use Modern::Perl; return { bug_number => "14364", description => "Allow automatically canceled expired waiting holds to fill the next hold", up => sub { my ($args) = @_; my ($dbh, $out) = @$args{qw(dbh out)}; $dbh->do(q{ INSERT IGNORE INTO systempreferences ( `variable`, `value`, `options`, `explanation`, `type` ) VALUES ('ExpireReservesAutoFill','0',NULL,'Automatically fill the next hold with a automatically canceled expired waiting hold.','YesNo'), ('ExpireReservesAutoFillEmail','', NULL,'. Send email notification of hold filled from automatically expired/cancelled hold to this address. If not defined, Koha will fallback to the library reply-to address','Free'); }); say $out "Added ExpireReservesAutoFill system preferences"; $dbh->do(q{ INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module,code,branchcode,name,is_html,title,content,message_transport_type) VALUES ( 'reserves', 'HOLD_CHANGED', '', 'Canceled hold available for different patron', '0', 'Canceled hold available for different patron', 'The patron picking up <> (<>) has changed to <> <> (<>). Please update the hold information for this item. Title: <> Author: <> Item: <> Pickup location: <>', 'email'); }); say $out "Added HOLD_CHANGED notice"; }, };