package C4::Overdues; # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. use strict; #use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505 use Date::Calc qw/Today Date_to_Days/; use Date::Manip qw/UnixDate/; use C4::Circulation; use C4::Context; use C4::Accounts; use C4::Log; # logaction use C4::Debug; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT); BEGIN { # set the version for version checking $VERSION = 3.01; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); # subs to rename (and maybe merge some...) push @EXPORT, qw( &CalcFine &Getoverdues &checkoverdues &CheckAccountLineLevelInfo &CheckAccountLineItemInfo &CheckExistantNotifyid &GetNextIdNotify &GetNotifyId &NumberNotifyId &AmountNotify &UpdateAccountLines &UpdateFine &GetOverdueDelays &GetOverduerules &GetFine &CreateItemAccountLine &ReplacementCost2 &CheckItemNotify &GetOverduesForBranch &RemoveNotifyLine &AddNotifyLine ); # subs to remove push @EXPORT, qw( &BorType ); # check that an equivalent don't exist already before moving # subs to move to push @EXPORT, qw( &GetIssuesIteminfo ); # # &GetIssuingRules - delete. # use C4::Circulation::GetIssuingRule instead. # subs to move to push @EXPORT, qw( &CheckBorrowerDebarred &UpdateBorrowerDebarred ); # subs to move to push @EXPORT, qw( &GetItems &ReplacementCost ); } =head1 NAME C4::Circulation::Fines - Koha module dealing with fines =head1 SYNOPSIS use C4::Overdues; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains several functions for dealing with fines for overdue items. It is primarily used by the 'misc/' script. =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 Getoverdues $overdues = Getoverdues( { minimumdays => 1, maximumdays => 30 } ); Returns the list of all overdue books, with their itemtype. C<$overdues> is a reference-to-array. Each element is a reference-to-hash whose keys are the fields of the issues table in the Koha database. =cut #' sub Getoverdues { my $params = shift; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $statement; if ( C4::Context->preference('item-level_itypes') ) { $statement = " SELECT issues.*, items.itype as itemtype, items.homebranch, items.barcode FROM issues LEFT JOIN items USING (itemnumber) WHERE date_due < CURDATE() "; } else { $statement = " SELECT issues.*, biblioitems.itemtype, items.itype, items.homebranch, items.barcode FROM issues LEFT JOIN items USING (itemnumber) LEFT JOIN biblioitems USING (biblioitemnumber) WHERE date_due < CURDATE() "; } my @bind_parameters; if ( exists $params->{'minimumdays'} and exists $params->{'maximumdays'} ) { $statement .= ' AND TO_DAYS( NOW() )-TO_DAYS( date_due ) BETWEEN ? and ? '; push @bind_parameters, $params->{'minimumdays'}, $params->{'maximumdays'}; } elsif ( exists $params->{'minimumdays'} ) { $statement .= ' AND ( TO_DAYS( NOW() )-TO_DAYS( date_due ) ) > ? '; push @bind_parameters, $params->{'minimumdays'}; } elsif ( exists $params->{'maximumdays'} ) { $statement .= ' AND ( TO_DAYS( NOW() )-TO_DAYS( date_due ) ) < ? '; push @bind_parameters, $params->{'maximumdays'}; } $statement .= 'ORDER BY borrowernumber'; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $statement ); $sth->execute( @bind_parameters ); return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } =head2 checkoverdues ($count, $overdueitems) = checkoverdues($borrowernumber); Returns a count and a list of overdueitems for a given borrowernumber =cut sub checkoverdues { my $borrowernumber = shift or return; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM issues LEFT JOIN items ON issues.itemnumber = items.itemnumber LEFT JOIN biblio ON items.biblionumber = biblio.biblionumber LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON items.biblioitemnumber = biblioitems.biblioitemnumber WHERE issues.borrowernumber = ? AND issues.date_due < CURDATE()" ); # FIXME: SELECT * across 4 tables? do we really need the marc AND marcxml blobs?? $sth->execute($borrowernumber); my $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); return ( scalar(@$results), $results); # returning the count and the results is silly } =head2 CalcFine ($amount, $chargename, $daycount, $daycounttotal) = &CalcFine($item, $categorycode, $branch, $days_overdue, $description, $start_date, $end_date ); Calculates the fine for a book. The issuingrules table in the Koha database is a fine matrix, listing the penalties for each type