#!/usr/bin/perl use Modern::Perl; use Test::More tests => 144; BEGIN { use_ok('C4::Budgets') } use C4::Context; use C4::Biblio; use C4::Acquisition; use Koha::Acquisition::Booksellers; use Koha::Acquisition::Orders; use Koha::Acquisition::Funds; use Koha::Patrons; use Koha::Number::Price; use Koha::Items; use t::lib::TestBuilder; use t::lib::Mocks; use Koha::DateUtils; use YAML; use t::lib::Mocks; t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding',''); my $schema = Koha::Database->new->schema; $schema->storage->txn_begin; my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM aqbudgetperiods|); $dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM aqbudgets|); my $library = $builder->build({ source => 'Branch', }); t::lib::Mocks::mock_userenv( { flags => 1, userid => 'my_userid', branch => $library->{branchcode}, } ); # # Budget Periods : # is( AddBudgetPeriod(), undef, 'AddBugetPeriod without argument returns undef' ); is( AddBudgetPeriod( { } ), undef, 'AddBugetPeriod with an empty argument returns undef' ); my $bpid = AddBudgetPeriod({ budget_period_startdate => '2008-01-01', }); is( $bpid, undef, 'AddBugetPeriod without end date returns undef' ); $bpid = AddBudgetPeriod({ budget_period_enddate => '2008-12-31', }); is( $bpid, undef, 'AddBugetPeriod without start date returns undef' ); my $budgetperiods = GetBudgetPeriods(); is( @$budgetperiods, 0, 'GetBudgetPeriods returns the correct number of budget periods' ); my $my_budgetperiod = { budget_period_startdate => '2008-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2008-12-31', budget_period_description => 'MAPERI', budget_period_active => 0, budget_period_id => '', # Bug 21604 }; $bpid = AddBudgetPeriod($my_budgetperiod); isnt( $bpid, undef, 'AddBugetPeriod does not returns undef' ); my $budgetperiod = GetBudgetPeriod($bpid); is( $budgetperiod->{budget_period_startdate}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_startdate}, 'AddBudgetPeriod stores the start date correctly' ); is( $budgetperiod->{budget_period_enddate}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_enddate}, 'AddBudgetPeriod stores the end date correctly' ); is( $budgetperiod->{budget_period_description}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_description}, 'AddBudgetPeriod stores the description correctly' ); is( $budgetperiod->{budget_period_active}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_active}, 'AddBudgetPeriod stores active correctly' ); $my_budgetperiod = { budget_period_startdate => '2009-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2009-12-31', budget_period_description => 'MODIF_MAPERI', budget_period_active => 1, }; my $mod_status = ModBudgetPeriod($my_budgetperiod); is( $mod_status, undef, 'ModBudgetPeriod without id returns undef' ); $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_id} = $bpid; $mod_status = ModBudgetPeriod($my_budgetperiod); is( $mod_status, 1, 'ModBudgetPeriod returnis true' ); $budgetperiod = GetBudgetPeriod($bpid); is( $budgetperiod->{budget_period_startdate}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_startdate}, 'ModBudgetPeriod updates the start date correctly' ); is( $budgetperiod->{budget_period_enddate}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_enddate}, 'ModBudgetPeriod updates the end date correctly' ); is( $budgetperiod->{budget_period_description}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_description}, 'ModBudgetPeriod updates the description correctly' ); is( $budgetperiod->{budget_period_active}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_active}, 'ModBudgetPeriod upates active correctly' ); $budgetperiods = GetBudgetPeriods(); is( @$budgetperiods, 1, 'GetBudgetPeriods returns the correct number of budget periods' ); is( $budgetperiods->[0]->{budget_period_id}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_id}, 'GetBudgetPeriods returns the id correctly' ); is( $budgetperiods->[0]->{budget_period_startdate}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_startdate}, 'GetBudgetPeriods returns the start date correctly' ); is( $budgetperiods->[0]->{budget_period_enddate}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_enddate}, 'GetBudgetPeriods returns the end date correctly' ); is( $budgetperiods->[0]->{budget_period_description}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_description}, 'GetBudgetPeriods returns the description correctly' ); is( $budgetperiods->[0]->{budget_period_active}, $my_budgetperiod->{budget_period_active}, 'GetBudgetPeriods returns active correctly' ); is( DelBudgetPeriod($bpid), 1, 'DelBudgetPeriod returns true' ); $budgetperiods = GetBudgetPeriods(); is( @$budgetperiods, 0, 'GetBudgetPeriods returns the correct number of budget periods' ); # # Budget : # # The budget hierarchy will be: # budget_1 # budget_11 # budget_111 # budget_12 # budget_2 # budget_21 is( AddBudget(), undef, 'AddBuget without argument returns undef' ); my $budgets = GetBudgets(); is( @$budgets, 0, 'GetBudgets returns the correct number of budgets' ); $bpid = AddBudgetPeriod($my_budgetperiod); #this is an active budget my $my_budget = { budget_code => 'ABCD', budget_amount => '123.132000', budget_name => 'Periodiques', budget_notes => 'This is a note', budget_period_id => $bpid, budget_encumb => '', # Bug 21604 }; my $budget_id = AddBudget($my_budget); isnt( $budget_id, undef, 'AddBudget does not returns undef' ); my $budget = GetBudget($budget_id); is( $budget->{budget_code}, $my_budget->{budget_code}, 'AddBudget stores the budget code correctly' ); is( $budget->{budget_amount}, $my_budget->{budget_amount}, 