoice; } =head3 GetInvoiceDetails my $invoice = GetInvoiceDetails($invoiceid) Return informations about an invoice + the list of related order lines Orders informations are in $invoice->{orders} (array ref) =cut sub GetInvoiceDetails { my ($invoiceid) = @_; if ( !defined $invoiceid ) { carp 'GetInvoiceDetails called without an invoiceid'; return; } my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = q{ SELECT aqinvoices.*, AS suppliername FROM aqinvoices LEFT JOIN aqbooksellers ON aqinvoices.booksellerid = WHERE invoiceid = ? }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($invoiceid); my $invoice = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $query = q{ SELECT aqorders.*, biblio.*, biblio.copyrightdate, biblioitems.isbn, biblioitems.publishercode, biblioitems.publicationyear, aqbasket.basketname, AS basketgroupid, AS basketgroupname FROM aqorders LEFT JOIN aqbasket ON aqorders.basketno = aqbasket.basketno LEFT JOIN aqbasketgroups ON aqbasket.basketgroupid = LEFT JOIN biblio ON aqorders.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON aqorders.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber WHERE invoiceid = ? }; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($invoiceid); $invoice->{orders} = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); $invoice->{orders} ||= []; # force an empty arrayref if fetchall_arrayref fails return $invoice; } =head3 AddInvoice my $invoiceid = AddInvoice( invoicenumber => $invoicenumber, booksellerid => $booksellerid, shipmentdate => $shipmentdate, billingdate => $billingdate, closedate => $closedate, shipmentcost => $shipmentcost, shipmentcost_budgetid => $shipmentcost_budgetid ); Create a new invoice and return its id or undef if it fails. =cut sub AddInvoice { my %invoice = @_; return unless(%invoice and $invoice{invoicenumber}); my @columns = qw(invoicenumber booksellerid shipmentdate billingdate closedate shipmentcost shipmentcost_budgetid message_id); my @set_strs; my @set_args; foreach my $key (keys %invoice) { if(0 < grep { $_ eq $key } @columns) { push @set_strs, "$key = ?"; push @set_args, ($invoice{$key} || undef); } } my $rv; if(@set_args > 0) { my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = "INSERT INTO aqinvoices SET "; $query .= join (",", @set_strs); my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $rv = $sth->execute(@set_args); if($rv) { $rv = $dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, 'aqinvoices', undef); } } return $rv; } =head3 ModInvoice ModInvoice( invoiceid => $invoiceid, # Mandatory invoicenumber => $invoicenumber, booksellerid => $booksellerid, shipmentdate => $shipmentdate, billingdate => $billingdate, closedate => $closedate, shipmentcost => $shipmentcost, shipmentcost_budgetid => $shipmentcost_budgetid ); Modify an invoice, invoiceid is mandatory. Return undef if it fails. =cut sub ModInvoice { my %invoice = @_; return unless(%invoice and $invoice{invoiceid}); my @columns = qw(invoicenumber booksellerid shipmentdate billingdate closedate shipmentcost shipmentcost_budgetid); my @set_strs; my @set_args; foreach my $key (keys %invoice) { if(0 < grep { $_ eq $key } @columns) { push @set_strs, "$key = ?"; push @set_args, ($invoice{$key} || undef); } } my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = "UPDATE aqinvoices SET "; $query .= join(",", @set_strs); $query .= " WHERE invoiceid = ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@set_args, $invoice{invoiceid}); } =head3 CloseInvoice CloseInvoice($invoiceid); Close an invoice. Equivalent to ModInvoice(invoiceid => $invoiceid, closedate => undef); =cut sub CloseInvoice { my ($invoiceid) = @_; return unless $invoiceid; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq{ UPDATE aqinvoices SET closedate = CAST(NOW() AS DATE) WHERE invoiceid = ? }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($invoiceid); } =head3 ReopenInvoice ReopenInvoice($invoiceid); Reopen an invoice Equivalent to ModInvoice(invoiceid => $invoiceid, closedate => output_pref({ dt=>dt_from_string, dateonly=>1, otputpref=>'iso' })) =cut sub ReopenInvoice { my ($invoiceid) = @_; return unless $invoiceid; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq{ UPDATE aqinvoices SET closedate = NULL WHERE invoiceid = ? }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($invoiceid); } =head3 DelInvoice DelInvoice($invoiceid); Delete an invoice if there are no items attached to it. =cut sub DelInvoice { my ($invoiceid) = @_; return unless $invoiceid; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq{ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM aqorders WHERE invoiceid = ? }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($invoiceid); my $res = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref; if ( $res && $res->[0] == 0 ) { $query = qq{ DELETE FROM aqinvoices WHERE invoiceid = ? }; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); return ( $sth->execute($invoiceid) > 0 ); } return; } =head3 MergeInvoices