#!/usr/bin/perl package C4::SIP::SIPServer; use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin"; use Sys::Syslog qw(syslog); use Net::Server::PreFork; use IO::Socket::INET; use Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf); require UNIVERSAL::require; use C4::Context; use C4::SIP::Sip::Constants qw(:all); use C4::SIP::Sip::Configuration; use C4::SIP::Sip::Checksum qw(checksum verify_cksum); use C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType qw( handle login_core ); use Koha::Caches; use base qw(Net::Server::PreFork); use constant LOG_SIP => "local6"; # Local alias for the logging facility # # Main # not really, since package SIPServer # # FIXME: Is this a module or a script? # A script with no MAIN namespace? # A module that takes command line args? # Set interface to 'sip' C4::Context->interface('sip'); my %transports = ( RAW => \&raw_transport, telnet => \&telnet_transport, ); # # Read configuration # my $config = C4::SIP::Sip::Configuration->new( $ARGV[0] ); my @parms; # # Ports to bind # foreach my $svc (keys %{$config->{listeners}}) { push @parms, "port=" . $svc; } # # Logging # # Log lines look like this: # Jun 16 21:21:31 server08 steve_sip[19305]: ILS::Transaction::Checkout performing checkout... # [ TIMESTAMP ] [ HOST ] [ IDENT ] PID : Message... # # The IDENT is determined by config file 'server-params' arguments # # Server Management: set parameters for the Net::Server::PreFork # module. The module silently ignores parameters that it doesn't # recognize, and complains about invalid values for parameters # that it does. # if (defined($config->{'server-params'})) { while (my ($key, $val) = each %{$config->{'server-params'}}) { push @parms, $key . '=' . $val; } } # # This is the main event. __PACKAGE__ ->run(@parms); # # Child # # process_request is the callback used by Net::Server to handle # an incoming connection request. sub process_request { my $self = shift; my $service; my ($sockaddr, $port, $proto); my $transport; $self->{config} = $config; # Flushing L1 to make sure the request will be processed using the correct data Koha::Caches->flush_L1_caches(); my $sockname = getsockname(STDIN); # Check if socket connection is IPv6 before resolving address my $family = Socket::sockaddr_family($sockname); if ($family == AF_INET6) { ($port, $sockaddr) = sockaddr_in6($sockname); $sockaddr = Socket::inet_ntop(AF_INET6, $sockaddr); } else { ($port, $sockaddr) = sockaddr_in($sockname); $sockaddr = inet_ntoa($sockaddr); } $proto = $self->{server}->{client}->NS_proto(); $self->{service} = $config->find_service($sockaddr, $port, $proto); if (!defined($self->{service})) { syslog("LOG_ERR", "process_request: Unknown recognized server connection: %s:%s/%s", $sockaddr, $port, $proto); die "process_request: Bad server connection"; } $transport = $transports{$self->{service}->{transport}}; if (!defined($transport)) { syslog("LOG_WARNING", "Unknown transport '%s', dropping", $service->{transport}); return; } else { &$transport($self); } return; } # # Transports # sub raw_transport { my $self = shift; my $input; my $service = $self->{service}; # If using Net::Server::PreFork you may already have account set from a previous session # Ensure you dont if ($self->{account}) { delete $self->{account}; } # Timeout the while loop if we get stuck in it # In practice it should only iterate once but be prepared local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'raw transport Timed Out!' }; my $timeout = $self->get_timeout({ transport => 1 }); syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "raw_transport: timeout is $timeout"); alarm $timeout; while (!$self->{account}) { $input = read_request(); if (!$input) { # EOF on the socket syslog("LOG_INFO", "raw_transport: shutting down: EOF during login"); return; } $input =~ s/[\r\n]+$//sm; # Strip off trailing line terminator(s) my $reg = qr/^${\(LOGIN)}/; last if $input !~ $reg || C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType::handle($input, $self, LOGIN); } alarm 0; syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "raw_transport: uname/inst: '%s/%s'", $self->{account}->{id}, $self->{account}->{institution}); if (! $self->{account}->{id}) { syslog("LOG_ERR","Login failed shutting down"); return; } $self->sip_protocol_loop(); syslog("LOG_INFO", "raw_transport: shutting down"); return; } sub get_clean_string { my $string = shift; if (defined $string) { syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "get_clean_string pre-clean(length %s): %s", length($string), $string); chomp($string); $string =~ s/^[^A-z0-9]+//; $string =~ s/[^A-z0-9]+$//; syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "get_clean_string post-clean(length %s): %s", length($string), $string); } else { syslog("LOG_INFO", "get_clean_string called on undefined"); } return $string; } sub get_clean_input { local $/ = "\012"; my $in = ; $in = get_clean_string($in); while (my $extra = ){ syslog("LOG_ERR", "get_clean_input got extra lines: %s", $extra); } return $in; } sub telnet_transport { my $self = shift; my ($uid, $pwd); my $strikes = 3; my $account = undef; my $input; my $config = $self->{config}; my $timeout = $self->get_timeout({ transport => 1 }); syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "telnet_transport: timeout is $timeout"); eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "telnet_transport: Timed Out ($timeout seconds)!