'AddBudget stores the budget amount correctly' ); is( $budget->{budget_name}, $my_budget->{budget_name}, 'AddBudget stores the budget name correctly' ); is( $budget->{budget_notes}, $my_budget->{budget_notes}, 'AddBudget stores the budget notes correctly' ); is( $budget->{budget_period_id}, $my_budget->{budget_period_id}, 'AddBudget stores the budget period id correctly' ); $my_budget = { budget_code => 'EFG', budget_amount => '321.231000', budget_name => 'Modified name', budget_notes => 'This is a modified note', budget_period_id => $bpid, }; $mod_status = ModBudget($my_budget); is( $mod_status, undef, 'ModBudget without id returns undef' ); $my_budget->{budget_id} = $budget_id; $mod_status = ModBudget($my_budget); is( $mod_status, 1, 'ModBudget returns true' ); $budget = GetBudget($budget_id); is( $budget->{budget_code}, $my_budget->{budget_code}, 'ModBudget updates the budget code correctly' ); is( $budget->{budget_amount}, $my_budget->{budget_amount}, 'ModBudget updates the budget amount correctly' ); is( $budget->{budget_name}, $my_budget->{budget_name}, 'ModBudget updates the budget name correctly' ); is( $budget->{budget_notes}, $my_budget->{budget_notes}, 'ModBudget updates the budget notes correctly' ); is( $budget->{budget_period_id}, $my_budget->{budget_period_id}, 'ModBudget updates the budget period id correctly' ); $budgets = GetBudgets(); is( @$budgets, 1, 'GetBudgets returns the correct number of budgets' ); is( $budgets->[0]->{budget_id}, $my_budget->{budget_id}, 'GetBudgets returns the budget id correctly' ); is( $budgets->[0]->{budget_code}, $my_budget->{budget_code}, 'GetBudgets returns the budget code correctly' ); is( $budgets->[0]->{budget_amount}, $my_budget->{budget_amount}, 'GetBudgets returns the budget amount correctly' ); is( $budgets->[0]->{budget_name}, $my_budget->{budget_name}, 'GetBudgets returns the budget name correctly' ); is( $budgets->[0]->{budget_notes}, $my_budget->{budget_notes}, 'GetBudgets returns the budget notes correctly' ); is( $budgets->[0]->{budget_period_id}, $my_budget->{budget_period_id}, 'GetBudgets returns the budget period id correctly' ); $budgets = GetBudgets( {budget_period_id => $bpid} ); is( @$budgets, 1, 'GetBudgets With Filter OK' ); $budgets = GetBudgets( {budget_period_id => $bpid}, {-asc => "budget_name"} ); is( @$budgets, 1, 'GetBudgets With Order OK' ); $budgets = GetBudgets( {budget_period_id => GetBudgetPeriod($bpid)->{budget_period_id}}, {-asc => "budget_name"} ); is( @$budgets, 1, 'GetBudgets With Order Getting Active budgetPeriod OK'); my $budget_name = GetBudgetName( $budget_id ); is($budget_name, $my_budget->{budget_name}, "Test the GetBudgetName routine"); my $my_inactive_budgetperiod = { #let's add an inactive budget_period_startdate => '2010-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2010-12-31', budget_period_description => 'MODIF_MAPERI', budget_period_active => 0, }; my $bpid_i = AddBudgetPeriod($my_inactive_budgetperiod); #this is an inactive budget my $my_budget_inactive = { budget_code => 'EFG', budget_amount => '123.132000', budget_name => 'Periodiques', budget_notes => 'This is a note', budget_period_id => $bpid_i, }; my $budget_id_inactive = AddBudget($my_budget_inactive); my $budget_code = $my_budget->{budget_code}; my $budget_by_code = GetBudgetByCode( $budget_code ); is($budget_by_code->{budget_id}, $budget_id, "GetBudgetByCode, check id"); #this should match the active budget, not the inactive is($budget_by_code->{budget_notes}, $my_budget->{budget_notes}, "GetBudgetByCode, check notes"); my $second_budget_id = AddBudget({ budget_code => "ZZZZ", budget_amount => "500.00", budget_name => "Art", budget_notes => "This is a note", budget_period_id => $bpid, }); isnt( $second_budget_id, undef, 'AddBudget does not returns undef' ); $budgets = GetBudgets( {budget_period_id => $bpid} ); ok( $budgets->[0]->{budget_name} lt $budgets->[1]->{budget_name}, 'default sort order for GetBudgets is by name' ); is( DelBudget($budget_id), 1, 'DelBudget returns true' ); $budgets = GetBudgets(); is( @$budgets, 2, 'GetBudgets returns the correct number of budget periods' ); # GetBudgetHierarchySpent and GetBudgetHierarchyOrdered my $budget_period_total = 10_000; my $budget_1_total = 1_000; my $budget_11_total = 100; my $budget_111_total = 50; my $budget_12_total = 100; my $budget_2_total = 2_000; my $budget_period_id = AddBudgetPeriod( { budget_period_startdate => '2013-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2014-12-31', budget_period_description => 'Budget Period', budget_period_active => 1, budget_period_total => $budget_period_total, } ); my $budget_id1 = AddBudget( { budget_code => 'budget_1', budget_name => 'budget_1', budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_parent_id => undef, budget_amount => $budget_1_total, } ); my $budget_id2 = AddBudget( { budget_code => 'budget_2', budget_name => 'budget_2', budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_parent_id => undef, budget_amount => $budget_2_total, } ); my $budget_id12 = AddBudget( { budget_code => 'budget_12', budget_name => 'budget_12', budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_parent_id => $budget_id1, budget_amount => $budget_12_total, } ); my $budget_id11 = AddBudget( { budget_code => 'budget_11', budget_name => 'budget_11', budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_parent_id => $budget_id1, budget_amount => $budget_11_total, } ); my $budget_id111 = AddBudget( { budget_code => 'budget_111', budget_name => 'budget_111', budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_parent_id => $budget_id11, budget_owner_id => 1, budget_amount => $budget_111_total, } ); my $budget_id21 = AddBudget( { budget_code => 'budget_21', budget_name => 'budget_21', budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_parent_id => $budget_id2, } ); my $bookseller = Koha::Acquisition::Bookseller->new( { name => "my vendor", address1 => "bookseller's address", phone => "0123456", active => 1, deliverytime => 5, } )->store; my $booksellerid = $bookseller->id; my $basketno = C4::Acquisition::NewBasket( $booksellerid, 1 ); my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = C4::Biblio::AddBiblio( MARC::Record->new, '' ); my @order_infos = ( { budget_id => $budget_id1, pending_quantity => 1, spent_quantity => 0, }, { budget_id => $budget_id2, pending_quantity => 2, spent_quantity => 1, }, { budget_id => $budget_id11, pending_quantity => 3, spent_quantity => 4, }, { budget_id => $budget_id12, pending_quantity => 4, spent_quantity => 3, }, { budget_id => $budget_id111, pending_quantity => 2, spent_quantity => 1, }, # No order for budget_21 ); my %budgets; my $invoiceid = AddInvoice(invoicenumber => 'invoice_test_clone', booksellerid => $booksellerid, unknown => "unknown"); my $invoice = GetInvoice( $invoiceid ); my $item_price = 10; my $item_quantity = 2; my $number_of_orders_to_move = 0; for my $infos (@order_infos) { for ( 1 .. $infos->{pending_quantity} ) { my $order = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new( { basketno => $basketno, biblionumber => $biblionumber, budget_id => $infos->{budget_id}, order_internalnote => "internal note", order_vendornote => "vendor note", quantity => 2, cost_tax_included => $item_price, rrp_tax_included => $item_price, listprice => $item_price, ecost_tax_include => $item_price, discount => 0, uncertainprice => 0, } )->store; my $ordernumber = $order->ordernumber; push @{ $budgets{$infos->{budget_id}} }, $ordernumber; $number_of_orders_to_move++; } for ( 1 .. $infos->{spent_quantity} ) { my $order = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new( { basketno => $basketno, biblionumber => $biblionumber, budget_id => $infos->{budget_id}, order_internalnote => "internal note", order_vendornote => "vendor note", quantity => $item_quantity, cost => $item_price, rrp_tax_included => $item_price, listprice => $item_price, ecost_tax_included => $item_price, discount => 0, uncertainprice => 0, } )->store; my $ordernumber = $order->ordernumber; ModReceiveOrder({ biblionumber => $biblionumber, order => $order->unblessed, budget_id => $infos->{budget_id}, quantityreceived => $item_quantity, invoice => $invoice, received_items => [], } ); } } is( GetBudgetHierarchySpent( $budget_id1 ), 160, "total spent for budget1 is 160" ); is( GetBudgetHierarchySpent( $budget_id11 ), 100, "total spent for budget11 is 100" ); is( GetBudgetHierarchySpent( $budget_id111 ), 20, "total spent for budget111 is 20" ); # GetBudgetSpent and GetBudgetOrdered my $budget_period_amount = 100; my $budget_amount = 50; $budget = AddBudgetPeriod( { budget_period_startdate => '2017-08-22', budget_period_enddate => '2018-08-22', budget_period_description => 'Test budget', budget_period_active => 1, budget_period_total => $budget_period_amount, } ); my $fund = AddBudget( { budget_code => 'Test fund', budget_name => 'Test fund', budget_period_id => $budget, budget_parent_id => undef, budget_amount => $budget_amount, } ); my $vendor = Koha::Acquisition::Bookseller->new( { name => "test vendor", address1 => "test address", phone => "0123456", active => 1, deliverytime => 5, } )->store; my $vendorid = $vendor->id; my $basketnumber = C4::Acquisition::NewBasket( $vendorid, 1 ); my ( $biblio, $biblioitem ) = C4::Biblio::AddBiblio( MARC::Record->new, '' ); my @orders = ( { budget_id => $fund, pending_quantity => 1, spent_quantity => 0, }, ); my $invoiceident = AddInvoice( invoicenumber => 'invoice_test_clone', booksellerid => $vendorid, shipmentdate => '2017-08-22', shipmentcost => 6, shipmentcost_budgetid => $fund ); my $test_invoice = GetInvoice( $invoiceident ); my $individual_item_price = 10; my $order = Koha::Acquisition::Order->new( { basketno => $basketnumber, biblionumber => $biblio, budget_id => $fund, order_internalnote => "internalnote", order_vendornote => "vendor note", quantity => 2, cost_tax_included => $individual_item_price, rrp_tax_included => $individual_item_price, listprice => $individual_item_price, ecost_tax_included => $individual_item_price, discount => 0, uncertainprice => 0, } )->store; ModReceiveOrder({ bibionumber => $biblio, order => $order->unblessed, budget_id => $fund, quantityreceived => 2, invoice => $test_invoice, received_items => [], } ); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding',''); is ( GetBudgetSpent( $fund ), 6, "total shipping cost is 6"); is ( GetBudgetOrdered( $fund ), '20', "total ordered price is 20"); # CloneBudgetPeriod # Let's make sure our timestamp is old my @orig_funds = Koha::Acquisition::Funds->search({ budget_period_id => $budget_period_id }); foreach my $fund (@orig_funds){ $fund->timestamp('1999-12-31 23:59:59')->store; } my $budget_period_id_cloned = C4::Budgets::CloneBudgetPeriod( { budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_period_startdate => '2014-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2014-12-31', budget_period_description => 'Budget Period Cloned', } ); my $budget_period_cloned = C4::Budgets::GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id_cloned); is($budget_period_cloned->{budget_period_description}, 'Budget Period Cloned', 'Cloned budget\'s description is updated.'); my $budget_cloned = C4::Budgets::GetBudgets({ budget_period_id => $budget_period_id_cloned }); my $budget_time = $budget_cloned->[0]->{timestamp}; isnt($budget_time, '1999-12-31 23:59:59', "New budget has an updated timestamp"); my $budget_hierarchy = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id); my $budget_hierarchy_cloned = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id_cloned); is( scalar(@$budget_hierarchy_cloned), scalar(@$budget_hierarchy), 'CloneBudgetPeriod clones the same number of budgets (funds)' ); is_deeply( _get_dependencies($budget_hierarchy), _get_dependencies($budget_hierarchy_cloned), 'CloneBudgetPeriod keeps the same dependencies order' ); # CloneBudgetPeriod with param mark_original_budget_as_inactive my $budget_period = C4::Budgets::GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id); is( $budget_period->{budget_period_active}, 1, 'CloneBudgetPeriod does not mark as inactive the budgetperiod if not needed' ); $budget_hierarchy_cloned = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id_cloned); my $number_of_budgets_not_reset = 0; for my $budget (@$budget_hierarchy_cloned) { $number_of_budgets_not_reset++ if $budget->{budget_amount} > 0; } is( $number_of_budgets_not_reset, 5, 'CloneBudgetPeriod does not reset budgets (funds) if not needed' ); $budget_period_id_cloned = C4::Budgets::CloneBudgetPeriod( { budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_period_startdate => '2014-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2014-12-31', mark_original_budget_as_inactive => 1, } ); $budget_hierarchy = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id); is( $budget_hierarchy->[0]->{children}->[0]->{budget_name}, 'budget_11', 'GetBudgetHierarchy should return budgets ordered by name, first child is budget_11' ); is( $budget_hierarchy->[0]->{children}->[1]->{budget_name}, 'budget_12', 'GetBudgetHierarchy should return budgets ordered by name, second child is budget_12' ); is($budget_hierarchy->[0]->{budget_name},'budget_1','GetBudgetHierarchy should return budgets ordered by name, first budget is budget_1'); is($budget_hierarchy->[0]->{budget_level},'0','budget_level of budget (budget_1) should be 0'); is($budget_hierarchy->[0]->{children}->[0]->{budget_level},'1','budget_level of first fund(budget_11) should be 1'); is($budget_hierarchy->[0]->{children}->[1]->{budget_level},'1','budget_level of second fund(budget_12) should be 1'); is($budget_hierarchy->[0]->{children}->[0]->{children}->[0]->{budget_level},'2','budget_level of child fund budget_11 should be 2'); $budget_hierarchy = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id); $budget_hierarchy_cloned = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id_cloned); is( scalar(@$budget_hierarchy_cloned), scalar(@$budget_hierarchy), 'CloneBudgetPeriod (with inactive param) clones the same number of budgets (funds)' ); is_deeply( _get_dependencies($budget_hierarchy), _get_dependencies($budget_hierarchy_cloned), 'CloneBudgetPeriod (with inactive param) keeps the same dependencies order' ); $budget_period = C4::Budgets::GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id); is( $budget_period->{budget_period_active}, 0, 'CloneBudgetPeriod (with inactive param) marks as inactive the budgetperiod' ); # CloneBudgetPeriod with param reset_all_budgets $budget_period_id_cloned = C4::Budgets::CloneBudgetPeriod( { budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_period_startdate => '2014-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2014-12-31', reset_all_budgets => 1, } ); $budget_hierarchy_cloned = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id_cloned); $number_of_budgets_not_reset = 0; for my $budget (@$budget_hierarchy_cloned) { $number_of_budgets_not_reset++ if $budget->{budget_amount} > 0; } is( $number_of_budgets_not_reset, 0, 'CloneBudgetPeriod has reset all budgets (funds)' ); #GetBudgetsByActivity my $result=C4::Budgets::GetBudgetsByActivity(1); isnt( $result, undef ,'GetBudgetsByActivity return correct value with parameter 1'); $result=C4::Budgets::GetBudgetsByActivity(0); isnt( $result, undef ,'GetBudgetsByActivity return correct value with parameter 0'); $result=C4::Budgets::GetBudgetsByActivity(); is( $result, 0 , 'GetBudgetsByActivity return 0 with none parameter or other 0 or 1' ); DelBudget($budget_id); DelBudgetPeriod($bpid); # CloneBudgetPeriod with param amount_change_* $budget_period_id_cloned = C4::Budgets::CloneBudgetPeriod( { budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_period_startdate => '2014-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2014-12-31', amount_change_percentage => 16, amount_change_round_increment => 5, } ); $budget_period_cloned = C4::Budgets::GetBudgetPeriod($budget_period_id_cloned); cmp_ok($budget_period_cloned->{budget_period_total}, '==', 11600, "CloneBudgetPeriod changed correctly budget amount"); $budget_hierarchy_cloned = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id_cloned); cmp_ok($budget_hierarchy_cloned->[0]->{budget_amount}, '==', 1160, "CloneBudgetPeriod changed correctly funds amounts"); cmp_ok($budget_hierarchy_cloned->[1]->{budget_amount}, '==', 115, "CloneBudgetPeriod changed correctly funds amounts"); cmp_ok($budget_hierarchy_cloned->[2]->{budget_amount}, '==', 55, "CloneBudgetPeriod changed correctly funds amounts"); cmp_ok($budget_hierarchy_cloned->[3]->{budget_amount}, '==', 115, "CloneBudgetPeriod changed correctly funds amounts"); cmp_ok($budget_hierarchy_cloned->[4]->{budget_amount}, '==', 2320, "CloneBudgetPeriod changed correctly funds amounts"); cmp_ok($budget_hierarchy_cloned->[5]->{budget_amount}, '==', 