package C4::Templates; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use CGI; use List::Util qw/first/; # Copyright 2009 Chris Cormack and The Koha Dev Team # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, # Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA =head1 NAME Koha::Templates - Object for manipulating templates for use with Koha =cut use base qw(Class::Accessor); use Template; use Template::Constants qw( :debug ); use C4::Languages qw(getTranslatedLanguages get_bidi regex_lang_subtags language_get_description accept_language ); use C4::Context; __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( theme lang filename htdocs interface vars)); sub new { my $class = shift; my $interface = shift; my $filename = shift; my $tmplbase = shift; my $query = @_? shift: undef; my $htdocs; if ( $interface ne "intranet" ) { $htdocs = C4::Context->config('opachtdocs'); } else { $htdocs = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs'); } my ($theme, $lang)= themelanguage( $htdocs, $tmplbase, $interface, $query); my $template = Template->new( { EVAL_PERL => 1, ABSOLUTE => 1, PLUGIN_BASE => 'Koha::Template::Plugin', COMPILE_EXT => C4::Context->config('template_cache_dir')?'.ttc':'', COMPILE_DIR => C4::Context->config('template_cache_dir')?C4::Context->config('template_cache_dir'):'',, INCLUDE_PATH => [ "$htdocs/$theme/$lang/includes", "$htdocs/$theme/en/includes" ], FILTERS => {}, } ) or die Template->error(); my $self = { TEMPLATE => $template, VARS => {}, }; bless $self, $class; $self->theme($theme); $self->lang($lang); $self->filename($filename); $self->htdocs($htdocs); $self->interface($interface); $self->{VARS}->{"test"} = "value"; return $self; } sub output { my $self = shift; my $vars = shift; # my $file = $self->htdocs . '/' . $self->theme .'/'.$self->lang.'/'.$self->filename; my $template = $self->{TEMPLATE}; if ( $self->interface eq 'intranet' ) { $vars->{themelang} = '/intranet-tmpl'; } else { $vars->{themelang} = '/opac-tmpl'; } $vars->{lang} = $self->lang; $vars->{themelang} .= '/' . $self->theme . '/' . $self->lang; $vars->{yuipath} = ( C4::Context->preference("yuipath") eq "local" ? $vars->{themelang} . "/lib/yui" : C4::Context->preference("yuipath") ); $vars->{interface} = ( $self->{interface} ne 'intranet' ? '/opac-tmpl' : '/intranet-tmpl' ); $vars->{theme} = $self->theme; $vars->{opaccolorstylesheet} = C4::Context->preference('opaccolorstylesheet'); $vars->{opacsmallimage} = C4::Context->preference('opacsmallimage'); $vars->{opacstylesheet} = C4::Context->preference('opacstylesheet'); # add variables set via param to $vars for processing # and clean any utf8 mess for my $k ( keys %{ $self->{VARS} } ) { $vars->{$k} = $self->{VARS}->{$k}; if (ref($vars->{$k}) eq 'ARRAY'){ utf8_arrayref($vars->{$k}); } elsif (ref($vars->{$k}) eq 'HASH'){ utf8_hashref($vars->{$k}); } else { utf8::encode($vars->{$k}) if utf8::is_utf8($vars->{$k}); } } my $data; # binmode( STDOUT, ":utf8" ); $template->process( $self->filename, $vars, \$data ) || die "Template process failed: ", $template->error(); return $data; } sub utf8_arrayref { my $arrayref = shift; foreach my $element (@$arrayref){ if (ref($element) eq 'ARRAY'){ utf8_arrayref($element); next; } if (ref($element) eq 'HASH'){ utf8_hashref($element); next; } utf8::encode($element) if utf8::is_utf8($element); } } sub utf8_hashref { my $hashref = shift; for my $key (keys %{$hashref}){ if (ref($hashref->{$key}) eq 'ARRAY'){ utf8_arrayref($hashref->{$key}); next; } if (ref($hashref->{$key}) eq 'HASH'){ utf8_hashref($hashref->{$key}); next; } utf8::encode($hashref->{$key}) if utf8::is_utf8($hashref->{$key}); } } # FIXME - this is a horrible hack to cache # the current known-good language, temporarily # put in place to resolve bug 4403. It is # used only by C4::XSLT::XSLTParse4Display; # the language is set via the usual call # to themelanguage. my $_current_language = 'en'; sub _current_language { return $_current_language; } # wrapper method to allow easier transition from HTML template pro to Template Toolkit sub param { my $self = shift; while (@_) { my $key = shift; my $val = shift; if ( ref($val) eq 'ARRAY' && !scalar @$val ) { $val = undef; } elsif ( ref($val) eq 'HASH' && !scalar %$val ) { $val = undef; } if ( $key ) { $self->{VARS}->{$key} = $val; } else { warn "Problem = a value of $val has been passed to param without key"; } } } =head1 NAME C4::Templates - Functions for managing templates =head1 FUNCTIONS =cut # FIXME: this is a quick fix to stop rc1 installing broken # Still trying to figure out the correct fix. my $path = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') . "/prog/en/includes/"; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIXME - POD sub _get_template_file { my ($tmplbase, $interface, $query) = @_; my $is_intranet = $interface eq 'intranet'; my $htdocs = C4::Context->config($is_intranet ? 