\n"; }; local $| = 1; # Unbuffered output $/ = "\015"; # Internet Record Separator (lax version) # Until the terminal has logged in, we don't trust it # so use a timeout to protect ourselves from hanging. while ($strikes--) { print "login: "; alarm $timeout; # $uid = &get_clean_input; $uid = ; print "password: "; # $pwd = &get_clean_input || ''; $pwd = ; alarm 0; syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "telnet_transport 1: uid length %s, pwd length %s", length($uid), length($pwd)); $uid = get_clean_string ($uid); $pwd = get_clean_string ($pwd); syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "telnet_transport 2: uid length %s, pwd length %s", length($uid), length($pwd)); if (exists ($config->{accounts}->{$uid}) && ($pwd eq $config->{accounts}->{$uid}->{password})) { $account = $config->{accounts}->{$uid}; if ( C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType::login_core($self,$uid,$pwd) ) { last; } } syslog("LOG_WARNING", "Invalid login attempt: '%s'", ($uid||'')); print("Invalid login$CRLF"); } }; # End of eval if ($@) { syslog("LOG_ERR", "telnet_transport: Login timed out"); die "Telnet Login Timed out"; } elsif (!defined($account)) { syslog("LOG_ERR", "telnet_transport: Login Failed"); die "Login Failure"; } else { print "Login OK. Initiating SIP$CRLF"; } $self->{account} = $account; syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "telnet_transport: uname/inst: '%s/%s'", $account->{id}, $account->{institution}); $self->sip_protocol_loop(); syslog("LOG_INFO", "telnet_transport: shutting down"); return; } # # The terminal has logged in, using either the SIP login process # over a raw socket, or via the pseudo-unix login provided by the # telnet transport. From that point on, both the raw and the telnet # processes are the same: sub sip_protocol_loop { my $self = shift; my $service = $self->{service}; my $config = $self->{config}; my $timeout = $self->get_timeout({ client => 1 }); # The spec says the first message will be: # SIP v1: SC_STATUS # SIP v2: LOGIN (or SC_STATUS via telnet?) # But it might be SC_REQUEST_RESEND. As long as we get # SC_REQUEST_RESEND, we keep waiting. # Comprise reports that no other ILS actually enforces this # constraint, so we'll relax about it too. # Using the SIP "raw" login process, rather than telnet, # requires the LOGIN message and forces SIP 2.00. In that # case, the LOGIN message has already been processed (above). # In short, we'll take any valid message here. eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { syslog( 'LOG_DEBUG', 'Inactive: timed out' ); die "Timed Out!\n"; }; my $previous_alarm = alarm($timeout); while ( my $inputbuf = read_request() ) { if ( !defined $inputbuf ) { return; #EOF } alarm($timeout); unless ($inputbuf) { syslog( "LOG_ERR", "sip_protocol_loop: empty input skipped" ); print("96$CR"); next; } my $status = C4::SIP::Sip::MsgType::handle( $inputbuf, $self, q{} ); if ( !$status ) { syslog( "LOG_ERR", "sip_protocol_loop: failed to handle %s", substr( $inputbuf, 0, 2 ) ); } next if $status eq REQUEST_ACS_RESEND; } alarm($previous_alarm); return; }; if ( $@ =~ m/timed out/i ) { return; } return; } sub read_request { my $raw_length; local $/ = "\015"; # proper SPEC: (octal) \015 = (hex) x0D = (dec) 13 = (ascii) carriage return my $buffer = ; if ( defined $buffer ) { STDIN->flush(); # clear an extra linefeed chomp $buffer; $raw_length = length $buffer; $buffer =~ s/^\s*[^A-z0-9]+//s; # Every line must start with a "real" character. Not whitespace, control chars, etc. $buffer =~ s/[^A-z0-9]+$//s; # Same for the end. Note this catches the problem some clients have sending empty fields at the end, like ||| $buffer =~ s/\015?\012//g; # Extra line breaks must die $buffer =~ s/\015?\012//s; # Extra line breaks must die $buffer =~ s/\015*\012*$//s; # treat as one line to include the extra linebreaks we are trying to remove! } else { syslog( 'LOG_DEBUG', 'EOF returned on read' ); return; } my $len = length $buffer; if ( $len != $raw_length ) { my $trim = $raw_length - $len; syslog( 'LOG_DEBUG', "read_request trimmed $trim character(s) " ); } syslog( 'LOG_INFO', "INPUT MSG: '$buffer'" ); return $buffer; } # $server->get_timeout({ $type => 1, fallback => $fallback }); # where $type is transport | client | policy # # Centralizes all timeout logic. # Transport refers to login process, client to active connections. # Policy timeout is transaction timeout (used in ACS status message). # # Fallback is optional. If you do not pass transport, client or policy, # you will get fallback or hardcoded default. sub get_timeout { my ( $server, $params ) = @_; my $fallback = $params->{fallback} || 30; my $service = $server->{service} // {}; my $config = $server->{config} // {}; if( $params->{transport} || ( $params->{client} && !exists $service->{client_timeout} )) { # We do not allow zero values here. # Note: config/timeout seems to be deprecated. return $service->{timeout} || $config->{timeout} || $fallback; } elsif( $params->{client} ) { # We know that client_timeout exists now. # We do allow zero values here to indicate no timeout. return 0 if $service->{client_timeout} =~ /^0+$|\D/; return $service->{client_timeout}; } elsif( $params->{policy} ) { my $policy = $server->{policy} // {}; my $rv = sprintf( "%03d", $policy->{timeout} // 0 ); if( length($rv) != 3 ) { syslog( "LOG_ERR", "Policy timeout has wrong size: '%s'", $rv ); return '000'; } return $rv; } else { return $fallback; } } 1; __END__