0, "CloneBudgetPeriod changed correctly funds amounts"); $budget_period_id_cloned = C4::Budgets::CloneBudgetPeriod( { budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_period_startdate => '2014-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2014-12-31', amount_change_percentage => 16, amount_change_round_increment => 5, reset_all_budgets => 1, } ); $budget_hierarchy_cloned = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id_cloned); cmp_ok($budget_hierarchy_cloned->[0]->{budget_amount}, '==', 0, "CloneBudgetPeriod reset all fund amounts"); # MoveOrders my $number_orders_moved = C4::Budgets::MoveOrders(); is( $number_orders_moved, undef, 'MoveOrders return undef if no arg passed' ); $number_orders_moved = C4::Budgets::MoveOrders( { from_budget_period_id => $budget_period_id } ); is( $number_orders_moved, undef, 'MoveOrders return undef if only 1 arg passed' ); $number_orders_moved = C4::Budgets::MoveOrders( { to_budget_period_id => $budget_period_id } ); is( $number_orders_moved, undef, 'MoveOrders return undef if only 1 arg passed' ); $number_orders_moved = C4::Budgets::MoveOrders( { from_budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, to_budget_period_id => $budget_period_id } ); is( $number_orders_moved, undef, 'MoveOrders return undef if 2 budget period id are the same' ); $budget_period_id_cloned = C4::Budgets::CloneBudgetPeriod( { budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, budget_period_startdate => '2014-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2014-12-31', } ); my $report = C4::Budgets::MoveOrders( { from_budget_period_id => $budget_period_id, to_budget_period_id => $budget_period_id_cloned, move_remaining_unspent => 1, } ); is( scalar( @$report ), 6 , "MoveOrders has processed 6 funds" ); my $number_of_orders_moved = 0; $number_of_orders_moved += scalar( @{ $_->{orders_moved} } ) for @$report; is( $number_of_orders_moved, $number_of_orders_to_move, "MoveOrders has moved $number_of_orders_to_move orders" ); my @new_budget_ids = map { $_->{budget_id} } @{ C4::Budgets::GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id_cloned) }; my @old_budget_ids = map { $_->{budget_id} } @{ C4::Budgets::GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id) }; for my $budget_id ( keys %budgets ) { for my $ordernumber ( @{ $budgets{$budget_id} } ) { my $budget = GetBudgetByOrderNumber($ordernumber); my $is_in_new_budgets = grep /^$budget->{budget_id}$/, @new_budget_ids; my $is_in_old_budgets = grep /^$budget->{budget_id}$/, @old_budget_ids; is( $is_in_new_budgets, 1, "MoveOrders changed the budget_id for order $ordernumber" ); is( $is_in_old_budgets, 0, "MoveOrders changed the budget_id for order $ordernumber" ); } } # MoveOrders with param move_remaining_unspent my @new_budgets = @{ C4::Budgets::GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id_cloned) }; my @old_budgets = @{ C4::Budgets::GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period_id) }; for my $new_budget ( @new_budgets ) { my ( $old_budget ) = map { $_->{budget_code} eq $new_budget->{budget_code} ? $_ : () } @old_budgets; my $new_budget_amount_should_be = $old_budget->{budget_amount} * 2 - $old_budget->{total_spent}; is( $new_budget->{budget_amount} + 0, $new_budget_amount_should_be, "MoveOrders updated the budget amount with the previous unspent budget (for budget $new_budget->{budget_code})" ); } # Test SetOwnerToFundHierarchy my $patron_category = $builder->build({ source => 'Category' }); my $branchcode = $library->{branchcode}; my $john_doe = Koha::Patron->new({ cardnumber => '123456', firstname => 'John', surname => 'Doe', categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode}, branchcode => $branchcode, dateofbirth => '', dateexpiry => '9999-12-31', userid => 'john.doe' })->store->borrowernumber; C4::Budgets::SetOwnerToFundHierarchy( $budget_id1, $john_doe ); is( C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budget_id1)->{budget_owner_id}, $john_doe, "SetOwnerToFundHierarchy should have set John Doe for budget 1 ($budget_id1)" ); is( C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budget_id11)->{budget_owner_id}, $john_doe, "SetOwnerToFundHierarchy should have set John Doe for budget 11 ($budget_id11)" ); is( C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budget_id111)->{budget_owner_id}, $john_doe, "SetOwnerToFundHierarchy should have set John Doe for budget 111 ($budget_id111)" ); is( C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budget_id12)->{budget_owner_id}, $john_doe, "SetOwnerToFundHierarchy should have set John Doe for budget 12 ($budget_id12 )" ); is( C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budget_id2)->{budget_owner_id}, undef, "SetOwnerToFundHierarchy should not have set an owner for budget 2 ($budget_id2)" ); is( C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budget_id21)->{budget_owner_id}, undef, "SetOwnerToFundHierarchy should not have set an owner for budget 21 ($budget_id21)" ); my $jane_doe = Koha::Patron->new({ cardnumber => '789012', firstname => 'Jane', surname => 'Doe', categorycode => $patron_category->{categorycode}, branchcode => $branchcode, dateofbirth => '', dateexpiry => '9999-12-31', userid => 'jane.doe' })->store->borrowernumber; C4::Budgets::SetOwnerToFundHierarchy( $budget_id11, $jane_doe ); is( C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budget_id1)->{budget_owner_id}, $john_doe, "SetOwnerToFundHierarchy should have set John Doe $john_doe for budget 1 ($budget_id1)" ); is( C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budget_id11)->{budget_owner_id}, $jane_doe, "SetOwnerToFundHierarchy