MergeInvoices($invoiceid, \@sourceids); Merge the invoices identified by the IDs in \@sourceids into the invoice identified by $invoiceid. =cut sub MergeInvoices { my ($invoiceid, $sourceids) = @_; return unless $invoiceid; foreach my $sourceid (@$sourceids) { next if $sourceid == $invoiceid; my $source = GetInvoiceDetails($sourceid); foreach my $order (@{$source->{'orders'}}) { $order->{'invoiceid'} = $invoiceid; ModOrder($order); } DelInvoice($source->{'invoiceid'}); } return; } =head3 GetBiblioCountByBasketno $biblio_count = &GetBiblioCountByBasketno($basketno); Looks up the biblio's count that has basketno value $basketno Returns a quantity =cut sub GetBiblioCountByBasketno { my ($basketno) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = " SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT( biblionumber ) ) FROM aqorders WHERE basketno = ? AND datecancellationprinted IS NULL "; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($basketno); return $sth->fetchrow; } =head3 populate_order_with_prices $order = populate_order_with_prices({ order => $order #a hashref with the order values booksellerid => $booksellerid #FIXME - should obtain from order basket receiving => 1 # boolean representing order stage, should pass only this or ordering ordering => 1 # boolean representing order stage }); Sets calculated values for an order - all values are stored with full precision regardless of rounding preference except for tax value which is calculated on rounded values if requested For ordering the values set are: rrp_tax_included rrp_tax_excluded ecost_tax_included ecost_tax_excluded tax_value_on_ordering For receiving the value set are: unitprice_tax_included unitprice_tax_excluded tax_value_on_receiving Note: When receiving, if the rounded value of the unitprice matches the rounded value of the ecost then then ecost (full precision) is used. Returns a hashref of the order FIXME: Move this to =cut sub populate_order_with_prices { my ($params) = @_; my $order = $params->{order}; my $booksellerid = $params->{booksellerid}; return unless $booksellerid; my $bookseller = Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers->find( $booksellerid ); my $receiving = $params->{receiving}; my $ordering = $params->{ordering}; my $discount = $order->{discount}; $discount /= 100 if $discount > 1; if ($ordering) { $order->{tax_rate_on_ordering} //= $order->{tax_rate}; if ( $bookseller->listincgst ) { # The user entered the prices tax included $order->{unitprice_tax_included} = $order->{unitprice}; $order->{rrp_tax_included} = $order->{rrp}; # price tax excluded = price tax included / ( 1 + tax rate ) $order->{unitprice_tax_excluded} = $order->{unitprice_tax_included} / ( 1 + $order->{tax_rate_on_ordering} ); $order->{rrp_tax_excluded} = $order->{rrp_tax_included} / ( 1 + $order->{tax_rate_on_ordering} ); # ecost tax included = rrp tax included ( 1 - discount ) $order->{ecost_tax_included} = $order->{rrp_tax_included} * ( 1 - $discount ); # ecost tax excluded = rrp tax excluded * ( 1 - discount ) $order->{ecost_tax_excluded} = $order->{rrp_tax_excluded} * ( 1 - $discount ); # tax value = quantity * ecost tax excluded * tax rate # we should use the unitprice if included my $cost_tax_included = $order->{unitprice_tax_included} || $order->{ecost_tax_included}; my $cost_tax_excluded = $order->{unitprice_tax_excluded} || $order->{ecost_tax_excluded}; $order->{tax_value_on_ordering} = ( get_rounded_price($cost_tax_included) - get_rounded_price($cost_tax_excluded) ) * $order->{quantity}; } else { # The user entered the prices tax excluded $order->{unitprice_tax_excluded} = $order->{unitprice}; $order->{rrp_tax_excluded} = $order->{rrp}; # price tax included = price tax excluded * ( 1 - tax rate ) $order->{unitprice_tax_included} = $order->{unitprice_tax_excluded} * ( 1 + $order->{tax_rate_on_ordering} ); $order->{rrp_tax_included} = $order->{rrp_tax_excluded} * ( 1 + $order->{tax_rate_on_ordering} ); # ecost tax excluded = rrp tax excluded * ( 1 - discount ) $order->{ecost_tax_excluded} = $order->{rrp_tax_excluded} * ( 1 - $discount ); # ecost tax included = rrp tax excluded * ( 1 + tax rate ) * ( 1 - discount ) = ecost tax excluded * ( 1 + tax rate ) $order->{ecost_tax_included} = $order->{ecost_tax_excluded} * ( 1 + $order->{tax_rate_on_ordering} ); # tax value = quantity * ecost tax included * tax rate # we should use the unitprice if included my $cost_tax_excluded = $order->{unitprice_tax_excluded} || $order->{ecost_tax_excluded}; $order->{tax_value_on_ordering} = $order->{quantity} * get_rounded_price($cost_tax_excluded) * $order->{tax_rate_on_ordering}; } } if ($receiving) { $order->{tax_rate_on_receiving} //= $order->{tax_rate}; if ( $bookseller->invoiceincgst ) { # Trick for unitprice. If the unit price rounded value is the same as the ecost rounded value # we need to keep the exact ecost value if ( Koha::Number::Price->new( $order->{unitprice} )->round == Koha::Number::Price->new( $order->{ecost_tax_included} )->round ) { $order->{unitprice} = $order->{ecost_tax_included}; } # The user entered the unit price tax included $order->{unitprice_tax_included} = $order->{unitprice}; # unit price tax excluded = unit price tax included / ( 1 + tax rate ) $order->{unitprice_tax_excluded} = $order->{unitprice_tax_included} / ( 1 + $order->{tax_rate_on_receiving} ); } else { # Trick for unitprice. If the unit price rounded value is the same as the ecost rounded value # we need to keep the exact ecost value if ( Koha::Number::Price->new( $order->{unitprice} )->round == Koha::Number::Price->new( $order->{ecost_tax_excluded} )->round ) { $order->{unitprice} = $order->{ecost_tax_excluded}; } # The user entered the unit price tax excluded $order->{unitprice_tax_excluded} = $order->{unitprice}; # unit price tax included = unit price tax included * ( 1 + tax rate ) $order->{unitprice_tax_included} = $order->{unitprice_tax_excluded} * ( 1 + $order->{tax_rate_on_receiving} ); } # tax value = quantity * unit price tax excluded * tax rate $order->{tax_value_on_receiving} = $order->{quantity} * get_rounded_price($order->{unitprice_tax_excluded}) * $order->{tax_rate_on_receiving}; } return $order; } =head3 GetOrderUsers $order_users_ids = &GetOrderUsers($ordernumber); Returns a list of all borrowernumbers that are in order users list =cut sub GetOrderUsers { my ($ordernumber) = @_; return unless $ordernumber; my $query = q| SELECT borrowernumber FROM aqorder_users WHERE ordernumber = ? |; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($ordernumber); my $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} ); my @borrowernumbers; foreach (@$results) { push @borrowernumbers, $_->{'borrowernumber'}; } return @borrowernumbers; } =head3 ModOrderUsers my @order_users_ids = (1, 2, 3); &ModOrderUsers($ordernumber, @basketusers_ids); Delete all users from order users list, and add users in C<@order_users_ids> to this users list. =cut sub ModOrderUsers { my ( $ordernumber, @order_users_ids ) = @_; return unless $ordernumber; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = q| DELETE FROM aqorder_users WHERE ordernumber = ? |; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($ordernumber); $query = q| INSERT INTO aqorder_users (ordernumber, borrowernumber) VALUES (?, ?) |; $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); foreach my $order_user_id (@order_users_ids) { $sth->execute( $ordernumber, $order_user_id ); } } sub NotifyOrderUsers { my ($ordernumber) = @_; my @borrowernumbers = GetOrderUsers($ordernumber); return unless @borrowernumbers; my $order = GetOrder( $ordernumber ); for my $borrowernumber (@borrowernumbers) { my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber ); my $library = $patron->library->unblessed; my $biblio = Koha::Biblios->find( $order->{biblionumber} )->unblessed; my $letter = C4::Letters::GetPreparedLetter( module => 'acquisition', letter_code => 'ACQ_NOTIF_ON_RECEIV', branchcode => $library->{branchcode}, lang => $patron->lang, tables => { 'branches' => $library, 'borrowers' => $patron->unblessed, 'biblio' => $biblio, 'aqorders' => $order, }, ); if ( $letter ) { C4::Letters::EnqueueLetter( { letter => $letter, borrowernumber => $borrowernumber, LibraryName => C4::Context->preference("LibraryName"), message_transport_type => 'email', } ) or warn "can't enqueue letter $letter"; } } } =head3 FillWithDefaultValues FillWithDefaultValues( $marc_record, $params ); This will update the record with default value defined in the ACQ framework. For all existing fields, if a default value exists and there are no subfield, it will be created. If the field does not exist, it will be created too. If the parameter only_mandatory => 1 is passed via $params, only the mandatory defaults are being applied to the record. =cut sub FillWithDefaultValues { my ( $record, $params ) = @_; my $mandatory = $params->{only_mandatory}; my $tagslib = C4::Biblio::GetMarcStructure( 1, 'ACQ', { unsafe => 1 } ); if ($tagslib) { my ($itemfield) = C4::Biblio::GetMarcFromKohaField( 'items.itemnumber' ); for my $tag ( sort keys %$tagslib ) { next unless $tag; next if $tag == $itemfield; for my $subfield ( sort keys %{ $tagslib->{$tag} } ) { next if IsMarcStructureInternal($tagslib->{$tag}{$subfield}); next if $mandatory && !$tagslib->{$tag}{$subfield}{mandatory}; my $defaultvalue = $tagslib->{$tag}{$subfield}{defaultvalue}; if ( defined $defaultvalue and $defaultvalue ne '' ) { my @fields = $record->field($tag); if (@fields) { for my $field (@fields) { if ( $field->is_control_field ) { $field->update($defaultvalue) if not defined $field->data; } elsif ( not defined $field->subfield($subfield) ) { $field->add_subfields( $subfield => $defaultvalue ); } } } else { if ( $tag < 10 ) { # is_control_field $record->insert_fields_ordered( MARC::Field->new( $tag, $defaultvalue ) ); } else { $record->insert_fields_ordered( MARC::Field->new( $tag, '', '', $subfield => $defaultvalue ) ); } } } } } } } 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Koha Development Team =cut