function display_pickup_location (state) { var $text; if ( state.needs_override === true ) { $text = $( '' + state.text + ' ' ); } else { $text = $(''+state.text+''); } return $text; }; (function ($) { /** * Generate a Select2 dropdown for pickup locations * * It expects the select object to contain several data-* attributes * - data-pickup-location-source: 'biblio', 'item' or 'hold' (default) * - data-patron-id: required for 'biblio' and 'item' * - data-biblio-id: required for 'biblio' only * - data-item-id: required for 'item' only * * @return {Object} The Select2 instance */ $.fn.pickup_locations_dropdown = function () { var select = $(this); var pickup_location_source = $(this).data('pickup-location-source'); var patron_id = $(this).data('patron-id'); var biblio_id = $(this).data('biblio-id'); var item_id = $(this).data('item-id'); var hold_id = $(this).data('hold-id'); var url; if ( pickup_location_source === 'biblio' ) { url = '/api/v1/biblios/' + encodeURIComponent(biblio_id) + '/pickup_locations'; } else if ( pickup_location_source === 'item' ) { url = '/api/v1/items/' + encodeURIComponent(item_id) + '/pickup_locations'; } else { // hold url = '/api/v1/holds/' + encodeURIComponent(hold_id) + '/pickup_locations'; } select.kohaSelect({ width: 'style', allowClear: false, ajax: { url: url, delay: 300, // wait 300 milliseconds before triggering the request cache: true, dataType: 'json', data: function (params) { var search_term = (params.term === undefined) ? '' : params.term; var query = { "q": JSON.stringify({"name":{"-like":'%'+search_term+'%'}}), "_order_by": "name", "_page": }; if ( pickup_location_source !== 'hold' ) { query["patron_id"] = patron_id; } return query; }, processResults: function (data) { var results = []; data.results.forEach( function ( pickup_location ) { results.push( { "id": pickup_location.library_id.escapeHtml(), "text":, "needs_override": pickup_location.needs_override } ); }); return { "results": results, "pagination": { "more": data.pagination.more } }; } }, templateResult: display_pickup_location }); return select; }; })(jQuery); /* global __ dataTablesDefaults borrowernumber SuspendHoldsIntranet */ $(document).ready(function() { function suspend_hold(hold_id, end_date) { var params; if ( end_date !== null && end_date !== '' ) params = JSON.stringify({ "end_date": end_date }); return $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: '/api/v1/holds/'+encodeURIComponent(hold_id)+'/suspension', contentType: 'application/json', data: params }); } function resume_hold(hold_id) { return $.ajax({ method: 'DELETE', url: '/api/v1/holds/'+encodeURIComponent(hold_id)+'/suspension' }); } var holdsTable; // Don't load holds table unless it is clicked on $("#holds-tab").on( "click", function(){ load_holds_table() } ); // If the holds tab is preselected on load, we need to load the table if ( $("#holds-tab").parent().hasClass('active') ) { load_holds_table() } function load_holds_table() { var holds = new Array(); if ( ! holdsTable ) { var title; holdsTable = KohaTable("holds-table", { "bAutoWidth": false, "dom": '<"table_controls"B>rt', "aoColumns": [ { "data": { _: "reservedate_formatted", "sort": "reservedate" } }, { "mDataProp": function ( oObj ) { title = "" + (oObj.title ? oObj.title.escapeHtml() : ''); $.each(oObj.subtitle, function( index, value ) { title += " " + value.escapeHtml(); }); title += " " + oObj.part_number + " " + oObj.part_name; if ( oObj.enumchron ) { title += " (" + oObj.enumchron.escapeHtml() + ")"; } title += ""; if ( ) { title += " " + __("by _AUTHOR_").replace("_AUTHOR_",; } if ( oObj.itemnotes ) { var span_class = ""; if ( flatpickr.formatDate( new Date(oObj.issuedate), "Y-m-d" ) == ymd ){ span_class = "circ-hlt"; } title += " - " + oObj.itemnotes.escapeHtml() + "" } return title; } }, { "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { return oObj.itemcallnumber && oObj.itemcallnumber.escapeHtml() || ""; } }, { "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { var data = ""; if ( oObj.itemtype ) { data += oObj.itemtype_description; } return data; } }, { "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { var data = ""; if ( oObj.barcode ) { data += " " + oObj.barcode.escapeHtml() + ""; } return data; } }, { "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { if( oObj.branches.length > 1 && oObj.found !== 'W' && oObj.found !== 'T' ){ var branchSelect=''; return branchSelect; } else { return oObj.branchcode.escapeHtml() || ""; } } }, { "data": { _: "expirationdate_formatted", "sort": "expirationdate" } }, { "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { if ( oObj.priority && parseInt( oObj.priority ) && parseInt( oObj.priority ) > 0 ) { return oObj.priority; } else { return ""; } } }, { "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { return oObj.reservenotes && oObj.reservenotes.escapeHtml() || ""; } }, { "bSortable": false, "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { return "" + "" + "" + ""; } }, { "bSortable": false, "visible": SuspendHoldsIntranet, "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { holds[oObj.reserve_id] = oObj; //Store holds for later use if ( oObj.found ) { return ""; } else if ( oObj.suspend == 1 ) { return "" +" " + __("Resume") + ""; } else { return "" +" " + __("Suspend") + ""; } } }, { "mDataProp": function( oObj ) { var data = ""; if ( oObj.suspend == 1 ) { data += "