of patron for each type of item and each branch (e.g., the standard fine for books might be $0.50, but $1.50 for DVDs, or staff members might get a longer grace period between the first and second reminders that a book is overdue). C<$item> is an item object (hashref). C<$categorycode> is the category code (string) of the patron who currently has the book. C<$branchcode> is the library (string) whose issuingrules govern this transaction. C<$days_overdue> is the number of days elapsed since the book's due date. NOTE: supplying days_overdue is deprecated. C<$start_date> & C<$end_date> are C4::Dates objects defining the date range over which to determine the fine. Note that if these are defined, we ignore C<$difference> and C<$dues> , but retain these for backwards-comptibility with extant fines scripts. Fines scripts should just supply the date range over which to calculate the fine. C<&CalcFine> returns four values: C<$amount> is the fine owed by the patron (see above). C<$chargename> is the chargename field from the applicable record in the categoryitem table, whatever that is. C<$daycount> is the number of days between start and end dates, Calendar adjusted (where needed), minus any applicable grace period. C<$daycounttotal> is C<$daycount> without consideration of grace period. FIXME - What is chargename supposed to be ? FIXME: previously attempted to return C<$message> as a text message, either "First Notice", "Second Notice", or "Final Notice". But CalcFine never defined any value. =cut sub CalcFine { my ( $item, $bortype, $branchcode, $difference ,$dues , $start_date, $end_date ) = @_; $debug and warn sprintf("CalcFine(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ($item ? '{item}' : 'UNDEF'), ($bortype || 'UNDEF'), ($branchcode || 'UNDEF'), ($difference || 'UNDEF'), ($dues || 'UNDEF'), ($start_date ? ($start_date->output('iso') || 'Not a C4::Dates object') : 'UNDEF'), ( $end_date ? ( $end_date->output('iso') || 'Not a C4::Dates object') : 'UNDEF') ); my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $amount = 0; my $daystocharge; # get issuingrules (fines part will be used) $debug and warn sprintf("CalcFine calling GetIssuingRule(%s, %s, %s)", $bortype, $item->{'itemtype'}, $branchcode); my $data = C4::Circulation::GetIssuingRule($bortype, $item->{'itemtype'}, $branchcode); if($difference) { # if $difference is supplied, the difference has already been calculated, but we still need to adjust for the calendar. # use copy-pasted functions from calendar module. (deprecated -- these functions will be removed from C4::Overdues ). my $countspecialday = &GetSpecialHolidays($dues,$item->{itemnumber}); my $countrepeatableday = &GetRepeatableHolidays($dues,$item->{itemnumber},$difference); my $countalldayclosed = $countspecialday + $countrepeatableday; $daystocharge = $difference - $countalldayclosed; } else { # if $difference is not supplied, we have C4::Dates objects giving us the date range, and we use the calendar module. if(C4::Context->preference('finesCalendar') eq 'noFinesWhenClosed') { my $calendar = C4::Calendar->new( branchcode => $branchcode ); $daystocharge = $calendar->daysBetween( $start_date, $end_date ); } else { $daystocharge = Date_to_Days(split('-',$end_date->output('iso'))) - Date_to_Days(split('-',$start_date->output('iso'))); } } # correct for grace period. my $days_minus_grace = $daystocharge - $data->{'firstremind'}; if ($data->{'chargeperiod'} > 0 && $days_minus_grace > 0 ) { $amount = int($daystocharge / $data->{'chargeperiod'}) * $data->{'fine'}; } else { # a zero (or null) chargeperiod means no charge. } $amount = C4::Context->preference('maxFine') if(C4::Context->preference('maxFine') && ( $amount > C4::Context->preference('maxFine'))); $debug and warn sprintf("CalcFine returning (%s, %s, %s, %s)", $amount, $data->{'chargename'}, $days_minus_grace, $daystocharge); return ($amount, $data->{'chargename'}, $days_minus_grace, $daystocharge); # FIXME: chargename is NEVER populated anywhere. } =head2 GetSpecialHolidays &GetSpecialHolidays($date_dues,$itemnumber); return number of special days between date of the day and date due C<$date_dues> is the envisaged date of book return. C<$itemnumber> is the book's item number. =cut sub GetSpecialHolidays { my ( $date_dues, $itemnumber ) = @_; # calcul the today date my $today = join "-", &Today(); # return the holdingbranch my $iteminfo = GetIssuesIteminfo($itemnumber); # use sql request to find all date between date_due and today my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq|SELECT DATE_FORMAT(concat(year,'-',month,'-',day),'%Y-%m-%d') as date FROM `special_holidays` WHERE DATE_FORMAT(concat(year,'-',month,'-',day),'%Y-%m-%d') >= ? AND DATE_FORMAT(concat(year,'-',month,'-',day),'%Y-%m-%d') <= ? AND branchcode=? |; my @result = GetWdayFromItemnumber($itemnumber); my @result_date; my $wday; my $dateinsec; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $date_dues, $today, $iteminfo->{'branchcode'} ) ; # FIXME: just use NOW() in SQL instead of passing in $today while ( my $special_date = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { push( @result_date, $special_date ); } my $specialdaycount = scalar(@result_date); for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@result_date) ; $i++ ) { $dateinsec = UnixDate( $result_date[$i]->{'date'}, "%o" ); ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $wday, undef, undef ) = localtime($dateinsec); for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < scalar(@result) ; $j++ ) { if ( $wday == ( $result[$j]->{'weekday'} ) ) { $specialdaycount--; } } } return $specialdaycount; } =head2 GetRepeatableHolidays &GetRepeatableHolidays($date_dues, $itemnumber, $difference,); return number of day closed between date of the day and date due C<$date_dues> is the envisaged date of book return. C<$itemnumber> is item number. C<$difference> numbers of between day date of the day and date due =cut sub GetRepeatableHolidays { my ( $date_dues, $itemnumber, $difference ) = @_; my $dateinsec = UnixDate( $date_dues, "%o" ); my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime($dateinsec); my @result = GetWdayFromItemnumber($itemnumber); my @dayclosedcount; my $j; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@result) ; $i++ ) { my $k = $wday; for ( $j = 0 ; $j < $difference ; $j++ ) { if ( $result[$i]->{'weekday'} == $k ) { push( @dayclosedcount, $k ); } $k++; ( $k = 0 ) if ( $k eq 7 ); } } return scalar(@dayclosedcount); } =head2 GetWayFromItemnumber &Getwdayfromitemnumber($itemnumber); return the different week day from repeatable_holidays table C<$itemnumber> is item number. =cut sub GetWdayFromItemnumber { my ($itemnumber) = @_; my $iteminfo = GetIssuesIteminfo($itemnumber); my @result; my $query = qq|SELECT weekday FROM repeatable_holidays WHERE branchcode=? |; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $iteminfo->{'branchcode'} ); while ( my $weekday = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { push( @result, $weekday ); } return @result; } =head2 GetIssuesIteminfo &GetIssuesIteminfo($itemnumber); return all data from issues about item C<$itemnumber> is item number. =cut sub GetIssuesIteminfo { my ($itemnumber) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq|SELECT * FROM issues WHERE itemnumber=? |; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($itemnumber); my ($issuesinfo) = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; return $issuesinfo; } =head2 UpdateFine &UpdateFine($itemnumber, $borrowernumber, $amount, $type, $description); (Note: the following is mostly conjecture and guesswork.) Updates the fine owed on an overdue book. C<$itemnumber> is the book's item number. C<$borrowernumber> is the borrower number of the patron who currently has the book on loan. C<$amount> is the current amount owed by the patron. C<$type> will be used in the description of the fine. C<$description> is a string that must be present in the description of the fine. I think this is expected to be a date in DD/MM/YYYY format. C<&UpdateFine> looks up the amount currently owed on the given item and sets it to C<$amount>, creating, if necessary, a new entry in the accountlines table of the Koha database. =cut # # Question: Why should the caller have to # specify both the item number and the borrower number? A book can't # be on loan to two different people, so the item number should be # sufficient. # # Possible Answer: You might update a fine for a damaged item, *after* it is returned. # sub UpdateFine { my ( $itemnum, $borrowernumber, $amount, $type, $due ) = @_; $debug and warn "UpdateFine($itemnum, $borrowernumber, $amount, " . ($type||'""') . ", $due) called"; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; # FIXME - What exactly