'intrahtdocs' : 'opachtdocs'); my ($theme, $lang) = themelanguage($htdocs, $tmplbase, $interface, $query); my $opacstylesheet = C4::Context->preference('opacstylesheet'); # if the template doesn't exist, load the English one as a last resort my $filename = "$htdocs/$theme/$lang/modules/$tmplbase"; unless (-f $filename) { $lang = 'en'; $filename = "$htdocs/$theme/$lang/modules/$tmplbase"; } return ($htdocs, $theme, $lang, $filename); } sub gettemplate { my ( $tmplbase, $interface, $query ) = @_; ($query) or warn "no query in gettemplate"; my $path = C4::Context->preference('intranet_includes') || 'includes'; my $opacstylesheet = C4::Context->preference('opacstylesheet'); $tmplbase =~ s/\.tmpl$/.tt/; my ($htdocs, $theme, $lang, $filename) = _get_template_file($tmplbase, $interface, $query); my $template = C4::Templates->new($interface, $filename, $tmplbase, $query); my $is_intranet = $interface eq 'intranet'; my $themelang = ($is_intranet ? '/intranet-tmpl' : '/opac-tmpl') . "/$theme/$lang"; $template->param( themelang => $themelang, yuipath => C4::Context->preference("yuipath") eq "local" ? "$themelang/lib/yui" : C4::Context->preference("yuipath"), interface => $is_intranet ? '/intranet-tmpl' : '/opac-tmpl', theme => $theme, lang => $lang ); # Bidirectionality my $current_lang = regex_lang_subtags($lang); my $bidi; $bidi = get_bidi($current_lang->{script}) if $current_lang->{script}; # Languages my $languages_loop = getTranslatedLanguages($interface,$theme,$lang); my $num_languages_enabled = 0; foreach my $lang (@$languages_loop) { foreach my $sublang (@{ $lang->{'sublanguages_loop'} }) { $num_languages_enabled++ if $sublang->{enabled}; } } $template->param( languages_loop => $languages_loop, bidi => $bidi, one_language_enabled => ($num_languages_enabled <= 1) ? 1 : 0, # deal with zero enabled langs as well ) unless @$languages_loop<2; return $template; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIXME - POD sub themelanguage { my ($htdocs, $tmpl, $interface, $query) = @_; ($query) or warn "no query in themelanguage"; # Select a language based on cookie, syspref available languages & browser my $lang = getlanguage($query, $interface); # Select theme my $is_intranet = $interface eq 'intranet'; my @themes = split(" ", C4::Context->preference( $is_intranet ? "template" : "opacthemes" )); push @themes, 'prog'; # Try to find first theme for the selected language for my $theme (@themes) { if ( -e "$htdocs/$theme/$lang/modules/$tmpl" ) { $_current_language = $lang; return ($theme, $lang) } } # Otherwise, return prog theme in English 'en' return ('prog', 'en'); } sub setlanguagecookie { my ( $query, $language, $uri ) = @_; my $cookie = $query->cookie( -name => 'KohaOpacLanguage', -value => $language, -expires => '' ); print $query->redirect( -uri => $uri, -cookie => $cookie ); } sub getlanguage { my ($query, $interface) = @_; # Select a language based on cookie, syspref available languages & browser my $is_intranet = $interface eq 'intranet'; my @languages = split(",", C4::Context->preference( $is_intranet ? 'language' : 'opaclanguages')); my $lang; # cookie if ( $query->cookie('KohaOpacLanguage') ) { $lang = $query->cookie('KohaOpacLanguage'); $lang =~ s/[^a-zA-Z_-]*//; # sanitize cookie } # HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE unless ($lang) { my $http_accept_language = $ENV{ HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE }; $lang = accept_language( $http_accept_language, getTranslatedLanguages($interface,'prog') ); } # Ignore a lang not selected in sysprefs $lang = undef unless first { $_ eq $lang } @languages; # Fall back to English if necessary $lang = 'en' unless $lang; return $lang; } 1;