" + __("Hold is suspended"); if ( oObj.suspend_until ) { data += " " + __("until %s").format(oObj.suspend_until_formatted); } data += "

"; } if ( oObj.itemtype_limit ) { data += __("Next available %s item").format(oObj.itemtype_limit); } if ( oObj.item_group_id ) { data += __("Next available item group %s item").format( oObj.item_group_description ); } if ( oObj.barcode ) { data += ""; if ( oObj.found == "W" ) { if ( oObj.waiting_here ) { data += __("Item is waiting here"); if (oObj.desk_name) { data += ", " + __("at %s").format(oObj.desk_name.escapeHtml()); } } else { data += __("Item is waiting"); data += " " + __("at %s").format(oObj.waiting_at); if (oObj.desk_name) { data += ", " + __("at %s").format(oObj.desk_name.escapeHtml()); } } } else if ( oObj.found == "T" && oObj.transferred ) { data += __("Item is in transit from %s since %s").format(oObj.from_branch, oObj.date_sent); } else if ( oObj.found == "T" && oObj.not_transferred ) { data += __("Item hasn't been transferred yet from %s").format(oObj.not_transferred_by); } data += ""; } return data; } } ], "bPaginate": false, "bProcessing": true, "bServerSide": false, "aoColumnDefs": [ { "type": "anti-the", "targets": [ "anti-the" ] } ], "ajax": { "url": '/cgi-bin/koha/svc/holds', "data": function ( d ) { d.borrowernumber = borrowernumber; } }, }, table_settings_holds_table ); $('#holds-table').on( 'draw.dt', function () { $(".hold-suspend").on( "click", function() { var hold_id = $(this).data('hold-id'); var hold_title = $(this).data('hold-title'); $("#suspend-modal-title").html( hold_title ); $("#suspend-modal-submit").data( 'hold-id', hold_id ); $('#suspend-modal').modal('show'); }); $(".hold-resume").on("click", function () { var hold_id = $(this).data('hold-id'); resume_hold( hold_id ).success(function () { holdsTable.api().ajax.reload(); }).error(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (jqXHR.status === 404) { alert(__("Unable to resume, hold not found")); } else { alert(__("Your request could not be processed. Check the logs")); } holdsTable.api().ajax.reload(); }); }); $(".hold_location_select").each(function(){ $(this).pickup_locations_dropdown(); }); $(".hold_location_select").on("change", function(){ $(this).prop("disabled",true); var cur_select = $(this); var res_id = $(this).attr('reserve_id'); $(this).after('
'); var api_url = '/api/v1/holds/' + encodeURIComponent(res_id) + '/pickup_location'; $.ajax({ method: "PUT", url: api_url, data: JSON.stringify({ "pickup_library_id": $(this).val() }), headers: { "x-koha-override": "any" }, success: function( data ){ holdsTable.api().ajax.reload(); }, error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert('There was an error:'+textStatus+" "+errorThrown); cur_select.prop("disabled",false); $("#updating_reserveno"+res_id).remove(); cur_select.val( cur_select.children('option[selected="selected"]').val() ); }, }); }); }); if ( $("#holds-table").length ) { $("#holds-table_processing").position({ of: $( "#holds-table" ), collision: "none" }); } } } $("body").append("\ \ "); $("#suspend-modal-clear-date").on( "click", function() { $("#suspend-modal-until").val(""); } ); $("#suspend-modal-submit").on( "click", function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var suspend_until_date = $("#suspend-modal-until").val(); if ( suspend_until_date !== null ) suspend_until_date = $date(suspend_until_date, {dateformat:"rfc3339"}); suspend_hold( $(this).data('hold-id'), suspend_until_date ).success(function () { holdsTable.api().ajax.reload(); }).error(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (jqXHR.status === 404) { alert(__("Unable to suspend, hold not found")); } else { alert(__("Your request could not be processed. Check the logs")); } holdsTable.api().ajax.reload(); }).done(function() { $("#suspend-modal-until").val(""); // clean the input $('#suspend-modal').modal('hide'); }); }); $(".toggle-suspend").on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); let reserve_id = $(this).data('reserve-id'); let biblionumber = $(this).data('biblionumber'); let suspend_until = $('#suspend_until_' + reserve_id).val(); window.location.href='' + reserve_id + '&biblionumber=' + biblionumber + '&suspend_until=' + suspend_until; return false; }); });