#!/usr/bin/perl #written 8/5/2002 by Finlay #script to execute issuing of books # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA use strict; use CGI; use C4::Circulation::Circ2; use C4::Search; use C4::Output; use C4::Print; my %env; my $headerbackgroundcolor='#99cc33'; my $circbackgroundcolor='#ffffcc'; # FIXME - Never used my $circbackgroundcolor='white'; # FIXME - Never used my $linecolor1='#ffffcc'; my $linecolor2='white'; my $backgroundimage="/images/background-mem.gif"; my $branches = getbranches(); my $printers = getprinters(\%env); my $query = new CGI; my $branch = $query->param("branch"); my $printer = $query->param("printer"); ($branch) || ($branch=$query->cookie('branch')) ; ($printer) || ($printer=$query->cookie('printer')) ; #set up cookie..... my $info = ''; my $branchcookie; my $printercookie; if ($query->param('setcookies')) { $branchcookie = $query->cookie(-name=>'branch', -value=>"$branch", -expires=>'+1y'); $printercookie = $query->cookie(-name=>'printer', -value=>"$printer", -expires=>'+1y'); } $env{'branchcode'}=$branch; $env{'printer'}=$printer; $env{'queue'}=$printer; my @datearr = localtime(time()); my $tday = localtime(time()); # FIXME - Unused #warn "today: $tday \n"; # FIXME - Could just use POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime); my $todaysdate = (1900+$datearr[5]).sprintf ("%0.2d", ($datearr[4]+1)).sprintf ("%0.2d", ($datearr[3])); #warn $todaysdate; my $message; my $borrowerslist; # if there is a list of find borrowers.... my $findborrower = $query->param('findborrower'); if ($findborrower) { my ($borrowers, $flags) = findborrower(\%env, $findborrower); my @borrowers=@$borrowers; if ($#borrowers == -1) { $query->param('findborrower', ''); $message = "No borrower matched '$findborrower'"; } elsif ($#borrowers == 0) { $query->param('borrnumber', $borrowers[0]->{'borrowernumber'}); $query->param('barcode',''); } else { $borrowerslist = \@borrowers; } } my $borrowernumber = $query->param('borrnumber'); my $bornum = $query->param('borrnumber'); # check and see if we should print my $print=$query->param('print'); my $barcode = $query->param('barcode'); if ($barcode eq '' && $print eq 'maybe'){ $print = 'yes'; } if ($print eq 'yes' && $borrowernumber ne ''){ printslip(\%env,$borrowernumber); $query->param('borrnumber',''); $borrowernumber=''; } # get the borrower information..... my $borrower; my $flags; if ($borrowernumber) { ($borrower, $flags) = getpatroninformation(\%env,$borrowernumber,0); } # get the responses to any questions..... my %responses; foreach (sort $query->param) { if ($_ =~ /response-(\d*)/) { $responses{$1} = $query->param($_); } } if (my $qnumber = $query->param('questionnumber')) { $responses{$qnumber} = $query->param('answer'); } my ($iteminformation, $duedate, $rejected, $question, $questionnumber, $defaultanswer); my $year=$query->param('year'); my $month=$query->param('month'); my $day=$query->param('day'); # if the barcode is set if ($barcode) { $barcode = cuecatbarcodedecode($barcode); my ($datedue, $invalidduedate) = fixdate($year, $month, $day); unless ($invalidduedate) { $env{'datedue'}=$datedue; my @time=localtime(time); my $date= (1900+$time[5])."-".($time[4]+1)."-".$time[3]; ($iteminformation, $duedate, $rejected, $question, $questionnumber, $defaultanswer, $message) = issuebook(\%env, $borrower, $barcode, \%responses, $date); } } # reload the borrower info for the sake of reseting the flags..... if ($borrowernumber) { ($borrower, $flags) = getpatroninformation(\%env,$borrowernumber,0); } ################################################################################## # HTML code.... my $rejectedtext; if ($rejected) { if ($rejected == -1) { } else { $rejectedtext = << "EOF";
Error Issuing Book

EOF } } my $selectborrower; if ($borrowerslist) { $selectborrower = <<"EOF";
Select a borrower

EOF } # title.... my $title = <<"EOF";
Next Borrower   Returns  Transfers
Circulation: Issues
Branch: $branches->{$branch}->{'branchname'}   Printer: $printers->{$printer}->{'printername'}
Change Settings

EOF my $titlenoborrower = <<"EOF";
Returns  Transfers
Circulation: Issues
Branch: $branches->{$branch}->{'branchname'}   Printer: $printers->{$printer}->{'printername'}
Change Settings

EOF my $cardnumberinput = << "EOF";
Enter borrower card number
or partial last name

EOF my $responsesform = ''; foreach (keys %responses) { $responsesform.="\n"; } my $questionform; if ($question) { my $stickyduedate=$query->param('stickyduedate'); $questionform = <<"EOF";
Issuing Question
Attempting to issue $iteminformation->{'title'} by $iteminformation->{'author'} to $borrower->{'firstname'} $borrower->{'surname'}.


EOF } # Barcode entry box, with hidden inputs attached.... my $counter = 1; my $dayoptions = ''; my $monthoptions = ''; my $yearoptions = ''; for (my $i=1; $i<32; $i++) { my $selected=''; if (($query->param('stickyduedate')) && ($day==$i)) { $selected='selected'; } $dayoptions.="