#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use CGI qw ( -utf8 ); use Test::More tests => 10; use Test::MockModule; use t::lib::Mocks; use t::lib::TestBuilder; use t::lib::Dates; use C4::Items qw( ModItemTransfer ); use C4::Circulation qw( AddIssue ); use Koha::AuthUtils; use Koha::DateUtils qw( dt_from_string ); BEGIN { use_ok('C4::ILSDI::Services', qw( AuthenticatePatron GetPatronInfo LookupPatron HoldTitle HoldItem GetRecords RenewLoan )); } my $schema = Koha::Database->schema; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; subtest 'AuthenticatePatron test' => sub { plan tests => 16; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $plain_password = 'tomasito'; $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', value => { cardnumber => undef, } }); my $borrower = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', value => { cardnumber => undef, password => Koha::AuthUtils::hash_password( $plain_password ), lastseen => "2001-01-01 12:34:56" } }); my $query = CGI->new; $query->param( 'username', $borrower->{userid}); $query->param( 'password', $plain_password); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'TrackLastPatronActivity', '' ); my $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::AuthenticatePatron( $query ); is( $reply->{id}, $borrower->{borrowernumber}, "userid and password - Patron authenticated" ); is( $reply->{code}, undef, "Error code undef"); my $seen_patron = Koha::Patrons->find({ borrowernumber => $reply->{id} }); is( $seen_patron->lastseen(), '2001-01-01 12:34:56','Last seen not updated if not tracking patrons'); $query->param('password','ilsdi-passworD'); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::AuthenticatePatron( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'PatronNotFound', "userid and wrong password - PatronNotFound" ); is( $reply->{id}, undef, "id undef"); $query->param( 'password', $plain_password ); $query->param( 'username', 'wrong-ilsdi-useriD' ); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::AuthenticatePatron( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'PatronNotFound', "non-existing userid - PatronNotFound" ); is( $reply->{id}, undef, "id undef"); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'TrackLastPatronActivity', '1' ); $query->param( 'username', uc( $borrower->{userid} )); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::AuthenticatePatron( $query ); my $now = dt_from_string; is( $reply->{id}, $borrower->{borrowernumber}, "userid is not case sensitive - Patron authenticated" ); is( $reply->{code}, undef, "Error code undef"); $seen_patron = Koha::Patrons->find({ borrowernumber => $reply->{id} }); is( t::lib::Dates::compare( $seen_patron->lastseen, $now), 0, 'Last seen updated to today if tracking patrons' ); $query->param( 'username', $borrower->{cardnumber} ); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::AuthenticatePatron( $query ); is( $reply->{id}, $borrower->{borrowernumber}, "cardnumber and password - Patron authenticated" ); is( $reply->{code}, undef, "Error code undef" ); $query->param( 'password', 'ilsdi-passworD' ); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::AuthenticatePatron( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'PatronNotFound', "cardnumber and wrong password - PatronNotFount" ); is( $reply->{id}, undef, "id undef" ); $query->param( 'username', 'randomcardnumber1234' ); $query->param( 'password', $plain_password ); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::AuthenticatePatron($query); is( $reply->{code}, 'PatronNotFound', "non-existing cardnumer/userid - PatronNotFound" ); is( $reply->{id}, undef, "id undef"); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'GetPatronInfo/GetBorrowerAttributes test for extended patron attributes' => sub { plan tests => 5; $schema->storage->txn_begin; $schema->resultset( 'Issue' )->delete_all; $schema->resultset( 'Borrower' )->delete_all; $schema->resultset( 'BorrowerAttribute' )->delete_all; $schema->resultset( 'BorrowerAttributeType' )->delete_all; $schema->resultset( 'Category' )->delete_all; $schema->resultset( 'Item' )->delete_all; # 'Branch' deps. on this $schema->resultset( 'Club' )->delete_all; $schema->resultset( 'Branch' )->delete_all; # Configure Koha to enable ILS-DI server and extended attributes: t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ILS-DI', 1 ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ExtendedPatronAttributes', 1 ); # Set up a library/branch for our user to belong to: my $lib = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch', value => { branchcode => 'T_ILSDI', } } ); # Create a new category for user to belong to: my $cat = $builder->build( { source => 'Category', value => { category_type => 'A', BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions => -1, } } ); # Create a new attribute type: my $attr_type = $builder->build( { source => 'BorrowerAttributeType', value => { code => 'HIDEME', opac_display => 0, authorised_value_category => '', class => '', } } ); my $attr_type_visible = $builder->build( { source => 'BorrowerAttributeType', value => { code => 'SHOWME', opac_display => 1, authorised_value_category => '', class => '', } } ); # Create a new user: my $brwr = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower', value => { categorycode => $cat->{'categorycode'}, branchcode => $lib->{'branchcode'}, } } ); # Authorised value: my $auth = $builder->build( { source => 'AuthorisedValue', value => { category => $cat->{'categorycode'} } } ); # Set the new attribute for our user: my $attr_hidden = $builder->build( { source => 'BorrowerAttribute', value => { borrowernumber => $brwr->{'borrowernumber'}, code => $attr_type->{'code'}, attribute => '1337 hidden', } } ); my $attr_shown = $builder->build( { source => 'BorrowerAttribute', value => { borrowernumber => $brwr->{'borrowernumber'}, code => $attr_type_visible->{'code'}, attribute => '1337 shown', } } ); my $fine = $builder->build( { source => 'Accountline', value => { borrowernumber => $brwr->{borrowernumber}, debit_type_code => 'OVERDUE', amountoutstanding => 10 } } ); # Prepare and send web request for IL-SDI server: my $query = CGI->new; $query->param( 'service', 'GetPatronInfo' ); $query->param( 'patron_id', $brwr->{'borrowernumber'} ); $query->param( 'show_attributes', '1' ); $query->param( 'show_fines', '1' ); my $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::GetPatronInfo( $query ); # Build a structure for comparison: my $cmp = { borrowernumber => $brwr->{borrowernumber}, value => $attr_shown->{'attribute'}, value_description => $attr_shown->{'attribute'}, %$attr_type_visible, %$attr_shown, }; is( $reply->{'charges'}, '10.00', 'The \'charges\' attribute should be correctly filled (bug 17836)' ); is( scalar( @{$reply->{fines}->{fine}}), 1, 'There should be only 1 account line'); is( $reply->{fines}->{fine}->[0]->{accountlines_id}, $fine->{accountlines_id}, "The accountline should be the correct one" ); # Check results: is_deeply( $reply->{'attributes'}, [ $cmp ], 'Test GetPatronInfo - show_attributes parameter' ); ok( exists $reply->{is_expired}, 'There should be the is_expired information'); # Cleanup $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'LookupPatron test' => sub { plan tests => 9; $schema->storage->txn_begin; $schema->resultset( 'Issue' )->delete_all; $schema->resultset( 'Borrower' )->delete_all; $schema->resultset( 'BorrowerAttribute' )->delete_all; $schema->resultset( 'BorrowerAttributeType' )->delete_all; $schema->resultset( 'Category' )->delete_all; $schema->resultset( 'Item' )->delete_all; # 'Branch' deps. on this $schema->resultset( 'Branch' )->delete_all; my $borrower = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', }); my $query = CGI->new(); my $bad_result = C4::ILSDI::Services::LookupPatron($query); is( $bad_result->{message}, 'PatronNotFound', 'No parameters' ); $query->delete_all(); $query->param( 'id', $borrower->{firstname} ); my $optional_result = C4::ILSDI::Services::LookupPatron($query); is( $optional_result->{id}, $borrower->{borrowernumber}, 'Valid Firstname only' ); $query->delete_all(); $query->param( 'id', 'ThereIsNoWayThatThisCouldPossiblyBeValid' ); my $bad_optional_result = C4::ILSDI::Services::LookupPatron($query); is( $bad_optional_result->{message}, 'PatronNotFound', 'Invalid ID' ); foreach my $id_type ( 'cardnumber', 'userid', 'email', 'borrowernumber', 'surname', 'firstname' ) { $query->delete_all(); $query->param( 'id_type', $id_type ); $query->param( 'id', $borrower->{$id_type} ); my $result = C4::ILSDI::Services::LookupPatron($query); is( $result->{'id'}, $borrower->{borrowernumber}, "Checking $id_type" ); } # Cleanup $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'Holds test' => sub { plan tests => 9; $schema->storage->txn_begin; t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems', 0 ); my $patron = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', }); my $item = $builder->build_sample_item( { damaged => 1 } ); my $query = CGI->new; $query->param( 'patron_id', $patron->{borrowernumber}); $query->param( 'bib_id', $item->biblionumber); my $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldTitle( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'damaged', "Item damaged" ); $item->damaged(0)->store; my $hold = $builder->build({ source => 'Reserve', value => { borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber}, biblionumber => $item->biblionumber, itemnumber => $item->itemnumber } }); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldTitle( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'itemAlreadyOnHold', "Item