package C4::Tags; # Copyright Liblime 2008 # Parts Copyright ACPL 2011 # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Exporter; use C4::Context; use C4::Debug; use Module::Load::Conditional qw/check_install/; #use Data::Dumper; use constant TAG_FIELDS => qw(tag_id borrowernumber biblionumber term language date_created); use constant TAG_SELECT => "SELECT " . join(',', TAG_FIELDS) . "\n FROM tags_all\n"; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS); BEGIN { @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( &get_tag &get_tags &get_tag_rows &add_tags &add_tag &delete_tag_row_by_id &remove_tag &delete_tag_rows_by_ids &get_approval_rows &blacklist &whitelist &is_approved &approval_counts &get_count_by_tag_status &get_filters stratify_tags ); # %EXPORT_TAGS = (); my $ext_dict = C4::Context->preference('TagsExternalDictionary'); if ( $ext_dict && ! check_install( module => 'Lingua::Ispell' ) ) { warn "Ignoring TagsExternalDictionary, because Lingua::Ispell is not installed."; $ext_dict = q{}; } if ($debug) { require Data::Dumper; import Data::Dumper qw(:DEFAULT); print STDERR __PACKAGE__ . " external dictionary = " . ($ext_dict||'none') . "\n"; } if ($ext_dict) { require Lingua::Ispell; import Lingua::Ispell qw(spellcheck add_word_lc); $Lingua::Ispell::path = $ext_dict; $debug and print STDERR "\$Lingua::Ispell::path = $Lingua::Ispell::path\n"; } } =head1 - Support for user tagging of biblios. More verose debugging messages are sent in the presence of non-zero $ENV{"DEBUG"}. =cut sub get_filters { my $query = "SELECT * FROM tags_filters "; my ($sth); if (@_) { $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query . " WHERE filter_id = ? "); $sth->execute(shift); } else { $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute; } return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } # (SELECT count(*) FROM tags_all ) as tags_all, # (SELECT count(*) FROM tags_index ) as tags_index, sub approval_counts { my $query = "SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM tags_approval WHERE approved= 1) as approved_count, (SELECT count(*) FROM tags_approval WHERE approved=-1) as rejected_count, (SELECT count(*) FROM tags_approval WHERE approved= 0) as unapproved_count "; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute; my $result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $result->{approved_total} = $result->{approved_count} + $result->{rejected_count} + $result->{unapproved_count}; $debug and warn "counts returned: " . Dumper $result; return $result; } =head2 get_count_by_tag_status get_count_by_tag_status($status); Takes a status and gets a count of tags with that status =cut sub get_count_by_tag_status { my ($status) = @_; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM tags_approval WHERE approved=?"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute( $status ); return $sth->fetchrow; } sub remove_tag { my $tag_id = shift or return; my $user_id = (@_) ? shift : undef; my $rows = (defined $user_id) ? get_tag_rows({tag_id=>$tag_id, borrowernumber=>$user_id}) : get_tag_rows({tag_id=>$tag_id}) ; $rows or return 0; (scalar(@$rows) == 1) or return; # should never happen (duplicate ids) my $row = shift(@$rows); ($tag_id == $row->{tag_id}) or return 0; my $tags = get_tags({term=>$row->{term}, biblionumber=>$row->{biblionumber}}); my $index = shift(@$tags); $debug and print STDERR sprintf "remove_tag: tag_id=>%s, biblionumber=>%s, weight=>%s, weight_total=>%s\n", $row->{tag_id}, $row->{biblionumber}, $index->{weight}, $index->{weight_total}; if ($index->{weight} <= 1) { delete_tag_index($row->{term},$row->{biblionumber}); } else { decrement_weight($row->{term},$row->{biblionumber}); } if ($index->{weight_total} <= 1) { delete_tag_approval($row->{term}); } else { decrement_weight_total($row->{term}); } delete_tag_row_by_id($tag_id); } sub delete_tag_index { (@_) or return; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM tags_index WHERE term = ? AND biblionumber = ? LIMIT 1"); $sth->execute(@_); return $sth->rows || 0; } sub delete_tag_approval { (@_) or return; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM tags_approval WHERE term = ? LIMIT 1"); $sth->execute(shift); return $sth->rows || 0; } sub delete_tag_row_by_id { (@_) or return; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM tags_all WHERE tag_id = ? LIMIT 1"); $sth->execute(shift); return $sth->rows || 0; } sub delete_tag_rows_by_ids { (@_) or return; my $i=0; foreach(@_) { $i += delete_tag_row_by_id($_); } ($i == scalar(@_)) or warn sprintf "delete_tag_rows_by_ids tried %s tag_ids, only succeeded on $i", scalar(@_); return $i; } sub get_tag_rows { my $hash = shift || {}; my @ok_fields = TAG_FIELDS; push @ok_fields, 'limit'; # push the limit! :) my $wheres; my $limit = ""; my @exe_args = (); foreach my $key (keys %$hash) { $debug and print STDERR "get_tag_rows arg. '$key' = ", $hash->{$key}, "\n"; unless (length $key) { carp "Empty argument key to get_tag_rows: ignoring!"; next; } unless (1 == scalar grep { $_ eq $key } @ok_fields) { carp "get_tag_rows received unreconized argument key '$key'."; next; } if ($key eq 'limit') { my $val = $hash->{$key}; unless ($val =~ /^(\d+,)?\d+$/) { carp "Non-nuerical limit value '$val' ignored!"; next; } $limit = " LIMIT $val\n"; } else { $wheres .= ($wheres) ? " AND $key = ?\n" : " WHERE $key = ?\n"; push @exe_args, $hash->{$key}; } } my $query = TAG_SELECT . ($wheres||'') . $limit; $debug and print STDERR "get_tag_rows query:\n $query\n", "get_tag_rows query args: ", join(',', @exe_args), "\n"; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); if (@exe_args) { $sth->execute(@exe_args); } else { $sth->execute; } return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } sub get_tags { # i.e., from tags_index my $hash = shift || {}; my @ok_fields = qw(term biblionumber weight limit sort approved); my $wheres; my $limit = ""; my $order = ""; my @exe_args = (); foreach my $key (keys %$hash) { $debug and print STDERR "get_tags arg. '$key' = ", $hash->{$key}, "\n"; unless (length $key) { carp "Empty argument key to get_tags: ignoring!"; next; } unless (1 == scalar grep { $_ eq $key } @ok_fields) { carp "get_tags received unreconized argument key '$key'."; next; } if ($key eq 'limit') { my $val = $hash->{$key}; unless ($val =~ /^(\d+,)?\d+$/) { carp "Non-nuerical limit value '$val' ignored!"; next; } $limit = " LIMIT $val\n"; } elsif ($key eq 'sort') { foreach my $by (split /\,/, $hash->{$key}) { unless ( $by =~ /^([-+])?(term)/ or $by =~ /^([-+])?(biblionumber)/ or $by =~ /^([-+])?(weight)/ ) { carp "get_tags received illegal sort order '$by'"; next; } if ($order) { $order .= ", "; } else { $order = " ORDER BY "; } $order .= $2 . " " . ((!$1) ? '' : $1 eq '-' ? 'DESC' : $1 eq '+' ? 'ASC' : '') . "\n"; } } else { my $whereval = $hash->{$key}; my $longkey = ($key eq 'term' ) ? 'tags_index.term' : ($key eq 'approved') ? 'tags_approval.approved' : $key; my $op = ($whereval =~ s/^(>=|<=)// or $whereval =~ s/^(>|=|<)// ) ? $1 : '='; $wheres .= ($wheres) ? " AND $longkey $op ?\n" : " WHERE $longkey $op ?\n"; push @exe_args, $whereval; } } my $query = " SELECT tags_index.term as term,biblionumber,weight,weight_total FROM tags_index LEFT JOIN tags_approval ON tags_index.term = tags_approval.term " . ($wheres||'') . $order . $limit; $debug and print STDERR "get_tags query:\n $query\n", "get_tags query args: ", join(',', @exe_args), "\n"; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); if (@exe_args) { $sth->execute(@exe_args); } else { $sth->execute; } return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } sub get_approval_rows { # i.e., from tags_approval my $hash = shift || {}; my @ok_fields = qw(term approved date_approved approved_by weight_total limit sort borrowernumber); my $wheres; my $limit = ""; my $order = ""; my @exe_args = (); foreach my $key (keys %$hash) { $debug and print STDERR "get_approval_rows arg. '$key' = ", $hash->{$key}, "\n"; unless (length $key) { carp "Empty argument key to get_approval_rows: ignoring!"; next; } unless (1 == scalar grep { $_ eq $key } @ok_fields) { carp "get_approval_rows received unreconized argument key '$key'."; next; } if ($key eq 'limit') { my $val = $hash->{$key}; unless ($val =~ /^(\d+,)?\d+$/) { carp "Non-numerical limit value '$val' ignored!"; next; } $limit = " LIMIT $val\n"; } elsif ($key eq 'sort') { foreach my $by (split /\,/, $hash->{$key}) { unless ( $by =~ /^([-+])?(term)/ or $by =~ /^([-+])?(biblionumber)/ or $by =~ /^([-+])?(borrowernumber)/ or $by =~ /^([-+])?(weight_total)/ or $by =~ /^([-+])?(approved(_by)?)/ or $by =~ /^([-+])?(date_approved)/ ) { carp "get_approval_rows received illegal sort order '$by'"; next; } if ($order) { $order .= ", "; } else { $order = " ORDER BY " unless $order; } $order .= $2 . " " . ((!$1) ? '' : $1 eq '-' ? 'DESC' : $1 eq '+' ? 'ASC' : '') . "\n"; } } else { my $whereval = $hash->{$key}; my $op = ($whereval =~ s/^(>=|<=)// or $whereval =~ s/^(>|=|<)// ) ? $1 : '='; $wheres .