#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw( $Bin ); use Test::More tests => 41; use Koha::EDI; BEGIN { use_ok('Koha::Edifact') } my $filename = "$Bin/edi_testfiles/prquotes_73050_20140430.CEQ"; my $quote = Koha::Edifact->new( { filename => $filename, } ); isa_ok( $quote, 'Koha::Edifact' ); my $x = $quote->interchange_header('sender'); is( $x, '5013546027856', "sender returned" ); $x = $quote->interchange_header('recipient'); is( $x, '5030670137480', "recipient returned" ); $x = $quote->interchange_header('datetime'); is( $x->[0], '140430', "datetime returned" ); my $control_reference = 'EDIQ2857763'; $x = $quote->interchange_header('interchange_control_reference'); is( $x, $control_reference, "interchange_control_reference returned" ); $x = $quote->interchange_header('application_reference'); is( $x, 'QUOTES', "application_reference returned" ); $x = $quote->interchange_trailer('interchange_control_count'); is( $x, 1, "interchange_control_count returned" ); my $msgs = $quote->message_array(); my $msg_count = @{$msgs}; is( $msg_count, 1, "correct message count returned" ); my $m = $msgs->[0]; is( $m->message_type, 'QUOTES', "Message shows correct type" ); is( $m->message_reference_number, 'MQ09791', "Message reference number returned" ); is( $m->docmsg_number, 'Q741588', "Message docmsg number returned" ); is( $m->message_date, '20140430', "Message date returned" ); is( $m->buyer_ean, '5030670137480', 'buyer ean returned'); my $lin = $m->lineitems(); my $num_lines = @{$lin}; is( $num_lines, 18, 'Correct number of lines in message' ); my $test_line = $lin->[-1]; is( $test_line->line_item_number, 18, 'correct line number returned' ); is( $test_line->item_number_id, '9780273761006', 'correct ean returned' ); is( $test_line->quantity, 1, 'quantity returned' ); is( $test_line->price_info, 114.97, 'price returned' ); is( $test_line->price_info_inclusive, undef, 'discounted price undefined as expected' ); my $test_title = 'International business [electronic resource]'; my $marcrec = $test_line->marc_record; isa_ok( $marcrec, 'MARC::Record' ); my $title = $test_line->title(); # also tests components are concatenated is( $title, $test_title, "Title returned" ); # problems currently with the record (needs leader ??) #is( $marcrec->title(), $test_title, "Title returned from marc"); my $test_author = q{Rugman, Alan M.}; is( $test_line->author, $test_author, "Author returned" ); is( $test_line->publisher, 'Pearson Education', "Publisher returned" ); is( $test_line->publication_date, q{2012.}, "Pub. date returned" ); # # Test data encoded in GIR # my $stock_category = $test_line->girfield('stock_category'); is( $stock_category, 'EBOOK', "stock_category returned" ); my $branch = $test_line->girfield('branch'); is( $branch, 'ELIB', "branch returned" ); my $fund_allocation = $test_line->girfield('fund_allocation'); is( $fund_allocation, '660BOO_2013', "fund_allocation returned" ); my $sequence_code = $test_line->girfield('sequence_code'); is( $sequence_code, 'EBOO', "sequence_code returned" ); #my $shelfmark = $test_line->girfield('shelfmark'); #my $classification = $test_line->girfield('classification'); ## text the free_text returned from the line my $test_line_2 = $lin->[12]; my $ftx_string = 'E*610.72* - additional items'; is( $test_line_2->orderline_free_text, $ftx_string, "ftx note retrieved" ); my $filename2 = "$Bin/edi_testfiles/QUOTES_413514.CEQ"; my $q2 = Koha::Edifact->new( { filename => $filename2, } ); my $messages = $q2->message_array(); my $orderlines = $messages->[0]->lineitems(); my $ol = $orderlines->[0]; my $y = $ol->girfield( 'copy_value', 5 ); is( $y, undef, 'No extra item generated' ); $y = $ol->girfield( 'copy_value', 1 ); is( $y, '16.99', 'Copy Price returned' ); $y = $ol->girfield( 'classification', 4 ); is( $y, '914.1061', 'Copy classification returned' ); $y = $ol->girfield( 'fund_allocation', 4 ); is( $y, 'REF', 'Copy fund returned' ); $y = $ol->girfield( 'branch', 4 ); is( $y, 'SOU', 'Copy Branch returned' ); $y = $ol->girfield( 'sequence_code', 4 ); is( $y, 'ANF', 'Sequence code returned' ); $y = $ol->girfield( 'stock_category', 4 ); is( $y, 'RS', 'Copy stock category returned' ); $y = $ol->girfield( 'library_rotation_plan', 0); is( $y, 'WRPC2', 'Library rotation plan returned' ); # test internal routines for prices my $dp = Koha::EDI::_discounted_price(33.0, 9); is( $dp, 6.03, 'Discount calculated' ); $dp = Koha::EDI::_discounted_price(0.0, 9); is( $dp, 9.0, 'Discount calculated with discount = 0' ); $dp = Koha::EDI::_discounted_price(0.0, 9, 8.0); is( $dp, 8.0, 'Discount overridden by incoming calculated value');