is this query supposed to do? It looks up an # entry in accountlines that matches the given item and borrower # numbers, where the description contains $due, and where the # account type has one of several values, but what does this _mean_? # Does it look up existing fines for this item? # FIXME - What are these various account types? ("FU", "O", "F", "M") # "L" is LOST item # "A" is Account Management Fee # "N" is New Card # "M" is Sundry # "O" is Overdue ?? # "F" is Fine ?? # "FU" is Fine UPDATE?? # "Pay" is Payment # "REF" is Cash Refund my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * FROM accountlines WHERE itemnumber=? AND borrowernumber=? AND accounttype IN ('FU','O','F','M') AND description like ? " ); $sth->execute( $itemnum, $borrowernumber, "%$due%" ); if ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { # we're updating an existing fine. Only modify if we're adding to the charge. # Note that in the current implementation, you cannot pay against an accruing fine # (i.e. , of accounttype 'FU'). Doing so will break accrual. if ( $data->{'amount'} != $amount ) { my $diff = $amount - $data->{'amount'}; $diff = 0 if ( $data->{amount} > $amount); my $out = $data->{'amountoutstanding'} + $diff; my $query = " UPDATE accountlines SET date=now(), amount=?, amountoutstanding=?, lastincrement=?, accounttype='FU' WHERE borrowernumber=? AND itemnumber=? AND accounttype IN ('FU','O') AND description LIKE ? LIMIT 1 "; my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query); # FIXME: BOGUS query cannot ensure uniqueness w/ LIKE %x% !!! # LIMIT 1 added to prevent multiple affected lines # FIXME: accountlines table needs unique key!! Possibly a combo of borrowernumber and accountline. # But actually, we should just have a regular autoincrementing PK and forget accountline, # including the bogus getnextaccountno function (doesn't prevent conflict on simultaneous ops). # FIXME: Why only 2 account types here? $debug and print STDERR "UpdateFine query: $query\n" . "w/ args: $amount, $out, $diff, $data->{'borrowernumber'}, $data->{'itemnumber'}, \"\%$due\%\"\n"; $sth2->execute($amount, $out, $diff, $data->{'borrowernumber'}, $data->{'itemnumber'}, "%$due%"); } else { # print "no update needed $data->{'amount'}" } } else { my $sth4 = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT title FROM biblio LEFT JOIN items ON biblio.biblionumber=items.biblionumber WHERE items.itemnumber=?" ); $sth4->execute($itemnum); my $title = $sth4->fetchrow; # # print "not in account"; # my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare("Select max(accountno) from accountlines"); # $sth3->execute; # # # FIXME - Make $accountno a scalar. # my @accountno = $sth3->fetchrow_array; # $sth3->finish; # $accountno[0]++; # begin transaction my $nextaccntno = C4::Accounts::getnextacctno($borrowernumber); my $desc = ($type ? "$type " : '') . "$title $due"; # FIXEDME, avoid whitespace prefix on empty $type my $query = "INSERT INTO accountlines (borrowernumber,itemnumber,date,amount,description,accounttype,amountoutstanding,lastincrement,accountno) VALUES (?,?,now(),?,?,'FU',?,?,?)"; my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($query); $debug and print STDERR "UpdateFine query: $query\nw/ args: $borrowernumber, $itemnum, $amount, $desc, $amount, $amount, $nextaccntno\n"; $sth2->execute($borrowernumber, $itemnum, $amount, $desc, $amount, $amount, $nextaccntno); } # logging action &logaction( "FINES", $type, $borrowernumber, "due=".$due." amount=".$amount." itemnumber=".$itemnum ) if C4::Context->preference("FinesLog"); } =head2 BorType $borrower = &BorType($borrowernumber); Looks up a patron by borrower number. C<$borrower> is a reference-to-hash whose keys are all of the fields from the borrowers and categories tables of the Koha database. Thus, C<$borrower> contains all information about both the borrower and category he or she belongs to. =cut #' sub BorType { my ($borrowernumber) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT * from borrowers LEFT JOIN categories ON borrowers.categorycode=categories.categorycode WHERE borrowernumber=?" ); $sth->execute($borrowernumber); return $sth->fetchrow_hashref; } =head2 ReplacementCost $cost = &ReplacementCost($itemnumber); Returns the replacement cost of the item with the given item number. =cut #' sub ReplacementCost { my ($itemnum) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("Select replacementprice from items where itemnumber=?"); $sth->execute($itemnum); # FIXME - Use fetchrow_array or a slice. my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; return ( $data->{'replacementprice'} ); } =head2 GetFine $data->{'sum(amountoutstanding)'} = &GetFine($itemnum,$borrowernumber); return the total of fine C<$itemnum> is item number C<$borrowernumber> is the borrowernumber =cut sub GetFine { my ( $itemnum, $borrowernumber ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh(); my $query = "SELECT sum(amountoutstanding) FROM accountlines where accounttype like 'F%' AND amountoutstanding > 0 AND itemnumber = ? AND borrowernumber=?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $itemnum, $borrowernumber ); my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return ( $data->{'sum(amountoutstanding)'} ); } =head2 GetIssuingRules FIXME - This sub should be deprecated and removed. It ignores branch and defaults. $data = &GetIssuingRules($itemtype,$categorycode); Looks up for all issuingrules an item info C<$itemnumber> is a reference-to-hash whose keys are all of the fields from the borrowers and categories tables of the Koha database. Thus, C<$categorycode> contains information about borrowers category C<$data> contains all information about both the borrower and category he or she belongs to. =cut sub GetIssuingRules { warn "GetIssuingRules is deprecated: use GetIssuingRule from C4::Circulation instead."; my ($itemtype,$categorycode)=@_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh(); my $query=qq|SELECT * FROM issuingrules WHERE issuingrules.itemtype=? AND issuingrules.categorycode=? |; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); # print $query; $sth->execute($itemtype,$categorycode); return $sth->fetchrow_hashref; } sub ReplacementCost2 { my ( $itemnum, $borrowernumber ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh(); my $query = "SELECT amountoutstanding FROM accountlines WHERE accounttype like 'L' AND amountoutstanding > 0 AND itemnumber = ? AND borrowernumber= ?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $itemnum, $borrowernumber ); my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); return ( $data->{'amountoutstanding'} ); } =head2 GetNextIdNotify ($result) = &GetNextIdNotify($reference); Returns the new file number C<$result> contains the next file number C<$reference> contains the beggining of file number =cut sub GetNextIdNotify { my ($reference) = @_; my $query = qq|SELECT max(notify_id) FROM accountlines WHERE notify_id like \"$reference%\" |; # AND borrowernumber=?|; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(); my $result = $sth->fetchrow; my $count; if ( $result eq '' ) { ( $result = $reference . "01" ); } else { $count = substr( $result, 6 ) + 1; if ( $count < 10 ) { ( $count = "0" . $count ); } $result = $reference . $count; } return $result; } =head2 NumberNotifyId (@notify) = &NumberNotifyId($borrowernumber); Returns amount for all file per borrowers C<@notify> array contains all file per borrowers C<$notify_id> contains the file number for the borrower number nad item number =cut sub NumberNotifyId{ my ($borrowernumber)=@_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query=qq| SELECT distinct(notify_id) FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber=?|; my @notify; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($borrowernumber); while ( my ($numberofnotify) = $sth->fetchrow ) { push( @notify, $numberofnotify ); } return (@notify); } =head2 AmountNotify ($totalnotify) = &AmountNotify($notifyid); Returns amount for all file per borrowers C<$notifyid> is the file number C<$totalnotify> contains amount of a file C<$notify_id> contains the file number for the borrower number and item number =cut sub AmountNotify{ my ($notifyid,$borrowernumber)=@_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query=qq| SELECT sum(amountoutstanding) FROM accountlines WHERE notify_id=? AND borrowernumber = ?