already on hold" ); my $biblio_with_no_item = $builder->build_sample_biblio; $query = CGI->new; $query->param( 'patron_id', $patron->{borrowernumber}); $query->param( 'bib_id', $biblio_with_no_item->biblionumber); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldTitle( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'NoItems', 'Biblio has no item' ); my $item2 = $builder->build_sample_item( { damaged => 0, } ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ReservesControlBranch', 'PatronLibrary' ); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rule( { categorycode => $patron->{categorycode}, itemtype => $item2->{itype}, branchcode => $patron->{branchcode}, rule_name => 'reservesallowed', rule_value => 1, } ); $query = CGI->new; $query->param( 'patron_id', $patron->{borrowernumber}); $query->param( 'bib_id', $item2->biblionumber); $query->param( 'item_id', $item2->itemnumber); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldItem( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'tooManyReserves', "Too many reserves" ); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rule( { categorycode => $patron->{categorycode}, itemtype => $item2->{itype}, branchcode => $patron->{branchcode}, rule_name => 'reservesallowed', rule_value => 0, } ); $query = CGI->new; $query->param( 'patron_id', $patron->{borrowernumber}); $query->param( 'bib_id', $item2->biblionumber); $query->param( 'item_id', $item2->itemnumber); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldItem( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'noReservesAllowed', "No reserves allowed" ); my $origin_branch = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch', value => { pickup_location => 1, } } ); # Adding a holdable item. my $item3 = $builder->build_sample_item( { barcode => '123456789', library => $origin_branch->{branchcode} }); my $item4 = $builder->build_sample_item( { biblionumber => $item3->biblionumber, damaged => 1, library => $origin_branch->{branchcode} }); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rule( { categorycode => $patron->{categorycode}, itemtype => $item3->{itype}, branchcode => $patron->{branchcode}, rule_name => 'reservesallowed', rule_value => 10, } ); $query = CGI->new; $query->param( 'patron_id', $patron->{borrowernumber}); $query->param( 'bib_id', $item4->biblionumber); $query->param( 'item_id', $item4->itemnumber); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldItem( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'damaged', "Item is damaged" ); my $module = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Context'); $module->mock('userenv', sub { { patron => $patron } }); my $issue = C4::Circulation::AddIssue($patron, $item3->barcode); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'AllowHoldsOnPatronsPossessions', '0' ); $query = CGI->new; $query->param( 'patron_id', $patron->{borrowernumber}); $query->param( 'bib_id', $item3->biblionumber); $query->param( 'item_id', $item3->itemnumber); $query->param( 'pickup_location', $origin_branch->{branchcode}); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldItem( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'alreadypossession', "Patron has issued same book" ); is( $reply->{pickup_location}, undef, "No reserve placed"); # Test Patron cannot reserve if expired and BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions my $category = $builder->build({ source => 'Category', value => { BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions => -1 } }); my $branch_1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch' })->{ branchcode }; my $expired_borrowernumber = Koha::Patron->new({ firstname => 'Expired', surname => 'Patron', categorycode => $category->{categorycode}, branchcode => $branch_1, dateexpiry => '2000-01-01', })->store->borrowernumber; t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions', 1); my $item5 = $builder->build({ source => 'Item', value => { biblionumber => $biblio_with_no_item->biblionumber, damaged => 0, } }); $query = CGI->new; $query->param( 'patron_id', $expired_borrowernumber); $query->param( 'bib_id', $biblio_with_no_item->biblionumber); $query->param( 'item_id', $item5->{itemnumber}); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldItem( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'PatronExpired', "Patron is expired" ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'Holds test for branch transfer limits' => sub { plan tests => 6; $schema->storage->txn_begin; # Test enforement of branch transfer limits t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'UseBranchTransferLimits', '1' ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'BranchTransferLimitsType', 'itemtype' ); my $patron = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', }); my $origin_branch = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch', value => { pickup_location => 1, } } ); my $pickup_branch = $builder->build( { source => 'Branch', value => { pickup_location => 1, } } ); my $item = $builder->build_sample_item( { library => $origin_branch->{branchcode}, } ); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rule( { categorycode => undef, itemtype => undef, branchcode => undef, rule_name => 'reservesallowed', rule_value => 99, } ); my $limit = Koha::Item::Transfer::Limit->new({ toBranch => $pickup_branch->{branchcode}, fromBranch => $item->holdingbranch, itemtype => $item->effective_itemtype, })->store(); my $query = CGI->new; $query->param( 'pickup_location', $pickup_branch->{branchcode} ); $query->param( 'patron_id', $patron->{borrowernumber}); $query->param( 'bib_id', $item->biblionumber); $query->param( 'item_id', $item->itemnumber); my $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldItem( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'cannotBeTransferred', "Item hold, Item cannot be transferred" ); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldTitle( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, 'cannotBeTransferred', "Record hold, Item cannot be transferred" ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'UseBranchTransferLimits', '0' ); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldItem( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, undef, "Item hold, Item can be transferred" ); my $hold = Koha::Holds->search({ itemnumber => $item->itemnumber, borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber} })->next; is( $hold->branchcode, $pickup_branch->{branchcode}, 'The library id is correctly set' ); Koha::Holds->search()->delete(); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldTitle( $query ); is( $reply->{code}, undef, "Record hold, Item con be transferred" ); $hold = Koha::Holds->search({ biblionumber => $item->biblionumber, borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber} })->next; is( $hold->branchcode, $pickup_branch->{branchcode}, 'The library id is correctly set' ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'Holds test with start_date and end_date' => sub { plan tests => 8; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $pickup_library = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Libraries', value => { pickup_location => 1, } } ); my $patron = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patrons', }); my $item = $builder->build_sample_item({ library => $pickup_library->branchcode }); Koha::CirculationRules->set_rule( { categorycode => undef, itemtype => undef, branchcode => undef, rule_name => 'reservesallowed', rule_value => 99, } ); my $query = CGI->new; $query->param( 'pickup_location', $pickup_library->branchcode ); $query->param( 'patron_id', $patron->borrowernumber); $query->param( 'bib_id', $item->biblionumber); $query->param( 'item_id', $item->itemnumber); $query->param( 'start_date', '2020-03-20'); $query->param( 'expiry_date', '2020-04-22'); my $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldItem( $query ); is ($reply->{pickup_location}, $pickup_library->branchname, "Item hold with date parameters was placed"); my $hold = Koha::Holds->search({ biblionumber => $item->biblionumber})->next(); is( $hold->biblionumber, $item->biblionumber, "correct biblionumber"); is( $hold->reservedate, '2020-03-20', "Item hold has correct start date" ); is( $hold->expirationdate, '2020-04-22', "Item hold has correct end date" ); $hold->delete(); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::HoldTitle( $query ); is ($reply->{pickup_location}, $pickup_library->branchname, "Record hold with date parameters was placed"); $hold = Koha::Holds->search({ biblionumber => $item->biblionumber})->next(); is( $hold->biblionumber, $item->biblionumber, "correct biblionumber"); is( $hold->reservedate, '2020-03-20', "Record hold has correct start date" ); is( $hold->expirationdate, '2020-04-22', "Record hold has correct end date" ); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'GetRecords' => sub { plan tests => 8; $schema->storage->txn_begin; t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference( 'ILS-DI', 1 ); my $branch1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch', }); my $branch2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch', }); my $item = $builder->build_sample_item( { library => $branch1->{branchcode}, } ); my $patron = $builder->build({ source => 'Borrower', }); my $issue = $builder->build({ source => 'Issue', value => { itemnumber => $item->itemnumber, } }); my $hold = $builder->build({ source => 'Reserve', value => { biblionumber => $item->biblionumber, } }); ModItemTransfer($item->itemnumber, $branch1->{branchcode}, $branch2->{branchcode}, 'Manual'); my $cgi = CGI->new; $cgi->param(service => 'GetRecords'); $cgi->param(id => $item->biblionumber); my $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::GetRecords($cgi); my $transfer = $item->get_transfer; my $expected = { datesent => $transfer->datesent, frombranch => $transfer->frombranch, tobranch => $transfer->tobranch, }; is_deeply($reply->{record}->[0]->{items}->{item}->[0]->{transfer}, $expected, 'GetRecords returns transfer informations'); # Check informations exposed my $reply_issue = $reply->{record}->[0]->{issues}->{issue}->[0]; is($reply_issue->{itemnumber}, $item->itemnumber, 'GetRecords has an issue tag'); is($reply_issue->{borrowernumber}, undef, 'GetRecords does not expose borrowernumber in issue tag'); is($reply_issue->{surname}, undef, 'GetRecords does not expose surname in issue tag'); is($reply_issue->{firstname}, undef, 'GetRecords does not expose firstname in issue tag'); is($reply_issue->{cardnumber}, undef, 'GetRecords does not expose cardnumber in issue tag'); my $reply_reserve = $reply->{record}->[0]->{reserves}->{reserve}->[0]; is($reply_reserve->{biblionumber}, $item->biblionumber, 'GetRecords has a reserve tag'); is($reply_reserve->{borrowernumber}, undef, 'GetRecords does not expose borrowernumber in reserve tag'); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'RenewHold' => sub { plan tests => 4; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $cgi = CGI->new; my $patron = $builder->build_object( { class => 'Koha::Patrons' } ); my $item = $builder->build_sample_item; $cgi->param( patron_id => $patron->borrowernumber ); $cgi->param( item_id => $item->itemnumber ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv( { patron => $patron } ); # For AddIssue my $checkout = C4::Circulation::AddIssue( $patron->unblessed, $item->barcode ); # Everything is ok my $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::RenewLoan($cgi); is( exists $reply->{date_due}, 1, 'If the item is checked out, the date_due key should exist' ); # The item is not checked out $checkout->delete; $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::RenewLoan($cgi); is( $reply, undef, 'If the item is not checked out, we should not explode.'); # FIXME We should return an error code instead # The item does not exist $item->delete; $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::RenewLoan($cgi); is( $reply->{code}, 'RecordNotFound', 'If the item does not exist, RecordNotFound should be returned'); $patron->delete; $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::RenewLoan($cgi); is( $reply->{code}, 'PatronNotFound', 'If the patron does not exist, PatronNotFound should be returned'); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; }; subtest 'GetPatronInfo paginated loans' => sub { plan tests => 7; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $library = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries', }); my $item1 = $builder->build_sample_item({ library => $library->branchcode }); my $item2 = $builder->build_sample_item({ library => $library->branchcode }); my $item3 = $builder->build_sample_item({ library => $library->branchcode }); my $patron = $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Patrons', value => { branchcode => $library->branchcode, }, }); my $module = Test::MockModule->new('C4::Context'); $module->mock('userenv', sub { { branch => $library->branchcode } }); my $date_due = Koha::DateUtils::dt_from_string()->add(weeks => 2); my $issue1 = C4::Circulation::AddIssue($patron->unblessed, $item1->barcode, $date_due); my $date_due1 = Koha::DateUtils::dt_from_string( $issue1->date_due ); my $issue2 = C4::Circulation::AddIssue($patron->unblessed, $item2->barcode, $date_due); my $date_due2 = Koha::DateUtils::dt_from_string( $issue2->date_due ); my $issue3 = C4::Circulation::AddIssue($patron->unblessed, $item3->barcode, $date_due); my $date_due3 = Koha::DateUtils::dt_from_string( $issue3->date_due ); my $cgi = CGI->new; $cgi->param( 'service', 'GetPatronInfo' ); $cgi->param( 'patron_id', $patron->borrowernumber ); $cgi->param( 'show_loans', '1' ); $cgi->param( 'loans_per_page', '2' ); $cgi->param( 'loans_page', '1' ); my $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::GetPatronInfo($cgi); is($reply->{total_loans}, 3, 'total_loans == 3'); is(scalar @{ $reply->{loans}->{loan} }, 2, 'GetPatronInfo returned only 2 loans'); is($reply->{loans}->{loan}->[0]->{itemnumber}, $item3->itemnumber); is($reply->{loans}->{loan}->[1]->{itemnumber}, $item2->itemnumber); $cgi->param( 'loans_page', '2' ); $reply = C4::ILSDI::Services::GetPatronInfo($cgi); is($reply->{total_loans}, 3, 'total_loans == 3'); is(scalar @{ $reply->{loans}->{loan} }, 1, 'GetPatronInfo returned only 1 loan'); is($reply->{loans}->{loan}->[0]->{itemnumber}, $item1->itemnumber); $schema->storage->txn_rollback; };