should have set John Doe $jane_doe for budget 11 ($budget_id11)" ); is( C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budget_id111)->{budget_owner_id}, $jane_doe, "SetOwnerToFundHierarchy should have set John Doe $jane_doe for budget 111 ($budget_id111)" ); is( C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budget_id12)->{budget_owner_id}, $john_doe, "SetOwnerToFundHierarchy should have set John Doe $john_doe for budget 12 ($budget_id12 )" ); is( C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budget_id2)->{budget_owner_id}, undef, "SetOwnerToFundHierarchy should have set John Doe $john_doe for budget 2 ($budget_id2)" ); is( C4::Budgets::GetBudget($budget_id21)->{budget_owner_id}, undef, "SetOwnerToFundHierarchy should have set John Doe $john_doe for budget 21 ($budget_id21)" ); # Test GetBudgetAuthCats my $budgetPeriodId = AddBudgetPeriod({ budget_period_startdate => '2008-01-01', budget_period_enddate => '2008-12-31', budget_period_description => 'just another budget', budget_period_active => 0, }); $budgets = GetBudgets(); my $i = 0; for my $budget ( @$budgets ) { $budget->{sort1_authcat} = "sort1_authcat_$i"; $budget->{sort2_authcat} = "sort2_authcat_$i"; $budget->{budget_period_id} = $budgetPeriodId; ModBudget( $budget ); $i++; } my $authCat = GetBudgetAuthCats($budgetPeriodId); is( scalar @{$authCat}, $i * 2, "GetBudgetAuthCats returns only non-empty sorting categories (no empty authCat in db)" ); $i = 0; for my $budget ( @$budgets ) { $budget->{sort1_authcat} = "sort_authcat_$i"; $budget->{sort2_authcat} = "sort_authcat_$i"; $budget->{budget_period_id} = $budgetPeriodId; ModBudget( $budget ); $i++; } $authCat = GetBudgetAuthCats($budgetPeriodId); is( scalar @$authCat, scalar @$budgets, "GetBudgetAuthCats returns distinct authCat" ); $i = 0; for my $budget ( @$budgets ) { $budget->{sort1_authcat} = "sort1_authcat_$i"; $budget->{sort2_authcat} = ""; $budget->{budget_period_id} = $budgetPeriodId; ModBudget( $budget ); $i++; } $authCat = GetBudgetAuthCats($budgetPeriodId); is( scalar @{$authCat}, $i, "GetBudgetAuthCats returns only non-empty sorting categories (empty sort2_authcat on all records)" ); $i = 0; for my $budget ( @$budgets ) { $budget->{sort1_authcat} = ""; $budget->{sort2_authcat} = ""; $budget->{budget_period_id} = $budgetPeriodId; ModBudget( $budget ); $i++; } $authCat = GetBudgetAuthCats($budgetPeriodId); is( scalar @{$authCat}, 0, "GetBudgetAuthCats returns only non-empty sorting categories (all empty)" ); # /Test GetBudgetAuthCats subtest 'GetBudgetSpent and GetBudgetOrdered' => sub { plan tests => 20; my $budget_period = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqbudgetperiod', value => { budget_period_active => 1, budget_total => 10000, } }); my $budget = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqbudget', value => { budget_amount => 1000, budget_encumb => undef, budget_expend => undef, budget_period_id => $budget_period->{budget_period_id}, budget_parent_id => undef, } }); my $invoice = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqinvoice', value => { closedate => undef, } }); my $spent = GetBudgetSpent( $budget->{budget_id} ); my $ordered = GetBudgetOrdered( $budget->{budget_id} ); my $hierarchy = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period->{budget_period_id} ); is( $spent, 0, "New budget, no orders/invoices, should be nothing spent"); is( $ordered, 0, "New budget, no orders/invoices, should be nothing ordered"); is( @$hierarchy[0]->{total_spent},0,"New budgets, no orders/invoices, budget hierarchy shows 0 spent"); is( @$hierarchy[0]->{total_ordered},0,"New budgets, no orders/invoices, budget hierarchy shows 0 ordered"); my $inv_adj_1 = $builder->build({ source => 'AqinvoiceAdjustment', value => { invoiceid => $invoice->{invoiceid}, adjustment => 3, encumber_open => 0, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, } }); $spent = GetBudgetSpent( $budget->{budget_id} ); $ordered = GetBudgetOrdered( $budget->{budget_id} ); $hierarchy = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period->{budget_period_id} ); is( $spent, 0, "After adding invoice adjustment on open invoice, should be nothing spent"); is( $ordered, 0, "After adding invoice adjustment on open invoice not encumbered, should be nothing ordered"); is( @$hierarchy[0]->{total_spent},0,"After adding invoice adjustment on open invoice, budget hierarchy shows 0 spent"); is( @$hierarchy[0]->{total_ordered},0,"After adding invoice adjustment on open invoice, budget hierarchy shows 0 ordered"); my $inv_adj_2 = $builder->build({ source => 'AqinvoiceAdjustment', value => { invoiceid => $invoice->{invoiceid}, adjustment => 3, encumber_open => 1, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, } }); $spent = GetBudgetSpent( $budget->{budget_id} ); $ordered = GetBudgetOrdered( $budget->{budget_id} ); $hierarchy = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period->{budget_period_id} ); is( $spent, 0, "After adding invoice adjustment on open invoice, should be nothing spent"); is( $ordered, 3, "After adding invoice adjustment on open invoice encumbered, should be 3 ordered"); is( @$hierarchy[0]->{total_spent},0,"After adding invoice adjustment on open invoice encumbered, budget hierarchy shows 0 spent"); is( @$hierarchy[0]->{total_ordered},3,"After adding invoice adjustment on open invoice encumbered, budget hierarchy shows 3 ordered"); my $invoice_2 = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqinvoice', value => { closedate => '2017-07-01', } }); my $inv_adj_3 = $builder->build({ source => 