|; my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($notifyid,$borrowernumber); my $totalnotify=$sth->fetchrow; $sth->finish; return ($totalnotify); } =head2 GetNotifyId ($notify_id) = &GetNotifyId($borrowernumber,$itemnumber); Returns the file number per borrower and itemnumber C<$borrowernumber> is a reference-to-hash whose keys are all of the fields from the items tables of the Koha database. Thus, C<$itemnumber> contains the borrower categorycode C<$notify_id> contains the file number for the borrower number nad item number =cut sub GetNotifyId { my ( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber ) = @_; my $query = qq|SELECT notify_id FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber=? AND itemnumber=? AND (accounttype='FU' or accounttype='O')|; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber ); my ($notify_id) = $sth->fetchrow; $sth->finish; return ($notify_id); } =head2 CreateItemAccountLine () = &CreateItemAccountLine($borrowernumber,$itemnumber,$date,$amount,$description,$accounttype,$amountoutstanding,$timestamp,$notify_id,$level); update the account lines with file number or with file level C<$items> is a reference-to-hash whose keys are all of the fields from the items tables of the Koha database. Thus, C<$itemnumber> contains the item number C<$borrowernumber> contains the borrower number C<$date> contains the date of the day C<$amount> contains item price C<$description> contains the descritpion of accounttype C<$accounttype> contains the account type C<$amountoutstanding> contains the $amountoutstanding C<$timestamp> contains the timestamp with time and the date of the day C<$notify_id> contains the file number C<$level> contains the file level =cut sub CreateItemAccountLine { my ( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $date, $amount, $description, $accounttype, $amountoutstanding, $timestamp, $notify_id, $level ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $nextaccntno = C4::Accounts::getnextacctno($borrowernumber); my $query = "INSERT into accountlines (borrowernumber,accountno,itemnumber,date,amount,description,accounttype,amountoutstanding,timestamp,notify_id,notify_level) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $nextaccntno, $itemnumber, $date, $amount, $description, $accounttype, $amountoutstanding, $timestamp, $notify_id, $level ); } =head2 UpdateAccountLines () = &UpdateAccountLines($notify_id,$notify_level,$borrowernumber,$itemnumber); update the account lines with file number or with file level C<$items> is a reference-to-hash whose keys are all of the fields from the items tables of the Koha database. Thus, C<$itemnumber> contains the item number C<$notify_id> contains the file number C<$notify_level> contains the file level C<$borrowernumber> contains the borrowernumber =cut sub UpdateAccountLines { my ( $notify_id, $notify_level, $borrowernumber, $itemnumber ) = @_; my $query; if ( $notify_id eq '' ) { $query = qq|UPDATE accountlines SET notify_level=? WHERE borrowernumber=? AND itemnumber=? AND (accounttype='FU' or accounttype='O')|; } else { $query = qq|UPDATE accountlines SET notify_id=?, notify_level=? WHERE borrowernumber=? AND itemnumber=? AND (accounttype='FU' or accounttype='O')|; } my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); if ( $notify_id eq '' ) { $sth->execute( $notify_level, $borrowernumber, $itemnumber ); } else { $sth->execute( $notify_id, $notify_level, $borrowernumber, $itemnumber ); } } =head2 GetItems ($items) = &GetItems($itemnumber); Returns the list of all delays from overduerules. C<$items> is a reference-to-hash whose keys are all of the fields from the items tables of the Koha database. Thus, C<$itemnumber> contains the borrower categorycode =cut # FIXME: This is a bad function to have here. # Shouldn't it be in C4::Items? # Shouldn't it be called GetItem since you only get 1 row? # Shouldn't it be called GetItem since you give it only 1 itemnumber? sub GetItems { my $itemnumber = shift or return; my $query = qq|SELECT * FROM items WHERE itemnumber=?|; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($itemnumber); my ($items) = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; return ($items); } =head2 GetOverdueDelays (@delays) = &GetOverdueDelays($categorycode); Returns the list of all delays from overduerules. C<@delays> it's an array contains the three delays from overduerules table C<$categorycode> contains the borrower categorycode =cut sub GetOverdueDelays { my ($category) = @_; my $query = qq|SELECT delay1,delay2,delay3 FROM overduerules WHERE categorycode=?|; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($category); my (@delays) = $sth->fetchrow_array; return (@delays); } =head2 GetBranchcodesWithOverdueRules =over 4 my @branchcodes = C4::Overdues::GetBranchcodesWithOverdueRules() returns a list of branch codes for branches with overdue rules defined. =back =cut sub GetBranchcodesWithOverdueRules { my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $rqoverduebranches = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT branchcode FROM overduerules WHERE delay1 IS NOT NULL AND branchcode <> ''"); $rqoverduebranches->execute; my @branches = map { shift @$_ } @{ $rqoverduebranches->fetchall_arrayref }; return @branches; } =head2 CheckAccountLineLevelInfo ($exist) = &CheckAccountLineLevelInfo($borrowernumber,$itemnumber,$accounttype,notify_level); Check and Returns the list of all overdue books. C<$exist> contains number of line in accounlines with the same .biblionumber,itemnumber,accounttype,and notify_level C<$borrowernumber> contains the borrower number C<$itemnumber> contains item number C<$accounttype> contains account type C<$notify_level> contains the accountline level =cut sub CheckAccountLineLevelInfo { my ( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $level ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq|SELECT count(*) FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber =? AND itemnumber = ? AND notify_level=?|; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $level ); my ($exist) = $sth->fetchrow; return ($exist); } =head2 GetOverduerules ($overduerules) = &GetOverduerules($categorycode); Returns the value of borrowers (debarred or not) with notify level C<$overduerules> return value of debbraed field in overduerules table C<$category> contains the borrower categorycode C<$notify_level> contains the notify level =cut sub GetOverduerules { my ( $category, $notify_level ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq|SELECT debarred$notify_level FROM overduerules WHERE categorycode=?|; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($category); my ($overduerules) = $sth->fetchrow; return ($overduerules); } =head2 CheckBorrowerDebarred ($debarredstatus) = &CheckBorrowerDebarred($borrowernumber); Check if the borrowers is already debarred C<$debarredstatus> return 0 for not debarred and return 1 for debarred C<$borrowernumber> contains the borrower number =cut # FIXME: Shouldn't this be in C4::Members? sub CheckBorrowerDebarred { my ($borrowernumber) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq| SELECT debarred FROM borrowers WHERE borrowernumber=? |; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($borrowernumber); my ($debarredstatus) = $sth->fetchrow; return ( $debarredstatus eq '1' ? 1 : 0 ); } =head2 UpdateBorrowerDebarred ($borrowerstatut) = &UpdateBorrowerDebarred($borrowernumber); update status of borrowers in borrowers table (field debarred) C<$borrowernumber> borrower number =cut sub UpdateBorrowerDebarred{ my($borrowernumber) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query=qq|UPDATE borrowers SET debarred='1' WHERE borrowernumber=? |; my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($borrowernumber); $sth->finish; return 1; } =head2 CheckExistantNotifyid ($exist) = &CheckExistantNotifyid($borrowernumber,$itemnumber,$accounttype,$notify_id); Check and Returns the notify id if exist else return 0. C<$exist> contains a notify_id C<$borrowernumber> contains the borrower number C<$date_due> contains the date of item return =cut sub CheckExistantNotifyid { my ( $borrowernumber, $date_due ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq|SELECT notify_id FROM accountlines LEFT JOIN issues ON issues.itemnumber= accountlines.itemnumber WHERE accountlines.borrowernumber =? AND date_due = ?|; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $date_due ); return $sth->fetchrow || 0; } =head2 CheckAccountLineItemInfo ($exist) = &CheckAccountLineItemInfo($borrowernumber,$itemnumber,$accounttype,$notify_id); Check and Returns the list of all overdue items from the same file number(notify_id). C<$exist> contains number of line in accounlines with the same .biblionumber,itemnumber,accounttype,notify_id C<$borrowernumber> contains the borrower number C<$itemnumber> contains item number C<$accounttype> contains account type C<$notify_id> contains the file number =cut sub CheckAccountLineItemInfo { my ( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $accounttype, $notify_id ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = qq|SELECT count(*) FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber =? AND itemnumber = ? AND accounttype= ? AND notify_id = ?|; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $accounttype, $notify_id ); my ($exist) = $sth->fetchrow; return ($exist); } =head2 CheckItemNotify Sql request to check if the document has alreday been notified this function is not exported, only used with GetOverduesForBranch =cut sub CheckItemNotify { my ($notify_id,$notify_level,$itemnumber) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM notifys WHERE notify_id = ? AND notify_level = ? AND itemnumber = ? "); $sth->execute($notify_id,$notify_level,$itemnumber); my $notified = $sth->fetchrow; return ($notified); } =head2 GetOverduesForBranch Sql request for display all information for 2 possibilities : with or without location . display is filtered by branch FIXME: This function should be renamed. =cut sub GetOverduesForBranch { my ( $branch, $location) = @_; my $itype_link = (C4::Context->preference('item-level_itypes')) ? " items.itype " : " biblioitems.itemtype "; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $select = " SELECT borrowers.borrowernumber, borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname,,, biblio.title, biblio.biblionumber, issues.date_due, issues.returndate, issues.branchcode, branches.branchname, items.barcode, items.itemcallnumber, items.location, items.itemnumber, itemtypes.description, accountlines.notify_id, accountlines.notify_level, accountlines.amountoutstanding FROM accountlines LEFT JOIN issues ON issues.itemnumber = accountlines.itemnumber AND issues.borrowernumber = accountlines.borrowernumber LEFT JOIN borrowers ON borrowers.borrowernumber = accountlines.borrowernumber LEFT JOIN items ON items.itemnumber = issues.itemnumber LEFT JOIN biblio ON biblio.biblionumber = items.biblionumber LEFT JOIN biblioitems ON biblioitems.biblioitemnumber = items.biblioitemnumber LEFT JOIN itemtypes ON itemtypes.itemtype = $itype_link LEFT JOIN branches ON branches.branchcode = issues.branchcode WHERE (accountlines.amountoutstanding != '0.000000') AND (accountlines.accounttype = 'FU' ) AND (issues.branchcode = ? ) AND (issues.date_due < CURDATE()) "; my @getoverdues; my $i = 0; my $sth; if ($location) { $sth = $dbh->prepare("$select AND items.location = ? ORDER BY borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname"); $sth->execute($branch, $location); } else { $sth = $dbh->prepare("$select ORDER BY borrowers.surname, borrowers.firstname"); $sth->execute($branch); } while ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { #check if the document has already been notified my $countnotify = CheckItemNotify($data->{'notify_id'}, $data->{'notify_level'}, $data->{'itemnumber'}); if ($countnotify eq '0') { $getoverdues[$i] = $data; $i++; } } return (@getoverdues); } =head2 AddNotifyLine &AddNotifyLine($borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $overduelevel, $method, $notifyId) Creat a line into notify, if the method is phone, the notification_send_date is implemented to =cut sub AddNotifyLine { my ( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $overduelevel, $method, $notifyId ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; if ( $method eq "phone" ) { my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "INSERT INTO notifys (borrowernumber,itemnumber,notify_date,notify_send_date,notify_level,method,notify_id) VALUES (?,?,now(),now(),?,?,?)" ); $sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $overduelevel, $method, $notifyId ); } else { my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "INSERT INTO notifys (borrowernumber,itemnumber,notify_date,notify_level,method,notify_id) VALUES (?,?,now(),?,?,?)" ); $sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $overduelevel, $method, $notifyId ); } return 1; } =head2 RemoveNotifyLine &RemoveNotifyLine( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $notify_date ); Cancel a notification =cut sub RemoveNotifyLine { my ( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $notify_date ) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare( "DELETE FROM notifys WHERE borrowernumber=? AND itemnumber=? AND notify_date=?" ); $sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $notify_date ); return 1; } 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Koha Development Team =cut