#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright 2018 BibLibre # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use Modern::Perl; use Date::Format; use File::Basename; use FindBin qw($Bin); use Getopt::Long; use Locale::PO; use YAML::XS; use utf8; use Koha::Database; my $help; my $po_file; my $dump_pot; my $force; GetOptions( 'help' => \$help, 'po-file=s' => \$po_file, 'dump-pot' => \$dump_pot, 'force' => \$force, ) or die 'Error in command line arguments'; if ($help) { my $basename = basename($0); say <<"EOT"; Usage: $basename [--po-file FILE] [--force] $basename --dump-pot $basename --help This script adds new fields and subfields for biblio and authority, new authority types and new authorised values, for UNIMARC IFLA update Options: --help Display this help --po-file FILE PO file containing translations --dump-pot Print a POT file containing all translatable strings and exit --force Force updating existing data EOT exit 0; } my $defaults = YAML::XS::LoadFile("$Bin/data/defaults.yml"); my $authorised_values = YAML::XS::LoadFile("$Bin/data/authorised_values.yml"); my $authtypes = YAML::XS::LoadFile("$Bin/data/authtypes.yml"); my @authtags; my @authsubfields; for my $authfw (qw(default CLASS CO EXP FAM GENRE_FORM NP NTEXP NTWORK PA PERS PUB SAUTTIT SNC SNG TM TU WORK)) { my $file = YAML::XS::LoadFile("$Bin/data/auth/$authfw.yml"); push @authtags, @{ $file->{authtags} }; push @authsubfields, @{ $file->{authsubfields} }; } my $biblio = YAML::XS::LoadFile("$Bin/data/biblio/default.yml"); my @tags = @{ $biblio->{tags} }; my @subfields = @{ $biblio->{subfields} }; my $translations = {}; if ($dump_pot) { $translations->{''} = Locale::PO->new( -msgid => '', -msgstr => "Project-Id-Version: Koha\n" . "POT-Creation-Date: " . time2str('%Y-%m-%d %R%z', time) . "\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n", ); while (my ($category, $values) = each %$authorised_values) { foreach my $authorised_value (@$values) { $translations->{$authorised_value->{lib}} = Locale::PO->new( -msgid => $authorised_value->{lib}, -msgstr => '', ); } } for my $tag (@tags) { $translations->{$tag->{liblibrarian}} = Locale::PO->new( -msgid => $tag->{liblibrarian}, -msgstr => '', ); } for my $subfield (@subfields) { $translations->{$subfield->{liblibrarian}} = Locale::PO->new( -msgid => $subfield->{liblibrarian}, -msgstr => '', ); } for my $authtype (@$authtypes) { $translations->{$authtype->{authtypetext}} = Locale::PO->new( -msgid => $authtype->{authtypetext}, -msgstr => '', ); } for my $authtag (@authtags) { $translations->{$authtag->{liblibrarian}} = Locale::PO->new( -msgid => $authtag->{liblibrarian}, -msgstr => '', ); } for my $authsubfield (@authsubfields) { $translations->{$authsubfield->{liblibrarian}} = Locale::PO->new( -msgid => $authsubfield->{liblibrarian}, -msgstr => '', );; } Locale::PO->save_file_fromhash("$Bin/language/template.pot", $translations, 'utf8'); exit 0; } if ($po_file) { $translations = Locale::PO->load_file_ashash($po_file, 'utf8'); } sub t { my ($string) = @_; my $quoted_string = Locale::PO->quote($string); unless (exists $translations->{$quoted_string} and $translations->{$quoted_string}) { return $string; } return Locale::PO->dequote($translations->{$quoted_string}->msgstr); } my $schema = Koha::Database->new()->schema(); my $authorised_value_rs = $schema->resultset('AuthorisedValue'); my $authorised_value_category_rs = $schema->resultset('AuthorisedValueCategory'); my $marc_tag_structure_rs = $schema->resultset('MarcTagStructure'); my $marc_subfield_structure_rs = $schema->resultset('MarcSubfieldStructure'); my $auth_type_rs = $schema->resultset('AuthType'); my $auth_tag_structure_rs = $schema->resultset('AuthTagStructure'); my $auth_subfield_structure_rs = $schema->resultset('AuthSubfieldStructure'); my $av_defaults = $defaults->{av}; while (my ($category, $values) = each %$authorised_values) { foreach my $authorised_value (@$values) { foreach my $key (keys %$av_defaults) { unless (exists $authorised_value->{$key}) { $authorised_value->{$key} = $av_defaults->{$key}; } } $authorised_value->{category} = $category; $authorised_value->{lib} = t($authorised_value->{lib}); my $value = $authorised_value->{authorised_value}; my $av = $authorised_value_rs->find({ category => $category, authorised_value => $value, }); if ($av) { say "Authorised value already exists ($category, $value)"; if ($force) { say "Force mode is active, updating authorised value ($category, $value)"; $av->update($authorised_value); } next; } my $cat = $authorised_value_category_rs->find($category); if (!