#!/usr/bin/perl #script to display detailed information #written 8/11/99 use strict; use C4::Search; use CGI; use C4::Output; my $input = new CGI; my $type = $input->param('type'); my $bib = $input->param('bib'); my @items = &ItemInfo(undef, $bib, $type); my @temp = split('\t', $items[0]); my $count = @items; my $dat = &bibdata($bib); my ($websitecount, @websites) = &getwebsites($bib); my ($authorcount, $addauthor) = &addauthor($bib); my ($webbiblioitemcount, @webbiblioitems) = &getwebbiblioitems($bib); my $additional = $addauthor->[0]->{'author'}; my $main; my $secondary; my $colour; if ($type eq '') { $type = 'opac'; } # if # setup colours if ($type eq 'opac') { $main = '#99cccc'; $secondary = '#efe5ef'; } else { $main = '#cccc99'; $secondary = '#ffffcc'; } # else $colour = $secondary; for (my $i = 1; $i < $authorcount; $i++) { $additional .= "|" . $addauthor->[$i]->{'author'}; } # for print $input->header; print startpage(); print startmenu($type); if ($type ne 'opac'){ print << "EOF"; EOF } # if if ($type eq 'catmain'){ print mkheadr(3,"Catalogue Maintenance"); } # if if ($dat->{'author'} ne ''){ print mkheadr(3,"$dat->{'title'} ($dat->{'author'}) $temp[4]"); } else { print mkheadr(3,"$dat->{'title'} $temp[4]"); } # if print << "EOF"; EOF if ($type ne 'opac') { print << "EOF";
EOF } else { print << "EOF"; EOF } # else print << "EOF"; BIBLIO RECORD EOF if ($type ne 'opac') { print "$bib"; } print << "EOF";
EOF if ($type ne 'opac') { print << "EOF";
EOF } # if print << "EOF";
EOF if ($type ne 'opac') { print << "EOF"; Subtitle: $dat->{'subtitle'}
Author: $dat->{'author'}
Additional Author: $additional
Series Title: $dat->{'seriestitle'}
Subject: $dat->{'subject'}
Copyright: $dat->{'copyrightdate'}
Notes: $dat->{'notes'}
Unititle: $dat->{'unititle'}
Analytical Author:
Analytical Title:
Serial: $dat->{'serial'}
Total Number of Items: $count

EOF } else { if ($dat->{'subtitle'} ne ''){ print "Subtitle: $dat->{'subtitle'}
"; } # if if ($dat->{'author'} ne ''){ print "Author: $dat->{'author'}
"; } # if # Additional Author:
if ($dat->{'seriestitle'} ne '') { print "Seriestitle: $dat->{'seriestitle'}
"; } # if if ($dat->{'subject'} ne '') { print "Subject: $dat->{'subject'}
"; } # if if ($dat->{'copyrightdate'} ne '') { print "Copyright: $dat->{'copyrightdate'}
"; } # if if ($dat->{'notes'} ne '') { print "Notes: $dat->{'notes'}
"; } # if if ($dat->{'unititle'} ne '') { print "Unititle: $dat->{'unititle'}
"; } # if # Analytical Author:
# Analytical Title:
if ($dat->{'serial'} ne '0') { print "Serial: Yes
"; } # if print << "EOF"; Total Number of Items: $count

EOF } # if print << "EOF";

EOF print center(); print mktablehdr; if ($type eq 'opac') { print mktablerow(6,$main,'Item Type','Class','Branch','Date Due','Last Seen'); } else { print mktablerow(7,$main,'Itemtype','Class','Location','Date Due','Last Seen','Barcode',"","/images/background-mem.gif"); } # else $colour = 'white'; for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++) { my @results = split('\t', $items[$i]); if ($type ne 'opac') { $results[1] = mklink("/cgi-bin/koha/moredetail.pl?item=$results[5]&bib=$bib&bi=$results[8]&type=$type",$results[1]); } # if if ($results[2] eq '') { $results[2] = 'Available'; } # if if ($type eq 'catmain'){ $results[10] = mklink("/cgi-bin/koha/maint/catmaintain.pl?type=fixitemtype&bi=$results[8]&item=$results[6]","Fix Itemtype"); } # if if ($type ne 'opac'){ if ($type eq 'catmain'){ print mktablerow(8,$colour,$results[6],$results[4],$results[3],$results[2],$results[7],$results[1],$results[9],$results[10]); } else { print mktablerow(7,$colour,$results[6],$results[4],$results[3],$results[2],$results[7],$results[1],$results[9]); } # else } else { $results[6] = ItemType($results[6]); print mktablerow(6,$colour,$results[6],$results[4],$results[3],$results[2],$results[7],$results[9]); } # else if ($colour eq $secondary) { $colour = 'white'; } else { $colour = $secondary; } # else } # for for (my $i = 0; $i < $webbiblioitemcount; $i++) { if ($type eq 'opac') { $webbiblioitems[$i]->{'url'} =~ s/^http:\/\///; print mktablerow(6, $colour, 'Website', 'WEB', 'Online', 'Available', "http://$webbiblioitems[$i]->{'url'}"); } else { $webbiblioitems[$i]->{'url'} =~ s/^http:\/\///; print mktablerow(7, $colour, 'WEB', '', 'Online', 'Available', "", "http://$webbiblioitems[$i]->{'url'}"); } # else } # for print mktableft(); print "

"; print mktablehdr(); if ($type ne 'opac') { print << "EOF";

Update Biblio for all Items: Click on the Modify button [left] to amend the biblio. Any changes you make will update the record for all the items listed above.

Updating the Biblio for only ONE or SOME Items: EOF if ($type eq 'catmain') { print << "EOF"; If some of the items listed above need a different biblio, you need to click on the wrong item, then shift the group it belongs to, to the correct biblio. You will need to know the correct biblio number

EOF } else { print << "EOF"; If some of the items listed above need a different biblio, or are on the wrong biblio, you must use the acquisitions process to fix this. You will need to "re-order" the items, and delete them from this biblio.

EOF } # else } # if print mktableft(); print endcenter(); print << "EOF";

EOF if ($type ne 'opac') { print << "EOF";

EOF for (my $i = 0; $i < $websitecount; $i++) { $websites[$i]->{'url'} =~ s/^http:\/\///; print << "EOF"; EOF } # for print << "EOF";
Links to Associated Websites
Title: $websites[$i]->{'title'}
Description: $websites[$i]->{'description'}
URL: http://$websites[$i]->{'url'}
EOF } else { if ($dat->{'abstract'} ne '') { print << "EOF";

EOF } # if if ($websitecount) { print << "EOF"; EOF for (my $i = 0; $i < $websitecount; $i++) { $websites[$i]->{'url'} =~ s/^http:\/\///; print << "EOF"; EOF } # for print << "EOF";
Link to Associated Websites
Title: $websites[$i]->{'title'}
Description: $websites[$i]->{'description'}
URL: http://$websites[$i]->{'url'}
EOF } # if } # else print endmenu($type); print endpage();