#!/usr/bin/perl # This file is part of Koha. use Modern::Perl; use Test::More; use Test::MockModule; use Koha::Database; use Koha::Libraries; subtest "Scenario: Show how caching prevents Test::DBIx::Class from working properly and how to circumvent it", sub { my ($firstSchema, $cachedSchema, $cachedSchema2, $firstLibCount, $libCount); eval { ok($firstSchema = Koha::Database->schema, 'Step: Given a normal DB connection.'); $firstLibCount = Koha::Libraries->search->count; # first count normal conn ok($cachedSchema = Koha::Database::get_schema_cached(), ' And the DB connection is cached'); unlike(getConnectionDBName($cachedSchema), qr/sqlite/i, ' And the cached DB connection type is not sqlite'); use_ok('Test::DBIx::Class'); my $db = Test::MockModule->new('Koha::Database'); $db->mock( _new_schema => sub { return Schema(); } ); ok(1, 'Step: Given Test::DBIx::Class (T:D:C) is loaded and DB accessor is mocked. Connection from cache is still used.'); $libCount = Koha::Libraries->search->count; is($libCount, $firstLibCount, ' Then we got the same count as without T:D:C'); $cachedSchema = Koha::Database::get_schema_cached(); is($cachedSchema, $firstSchema, ' And the cached DB connection is the same as without T:D:C'); is(getConnectionDBName($cachedSchema), getConnectionDBName($firstSchema), ' And the cached DB connection type is unchanged'); ok(Koha::Database::flush_schema_cache(), 'Step: Given the DB connection cache is flushed'); $libCount = Koha::Libraries->search->count; is($libCount, 0, ' Then we got 0 libraries because fixtures are not deployed'); $cachedSchema = Koha::Database::get_schema_cached(); isnt($cachedSchema, $firstSchema, ' And the cached DB connection has changed'); like(getConnectionDBName($cachedSchema), qr/sqlite/i, ' And the cached DB connection type is sqlite'); fixtures_ok( [ #Dynamically load fixtures, because we dynamically load T:D:C. Otherwise there be compile errors! Branch => [ ['branchcode', 'branchname'], ['XXX_test', 'my branchname XXX'], ] ], 'Step: Given we deploy T:D:C Fixtures'); $libCount = Koha::Libraries->search->count; is($libCount, 1, ' Then we got the count from fixtures'); $cachedSchema2 = Koha::Database::get_schema_cached(); is($cachedSchema2, $cachedSchema, ' And the cached DB connection is the same from T:D:C'); like(getConnectionDBName($cachedSchema), qr/sqlite/i, ' And the cached DB connection type is sqlite'); }; ok(0, $@) if $@; }; done_testing; sub getConnectionDBName { #return shift->storage->_dbh_details->{info}->{dbms_version}; #This would return the name from server, but sqlite doesn't report a clear text name and version here. return shift->storage->connect_info->[0]->{dsn}; }