= ($wheres) ? " AND $key $op ?\n" : " WHERE $key $op ?\n"; push @exe_args, $whereval; } } my $query = " SELECT tags_approval.term AS term, tags_approval.approved AS approved, tags_approval.date_approved AS date_approved, tags_approval.approved_by AS approved_by, tags_approval.weight_total AS weight_total, CONCAT(borrowers.surname, ', ', borrowers.firstname) AS approved_by_name FROM tags_approval LEFT JOIN borrowers ON tags_approval.approved_by = borrowers.borrowernumber "; $query .= ($wheres||'') . $order . $limit; $debug and print STDERR "get_approval_rows query:\n $query\n", "get_approval_rows query args: ", join(',', @exe_args), "\n"; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); if (@exe_args) { $sth->execute(@exe_args); } else { $sth->execute; } return $sth->fetchall_arrayref({}); } sub is_approved { my $term = shift or return; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("SELECT approved FROM tags_approval WHERE term = ?"); $sth->execute($term); my $ext_dict = C4::Context->preference('TagsExternalDictionary'); unless ($sth->rows) { $ext_dict and return (spellcheck($term) ? 0 : 1); # spellcheck returns empty on OK word return 0; } return $sth->fetchrow; } sub get_tag_index { my $term = shift or return; my $sth; if (@_) { $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM tags_index WHERE term = ? AND biblionumber = ?"); $sth->execute($term,shift); } else { $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM tags_index WHERE term = ?"); $sth->execute($term); } return $sth->fetchrow_hashref; } sub whitelist { my $operator = shift; defined $operator or return; # have to test defined to allow =0 (kohaadmin) my $ext_dict = C4::Context->preference('TagsExternalDictionary'); if ($ext_dict) { foreach (@_) { spellcheck($_) or next; add_word_lc($_); } } foreach (@_) { my $aref = get_approval_rows({term=>$_}); if ($aref and scalar @$aref) { mod_tag_approval($operator,$_,1); } else { add_tag_approval($_,$operator); } } return scalar @_; } # note: there is no "unwhitelist" operation because there is no remove for Ispell. # The blacklist regexps should operate "in front of" the whitelist, so if you approve # a term mistakenly, you can still reverse it. But there is no going back to "neutral". sub blacklist { my $operator = shift; defined $operator or return; # have to test defined to allow =0 (kohaadmin) foreach (@_) { my $aref = get_approval_rows({term=>$_}); if ($aref and scalar @$aref) { mod_tag_approval($operator,$_,-1); } else { add_tag_approval($_,$operator,-1); } } return scalar @_; } sub add_filter { my $operator = shift; defined $operator or return; # have to test defined to allow =0 (kohaadmin) my $query = "INSERT INTO tags_blacklist (regexp,y,z) VALUES (?,?,?)"; # my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); return scalar @_; } sub remove_filter { my $operator = shift; defined $operator or return; # have to test defined to allow =0 (kohaadmin) my $query = "REMOVE FROM tags_blacklist WHERE blacklist_id = ?"; # my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); # $sth->execute($term); return scalar @_; } sub add_tag_approval { # or disapproval $debug and warn "add_tag_approval(" . join(", ",map {defined($_) ? $_ : 'UNDEF'} @_) . ")"; my $term = shift or return; my $query = "SELECT * FROM tags_approval WHERE term = ?"; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($term); ($sth->rows) and return increment_weight_total($term); my $operator = shift || 0; my $approval = (@_ ? shift : 0); # default is unapproved my @exe_args = ($term); # all 3 queries will use this argument if ($operator) { $query = "INSERT INTO tags_approval (term,approved_by,approved,date_approved) VALUES (?,?,?,NOW())"; push @exe_args, $operator, $approval; } elsif ($approval) { $query = "INSERT INTO tags_approval (term,approved,date_approved) VALUES (?,?,NOW())"; push @exe_args, $approval; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO tags_approval (term,date_approved) VALUES (?,NOW())"; } $debug and print STDERR "add_tag_approval query: $query\nadd_tag_approval args: (" . join(", ", @exe_args) . ")\n"; $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(@exe_args); return $sth->rows; } sub mod_tag_approval { my $operator = shift; defined $operator or return; # have to test defined to allow =0 (kohaadmin) my $term = shift or return; my $approval = (scalar @_ ? shift : 1); # default is to approve my $query = "UPDATE tags_approval SET approved_by=?, approved=?, date_approved=NOW() WHERE term = ?"; $debug and print STDERR "mod_tag_approval query: $query\nmod_tag_approval args: ($operator,$approval,$term)\n"; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($operator,$approval,$term); } sub add_tag_index { my $term = shift or return; my $biblionumber = shift or return; my $query = "SELECT * FROM tags_index WHERE term = ? AND biblionumber = ?"; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($term,$biblionumber); ($sth->rows) and return increment_weight($term,$biblionumber); $query = "INSERT INTO tags_index (term,biblionumber) VALUES (?,?)"; $debug and print STDERR "add_tag_index query: $query\nadd_tag_index args: ($term,$biblionumber)\n"; $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($term,$biblionumber); return $sth->rows; } sub get_tag { # by tag_id (@_) or return; my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare(TAG_SELECT . "WHERE tag_id = ?"); $sth->execute(shift); return $sth->fetchrow_hashref; } sub increment_weights { increment_weight(@_); increment_weight_total(shift); } sub decrement_weights { decrement_weight(@_); decrement_weight_total(shift); } sub increment_weight_total { _set_weight_total('weight_total+1',shift); } sub increment_weight { _set_weight('weight+1',shift,shift); } sub decrement_weight_total { _set_weight_total('weight_total-1',shift); } sub decrement_weight { _set_weight('weight-1',shift,shift); } sub _set_weight_total { my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare(" UPDATE tags_approval SET weight_total=" . (shift) . " WHERE term=? "); # note: CANNOT use "?" for weight_total (see the args above). $sth->execute(shift); # just the term } sub _set_weight { my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(" UPDATE tags_index SET weight=" . (shift) . " WHERE term=? AND biblionumber=? "); $sth->execute(@_); } sub add_tag { # biblionumber,term,[borrowernumber,approvernumber] my $biblionumber = shift or return; my $term = shift or return; my $borrowernumber = (@_) ? shift : 0; # the user, default to kohaadmin $term =~ s/^\s+//; $term =~ s/\s+$//; ($term) or return; # must be more than whitespace my $rows = get_tag_rows({biblionumber=>$biblionumber, borrowernumber=>$borrowernumber, term=>$term, limit=>1}); my $query = "INSERT INTO tags_all (borrowernumber,biblionumber,term,date_created) VALUES (?,?,?,NOW())"; $debug and print STDERR "add_tag query: $query\n", "add_tag query args: ($borrowernumber,$biblionumber,$term)\n"; if (scalar @$rows) { $debug and carp "Duplicate tag detected. Tag not added."; return; } # add to tags_all regardless of approaval my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($borrowernumber,$biblionumber,$term); # then if (scalar @_) { # if arg remains, it is the borrowernumber of the approver: tag is pre-approved. my $approver = shift; $debug and print STDERR "term '$term' pre-approved by borrower #$approver\n"; add_tag_approval($term,$approver,1); add_tag_index($term,$biblionumber,$approver); } elsif (is_approved($term) >= 1) { $debug and print STDERR "term '$term' approved by whitelist\n"; add_tag_approval($term,0,1); add_tag_index($term,$biblionumber,1); } else { $debug and print STDERR "term '$term' NOT approved (yet)\n"; add_tag_approval($term); add_tag_index($term,$biblionumber); } } # This takes a set of tags, as returned by C and divides # them up into a number of "strata" based on their weight. This is useful # to display them in a number of different sizes. # # Usage: # ($min, $max) = stratify_tags($strata, $tags); # $stratum: the number of divisions you want # $tags: the tags, as provided by get_approval_rows # $min: the minimum stratum value # $max: the maximum stratum value. This may be the same as $min if there # is only one weight. Beware of divide by zeros. # This will add a field to the tag called "stratum" containing the calculated # value. sub stratify_tags { my ( $strata, $tags ) = @_; return (0,0) if !