$cat) { say "Adding authorised value category $category"; $authorised_value_category_rs->create({ category_name => $category, }); } say "Adding authorised value ($category, $value)"; $authorised_value_rs->create($authorised_value); } } my $tag_defaults = $defaults->{tag}; for my $tag (@tags) { foreach my $key (keys %$tag_defaults) { unless (exists $tag->{$key}) { $tag->{$key} = $tag_defaults->{$key}; } } $tag->{liblibrarian} = t($tag->{liblibrarian}); my $mts = $marc_tag_structure_rs->find('', $tag->{tagfield}); if ($mts) { say "Field already exists: " . $tag->{tagfield}; if ($force) { say "Force mode is active, updating field " . $tag->{tagfield}; $mts->update($tag); } next; } say "Adding field " . $tag->{tagfield}; $marc_tag_structure_rs->create($tag); } my $subfield_defaults = $defaults->{subfield}; for my $subfield (@subfields) { foreach my $key (keys %$subfield_defaults) { unless (exists $subfield->{$key}) { $subfield->{$key} = $subfield_defaults->{$key}; } } $subfield->{liblibrarian} = t($subfield->{liblibrarian}); my $mss = $marc_subfield_structure_rs->find('', $subfield->{tagfield}, $subfield->{tagsubfield}); if ($mss) { say sprintf('Subfield already exists: %s$%s', $subfield->{tagfield}, $subfield->{tagsubfield}); if ($force) { say sprintf('Force mode is active, updating subfield %s$%s', $subfield->{tagfield}, $subfield->{tagsubfield}); $mss->update($subfield); } next; } say sprintf('Adding subfield %s$%s', $subfield->{tagfield}, $subfield->{tagsubfield}); $marc_subfield_structure_rs->create($subfield); } for my $authtype (@$authtypes) { $authtype->{authtypetext} = t($authtype->{authtypetext}); my $at = $auth_type_rs->find($authtype->{authtypecode}); if ($at) { say "Authority type already exists: " . $authtype->{authtypecode}; if ($force) { say "Force mode is active, updating authority type " . $authtype->{authtypecode}; $at->update($authtype); } next; } say "Adding authority type " . $authtype->{authtypecode}; $auth_type_rs->create($authtype); } my $authtag_defaults = $defaults->{authtag}; for my $authtag (@authtags) { foreach my $key (keys %$authtag_defaults) { unless (exists $authtag->{$key}) { $authtag->{$key} = $authtag_defaults->{$key}; } } $authtag->{liblibrarian} = t($authtag->{liblibrarian}); my $ats = $auth_tag_structure_rs->find($authtag->{authtypecode}, $authtag->{tagfield}); if ($ats) { say sprintf('Auth field already exists: %s (%s)', $authtag->{tagfield}, $authtag->{authtypecode}); if ($force) { say sprintf('Force mode is active, updating auth field %s (%s)', $authtag->{tagfield}, $authtag->{authtypecode}); $ats->update($authtag); } next; } say sprintf('Adding auth field %s (%s)', $authtag->{tagfield}, $authtag->{authtypecode}); $auth_tag_structure_rs->create($authtag); } my $authsubfield_defaults = $defaults->{authsubfield}; for my $authsubfield (@authsubfields) { foreach my $key (keys %$authsubfield_defaults) { unless (exists $authsubfield->{$key}) { $authsubfield->{$key} = $authsubfield_defaults->{$key}; } } $authsubfield->{liblibrarian} = t($authsubfield->{liblibrarian}); my $ass = $auth_subfield_structure_rs->find($authsubfield->{authtypecode}, $authsubfield->{tagfield}, $authsubfield->{tagsubfield}); if ($ass) { say sprintf('Auth subfield already exists: %s$%s (%s)', $authsubfield->{tagfield}, $authsubfield->{tagsubfield}, $authsubfield->{authtypecode}); if ($force) { say sprintf('Force mode is active, updating auth subfield %s$%s (%s)', $authsubfield->{tagfield}, $authsubfield->{tagsubfield}, $authsubfield->{authtypecode}); $ass->update($authsubfield); } next; } say sprintf('Adding auth subfield %s$%s (%s)', $authsubfield->{tagfield}, $authsubfield->{tagsubfield}, $authsubfield->{authtypecode}); $auth_subfield_structure_rs->create($authsubfield); }