'AqinvoiceAdjustment', value => { invoiceid => $invoice_2->{invoiceid}, adjustment => 3, encumber_open => 0, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, } }); my $inv_adj_4 = $builder->build({ source => 'AqinvoiceAdjustment', value => { invoiceid => $invoice_2->{invoiceid}, adjustment => 3, encumber_open => 1, budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}, } }); $spent = GetBudgetSpent( $budget->{budget_id} ); $ordered = GetBudgetOrdered( $budget->{budget_id} ); $hierarchy = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period->{budget_period_id} ); is( $spent, 6, "After adding invoice adjustment on closed invoice, should be 6 spent, encumber has no affect once closed"); is( $ordered, 3, "After adding invoice adjustment on closed invoice, should still be 3 ordered"); is( @$hierarchy[0]->{total_spent},6,"After adding invoice adjustment on closed invoice, budget hierarchy shows 6 spent"); is( @$hierarchy[0]->{total_ordered},3,"After adding invoice adjustment on closed invoice, budget hierarchy still shows 3 ordered"); my $budget0 = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqbudget', value => { budget_amount => 1000, budget_encumb => undef, budget_expend => undef, budget_period_id => $budget_period->{budget_period_id}, budget_parent_id => $budget->{budget_id}, } }); my $inv_adj_5 = $builder->build({ source => 'AqinvoiceAdjustment', value => { invoiceid => $invoice->{invoiceid}, adjustment => 3, encumber_open => 1, budget_id => $budget0->{budget_id}, } }); my $inv_adj_6 = $builder->build({ source => 'AqinvoiceAdjustment', value => { invoiceid => $invoice_2->{invoiceid}, adjustment => 3, encumber_open => 1, budget_id => $budget0->{budget_id}, } }); $spent = GetBudgetSpent( $budget->{budget_id} ); $ordered = GetBudgetOrdered( $budget->{budget_id} ); $hierarchy = GetBudgetHierarchy($budget_period->{budget_period_id} ); is( $spent, 6, "After adding invoice adjustment on a child budget should be 6 spent/budget unaffected"); is( $ordered, 3, "After adding invoice adjustment on a child budget, should still be 3 ordered/budget unaffected"); is( @$hierarchy[0]->{total_spent},9,"After adding invoice adjustment on child budget, budget hierarchy shows 9 spent"); is( @$hierarchy[0]->{total_ordered},6,"After adding invoice adjustment on child budget, budget hierarchy shows 6 ordered"); }; subtest 'GetBudgetSpent GetBudgetOrdered GetBudgetsPlanCell tests' => sub { plan tests => 24; #Let's build an order, we need a couple things though t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding','nearest_cent'); my $spent_biblio = $builder->build({ source => 'Biblio' }); my $item_1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Item', value => { biblionumber => $spent_biblio->{biblionumber} } }); my $biblioitem_1 = $builder->build({ source => 'Biblioitem', value => { biblionumber => $spent_biblio->{biblionumber}, itemnumber => $item_1->{itemnumber} } }); my $spent_basket = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqbasket', value => { is_standing => 0 } }); my $spent_invoice = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqinvoice'}); my $spent_currency = $builder->build({ source => 'Currency', value => { active => 1, archived => 0, symbol => 'F', rate => 2, isocode => undef, currency => 'FOO' } }); my $spent_vendor = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqbookseller',value => { listincgst => 0, listprice => $spent_currency->{currency}, invoiceprice => $spent_currency->{currency} } }); my $budget_authcat = $builder->build({ source => 'AuthorisedValueCategory', value => {} }); my $spent_sort1 = $builder->build({ source => 'AuthorisedValue', value => { category => $budget_authcat->{category_name}, authorised_value => 'PICKLE', } }); my $spent_budget_period = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqbudgetperiod', value => { } }); my $spent_budget = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqbudget', value => { sort1_authcat => $budget_authcat->{category_name}, budget_period_id => $spent_budget_period->{budget_period_id}, budget_parent_id => undef, } }); my $spent_orderinfo = { basketno => $spent_basket->{basketno}, booksellerid => $spent_vendor->{id}, rrp => 16.99, discount => .42, ecost => 16.91, biblionumber => $spent_biblio->{biblionumber}, currency => $spent_currency->{currency}, tax_rate_on_ordering => 0, tax_value_on_ordering => 0, tax_rate_on_receiving => 0, tax_value_on_receiving => 0, quantity => 8, quantityreceived => 0, datecancellationprinted => undef, datereceived => undef, budget_id => $spent_budget->{budget_id}, sort1 => $spent_sort1->{authorised_value}, }; #Okay we have basically what the user would enter, now we do some maths $spent_orderinfo = C4::Acquisition::populate_order_with_prices({ order => $spent_orderinfo, booksellerid => $spent_orderinfo->{booksellerid}, ordering => 1, }); #And let's place the order my $spent_order = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqorder', value => $spent_orderinfo }); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding',''); my $spent_ordered = GetBudgetOrdered( $spent_order->{budget_id} ); is($spent_orderinfo->{ecost_tax_excluded}, 9.854200,'We store extra precision in price calculation'); is( Koha::Number::Price->new($spent_orderinfo->{ecost_tax_excluded})->format(), 9.85,'But the price as formatted is two digits'); is($spent_ordered,'78.8336',"We expect the ordered amount to be equal to the estimated price times quantity with full precision"); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding','nearest_cent'); $spent_ordered = GetBudgetOrdered( $spent_order->{budget_id} ); is($spent_ordered,'78.8',"We