@$tags; my ( $min, $max ); foreach (@$tags) { my $w = $_->{weight_total}; $min = $w if ( !defined($min) || $min > $w ); $max = $w if ( !defined($max) || $max < $w ); } # normalise min to zero $max = $max - $min; my $orig_min = $min; $min = 0; # if min and max are the same, just make it 1 my $span = ( $strata - 1 ) / ( $max || 1 ); foreach (@$tags) { my $w = $_->{weight_total}; $_->{stratum} = int( ( $w - $orig_min ) * $span ); } return ( $min, $max ); } 1; __END__ =head2 add_tag(biblionumber,term[,borrowernumber]) =head3 TO DO: Add real perldoc =cut =head2 External Dictionary (Ispell) [Recommended] An external dictionary can be used as a means of "pre-populating" and tracking allowed terms based on the widely available Ispell dictionary. This can be the system dictionary or a personal version, but in order to support whitelisting, it must be editable to the process running Koha. To enable, enter the absolute path to the ispell dictionary in the system preference "TagsExternalDictionary". Using external Ispell is recommended for both ease of use and performance. Note that any language version of Ispell can be installed. It is also possible to modify the dictionary at the command line to affect the desired content. WARNING: The default Ispell dictionary includes (properly spelled) obscenities! Users should build their own wordlist and recompile Ispell based on it. See man ispell for instructions. =head2 Table Structure The tables used by tags are: tags_all tags_index tags_approval tags_blacklist Your first thought may be that this looks a little complicated. It is, but only because it has to be. I'll try to explain. tags_all - This table would be all we really need if we didn't care about moderation or performance or tags disappearing when borrowers are removed. Too bad, we do. Otherwise though, it contains all the relevant info about a given tag: tag_id - unique id number for it borrowernumber - user that entered it biblionumber - book record it is attached to term - tag "term" itself language - perhaps used later to influence weighting date_created - date and time it was created tags_approval - Since we need to provide moderation, this table is used to track it. If no external dictionary is used, this table is the sole reference for approval and rejection. With an external dictionary, it tracks pending terms and past whitelist/blacklist actions. This could be called an "approved terms" table. See above regarding the External Dictionary. term - tag "term" itself approved - Negative, 0 or positive if tag is rejected, pending or approved. date_approved - date of last action approved_by - staffer performing the last action weight_total - total occurrence of term in any biblio by any users tags_index - This table is for performance, because by far the most common operation will be fetching tags for a list of search results. We will have a set of biblios, and we will want ONLY their approved tags and overall weighting. While we could implement a query that would traverse tags_all filtered against tags_approval, the performance implications of trying to calculate that and the "weight" (number of times a tag appears) on the fly are drastic. term - approved term as it appears in tags_approval biblionumber - book record it is attached to weight - number of times tag applied by any user tags_blacklist - A set of regular expression filters. Unsurprisingly, these should be perl- compatible (PCRE) for your version of perl. Since this is a blacklist, a term will be blocked if it matches any of the given patterns. WARNING: do not add blacklist regexps if you do not understand their operation and interaction. It is quite easy to define too simple or too complex a regexp and effectively block all terms. The blacklist operation is fairly resource intensive, since every line of tags_blacklist will need to be read and compared. It is recommended that tags_blacklist be used minimally, and only by an administrator with an understanding of regular expression syntax and performance. So the best way to think about the different tables is that they are each tailored to a certain use. Note that tags_approval and tags_index do not rely on the user's borrower mapping, so the tag population can continue to grow even if a user (along with their corresponding rows in tags_all) is removed. =head2 Tricks If you want to auto-populate some tags for debugging, do something like this: mysql> select biblionumber from biblio where title LIKE "%Health%"; +--------------+ | biblionumber | +--------------+ | 18 | | 22 | | 24 | | 30 | | 44 | | 45 | | 46 | | 49 | | 111 | | 113 | | 128 | | 146 | | 155 | | 518 | | 522 | | 524 | | 530 | | 544 | | 545 | | 546 | | 549 | | 611 | | 613 | | 628 | | 646 | | 655 | +--------------+ 26 rows in set (0.00 sec) Then, take those numbers and type/pipe them into this perl command line: perl -ne 'use C4::Tags qw(get_tags add_tag); use Data::Dumper;chomp; add_tag($_,"health",51,1); print Dumper get_tags({limit=>5,term=>"health",});' Note, the borrowernumber in this example is 51. Use your own or any arbitrary valid borrowernumber. =cut