expect the ordered amount to be equal to the estimated price rounded times quantity"); #Test GetBudgetHierarchy for rounding t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding',''); my $gbh = GetBudgetHierarchy($spent_budget->{budget_period_id}); is ( @$gbh[0]->{budget_spent}+0, 0, "We expect this to be an exact order cost * quantity"); is ( @$gbh[0]->{budget_ordered}+0, 78.8336, "We expect this to be an exact order cost * quantity"); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding','nearest_cent'); $gbh = GetBudgetHierarchy($spent_budget->{budget_period_id}); is ( @$gbh[0]->{budget_spent}+0, 0, "We expect this to be an rounded order cost * quantity"); is ( @$gbh[0]->{budget_ordered}+0, 78.8, "We expect this to be an exact order cost * quantity"); #Let's test some budget planning #Regression tests for bug 18736 #We need an item to test by BRANCHES my $order_item_1 = $builder->build({ source => 'AqordersItem', value => { ordernumber => $spent_order->{ordernumber}, itemnumber => $item_1->{itemnumber} } }); my $spent_fund = Koha::Acquisition::Funds->find( $spent_order->{budget_id} ); my $cell = { authcat => 'MONTHS', cell_authvalue => $spent_order->{entrydate}, #normally this is just the year/month but full won't hurt us here budget_id => $spent_order->{budget_id}, budget_period_id => $spent_fund->budget_period_id, sort1_authcat => $spent_order->{sort1_authcat}, sort2_authcat => $spent_order->{sort1_authcat}, }; my $test_values = { 'MONTHS' => { authvalue => $spent_order->{entrydate}, expected_rounded => 9.85, expected_exact => 9.8542, }, 'BRANCHES' => { authvalue => $item_1->{homebranch}, expected_rounded => 9.85, expected_exact => 9.8542, }, 'ITEMTYPES' => { authvalue => $biblioitem_1->{itemtype}, expected_rounded => 78.80, expected_exact => 78.8336, }, 'ELSE' => { authvalue => $spent_sort1->{authorised_value}, expected_rounded => 78.8, expected_exact => 78.8336, }, }; for my $authcat ( keys %$test_values ) { my $test_val = $test_values->{$authcat}; my $authvalue = $test_val->{authvalue}; my $expected_rounded = $test_val->{expected_rounded}; my $expected_exact = $test_val->{expected_exact}; $cell->{authcat} = $authcat; $cell->{authvalue} = $authvalue; t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding',''); my ( $actual ) = GetBudgetsPlanCell( $cell, undef, $spent_budget); #we are only testing the actual for now is ( $actual+0, $expected_exact, "We expect this to be an exact order cost ($authcat)"); #really we should expect cost*quantity but we don't t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding','nearest_cent'); ( $actual ) = GetBudgetsPlanCell( $cell, undef, $spent_budget); #we are only testing the actual for now is ( $actual+0, $expected_rounded, "We expect this to be a rounded order cost ($authcat)"); #really we should expect cost*quantity but we don't } #Okay, now we can receive the order, giving the price as the user would $spent_orderinfo->{unitprice} = 9.85; #we are paying what we expected #Do our maths $spent_orderinfo = C4::Acquisition::populate_order_with_prices({ order => $spent_orderinfo, booksellerid => $spent_orderinfo->{booksellerid}, receiving => 1, }); my $received_order = $builder->build({ source => 'Aqorder', value => $spent_orderinfo }); #And receive a copy of the order so we have both spent and ordered values ModReceiveOrder({ biblionumber => $spent_order->{biblionumber}, order => $received_order, invoice => $spent_invoice, quantityreceived => $spent_order->{quantity}, budget_id => $spent_order->{budget_id}, received_items => [], }); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding',''); my $spent_spent = GetBudgetSpent( $spent_order->{budget_id} ); is($spent_orderinfo->{unitprice_tax_excluded}, 9.854200,'We store extra precision in price calculation'); is( Koha::Number::Price->new($spent_orderinfo->{unitprice_tax_excluded})->format(), 9.85,'But the price as formatted is two digits'); is($spent_spent,'78.8336',"We expect the spent amount to be equal to the estimated price times quantity with full precision"); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding','nearest_cent'); $spent_spent = GetBudgetSpent( $spent_order->{budget_id} ); is($spent_spent,'78.8',"We expect the spent amount to be equal to the estimated price rounded times quantity"); #Test GetBudgetHierarchy for rounding t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding',''); $gbh = GetBudgetHierarchy($spent_budget->{budget_period_id}); is ( @$gbh[0]->{budget_spent}, 78.8336, "We expect this to be an exact order cost * quantity"); is ( @$gbh[0]->{budget_ordered}, 78.8336, "We expect this to be an exact order cost * quantity"); t::lib::Mocks::mock_preference('OrderPriceRounding','nearest_cent'); $gbh = GetBudgetHierarchy($spent_budget->{budget_period_id}); is ( @$gbh[0]->{budget_spent}+0, 78.8, "We expect this to be a rounded order cost * quantity"); is ( @$gbh[0]->{budget_ordered}, 78.8, "We expect this to be a rounded order cost * quantity"); }; sub _get_dependencies { my ($budget_hierarchy) = @_; my $graph; for my $budget (@$budget_hierarchy) { if ( $budget->{child} ) { my @sorted = sort @{ $budget->{child} }; for my $child_id (@sorted) { push @{ $graph->{ $budget->{budget_name} }{children} }, _get_budgetname_by_id( $budget_hierarchy, $child_id ); } } push @{ $graph->{ $budget->{budget_name} }{parents} }, $budget->{parent_id}; } return $graph; } sub _get_budgetname_by_id { my ( $budgets, $budget_id ) = @_; my ($budget_name) = map { ( $_->{budget_id} eq $budget_id ) ? $_->{budget_name} : () } @$budgets; return $budget_name; }